Who Will I Be?

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Sorry for taking so long, I released a new book. A fairy Tail x Erza book

Heh, Dog Aizawa looks Scary, Funny, and Cute

The whole Sports Tournament was incredibly fun for me, granted it wasn't very difficult but I still had a blast when I fough Tokoyami, Todoroki, and Bakugo.

After that, my mother invited Jiro over for dinner. I was constantly embarrassed whenever my Aunt would bring up a funny memory from long ago, like how I can't swim or a little joke about my father. Where even though his hero name was 'WhiteBeard', he never in his life had a beard so.... there's that.

But beyond that, it was a great night. My mother made my favorite, Spicy Curry. But during dinner, my mother and aunt would ask us embarrassing questions

" Did you two kiss already? "
" How'd you two fall for eachother? "
" Are you two gonna get married!? "
" How many children are you gonna have? "

The first one, they both saw us kiss already. The second one was obvious, we meet in class (Obviously) but i feel for her kind nature, smart and obviously beautiful looks. The third I was too embarrassed to even answer, what made it worse was Jiro's answer. Which was ' One Day ', jesus, she's one determined woman. And lastly, well... we didn't even register it.

Anyways, embarrassing moments aside, oh wait, more embarrassing was that my mother offered her to stay for the night. Which was okay by jiro since she called her parents.

Let's see.... the list continues... Oh! When it was time to sleep, jiro Asked to use the restroom, but my Aunt's mind gave her the 'wrong' room. So she ended up in my room

Present Time

M/N: Hello! You two awake? Well get up! You don't wanna be late!

I groggily opened my eyes, my brain beginning to function.

???: * Yawn * Well, better get up

I feel the bed shift as someone is trying to get up

Y/N: No, come back to bed dear

I pulled the body back into bed, wrapping my arms around it

Wait a minute....

I opened my eyes, slowly seeing Jiro's blushing face. My brain began to function normally

Y/N: Oh... sorry

I let go as we both got up, I checked myself, good, I still have my cloths on. As I stood up, I began to pick my clothes for the day

Jiro: Y/N

I stopped what I was doing to look at her, she didn't sleep in her school uniform, she was wearing one of my sweatpants and one of my shirts that had a picture of my father on it.

Y/N: Before you say anything, I gotta say you look hot in those cloths.

She blushes but played it off, as she got up

Jiro: You called me 'dear'

Y/N: Oh... that I did... please don't tell my mother, she'll never let it go

But the door suddenly bursted open, my mother walking in with a school uniform.

M/N: I heard everything~ Oh, your both talking like a married couple!

She gushed about it as I walked past her to the restroom where I took a quick shower and into my school uniform. Once I was done, I went back to my room, seeing m jiro in her school uniform and my longCoat on her shoulders

Jiro: Your mother took the liberty to wash my school clothes

Y/N: Good, it probably smelled of sweat from the Sports Tournament. Oh look at the time, we better hurry.

She nodded as we got our backpacks and walked towards the living room where my mother was waiting in her Hero Costume

M/N: You two ready?

We nodded as we both left the house and got in the car, she turned it on and we drove off to U.A

M/N: Jiro, I see your wearing my son's long Coat on your shoulders like my son does. And he let's you? He doesn't let anyone wear it, not even me

I chuckled nervously, It wasn't that I didn't trust her.

Jiro: Oh I know, he let's the girl's wear it only once and it was only for a few seconds. But he let's me wear it

M/N: Oh I know that, your the new exception~

Y/N: Mom!

I wined since she feeds off my embarrassment, but jiro made it better

Jiro: Well I'm glad I'm an exception, I also understand why its important. I noticed when you took it off when you fought Todoroki.

Y/N: I just don't want the mark to get damaged in the fight, it's my father's mark, more importantly, it's his pride.

My mother nodded, she heard that story hundreds of times before, jiro is the second, first being Iida why I care for this mark greatly.

