The Beginning Of A New Era

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Sadly, in Badass Character rules, you must lose either one or both parents because what the hell, kinda like Disney, their a dark company.......

I was getting ready, getting my black suit on and holding a bouquet of Flowers for my father. During an event he took with his closest friend and brother, All Might. They weren't real brothers but he told me once that he shared a drink with All Might and on that day, they became brothers. Anyways, in one tragic incident they both went on a dangerous mission that resulted on getting him killed and All Might being severely wounded. The culprit managed to escape and was still at large. Me and my mother were devastated at the sudden news and my mother blamed All Might for his death.

M/N: Y/N? Sweetie? Are you ready to go?

She said, in a sad tone of voice. I look at her entering my room, wearing a black skirt with black shirt and sweater along with a black Hat. I can see dried tears on her cheeks, and her eyes are red from her crying. I was 9 at the time but with all the sudden changes, I had to grow up quickly to support my mother. Her friends were coming over and were gonna go to my fathers burial. She too was a pro hero, though now retired to support me and ourselves.

Y/N: Yes mom, I'm ready

I said in a barely audible tone of voice, i just couldn't believe it. My father is really strong! He even told me, he's stronger that All Might himself! They say his quirk has the power to destroy the world! How could he be killed so easily? And why didn't All Might save him! My mother was right, it's all his fault. I wish I could help but I discovered I didn't have a quirk, I was a quirkless kid

M/N: Let's go then

I pick up the Flowers and follow her down the hall of our house, we leave the front door and see her Sister in the car waiting for us. Her name was Nemuri Kayama, or "Midnight" since that's her hero name, but she likes it if I call her Auntie Nemuri. We got in her car and strapped ourselves in, she put her hand on my mothers seat and turned to me

Nemuri: Hey Y/N, you feeling ok?

She asked in a calm voice, she knows what me and my mother went through

Y/N: Yes Auntie Nemuri, I'm ok

She nodded and looked at her sister, but she just turned to her steering wheel and began driving to the cemetary for Heros, I noticed multiple black cars following us, including a large one pulling a big coffin. That was my father, these were all either close friends of my parents or pro heros wanting to say good bye to their greatest friend. When we parked, it began to rain

Nemuri: Here Sweetie

She handed me a small umbrella and I took it and thanked her, I opened it to shield me from the rain as my mother gestured me to follow. I saw heros beginning to pick up my fathers coffin, those heros were Endeavor, Cementos, Death Arms, and All Might. He still had bandages on his forehead from the recent incident and he didn't show his trademark smile. Me and my mom waited at the edge of the hole where they put the coffin, other people soon arrived. People that I don't know but knew my father, he was a very charismatic person who had many friend and made hundreds upon hundreds of bonds with each of them. I see a camera crew set up as they put my fathers coffin on the pedestal.

Y/N: Mom? Why are their camera's here?

M/N: They here to share the pain with everyone honey, they all cared for your father deeply like he cared for us. He was a man who had many brothers and sisters and sons and daughters.

That made me smile, I knew my father was the best. I doubt anyone hated or disliked him, and now was the moment I didn't want to get to, the burial. We were all quiet as the priest was getting ready and I saw the cameras on

Priest: Were are all gathered here today to sadly say our blessing to a man who gave his life to give us ours. Edward Newgate who came to our city by ship, no one knew who he was but passing 3 years, every one knew his name. Being ranked the number 1 hero, he protected the innocent against the people who would dare harm us, but sadly his time came too soon.

I can hear the soft cries my mother shed, Nemuri hugged her sister to ease her pain and I see many heros shedding tears too, even Endeavor. He looked up to my father, he was curious on why he came in a boat from the ocean but years later, he was proud to be his brother. The priest pressed a button and the coffin began to sink into the ground, my mother began to cry harder as nemuri patted her back and said soothing words. When it was done, they put the dirt in and I placed my flowers on his grave

Everyone began to leave one by one, only my mother, me, Nemuri and All Might.

All Might: I'm so sorry for your loss

He said walking up to us, my mother didn't even look at him

M/N: 'Sorry' won't bring my husband back Toshinori, now my son will grow up without a father. Now please leave, Mr. ' New Symbol Of Peace '

She said in a angry tone, he sighed before he left. She sighed too before wiping her tears and facing me

M/N: Are you ready to go sweetie? I'll make your favorite dinner today, ok?

I just nodded

Y/N: Let me say goodbye first mom

She nodded and she left with her sister to the car while I stayed behind

Y/N: Hey dad, I'm really gonna miss you, mom will miss you even more.

I said, almost breaking into tears

Y/N: I wish you didn't have to go so soon, now All Might will be named 'Symbol Of Peace' and the number 1 hero.

I said, tears falling down my cheeks, I look back to read the words he wanted in his tombstone

' A loving father, A caring husband, and a loyal Friend.

" Do not weep for me, for I have gave my life for the new generation of heros. I have done everything I have ever wanted and I have no regrets. I had good friends, loving Brothers and Sisters, caring sons and daughters but most of all, I Had

A Family "

As I finished reading what he said, I couldn't hold it in. I cried for my father, I didn't want him to leave. But as I cried, I noticed a vine beginning to grow out of his grave, and out of the vine, sprouted a weird looking fruit

Y/N: A fruit? Wait, what was that my father said years ago?

