What A Day

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Your POV
I walked around with my best friend Lisanna.
We just finished our third cheer practice.
We got to the locker room.
I fixed my hair, changed my clothes, and slipped on my Fairy Tail High Cheer jacket.
On the left had my monagram, and the right had the fairy tail emblem.

I'll be honest.
I hate cheer.
I don't like being the second most popular girl in school.
I don't like not being in the action.

But I can't leave.
For Lisanna's sake.
We've been with eachother since my foster parents took Wendy and I in.

When were older being popular, it won't matter.
Just the friends you make.
The only close friends I have is the cheer team.
We taunt the basketball players.
Lisanna words it as making them want us.

It's disgusting.
We stared walking to the cafeteria.
"Your really quiet." Lisanna said.
"Just as quiet as you are," I added.
"Oh please n/n, (nickname) I'm fabulously loud," she said.
"That made no sense." I said.

We sat at our table.
"Hey Mira! Evergreen! Cana!" I said sitting down.

"So y/n~ any boyfriend yet~?" Cana asked wiggling her eyebrows.
I rolled my eyes.

"No, no boyfriend, the only thing I'm focused on is not getting killed when you and Mira throw me in the air." I said looking down at my short body.
"Well your the smallest on the team." Mira giggled.
"You know what." Lisanna said.
"Oh no~." I said facpalming.
"You know what I want?" She asked.
"Fabulous," we all groaned.
"That's right~!" She said.
I pressed the play button on my phone.
Everyone grew quiet.
Y/n=side ways XD
Everyone= underline

"It's out with the old and in with the new
Goodbye clouds of gray, hello skies of blue
A dip in the pool, a trip to the spa
Endless days in my chaise
The whole world according to moi

Excuse me?
Thank you

Iced tea imported from England
Lifeguards imported from Spain
Towels imported from Turkey
And turkey imported from Maine

We're gonna relax and renew
You go do

I want fabulous, that is my simple request
All things fabulous, bigger and better and best
I need something inspiring to help me get along
I need a little fabulous, is that so wrong?

Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops
Where is my pink Prada tote?
I need my Tiffany hairband
And then I can go for a float

Summer like never before
I want more

She wants fabulous, that is her simple request
All things fabulous, bigger and better and best
She needs something inspiring to help her get along
She needs a little fabulous, is that so wrong?

Fabulous pool, fabulous splash
Fabulous parties even fabulous trash
Fabulous fashion, fabulous bling
She's got to have fabulous everything

Nothing to discuss
Everything's got to be perfect for me

She wants fabulous, that is her simple request
All things fabulous, bigger and better and best
She needs something inspiring to help her get along
She needs a little fabulous, is that so wrong?

This won't do, that's a bore
That's insulting, I need more
I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need
I need fabulous

Give me fabulous hair, fabulous style
Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile
Oh, I like what I see, I like it a lot
Is this absolutely fabulous? Absolutely not"
Natsu's POV
Lisanna's so annoying!
She makes herself a big deal everyday!
Oh my goodness!
I just want y/n to talk to me!
She's way too cool for me.
Even though I'm the most popular guy in school.
*mentally flips hair*
Damn what am I saying.
I'll talk to her.
Erza's POV
Jellal and I walked into the cafe.
"The cheerleaders are at it again." Jellal said.
"Well of course, have you met their captain?" I asked.
"why do we have to be the student council?" Jellal asked.
"Because someone needs to do it silly!" I said.

Lucy's POV
Oh how badly do I want to be a cheerleader!
I have the body for it!
But levy won't even considering going into the gym to try out with me!
I'm stuck being the second most nerdiest girl in school.
Loke will never notice me this way.
Juvia's POV
"Gray~sama, your cheerleader is right here." Juvia said.
"Your not on competition though Juvia." Gray~sama said.
"S-so!" I said.
My boyfriend is a pain.
But I still love him dearly.
Everyone's POV

This took a long time!
Thank you all who followed!
If you don't follow AGKraftyGamer2257 my main account, then this is why I sign out with AG, pretty much everyone does follow my other account though!

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