During the drive, jiro leaned on my shoulder and I wrapped an arm around her, leaning my head on hers.

Y/N: Mom, your driving. Eyes on the road.

M/N: Tch, fine. I'm taking a photo of the both of you to save in the house, got it?

We both agreed, after a few minutes we arrived at the school in time.

M/N: Okay you two, today's an important day and you'll figure out why. I'll see you two after school

We both nodded as she looked towards the school, moved her hands to her front and formed light between her hands and...

M/N: Yata No Kagami

She started bouncing around and into the school

Jiro: Woah, what was that?

She said as I laced my arm around her waist and we began walking towards our class

Y/N: Well I can explain it, it's a special move she created when she was young. She said she formes light between her hands and shoots light off reflective surfaces. She then turns herself into light and transports herself using those reflection. That's how she can be in one place then another in literally second.

I explained and jiro was astonished

Jiro: Wow, that's really cool. No wonder her hero name is Ms. Sunlight

I nodded as we arrived at the room, I opened the door and we walked in.

Kaminari: There he is!

I saw Kaminari looked from his spot in the group.

Kirishima: Hey Y/N! Man you were insane!

I sighed as I knew what question they were gonna make, we walked in as the door closed.

Y/N: You can keep it on, just take care of it for me?

I said and she nodded, hugging me and thanking me for trusting her enough to hold it for me.

Y/N: Hey guys, what's going on?

But immediately Kaminari, Kirishima, and Mineta both were infront of me.

Mineta: How'd you score a hottie like Jiro! Tell me your secrets!

But I picked him up from the back of his uniform and brought him up to my eyes

Y/N: I'm a normal, charismatic, non perverted man.

Was all I said as I let him go and he dropped to the floor with a 'thud'. Kaminari and Kirishima both backed away, I signed

Y/N: Calm down, if it has something to do with Jiro then Yes, I'll kick your ass

Kaminari: O-oh, good to know!

Kirishima: Look, we just want to know how you can use fire too.

I looked at the clock, school was about to start and if your not in your seat when the bell rings. Your marked late!

( Stupid and real rule in school, I had my fair share of being late even If I'm in the classroom )

Y/N: How about we all sit down, I'll explain everything in a few minutes.

They agreed with that and we all sat in our seats, a minute later, the bell rang and Aizawa walked in.

Aizawa: Morning

Everyone: Good Morning

Aizawa walked up to his wooden podium in the front of the class and faced us

Aizawa: Today were going to have a special informatics class

For some reason, I feel the tension begin to grow?

Aizawa: Your going to be making your hero names


: Were going to do something awesome!!

I see most everyone standing up, hands in the air. All excited for this lesson. Huh, the tension is gone...

Nope... it's back... and there all sitting down in a split second... Wha? Aizawa let his hair flow down again

Aizawa: This is a Must if your going to be heros. And it's also related to the draft picks I mentioned the other day. The drafts were added in the second and 3rd years after students started to gain experience on the matter.

He took out a remote from his pocket and clicked it towards the blackboard

Aizawa: I'll explain everything in more detail at a later time, for now here's a list of recommendations from Pro Hero's who wish to take you in as a sidekick

Then a screen appeared, each showing a students name, followed by a number of recommendations

I was tied in first with Todoroki, bakugo was second, 3rd being Tokoyami and forth Iida and so on and so forth

Aizawa: It was spread out most of the time but this year, it's more focused on these 4

Kaminari: Holy jesus, look at those 3! Their like in a league of their own!

Y/N: Hm, your right. I wonder why?

Kirishima: Don't act so modest, it's because your father was whitebeard! Of course they'd recommend you!

Y/N: Eh, can't deny that.

Aizawa: Keep in mind, even if you don't see your names. You'll all be going with a pro hero, its mandatory. The people who weren't named will he given a list of pro heros who are willing to accept you as a sidekick

Midoriya: Oh, so it gives people like us a chance to be recognized or move up in the world

Aizawa: Sure, at the USJ incident, you've all had a pretty good idea of how it's like to face villans.

