Help Is Here!

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3rd P.O.V

As Blackbeard and All Might stood against eachother, Blackbeard grinned as he began leaking something red. It flowed down his body and dropped to the floor, and it began to Sizzle, burning a hole in the ground.

Author's Note: Thanks for the idea Bladeshigami, I liked it. Don't know if maybe I'll add you with a Logia Type but you know, let's wait and see. In the end, it's still my decision

Blackbeard: Zehahaha, Well All Might. Remember the fight we had years ago? Why, I flung piles of magma at you but you dodged each one. That's all you could do! So what hope do you have of beating me without your big brother?

All Might gritted his teeth, it's true that he didn't help much when they fough years ago. From his memories, Blackbeard was able to turn parts of his body into actual Lava. He called it his "natural defense", only whitebeard manages to be able to physically touch him.

AllMight: The thing I do is for an old friend, I would have gladly layed down my life if it meant giving him his!

All Might charged at him, Blackbeard grinned as he made no efford to escape. As All Might swung at him, blackbeards body turned to lava, All Might gritted his teeth as he jumped back. His hands were burning from the lava as Blackbeard reformed his body and laughed out loud like a madman

Blackbeard: Zehahahahaha! What's wrong All Might! Got a little burn? Well why don't you try again and see if it does you any good! Zehahaha!

All Might was furious that his attacks did no good, but he then heard voices from behind him

: All Might!

He looked to see Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki and Kirishima.

AllMight: Stay Back! It's too dangerous for you here! Take Y/N to the exit and Leave this place until the teachers arrive!

He yelled at them as the nodded and went to pick him up in a rush. All Might then had an idea as he went quickly toward the kids. Kirishima picked up his legs while Bakugo picked him up from his hands

Bakugo: Jesus Fuck! Your suppost to be the strongest and yet you get your ass kicked?! Fucking pathetic!

Kirishima: Now's not the time bakugo! He's losing alot of blood, we have to hurry!

All Might went to Todoroki

AllMight: Todoroki! I need you to freeze my hands!

Todoroki was confused but noticing that Blackbeard turning parts of his body into lava. So when All Might made his hands into fists, Todoroki froze and covered them in ice.

AllMight: Thank you Todoroki, please protect the class. Help should be here soon!

Todoroki nodded he followed the rest of his classmates carrying a very wounded Y/N. All Might looked back at Blackbeard

Blackbeard: You done? I'm getting impatient and want to get what I'm looking for.

AllMight: Y/N's under my protection blackbeard! No harm will come to him as long as I still breath!

He said as he began to run at him, blackbeard grinned for his one failed attempt

Blackbeard: Going to try again? Well who am I to stop you from getting burned again?

As All Might pulled his Ice covered fist back and punched him in the face, blackbeard was surprised when he felt it and was flung back into the forest, making a loud explosion of dust and rock.

Tomura: Blackbeard, do you need some help?

He said with Kurogiri by his side, blackbeard got up slowly, rubbing his sore cheek. He got up a bit more serious then before

Blackbeard: That's quite Alright, even If i say yes, you won't be able to help much against All Might.

He said as Kurogiri agreed

Kurogiri: He is right Tomura, were in a different league then these two. It's best to plan a getaway before the heros come

Tomura: Hmpf, Fine. Finish him quickly so we can leave

Blackbeard: First All Might Tomura then Y/N, I'm not leaving until I get what I came for

He said as he walked back to the clearing, seeing All Might not can see his usual Smile more wider then usual

AllMight: So I was right, it was easy to figure it out. If you had Sand instead of Lava, I'd only have to use water. Ice, can counter it with fire. But lava, I covered my hands in ice so I can hit your physical body.

Blackbeard: Good All Might, very good. Your smarter then I'd thought you'd be. But how much longer till that ice melts? Only good for maybe 4 or 5 punches until its gone.

AllMight: Then I better make these few punches count!

