Test Exercise

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So, an update after... i lost count. I'm not giving an excuse cause I have none. Unless I like being dead counts.

Also I'm trying a new way of writing. Tell me of you like it, if not then just let me know and I'll switch back to how I normally write

Plus, being in quarantine. I have PLENTY of time and nothing better to do so... this was probably God's way of making me update...

Class 1-A Classroom

" I didn't study at all!! " yelled Ashido and Kaminari as they both were shocked at how quickly the school year passed. You sat in your seat, chuckling at their faces. You remember the first time you had to deal with this and it still frightens you to this day. It was a miracle that Iida was happy to help you study.

" Yo, Iida. Remember us doing that during Somei Private Academy? " you pondered as Iida was reading a study guide.

" If I remember correctly, you acted the exact same way and begged me for help. " he said, not taking his eyes of his book. You chuckled nervously, you acted alot different here then in Somei Private Academy. But those events helped you understand more and take everything in school seriously

" I forgot about that, anyways, I was wondering if you and me want to study together? " you said but he shook his head as he turned a page. " I'd love to but I volunteered to help class 1-B with their study session. " I chuckled again, classic Iida, always going above and beyond for his classmates.

During any upcoming tests, you always studied with Iida. You both helped each other in areas you lack in and offered eachother support and little tricks to solve and understand each question correctly.

" Well, would you mind helping me also? I'm having trouble with quadratic functions. " you hear from across the room, looking over you see jiro along with Sero and Ojiro talking to Momo. Ah, they were asking her for help to prepare for the upcoming tests.

I should offer her help, but then again she might be a distraction. Hmm, I'll leave this to Momo. I need to study my hardest too, if I miss even one question, both my mother and Aunt will kill me.

U.A Teacher's Office

M/N was sitting at her desk, typing on the computer the grades of her other classes. While she did that, her mind wondered off. " Why is he coming to Japan? He has nothing to do here. And if the authorities get him, he could get arrested. Unless... he also senses something big is going to happen soon " she thinks as she remembers the chill up her spine.

First was the discovery of blackbeard again after killing his husband. Then was the entire USJ incident where he almost killed her son. Then there was the Internships where he fought Blackbeard again along with those 2 pretenders of herself and her son. But she feels that this is just the beginning

" Hey sister, hard at work I see " she hears as she stops her typing and turns her chair to her sister. " Of course I'm working, were both teachers here. Which reminds me, I didn't see you update your class grades? " she smirked as Nemuri scratched her cheek nervously, she has a habit of forgetting to do her duties as a teacher.

" Well I was busy, infact with the upcoming tests all the teachers are going to be busy. Aren't you worried about little Y/N? " she said as she sat in her chair infront of her desk. " No, I've been monitoring my son's grades since his first day at Somei Private Academy. And no B's or below yet so i have nothing to be scared off " M/N said as she resumed her typing.

" So much pressure on little Y/N, you have to reward him to help ease his body ~ " she said... rather seductively. Groaning as I stood up from my seat and walked up to her, cracking my knuckles. " Wait! I was joking! I was joking! " Nemuri said as she stood up quickly and took more steps back. " Looks like I'll have to remind you to not talk about my son that way! " M/N shouted as she dashed towards her sister, but she quickly dashed past her and out the door

" No! Don't punish me again! I hate it when you do that! " Nemuri cried as she ran between PresentMic and Eraserhead. Both men quickly stood apart as M/N ran after her " I'll punish you however I see fit! " M/M yelled as she ran after her sister. Both PresentMic and Eraserhead looked at the two sisters " And I always wondered if they were really sisters, but seeing her also talk like her just proves my assumptions " PresentMic said as Aizawa hummed in acknowledgement.

As the days passed, so did everyone's knowledge. Momo was busy teaching her own little class, bakugo was busy helping Kirishima with the back end of a folded newspaper. And Y/N was busy studying, but all that work as needed as during test day, the entire class was completely silent, with only the sounds of pencils across paper filling the room. But as soon as everyone was done, they all breathed a sigh of relief

But then the day arrived, the test exercise was about to begin. Infront of one of the Battle City's stood the clas of 1-A, infront if them stood all the teachers. All in their hero uniforms, only All Might was absent

" Obviously, you can fail this test too. So if you want to head to the forest lodge, then we'd better not see pitiful blunders from any of you " Aizawa spoke to them, I stood next to jiro as we heard him speak. But i saw my mother giving me glances, I had a feeling that she's going to be a part of something

" You feel okay? " I turned to jiro who looked at me with a bit of worry, I nodded as I held her hand. " Yeah, just a little uneasy " I said as she nodded and we both gave our attention back to Mr. Aizawa

" I've no doubt you all learned what information you could of the test beforehand. So I think you already hold a gauge notion of what you are to do. " he explained

" Sure, just like the entrance exams. It'll be like a musou game, only with robots! " Kaminari explained, " I can just see the fireworks now! The curry! The dare sessions and -- ! " both Ashido was interrupted when Nezu literally popped out of Aizawa's scarf.

" How did he fit inside there? " jiro questioned as i shrugged, I learned not to question every little thing. Nezu leaped off his scarf and stood infront of us " We will have tou form pairs. To engage in combat with one of us teachers! " Nezu said excitedly as most of us were either excited or nervous, or both.

" Now, each of you are already paired with a teammate and a teacher to fight. The way you tend to move, your grades, and your degree of familiarity. We personally judged how you'll be paring up based on all sorts of things. And we'll list the matchups now. " Nezu finished as Aizawa stepped up, " Firsr off, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu are a team. And their going against me " he grinned

" Midoriya, your with bakugo. And your going against-- " but before Aizawa was done, All Might jumped down and stood infront of both of them " I'll be your opponent!! I hope you two cooperate, and come at me with all your might! " he exclaimed as always

Both midoriya and bakugo were surprised, either from having to work together or that their opponent was All Might himself. " And Y/N, since there's a uneven amount of students. It'll be just you and me " M/N said as Y/N was caught completely off guard. He has to fight his own mother?

" Um... can I get a different teacher? " Y/N said, this made M/N's eye twitch. " What was that!? " She exclaimed as Y/N flinched and took a few steps back, " No! It's not that! I... just don't want to fight you. " He said softly and M/N's anger fell, " It's just a test son, besides. I doubt you'd hurt me " she said playfully and Kaminari and Mineta both appeared besides me " Ooh, she's calling you weak " Kaminari whispered, Mineta then said " Yeah, kick her ass and claim your priz-- " but was cut off when Y/N grabbed him by his throat and his hand glowed white

" M/N, shouldn't you stop him from killing one of his classmates? " PresentMic said, " Yeah, I probably should " M/N said, but didn't do anything for a few seconds. PresentMic signed as a crash was heard second later.

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