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Lance's P.O.V.

After we rescued Shiro the black lion refuses him forcing Keith to still pilot both the black and red lion. Ever since then Keith has been keeping his distance from us all especially the black lion. Spending more and more time with the blade of Marmora. Everyone knows that I have a crush on Keith. Which is why I'm slightly upset that I never get to see him.

But today is a good day because Keith has just finished a mission with the blade. Hearing their ship dock I run over to the loading bay. When I get there i find Keith talking to a galra with a reptilian tail I think his name is Regris. Noticing me his mask disappears as he pulls his hood down. Revealing the small scratches on his face. Regris swats Keith in the back of his head light with his tail. Keith glares at him before heading over to me. "Hey Lance."

"Hey Keith."

That's when I notice something different about Keith. He was ever, so slightly taller then me. Which is odd because I was taller then Keith by 6 inches. Now he stands at least three inches over me. "Wow did you hit a growth spurt or something."

"What oh yeah something like that."

Tugging at the collar of his Marmora armor he gives me a small rare smile. "Hey lance do you know where Shiro is? I need to talk to him."

"I think he is in the training room."

Together we head off the the training room bickering like always. Finding Shiro in the training room Keith tells the program to stop. Shiro is about to grumble at us until he sees that its Keith and a smile appears on his face. After entering the training area Keith is pulled into a tight hug. When he finally lets go of Keith he realizes the same thing I did. "What is the blade feeding you you've grown."

"Actually Shiro we didn't come here to relax we have a another mission, but there's something Kolivan, Regris, and I need to talk to you and Allura about in private before we leave."

He glances at me and it makes my heart break ever, so slightly. 'What could he want to tell Shiro that he doesn't want me to know about? Doesn't he trust me?'

"Of course Keith."

I watch them as they leave with Regris and Kolivan quickly joining behind them.

Keith's P.O.V.

I walk around our ship nervously as we head to the castle of lions. Tugging at my Marmora armor hoping non of the spots show. That is until Regris hits me with his whip of a tail. "Ow what the hell Regris that hurt."

"Well then stop pacing and messing with your armor it covers every inch of your body."

"Regris is right Keith you need to relax."

"I don't even think this is why he is nervous I think its because someone can't wait to see a certain blue palladian."

Blushing under my mask I growl at him confirming his suspicions. While Kolivan on the other hand raises an eyebrow at us. Shaking his head he turns back to the controls muttering something about us acting like cubs. When we dock Regris and I head off the ship. "So are you excited to see your mate?"

I am glad that my mask is still on, so that Regris can't see the blush covering my face. "He's not my mate."

Hearing footsteps I turn to see Lance making his way over to us. Letting my mask disappear I pull down my hood praying that non of the purple splotches on my skin can be seen. Regris hits me lightly in the back of my head with his tail as he says. "He may not be your mate now, but he will be someday."

Glaring at him a growl and him quietly, so Lance can't hear it. Walking over to him I pray he doesn't notice the changes. "Hey Lance."

"Hey Keith."

When his eyes widen slightly I knew he noticed. Though I guess it wouldn't be hard to notice the change in my height. Since I had always been several inches shorter then lance I am now a couple inches taller than him. "Wow did you hit a growth spurt or something."

Nervous I tug slightly at the sleeves of my Marmora armor. "What oh yeah something like that."

My hand go to my collar pulling up slightly just in case any of the splotches were showing. Giving Lance a small smile it seems to distract him from my sudden growth in height. "Hey lance do you know where Shiro is? I need to talk to him."

"I think he is in the training room."

With Lance beside me we head over to the training room. While we bicker like we normally do. When we find Shiro he is training with the bots on level 20. Noticing a bot sneaking up behind him I shout. "End training."

The bots stop and head back to their storage area. Shiro turns around and as soon as he sees me a smile appears on his face. Sliding down into the training zone I walk over to him to get trapped in a bone crushing hug. When he finally lets go I try to catch my breath at he notices my new height difference. "What is the blade feeding you you've grown."

"Actually Shiro we didn't come here to relax we have a another mission, but there's something Kolivan, Regris, and I need to talk to you and Allura about in private before we leave."

Glancing at Lance I notice the small look of hurt on his face. I hate that he thinks that I don't trust him, but this is something I'm not ready for him to know about. "Of course Keith."

Leaving Lance behind I follow Shiro with Kolivan and Regris quickly falling behind us. Finding Allura in the control room Shiro tells her what I told him. Deciding to head somewhere private we head to my room. As the door closes behind us I make sure it is locked not wanting anyone to barge in. "Ok you have got us all gathered here what is it you wanted to tell us?"

