War Never Ends

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Alright, I'll be adding someone else since they wanted to be in my book too.

His name is OmegaWilliam95

He wanted to make an appearance in my book so as the Kind, Awesome, Handsome, and Talented man I am. I shall agree to his terms...

Regrettably ( And not because I agreed to it, I don't mind. But because of something I'm going to do that will hurt )

It was the morning after all the commotion last night, what with Nomu's attacking, Blackbeard attempts to try and kill Y/N again, along with Weeble and Bakkin. It was pretty long night

Anyways, in a hospital room where M/N was getting some thing bandages over her hands and a doctor wrapping them in place

Doctor: All right, that should do it. Leave those on for a few weeks for the burns to heal

He said as he took the remaining bandage wraps, M/N looked at her bandaged hand, making it into a fist and releasing it.

M/N: Thank you doctor, may I ask how my son is doing?

She said as she remembers other students who were also taken to the hospital. Todoroki, Iida, Midoriya along with Y/N were taken.

Doctor: Oh your son is completely fine, just some scratches. I'd say he's just like his father, strong as am oak

She chuckled since he has no idea the trick that Edward taught the both of them, standing up and heading for the door, she opened it

M/N: Thanks again

Doctor: Of course, remember, no taking that off. You don't want to risk it getting infected

She nodded as she left the room and headed to where the students were at. While walking down the hallway, she bumped into someone

M/N: Ouch

She rubbed the pain away and looked to see Manual, along with him was Gran Torino and the Chief Of Police, Kenji Tsuragamae, who had a Dig quirk

Manual: Oh! Ms. Sunlight! I apologize for not looking where I was going

M/N: No, no it's okay. It's my fault too, I wasn't paying attention

Gran Torino stepped forward, taking her bandaged hand in his

GranTorino: Mind telling me what happened here?

M/N: Blackbeard threatened to kill the students with his magma wave, using a trick that Edward taught me. I was able to hold the wave back but suffered some burns

Gran Torino wanted to whack the girl but still remembers that he can't, though that hasn't stopped him before

GranTorino: Your reckless just like that Midoriya kid!

He yelled waving his wooden staff at her, though it only fazed through her Light body.

Kenji: Ms. Sunlight. A pleasure to see you again woof

He said as he grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on it

( For your information, its him being a F*cking gentleman. He's not in love with her. It feels like when I add a man doing something kind and you all are B*tching about it, calm down! )

M/N chuckled at his words, even at a younger age. His conversation ending with "Woof" always made her laugh

M/N: Thank you Police Chief Kenji, how's work doing for you?

Kenji: As usual, but today was a real eye opener for me Woof

M/N: Might I ask what your doing here?

Kenji: I would like to talk to the kids about something

Manuel: Um... Ms. Sunlight?

M/N: Yes?

GranTorino: Stop doing that intangibility body whatever and let me hit you!

M/N: No... I'm fine. I remember when you taught All Might, still gives me shivers. Where are you three going?

Gran Torino finally stopped with a Huff and gestured her to follow them and she did

Manual: Were going to see the students, they should all be wrapped in bandages and healed enough, but not fully.

She nodded as they walked down the hall, Gran Torino noticed her change in attire. Its been months since he's last seen her, longer after her husband's death

GranTorino: M/N, your costume. I noticed there's something new you added to it.

M/N: Hm? Oh right, I started using a long Coat like Edward. Honestly my son started doing it first before I did

GranTorino: Little Whitebeard? All grown up now has he?

She nodded

GranTorino: I'd like to see him, been years since that day.

M/N: I'm sure he wouldn't mind meeting you

Manual: Here we are

We stopped infront of a door, so Manuel opened it and allowed Gran Torino and Ms. Sunlight to enter first before he did

GranTorino: So, the three of you are finally awake?