He said as they both readied themselves for another fistfight

Y/N's P.O.V

My hands hurt, my chest hurts, everything hurts. Too weak to move, but I need to help All Might!

I squirmed around, feeling like I'm being carried. I hear faint voices until I feel like I'm falling and my back hits the floor hard

???: The hell Bakugo! You don't just drop an injured person like that!

???: Back off! He's waking up

I feel my legs touch the floor gently as I open my eyes, i can see most of my classmates looking down at me

Y/N: W-where... am I?

I said softly as I started to sit up, but a hand gently pushed me back to lay down. I see Ochaco and Ashido sit down next to me

Ashido: Your losing alot of blood Y/N, it's not good for you to move

But I pushed her hand away and sat up, I see a hole in my chest. The black smoke coming out from Blackbeard attack, it still stings like hell

Y/N: You don't * Cough * understand! That guy, blackbeard. He was the person who killed my father, and if we don't do something, then All Might will be next!

I said as I spit out blood, I see the rest of their faces darken, especially Midoriya. I fight the pain as I struggle to stand up, but surprisingly, Bakugo helped me to stand by putting one of my arms around him

Y/N: Thanks, I need to help him

I said as Todoroki put my other arm over him too

Todoroki: I'll help too, from what I saw. That Blackbeard was able to turn parts of himself into lava, I can counter it with my ice.

I nodded since it made sense, but I took of my arm from them and began to stand on my own. A few inches away, I see Aizawa and Thirteen on the floor. Both hurt and unable to move or even fight

Y/N: Okay, * Cough * I'm okay now. Bakugo, I'm not sure if you can damage him, but I know that with Aizawa and 13 out of commission, it's up to you to protect the the rest of the class until help arrives

Bakugo: Eh!? Who are you to tell me how to help!? I'm going, and that's My choice!

Kirishima: I'm going too!

Y/N: No! Me, Todoroki and Bakugo are enough! The other villan thugs may be down but they'll wake up soon! I need the rest of you to stay here and protect the teachers until the rest of the school gets here! Let's go!

We didn't wait for their response as the 3 of us began running down the stairs, I can see blasts of dust, the heat was so hot. I can feel it burn my skin from this far away, when we got closer we saw All Might and Blackbeard fighting eachother

Y/N: All Might!

I yelled as he jumped back, he looked at us in surprise before going to where we are. He stood infront of us in a protective stance

AllMight: What are you three doing here! It's too dangerous! Especially for you Y/N! He's the one you want!

I ignored him as I see a faint layer of ice on his fists, their breaking ready

Todoroki: We came to offer assistance All Might, let me freeze your hands again, they look like its about to melt already

All Might complied as Todoroki put more ice on his fists, covering them.

AllMight: Look, Todoroki could be the only person who could really help. Blackbeard is able to turn his body into lava to protect himself from any form of Physical attacks. Using the ice that Todoroki put on my hands, I'm able to hit his physical body. But I'm afraid you two might not be much help

Bakugo: But iceyhot here can just Freeze my hands too!

Y/N: It won't help, your explosive are heat themselves. You'll just break it, but I can.

Bakugo: How can you touch him if he can turn his body into lava, your too hurt to even move!

Blackbeard: Black Hole!

I was ready this time, we all jumped into trees or anything not touching the ground

Blackbeard: Y/N! It's good to see you again. That hole in your chest must hurt huh? Well it's good that your here, saves me the trouble of finding you

As the darkness consuming the ground began to dissaperared we all landed back on the ground will no idea as where All Might went.
But then, All Might appeared out of no where and punched him in the back if his head, making him fly forward towards us, I readied my fist and as he came close. I punched him in the face, my power sent him flying back until he was also flung back.

Blackbeard: I'm getting real tired of this!

He stood up, but then my vision began to seem blurry. I can feel weak, but I can't give up now. But I dropped to one knee, I lost too much blood, i can't keep going. But I need to stay alive, for my mother, for my aunt, for Jiro.


Y/N: The... Hell?

