How The Three Of Us Became Brothers

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It was early morning, Y/N and Todoroki stood in front of Endeavor in his office while he sat in his chair. Both Y/N and Todoroki have both healed enough to walk and were in their school uniforms, and holding their suitcases with their hero costumes in them

Endeavor: Well... I'd say the things that recently happened are surprising to the three of us.

He said as both his interns nodded, each not saying a word

Endeavor: Shoto. You may have deserted, but I'm no fool, the police chief told me everything.

Todoroki: I wanted to tell you, but time was short

Endeavor: I know, the three of us were busy that night. To think they were bold enough to attack again, not only for their own pleasure but also gain. I stopped some of their "Nomu's", Whitehair stopped another attempt on his life, and you with the help of your friends and M/N managed to stop Stain.

He spoke to them, remembering the conversation he had with the police chief and how he had to take the credit even though he had nothing to do with it

Endeavor: Still a surprise that Ms. Sunlight declined to getting praised

Y/N: She never cared for fame

He muttered, her sense of pride was a reflection of his father. She never cared for fame, she knew she was an icon, joining other things like her sister in talk shows, autographs, etc. She didn't care but she wasn't heartless to the younger children

Endeavor: You two have grown over the past week, each masters your flames and made them your own. I'm proud of how far you two have gone since then

Y/N&Todoroki: Thank you

Endeavor: There's a car outside, he'll take you two home.

They both nodded and turned to leave, opening the door and walking down the hallway towards the elevator. Both were quite, which is normal for Todoroki but a change for Y/N.

Pressing the button, the elevator doors opened and they entered as Todoroki pressed the first floor and the elevator doors closed

Todoroki: Your quiet

Y/N: Hm

Nothing else was said, they just stood quiet as the elevator took them down.

Y/N: Omega

Todoroki: Hm?

Y/N: That's his name... Omega. Some punk who seems to be the new hero hunter...

Todoroki: Better then him killing

Y/N: Yet. That's the problem, not killing yet. But nobody's seen him. Only the people who he attacked have seen him.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened and they walked through the hallway, passing the registration. The receptionist their bowed her head

Receptionist: Have a good day

Y/N: To you as well

They both walked past the her workplace until -

Receptionist: Um... Mr. Whitebeard?

Y/N stopped, turning around to face her

Y/N: Yes? And it's Whitehair

Receptionist: Oh right, I apologize, um... you see... I have a son who was a big fan of your father. And I was wondering if I could...

But Y/N already took out a little folded letter and passed it to her and walked away, with Todoroki following him. The receptionist, confused, opened the letter and read the note it hate inside.

Greatness is a journey. That begins with the impossible and turns into something unforgettable. The greatness is never given, but is earned. Work harder, Dream bigger. And become a legend. And legends live forever!

The receptionist felt something on her cheek, feeling that it was a tear. He had such care for people, just like his father.

Receptionist: Thank you so much! My son will love it!

Y/N kept walking, but showed his hand and raised his hand into a thumbs up. As they went outside, there was a long black limo that had the driver waiting by the open door.

Driver: Mr. Edward, Mr. Todoroki, please enter so that we can depart.

He slightly bowed as Y/N and Todoroki entered the limo and the driver closed the door.

Todoroki: That was odd, you always gave the same autograph. But she seemed more... happy

He said, the car engine started and they drove off.

Y/N: Autograph? No, just some words of... inspiration.

Driver: Who shall I take home first?

Todoroki: Let's drop off Y/N first

The driver nodded, already given address for each of their homes.

Todoroki: You seem off, what's the matter?

Y/N scoffed

Y/N: A surprise you asked me that

Todoroki: Well we are classmates, and we look out for eachother.

That shook Y/N a little, something similar to what his father said. He signed

Y/N: I'm afraid Todoroki. I lost one family, that nearly tore us apart, but this... with my Aunt. It was too close, I'm afraid of losing another

Todoroki: I can imagine your stress

Y/N: I don't know what my father would do in a situation like this, but I'm afraid of the consequences. Not to be rude, but the thing with Stain, and even Blackbeard interfering. He's starting to get more ambitious

Todoroki: But we pulled through, true that me and Midoriya along with Iida managed to defeat Stain. But your mother gave us the time and kept us safe from Blackbeards magma

Y/N: * Sigh * I know, in the world now. Lots of kids admire All Might and love him, same goes for Endeavor. He's cool, but differently in the eyes of children

This made both him and Todoroki have a little chuckle

Y/N: And my mother, she's like a mother to everyone along with my father. But all 3 of them don't have something that my father did.

Todoroki; And what's that? Respect? Trust?