Three? She scanned the room and noticed her son wasn't there. She'll ask around later

Midoriya: Gran Torino

He said looking glad

Iida: Manual

He said a bit disappointed since he knows the real reason he went to his agency

Todoroki: Ms. Sunlight

GranTorino: Kid, I got lots of complaints for you.

Midoriya: O-oh, I'm sorry -

GranTorino: But first someone wants to talk to you three

They stepped out of the way for Kenji to walk through

M/N: I'd like to introduce you three to the police chief, Kenji Tsuragamae

She could feel the tense atmosphere that set in she they knew who he was

Kenji: You three must be the U.A students who brought down the hero killer. Am I right?

Todoroki: Yes

Kenji: Really? Woof, regarding the hero killer we arrested. He had fairly serious injuries, broken bones and some burns. He's receiving treatment under heavy guard Woof.

M/N didn't realize that Stain was hurt so much. She stayed quiet to hear what else he has to say

Kenji: Since your U.A students, I'm sure you already know that when superpowers were still new to the world. The police established high importance to leadership and standards. But then the word "Heros" was spoken and a new profession filled the gap woof.

M/N Remembers it well, she read all about the past when Quirks were still new back when she was a young child. The first person to have a quirk always surprised her, for her quirk was similar to hers in so many levels

Kenji: For an individual's use of force and power that can easily kill others. Though they are necessary, it doesn't mean it's any better then those without quirks. But the use of your quirks is only allowed since you three are in the progress of becoming heros. Even up against the hero killer, for uncertified people like yourself. Causing injuries or damage with their quirks without specific instructions from their guardian is a clear violation of those rules woof. 

Violation? Does this mean that Y/N is in trouble too?

Kenji: The three of you and the pro heros Endeavor, Gran Torino, And Manual will receive strict punishment.

M/N: Wait a minute Kenji, Will Y/N be punished too?

Kenji: No

She takes a breath of relief

M/N: Oh thank God

Manual: Aren't you worried about the other 3?

M/N: What? No, there not my kids. But... I am their Hero Class Teacher. Kenji there just kids, they were in a life or death moment. You can't blame them for that

Kenji: That's what I wanted to talk about. If this were made public, you'd be applauded as heros Yes, but you wouldn't be able to escape punishment. But, if it was kept secret, the burn scars and broken bones would help support Endeavor and Whitehairs claim. And it would end there woof, thankfully there wasn't many witnesses but it would mean that nobody will know of your heroic deed. So what will it be? Personally I don't want to punish young heros like yourself. But rules are rules. I may be the police chief, but that position changes throughout life, but rules are set in stone till the end.

Iida: Manual, I'm sorry for my actions. I just-

M/N: There's no need to explain Iida, in your eyes, It would have been foolish yes, but revenge outweighs the rest.

Todoroki: Police Chief, I understand the situation but what of Y/N? How come he isn't in our predicament also?

Kenji:  Oh, * Chuckles * little Whitehair. Well between all of us in this room. Even if Y/N was also to blame, many heros will deny the whole thing. Most police officers will cover for him, Whitebeard was a strong and respected figure to everyone. He was a big brother to many people, heros and police and citizens as well. But they all made that One Promise

GranTorino:             Protect
Manual:                       His
Kenji:                           Son

Midoriya: Wow, Y/N has friends in high places

M/N: You have no idea, have any of you seen him?

Iida: I believe he went outside for a call


Y/N was on the phone with Jiro

Jiro: So all of this happened in one night?

Y/N: Yup, a crazy and hectic night

Jiro: Your not hurt too much?

Y/N: Just some scratches, my Armament Ability protected me from the rest. How about you?

Jiro: Well I did help stop a robbery and save some people but nothing as big as yours.

Y/N: Don't sell yourself short, a robbery is still a big thing to happen. And as for the people, they still a life

Jiro: Oh right... sorry.

Y/N: Its fine, I'm over it

Jiro: So your not in trouble?