I tilt my eyes towards the noise, I can't barely see... Iida? It's too far to see well.

Iida: Your class Rep has returned! And he's bought Reinforcements!

I chuckle, that's our class rep all right

Y/N: * chuckles * Help is here guys. Help... is... here....

I weakly said as i fell to the floor and my world has gone dark

3rd P.O.V

Y/N fell to the ground, he was unconscious from the amount of blood he lost. While Ectoplasm used his quirk to take care of the Minor thugs, M/N used her quirk to transport herself by using reflections towards where All Might was at. Thirteen was trying to capture the 3 main villans, Kurogiri had Tomura and Blackbeard.

M/N: Y/N!

In alarm as she saw her son on the floor, a pool of blood beginning to spread around him. She manifested herself into light and appeared next to him, she held him in her hands and gasped when she saw the deep wound in his chest.

Blackbeard: You best care for him while you still can! I will kill him and steal his power for my own! I Swear It!!

She saw the man disappearing with the others and were gone, she looked to see All Might barely going to his real form. She can see the red burns on his hands and cuts and bruises all over his body.

M/N: All Might! What happened to my son! If you hadn't been rescuing others in the Morning, then you could of been here to protect my son!

She cried as tears began to fall down her cheek and drop to her sons face. Toshinori looked away in Guilt and Fear

Toshinori: Yes, your right M/N. It's my fault, and I'm very sorry

M/N was about to yell at him again but Midoriya then came in, feeling protective for his mentor

Midoriya: It wasn't All Might's Fault! If he was here then he'd would have been killed!

M/N Scoffed, picking up her son. Staining her clothes deep red and carrying her son to the ambulance outside the USJ

M/N: Better All Might dead then my son, I've lost my husband and almost my son. All Might has a habit of causing the death of those close to me. My son was quirkless and I asked you to pass in One for All to him...but you refused!!

Was all she said until she began running towards the stairs, she ran fast, she didn't want to lose her son. It was the only reason she stays here, in the land of the living. Midoriya was about to follow her to argue but Toshinori stopped him.

Toshinori: Its okay Midoriya, ever since Whitebeards death, she blamed me for it. And now that this happened, she'll resent me even more since her son was badly wounded.

Midoriya ran over when Toshinori sat down on the floor, coughing blood

Toshinori: I tried to have her forgive me, and it went by slowly until she stopped making those rude remarks of hers. But now, I think she'll go back to those immediately

Midoriya: All Might? Were you really gonna give him One For All?

Toshinori went quite, the memory was more recent, like it happened yesterday.

Toshinori: Yes, we learned that he was quirkless. And that made Y/N very disappointed , he wanted to be a hero like his father. But... he didn't have the thing that the previous One For All users had. I had to say no and she was furious with me, had to raise her quirkless son. She knew he was destined to fill his fathers place, but then the unimaginable happened. He manifested his fathers quaking power at the age of 9, and when that happened, she went easier on me.

Midoriya sat next to him since most of his class were already waiting outside, other medic officers came in and took the both of them to the hospital. Recovery girl could of treated their wounds at the school but Y/N's condition was more critical than the others and needed the proper tools and equipment that she does not have at her disposal.

In another part of the city, in an abandon bar. There layed a wounded tomura who was shot in multiple areas by snipe and in one of the booths sat Blackbeard drinking some beer in a big wooden mug

Tomura: Wrong, we were wrong. All Might's still healthy! And Y/N, the son of whitebeard. I was never told he'd be there! You were wrong master!

Tomura said while lifting his head to look at a nearby computer monitor, it didn't have any image only the words " Audio Only "

???: No, I wasn't. We just weren't prepared than we thought we were. We mustn't have underestimated them. It's a good thing we named ourselves the ' League Of Villans '. But what of my creation. Nomu. Was he not rescued?

Kurogiri: No, he was killed

???: Hmm? Killed you say? Unlikely. Who killed him?