FlashBack Start

We were at the beach, enjoying the sun. I was building a sandcastle while my father helped me and my mother watched from her shady spot on the beach

Little Y/N: Thanks dad for taking us to the beach, it's so much fun here !

He smiled at me as he filled another bucket of dirt

Edward: Your welcome my son, I love the ocean. As I one said to my friends who still roam its waters, " Everyone is a child of the sea "

He said as he gazed at the ocean, I was more curious on one thing

Little Y/N: Hey dad, how are you so strong? What's your quirk?

He chuckled before whispering in my ear

Edward: I dont have a quirk, I got my powers from a fruit, known as a ' Devil Fruit '

Little Y/N: Really?

He nodded

Edward: Yes, but don't tell anyone ok?

I nodded

Little Y/N: I promise

M/N: Come on you two! It's Time to eat!

Shs yelled from her spot, I see her pulling out food from the picnic basket

Me and my dad went over and began eating

Edward: Delicious as always dear

M/N: Thank you

She looked away with pink on her cheeks, this worried me

Little Y/N: Dad? I think mom is sick, her face is red

I said innocently, I didn't know what that meant at the time since I was 5 at the time

Edward: Oh she is, is she~?

He hugged my mother from behind and kissed her

Little Y/N: Eww, don't do that infront of me!

He laughed

Edward: It doesn't matter Y/N, soon you'll fall in love too

Little Y/N: Nu Uh! I'm gonna be the greatest hero like you! I can't have time for girls !

He laughed again, it was so loud but I love to hear it, my mother did too

Edward: Say what you want son, but love is a strange feeling and it will get to you. No one ever escapes it

I nodded but knew I didn't want to get in love, I wanted to be a great hero like him!

FlashBack End

I don't know if what he said was a joke, but I don't know, what'sthe worse that can happen? I grabbed the fruit and held it in my hand

Y/N: I don't know if this'll work but there ain't no harm in trying

I took a bite out of it but it tastes awful, but I muscled through it

For this time, let's say that the devil fruit Grant's all 3 forms of Haki.
Observation, Armament, and Conquer's Haki

Y/N: That was horrible, how did you do it dad?

I looked back at the grave but decided that it was time to leave, so I went back to the car and we left back to our house. Nemuri decided to stay over to support my mother mostly, I was in my room, drawing since that's my only strong suit

Y/N: There, like a real hero

I said as I admired my work, soon the door opened and Nemuri walked in

Nemuri: Hello dear, * Gasp * is that your father, did you draw this?

She inspected the drawing I did, I nodded and she smiled

Nemuri: Your a talented artist Y/N, your father would love this. How heroic he looks and the quirk he used, he will be missed

I nodded again but soon i felt weird but then the house began to shake furiously, things were falling off shelves and the windows broke, Nemuri looked frightened and dragged me through the house, everything in my neighborhood was shaking. Light posts fell and broke and the road shattered. Other families ran outside as the shaking finally stopped. My mom was already outside when the earthquake stopped and ran to me full speed.

M/N: Oh! Y/N! I'm so glad your ok! I didn't want to lose you too!

She hugged me, or more like choked me

Y/N: M-mom.... c-cant.... breath 

She let go of my but I felt a weird sensation on my hands, I looked at them and soon my hands began to glow a white color, I felt great power radiating from myself

( Yeah, I hate teach too. But just imagine your hands doing that white glowing on both of your hands )

Mom: It was you, you have your fathers quirk!

She hugged me and Nemuri too, It worked?! That fruit actually gave me my fathers powers?!

Nemuri: Your gonna be like your father Y/N, a hero !

M/N: But I thought you were quirkless?

She said as they both let me go and I made my hands stop glowing somehow

Nemuri: Hmm? Well some peoples quirks take longer to manifest then others so maybe that was it?

She though as she has her fingers on her chin

M/N: I don't care now, Y/N. You having your fathers quirk reminds me that he's still with us. Please dont abuse his quirk

Y/N: I would never do that mom, I'm gonna become a hero and I'm gonna be the new whitebeard or whitehair

I say as my mother nods with a warm smile and I see Nemuri getting an idea

Nemuri: Why don't we keep this a secret? I'll recommend you to Somei Private Academy and then the exams to get into U.A! For now just practice your quirk !

I nodded, I can't wait to see everyone's reaction when I show my quirk to the world. Nemuri says her goodbyes and leaves as we enter the house

Y/N: Mom? I wanna be like dad. I want to have a coat hanging on my shoulders too, and I want the tattoo that he had

I say getting all excited about being like him, my mother chuckled

M/N: I dunno about the tattoo but I agree with the overhanging coat. It made him look so cool

I snickered and my mom blushed, just like old times. She went to call some people to fix the house. Nemuri did some calls to say that it was a random earthquake, she said I could get in alot of trouble if people found out i did it. As I looked at the sky, the clouds parted and the sun began to shine through

Y/N: Don't worry dad, I won't let your legacy die. I'll show everyone what I can do!

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