On instinct, my hand goes to my chest. Even when I unlocked my other quirk, just a reminder of that day makes the wound sting all over again.

Aizawa: I seemed to have brought a bad memory, have I Y/N?

My head shots up when I realise that the class was looking at me, I see jiro giving me a worrier look

Y/N: Yeah, you can say that.

Aizawa: This isn't my thing to say, but your mother is planning a little something

Y/N: Did she now? That doesn't surprise me anymore

Aizawa: Anyways, passing all this, these hero names are only temporary. But if your not serious about this...

But suddenly the door opened

???: You'll have hell to pay for later! Because hero names used by students will be recognized by society. And they'll soon be recognized as professional hero names

Everyone: Midnight!

Y/N: Aw Shit

Aizawa: What she said, anyways. Midnight here is going to be in charge of making sure your hero names are ok. I'm not allowed to do these types of things so I'll be taking a nap

He said, pulling out his yellow sleeping mag from under the table.

Aizawa: When you give yourself a name, your giving yourself an idea of what you'll be like in the future. Take ' All Might ' for example. A name that brings a sense of safety and justice. Or ' Whitebeard ' a name that brings a sense of pride or honor.

Kaminari: I'll say! I remember when we were getting attacked at USJ!

Kirishima: Oh yeah! The mention of Y/N being the son of whitebeard made most the villans take a few steps back!

I grew a bit shy, I haven't thought of it like that

Aizawa: Exactly, even in death. The name WhiteBeard still strikes fear into those who take up villainy

All this talk is already making me think up names, I know whitebeard was the name to go, but If I do. I'm sort of changing his own legacy and instead making it mine, I want no part of that. He deserves to be remember for who he is and his own unique Hero name.

No, Whitebeard isn't gonna be my Hero Name

I was then passed a little whiteboard with a black marker. For the next few minutes was in silence, just thinking up a hero name

Midnight: Alright, who wants to present their hero names first? How about you little nephew?

My head shot up, I wasn't ready

Y/N: I apologize, but I haven't thought of one yet

Midnight: Oh? I thought you were using your father's hero name?

Y/N: Yes Auntie, I know. But... I'll explain it when its my turn.

She nodded slowly, but not long after Aoyama went up first.

Aoyama: Hold your applause, my hero name will be ' Shining Hero: I can not stop twinkling! '


Y/N: Um.... Yay?

Midnight: I'm afraid that's too long, let's change a few words so it's instead ' Can't stop twinkling '

Aoyama: Ah, a beautiful Idea mademoiselle

Y/N: But...

Sero: That still counts?

Well, after him was Ashido

Ashido: I'll chose Alien Queen!

Midnight: Not from that movie of Aliens spitting acid! Chose again!

Ashido sulked back to her seat, I think that was my fault.

FlashBack Start

LittleY/N: Hey Auntie, let's see this movie!

I hold up a little DVD that said... something, I was alone in the house while my parents were going out on a date. My Aunt was here to take care of me

AuntieNemuri: Hmm, ' Aliens Vs Predator '. Why not? Your old enough to see action movies.

I cheered as she placed the DVD on the disk player and turned it on, I then sat down next to my aunt with a bowl of popcorn between us

AuntNemuri: Now Y/N, it's just a movie ok? Nothing is real and the aliens are fake, got it?

LittleY/N: Got it

After The Movie

The movie was nearing the end, but... It was incredible! I was having the time of my life from all the scenes. It didn't scare me one bit, I think my favorite are the predators! With their claws and ways of speaking like am elite from The Halo Series.

I look to right, seeing a blanket over my Aunt, it was quivering

AuntNemuri: I-is it over?

LittleY/N: Yeah, it was awsome! But why are you under a blanket? Are you cold?