By then, blackbeard took a big drink from his mug and slammed it on the table. He then stood up and walked to the moniter, leaning on the bar counter

Blackbeard: The son of whitebeard, he killed him. Knew that he could regenerate from anything except brain cells, so he used his quaking power to smash his brain in and destroyed it

It was quite, until the moniter hummed again

???: Hmm, interesting. And you couldn't do anything?

Blackbeard: Eh! Of course I did! I was so close to killing that brat and stealing his power but All Might had to interfere! My lava power worked for a moment till he asked some kid to put both of his hands on ice and was able to hit me. If I only had more time!

He said as he hit the counter in frustration.

???: Kurogiri, bring blackbeard to me. I'll give you more " suitable " quirks to add your growing list blackbeard. Tomura, assemble the elites, you know what to do

Tomura: Yes master

Blackbeard: Keep up the bad work Tomura, I'll be back as soon as I can. They just bought some time but I Will get what I want

We now go to the hospital, it was the middle of the night. Thirteen would be fine along with Aizawa and Midoriya, Toshinori needed a bit more but was cleared to move. But Y/N... it was a different story.

RecoveryGirl: Little brat, you had a hole in your chest and running around and fighting in this condition was going to make you better?

She mumbled as she sewed the wound in his chest, she put bandages around the wound. Y/N had an IV with some much needed blood, and a mask to breath. Outside the operation room was M/N with her sister, Nemuri.

Nemuri: Sister, let's go home. It's late and you need sleep

She pleaded to her sister as M/N was pacing back and forth. She had dry tears and was bitting her nails, but she couldn't

M/N: No, I can't. You can go sister, but I can't leave him.

Nemuri signed for his stubborn she was but they heard footsteps down the hall and in walked Toshinori and Aizawa. Toshinori had bandages around his head and Aizawa had a cast around his arm and bandages around his head like Toshinori. M/N didn't even look

M/N: What do you want Toshinori? I'm busy, hoping my son lives from the deep wound in his chest

She said as nemuri held on to her shoulders

Nemuri: Its not his fault sister, we should be lucky that Y/N is still alive.

M/N was about to argue until the door opened and out came Recovery Girl, her uniform had some dried blood on it. M/N immediately went to her

M/N: Chiyo! ( That's her real name ) Please, tell me is my son okay!?

Recovery Girl signs as she rubbed her forehead

RecoveryGirl: He lost alot of blood and that wound in his chest was dangerously close to stabbing his heart. And the odd black fire? We managed to remove it but it may cause long term problems.

M/N was close to crying again but Recovery Girl was quick to add on

RecoveryGirl: Nothing Bad dear, he'll just experience his chest hurting from time to time. And until that wound is fully healed, I ask you to take very good care of him. He should be fine, and should wake up by tomorrow

Everyone signed in relief, M/N was more pleased to hear it.

M/N: Chiyo, please call me when he wakes up? Me and my sister need some sleep for tomorrow. Unless someone here wants to do some late hero work and be late tomorrow.

She said as she eyes Toshinori, she knew he has a habit of doing that. Nemuri held her Sisters hand and dragged her along

Nemuri: Let's forget it sister and get some sleep, Y/N will be awake by morning, I can feel it

M/N: I really hope so

But then Nemuri stopped and faced Toshinori

Nemuri: Toshinori, we looked but Y/N only had his long coat. We couldn't find his bisento?

Aizawa: That leader I think, he had a qurik that turned it to dust. I'm afraid its destroyed, I faintly remember seeing him do it and Y/N was furious.

M/N: Oh

Was all anyone could say, M/N and her sister left. Leaving Toshinori and Aizawa to themselves

Toshinori: Is... is he going to make it?

He asked recovery girl

RecoveryGirl: I wish I had an answer, but I don't

They nodded as they left

Toshinori: I'm sorry Edward, I really really am sorry. I wish you were here, I sometimes wonder how the world would be like if we switched roles that day. But I guess I'd never know

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