Y/N: That's the thing, I don't know. Well... more specifically is I can't describe it. Something my Aunt said, Whitebeard, a number one hero. Inspired everyone, both young children and veteran heros. And the hero's, they each admired him more than that. So much that they called him Brother, the same goes for him. He calls others his brothers and sisters, young sons and daughters. I want something like that

Todoroki: Hm? How would you do that?

Y/N: Sake, some tradition that he told me years ago as a child. If you exchange cups of Sake, you become brothers. I'm fairly sure everyone did one with him, and I can understand why.

But Todoroki already pieced together everything

Todoroki: He did that to have a larger family

Y/N: Yeah, more people to care about. And the strength to fight for an even higher purpose them himself.... hey Todoroki

Todoroki: What?

Y/N: When were the right age, would you like to have a drink with me, and become my brother

Todoroki's eyes widen, he wanted to do this ridiculous thing. But he can't help but give a little smile

Todoroki: I'd be honored

{ Time-Skip }

Driver: Here we are, at Mr. Edwards home.

Y/N stepped out, stretching his arms. Todoroki stayed in the car

Y/N: Thanks for the ride, and for agreeing to do that strange thing.

Todoroki: It's no surprise, your like your father. It's no surprise you want to be like him.

The window started to roll up, but not before he said something

Todoroki: Besides, I can understand wanting to have a bigger family

And the window closes and Limo drove off, Y/N chuckled as he started coming up the lawn

Y/N: He'll make a good brother, me being an only child. I can't wait for it.

He opened the door and is surprised to see--

AuntNemuri: Aw, look whose home. It's the man of the house~

She said as she hugged him, but brushing off her comment. Y/N happily hugged her back

Y/N: It's good to see your all better Auntie

Letting go, only to be pulled in again. But to someone different

M/N: Its good to see you home son, I really missed you

Y/N: I missed you too mother

AuntNemuri: And what about me?

Y/N: Same for you Auntie, I missed the both of you.

M/N took his case, and they sat down in the living room

M/N: So how was the Internships? Ignoring the... Incidents... if you could

Y/N: Sure, Endeavor was really helpful in teaching the both of us. I have him to thank for teaching me to master my flames and make my own style.

AuntNemuri: Good, we don't have to worry about any Fire Damage Bills

The three of them laughed, it felt good to ease the tension and relax

Y/N: Your so mean Auntie

Hours passed as the day moved on, people moving on with their lives and it started to turn into night. At Todoroki household, Todoroki wanted to see if something was true. Walking towards his father's personal room where he worked on private things, he knocked

Enji: Enter

He opened the door and stepped in, seeing his father sitting behind his desk with some papers, he looked up

Enji: What is it

Todoroki: I'd like to ask you something, about whitebeard

At this, Enji stopped what he was doing, and focused on his son

Enji: What about him

Todoroki: From what Y/N told me, you and whitebeard shared cups of sake and became brothers.

Enji thought for a moment, before standing up and walking towards a glass cabinet

Enji: Well it's true, come here

Todoroki did that, standing next to him as he opened the glass cabinet door. He offered him something and he held it

Todoroki looked at what was in his hand, it was a little cup, orange and more rounded on the sides so it looks more like a bowl

Enji: That was my cup that we drank in, there's something I'll tell you. Where we are, me and him were the first to be brothers here, along with someone else.

Todoroki looked up at him, Enji took a photo and showed it to him. In the photo, was a Young Whitebeard, along with Todoroki's father, but to his surprise. There also was All Might, looking more young as well. They were at the beach, sitting on the sand but with a little table in between them. There stood a lone bottle and in each of their hands was a cup filled with some liquid, and they each clinked them together

Enji: " Did you two know. That when we exchange cups of sake, we become brothers? " Those were his words, I didn't want to be brothers with him, for that meant I had to be brothers with All Might. That fool...

Todoroki saw him so something he never thought he'd ever do, he chuckled. Smiling like remembering an old but good memory.

Enji: Can't believe i agreed, but in a way. I was happy. Then it happened, he was killed and it changed between us. A week after his death, me and him. We visited his grave one last time

Enji: I placed the cups and All Might pour them with his favorite sake. No words were told, we offered our last respect to him and we left. And that was that

He took the cup back and placed that and the photo back in its place.

Enji: * Scoff * M/N was right too. If Edward was here, he'd hate to be a brother to someone like me.

He said as he went and sat back down, focusing back on his work.

Enji: Is there something else you need?

Todoroki: No, that was it

He said and left the room, enji stopped his work and leaned back on his chair. Turning his head to see the photo again

Enji: He's probably hate me, seeing the things I did... just to fill place... maybe a way to prove i still honor him. And to apologize to M/N and everyone in my family... is to make them forget about me and move on... It's probably for the best... If Rei never sees me again...

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