But she got up, composing herself again

AuntNemuri: * Clears Throat * What? Yes, it was getting a bit chilly

She walked over to turn it off but just when I thought it was the end

AuntNemuri: Aahh!

LittleY/N: Woah! You know what this means Auntie!...... Auntie?

I turned around to see her under the blanket again. Was she scared? Oh now I feel bad. I turned off the DVD player and turned to regular news TV

LittleY/N: Auntie? It's over for real, I turned it to the news

I walked over and gently pulled the covers off her, seeing her on the couch covering her eyes with her hands. She stopped and looked

AuntieNemuri: E-eh? What? Oh its finally over? * Laughs Nervously *

LittleY/N: Auntie, were you scared?

AuntNemuri: Oh okay, yes, I mean a little. Just...don't tell your father, please?

I laughed a little but sure

LittleY/N: I promise Auntie, I'll protect you from any scary aliens

She smiled as she trapped me in a tight hug

AuntNemuri: Aw~ thank you thank you thank you! I feel safer already

But suddenly the door pops opens, my parent were home

M/N: Were back!

AuntNemuri: Aahh!

FlashBack End

Y/N: Um.....Whoops, Sorry Ashido, and Auntie

Asui: Ribbit, I'd like to go next if that's okay

Midnight: Go right ahead dear

Y/N: Wonder what her name will be

Kirishima: You and me both

As she made it to for front, she placed the white board

Asui: Rainy Day Hero: Froppy

Aww, that sounds adorable. And better then Alien queen

Midnight: It sounds so Kawaii! Makes you sound easy to get to know! I love it!

It was a big improvement from the previous 2

Midnight: Alright who's next? Y/N?

Y/N: Fine, guess I better get over it.

I walked to the front, passing Jiro who have me a confident smile and I returned it. I waited behind the podium before turning my whiteboard

Y/N: I chose this ' The Quaking Hero: WhiteHair '

( Guess which pirate crew from One Piece is this name similar to )

The class was confused, even my Aunt gave me an odd look

Kaminari: WhiteHair? Why?

Kirishima: Yeah, I thought you were gonna choose whitebeard?

Y/N: Heh, well I'll tell you guys. I looked up to my father, in my eyes, he literally was my idol and hero. And I vowed to be like him when I grew up, but that's when the incident happened

I said those last words, and the class went silent. Jiro was giving me a look like I was going through a depression, my Aunt looked more worried

Midnight: You don't have to explain it dear, everyone knows

Y/N: Yeah I know, but... if my father was alive and he retired. Then yes, I'd chose Whitebeard as my hero name hands down. But he's gone, and all that remains is the name whitebeard. If I chose that name, then my father will be forgotten and in its place, me. No, I'd hate that. My fathers gone, and the name whitebeard is his legacy, no. WhiteHair will be my name, and I'll make it a name to be feared by villans and honored by heros my own way.

Midnight: Oh Y/N, I understand. It's an excellent hero name. It actually suits you with your white hair.

She said as she combed her fingers through my hair, but then I realized. Were making a scene

Y/N: Um... Auntie? What are you doing?

She figured it out quickly and pulled her hand back

Midnight: Oh, right. Sorry, * Clears Throat * Okay who's next?

I walked back to my seat and sat down, but I hear a faint 'pst'

Looking to my right, I see Kirishima giving me a concerned look

Kirishima: You okay man? That was really manly, what you did. I understand the reason, but are you really ok with it?

He said as I chuckled, pulling out a photo from my wallet. The photo had my father, holding me on his shoulders. My mother on his right and my aunt on left. We were all facing the camera with wide grins and smiles as we all did a Peace Sign at the Camera

Y/N: Yeah man, I'm ok with it.

Father: The name WhiteHair will strike fear into your enemies!!

I love you WhiteBeard! You'll always be the best in my eyes!!! And The world's strongest man in my heart!!!

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