Y/N: I wouldn't be surprised if I was, we may be heros I'm training but there are rules. Guess I'll just wait for the SWAT team to get me

Jiro: *Chuckles* Don't make dumb jokes like that. Oh, gotta go. DeathArms doesn't like me talking on the phone for too long

Y/N: Sure jiro, I'll see you tomorrow

He hung up the phone, but something felt off. He heard... siren's? Ambulance Sirens?

Y/N: What the hell?

He saw 2 ambulance drive up to the hospital doors, quickly the paramedics inside raced out and opened the ambulance doors pulling out 4 people that made his blood boil

Y/N: Auntie?

He saw the paramedics carry 4 injured people inside, Cementoss, Mt. Lady, Tokoyami, and His own Aunt Midnight.

Y/N: Wait! What happened?!

He rushed over but the paramedics ignored him

Paramedic: Sorry kid, we can't! These 4 need to he stabilized fast!

He follows them inside as visitor from different rooms watch in horror and fear as they see 3 pro heros and a student injured behind wheeled inside. M/N left the room, wondering what all that noise was

M/N: What the hell is all this noise? Sister? Oh my God! Sister!

She was walking beside her sisters stretchers, she saw the cuts and bruises. Her hero costume torn, Nemuri weakly reached for his sisters hand for which she have to her

M/N: Sister, who did this?

Nemuri: N-news... he said to check the news...

Paramedic: Please excuse us!

M/N stopped as they carried the injured off, hearing fast footsteps she turned to see Y/N running by. She caught him by the hand

M/N: No son, stay here! We can't interrupt them.

But Y/N made weak attempt to escape his mother's grasp.

Y/N: Someone hurt her mom.... someone dared to hurt her.

M/N sees her son's body shaking in rage, but she felt something more...  stronger

She feels the intense pressure, she sees the hospital walls crack....

M/N: He... has has Conquerors Haki! B-but Edward says only one of several million people have a chance to be born with it!

On alarm since she knows how powerful it is, she held her son close. Hugging his head while she felt him shake some more..

M/N: It's okay son, relax. Just breath and calm down.

Y/N: How... they hurt her.

The room she was in, the door opened and out walked Kenji, Manual and Gran Torino walked out.

GranTorino: M/N, what's wrong?

M/N Shushed them and gestured with her head to the ticking time bomb that is Y/N

M/N: 4 people were just rushed in, injured and hurt. One of them was my sister...

Kenji: Who were the others?

M/N: Cementoss, Mt. Lady, and Tokoyami from my class

GranTorino: What? 3 more Pro Heros are injured?

Kenji: This can't be good, just when the hero killer is arrested we have another hero killer

: Sir! You might wanna see this!

One of the officers that joined Kenji called out to him, they all walked to the waiting room area. M/N was worried weather to join them or stay and keep Y/N from probably collapsing the entire hospital. But her sister's words told her that she had too,

M/N: Come along dear, I think it'll answer our questions.

They went to the waiting room where on the TV was a emergency message

Reporter: We have an urgent message to any and all Pro heros who see this. The police have just uncovered another Hero Hunter. This person who goes by Omega has been spotted in our city. As the name suggests, he hunts down Heros to beat leaves a symbol to mark that it was him

Reporter: Already there was 3 places where the number of heros there were beaten. We have no idea why he's doing this, for all we know he could he doing this for sport and further mo--

But it stopped because the TV screen literally cracked and exploded, making everyone duck for cover

Y/N: Sport? He's hurting people for sport!?

Manual: Is it just me or is it getting hard to breath.

He said as he passed out, next to follow was the officer who joined Kenji

Kenji: What's happening? There all falling to the ground

M/N: Y/N, please calm down

But he didn't listen, soon enough Kenji and Gran Torino fell victim to his Conquerors Haki and dropped unconscious

M/N: Y/N, please, stop and control yourself. Please

Y/N: No.... I can't. Until I find this Omega.
I'm going to kill him!

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