Chapter 2 new friends and enemies

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Nebula was having a nightmare. Logicly she new that nothing would hurt her, but that didn't stop her heart from pounding and her adrenaline from serging, and there was nothing she wanted more then to WAKE UP but she couldn't seem too. All she could do was sit and watch. Watch as her best friend slowly transformed into a monster.

Pyrosome was standing there chained to the floor, his scales were slowly changing to black like someone was dripping black ink all over him, he turned to her and let out an agonising cry as the black over took the last of his oceany green scales. he's ever worried eyes staring at her before they slowly started to glow red and there he was, no longer the sweet and shy seawing but a giant Nightwing with glowing red eyes and a cruel smirk marring his face.

A worried frown slipped on her face as she drifted into a deeper sleep...

~~~~~~some time later~~~~~~

Nebula looked around the library sighed, what was that thing that thing that Pyrosome said? It almost sounded like a-a prophecy? Nonono It couldn't be that. Only Nightwing's could see into the future and nebula knew that Pyrosome definitely wasn't one! right? nonono thinking like that would only stress her out more, she glanced at the sweet faced mudwing sitting behind the desk who had given her her scroll stamp and sighed again. she didn't even get to meet starflight! Uuuugh this day was turning out to be horrible! She placed the scroll she was reading back in the cubby and begane to exit the library. Maybe she could find the the music room and meet some dragons there? she had just thought that thought when BAM! she crashed into a orange/red skywing 

"Ouch! what was that for you lizard brain!!" she snarled at Nebula. (A/N: i just realized that Fallen is kinda like Carmilian......... woops...) then she flicked her tail angrily and stalked into the library. She avoided the mudwing at the desk and made her way towards the back of library snatching a scroll as she went. She sat down underneath one of the windows and proceeded to stare at the scroll in her hands. 

It looked to Nebula like she was trying to scare the scroll into submission, and deciding not to bother her more Nebula went on her way.

~~~~~~~~Fallen's pov~~~~~~~

Fallen didn't know why she decided to come to this stupid library In the first place! It wasn't like she could even read anyway. She glanced up and saw that STUPID seawing who had bumped into her, and gave said seawing a death glare while snorting smoke into the air.

"OUT!" A cry startled all the dragons in the library as the 'quiet' mudwing at the desk snarled the word so loudly Fallen was scared that the leaf windows would break. "OUT!" she hissed again staring straight at Fallen. "No smoke in the library! ok?" she said a little calmer now.

"Oh umm sure yeah O-ok I'll-umm leave now" Fallen hurried out of the library with all eyes fixed on her yep this day was going just great she thought as she hurried along just great.

Fallen then checked her cave to see if any of her clawmates were there, and saw a Nightwing and a strange looking Sandwing, maybe a hybrid? Fallen couldn't tell. the Sand wing saw her and turned away with a snort.

"Oh great! I have to share a cave with a Skywing! Could this day get ANY WORSE!" she yelled looking up at their cave walls. "I'm leaving to complain to the  CAMEL BRAINED TOAD WHO DECIDED TO CAVE ME WITH A SKYWING!" She yelled on her way out.

The NightWing winced and said "don't mind her she had an incident with SkyWings, one SkyWing is particular."

"Oh?" Fallen said hoping for more details.

"I'm not the one to tell you." she said glancing at the floor "I'm Silverscales by the way!" she smiled.

"I'm Fallen" Fallen smiled politely as she turned to leave "I'm going to the prey center, see you later sometime!" she walked out the door with a flick of her tail.

~~~~~Flower's pov~~~~~

Flower smiled at her claw-mate Pluto, he is actually really nice and smart. When she first met him he looked SO boring but after talking to him for a bit it was clear to her that he's not boring at all! they were currently exploring the school together Trying to find all the secret caves, tunnels and what-have-yous 

"And that's kinda how the circles work" Pluto finished smiling at her.

"Thats so cool! but not the best system ever, wouldn't It just cause a bunch of angry revenge seeking IceWings who feel that they should be in a higher circle? and IceWings who feel that they are better than everyone else?" Flower questioned.

"Heh, yeah umm it does actually cause that hehe" Pluto winced "SOOO WHAT ABOUD MUDWING STUFF TELL ME THE MUDWING STUFF!"he said loudly, the dragons in the hallway next to them gave him a strange look.

"Do you wan't to hear about Mudwing siblings?"

"Yeah!! I've never really understood how dragons can be that close to each other, I't unheard of in the Ice kingdom" he said with a flick of his icy blue tail.

"well yeah! that's because you're 'rankings' are turning lovely young dragonets into angsty hate machines!" She clipped his head with her wings "Do I have to nock some sense into you or what?"

"Weren't you telling me about mudwing stuff." he gave her a dry look "or do you wan't to keep talking about how my society is LITERAL TRASH" he said pouting.

"Fine, fine" Flower relented giggling (Author's note:I am really sorry If I got you'r characters personality wrong buuuuuut I think I kinda ship Flower and Pluto heuheuheueuheuheuheuheu also my Pluto has no relation to Starry-nebula's Pluto)


"And the only sibling that goes here is my brother Brook! he's such a sweet heart!" Flower finished as they rounded a corner and found themselves in a large cavern, (about five fully grown dragons could fly around in there comfortably) a few steps ahead of them was a glassy lake reflecting the cloudy sky which was visible through several large skylights on the ceiling."Oh wow." Flower said speechless, "This place is so beautiful!!"

"Really?" Pluto said wrinkling his snout "it's just some lake in a cave?"

"UUGH typical IceWing behavior" Flower sighed "Just like one not to appreciate the beauty all around them!" she gestured around with her wings. "Just look at how the lake perfectly reflects the sky! can't you smell the rain the air!" (AN:OMG WHEN I WAS TYPING THIS IT GOT AUTO CORRECTED FROM RAIN TO RAISEN XD *WEEZE*)She gave him a smile "moments like these are when I'm sooo glad I learned how to paint! how to capture this beauty and keep It forever, in the form of a painting!"

"Wow, th-that's really inspiring" he said giving her an admiring glance (AN: YEP IT'S OFFICIAL........I'M SHIPPING IT. friend who's helping me write this: *sighhhh face palm*)

"aww thanks" Flower smiled at him sweetly. "well anyway, I think we should head back to our sleeping cave! see you around!"

"Bye" They both walked toward their sleeping caves excited for tomorrow, and all the new people they'd meet!

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