Looking towards Kolivan he lets out a sigh while I start pacing. "About a two weeks ago we started noticing changes in Keith such as his sudden growth in height. Which is unusual, so we had him examined. That's when we found the other physical changes."

Turning to look at my Regris wraps his tail around my wrist to stop my pacing. "Keith get it over with and show them."

Shiro and Allura both look at me concern and worry shining in both their eyes. "Keith what is it that you need to show us?"

Taking a deep breath I start to remove the Marmora armor covering my torso. Handing the armor to Regris my hands then go to the dark grey long sleeve shirt I have on underneath it. Pulling it off I reveal the purple furry splotches on my skin. "What's happening to him?"

"Is he going to be okay?"

I give them both a small reassuring smile as they both express their concern. "He is going to be fine. As for what's happening to him well he is physically turning into a galra."

"Turns out I'm not actually half galra, but full galra."

They both look at me in shock. "Then how..."

"How do I look human and end up on earth I have no clue."

"Okay well I don't care full galra half galra or no galra you are still like a brother to me Keith and nothing will change that."

Pulling me into a tight hug making all my fear of rejection disappear. Wrapping my arms around him I hug him back tightly surprising him with my new found strength.

Lance's P.O.V.

Walking down the hall I stop when I hear voices coming from Keith's room. "... half galra or no galra you are still like a brother to me Keith and nothing will change that."

'What could Shiro mean by that? What could Keith of told Shiro to make him say that.'

Hearing the door to Keith's room unlock I race down the hallway. When I reach then end of the has I slow back down to a walk as I hear there foot step echo towards me. Jumping onto the sofa I act like I have been there for a while as they enter the room. I notice Keith adjusting his armor as if he has just put it on. Rising from the sofa I greet them. Everyine greets me while Keith on the other hand stretches out with exhaustion.

Regris' tail touches Keith's shoulder getting his attention. With only a look it seems they to have a whole conversation. Keith bares his teeth and growls at Regris. Making the reptilian like galra chuckle. Though I notice looks passed between Kolivan, Shrio, and Allura which makes me start to think. 'Since when did Keith bare his teeth and growl at people.'

"Alright alright play nice you two. You're both acting like cubs."

Regris' tail flickers as he hits Keith in the arm with his tail. Making Keith elbow Regris in the side. Rolling his eyes Kolivan shakes his head. "Okay that's it."

Grabbing Keith he throws him over his shoulder. While he lifts Regris off his feet with surprising ease. "Alright lets go training room now."

"Kolivan let us go."

While Shiro and Allura chuckle finding this funny I can't help, but feel I twinge of jealousy. He seems, so close with Kolivan and Regris. Making me feel slightly forgotten. "No we are going to the training room."

"I can walk there myself we both can."

"No without getting into a tussle you can't."

As Kolivan walks off with the two still in his arms. Watching them walk down to the training room I then head over to Shiro. Shiro notices the look on my face. Placing his hand on my shoulder he gives me a small smile. "What's bothering you Lance?"

"Its... Just... Well..."

"You miss him don't you?"

"Yes its just that he's been gone for a while, but now he's going to be leaving again."

"Don't you think it would make things easier of you just told him about your feelings towards him."

My face becoming a dark red with blush I shake my head variously. "No I... I... I couldn't I..."

My blush some how managing to become a deeper shade of red. Chuckling Shiro shakes his head, but doesn't push it. While he heads off to his room. Allura on the other hand heads down the path to the training room. Deciding to follow her I quickly run after her to catch up. Stopping at the training area with her we watch as Keith and Regris train under Kolivan's watchful eyes.

I can't help, but be at awe at how much Keith's fighting style has changed since he's been with the blade. Before his fighting use to be blunt, aggressive, random, and wild. But now his fighting style is smooth and accurate. It now seems controlled and perfectly planned. No longer full of the aggression it use to be.

Watching them fight is like watch the two of them in some kind of a dance. It is elegant yet deadly as they clash blades. Using his tail he wraps it around Keith's ankle pulling his leg out from underneath him. Keith falls to the ground. Regris pins him to the ground both panting heavily. Getting jealous I let out a huff crossing my arms over my chest.

Struggling against Regris he manages to flip him. Pressing his blade again Regris' throat he grins. Though it quickly vanishes when he notices the tip Regris' blade pressed against his side. That's when the symbol on their blades start glowing purple. The two of them pull away from each other I watch as Keith's sword shrinks back to a dagger. "Keith Regris it seems we are getting sent on our mission early."

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