3 ~ Code Red

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Infinite has updated their status:

"What have I done?"

— —

<Infinite, EdgyHedgy and ByeInnocence has entered the chat room>

EdgyHedgy: What happened this time?

Infinite: ...

<ByeInnocence has changed their username to RamenLord>

RamenLord: read the messages up above :3

EdgyHedgy: I did. So what the hell happened?

Infinite: 😒🖕🏼

EdgyHedgy: Hello?? Are you functioning?

RamenLord: I think that's a pretty good impression of functionality 😅

<Blaze has entered the chat room>

RamenLord: heya Blaze! :D

Blaze: Hello.

RamenLord: weird request, but can u try using emojis? It's hard to tell wut emotions ur feeling 😅

EdgyHedgy: Sonic's nervous around the princess. :)

RamenLord: since when do u make smiley faces??!

EdgyHedgy: :)

RamenLord: stop that T_T it's so out of character

Blaze: :)

Blaze: Did I do it correctly?

RamenLord: yes :)

Infinite: -_-

Blaze: Wait... did I miss something? The messages up ahead seem very... incriminating. 😅

Infinite: YES YOU DID.

RamenLord: bruh, you good there?


Blaze: Wait, what?

EdgyHedgy: You're still over there?

RamenLord: yea :3

Infinite: He hasn't left. 😤😒

Blaze: I must read the messages up above, I'll be back.

RamenLord: I'LL BE BACK

Infinite: Don't change the subject, rat.

RamenLord: oof

EdgyHedgy: Why haven't you left his house? What are you doing over there? =)

Infinite: ...


Infinite: If you repeat that string of words again and include that damned Chara smile again, I will bring down the enitire fucking wrath of the armed forces upon your alien ass.

EdgyHedgy: Oh~! I know how to annoy the edgy boi now =)

RamenLord: Shads, maybe u shouldn't piss him off we need to shoot another scene with him later, it'll be awkward

EdgyHedgy: Nah, it won't. =)

Blaze: I read everything... stalking someone is wrong, but I argree with what Sonic is saying right now.

EdgyHedgy: It'll be all good, feline. It's all good fun, right Infinite? =)

Infinite: ...

Infinite: Fuck you.

EdgyHedgy: Exactly, fun and games. After all, we know how much he loves fun and games, especially with Sonic over there with you. :)

Blaze: ...This is getting uncomfortable.

RamenLord: the only good thing in that sentence is that he didn't use the Chara smile

Infinite: Silence, thot.

RamenLord: 0.0

Infinite: In fact...

EdgyHedgy: Finish that sentece, jackal, I dare you. =)


RamenLord: did you take some pills from some shady dude in an ally or something

Blaze: Why is Infinite taking so long?

RamenLord: I dunno. I see him in the kitchen, he's still on his phone

Blaze: You can see him?

RamenLord: yea, I'm on his couch with my feet up >:3

Blaze: Don't you think you're inclosing on his personal space?

RamenLord: Nah

Blaze: Were you even invited inside?

RamenLord: he opened the door, that was enough

EdgyHedgy: ... you really need to learn proper house manners.

RamenLord: and ur the embodiment of politeness? -_-

EdgyHedgy: Yes.

Blaze: ... No.

RamenLord: oh god, Infinite's staring at me from the kitchen...

EdgyHedgy: Ha.

RamenLord: oh no, he laughed

EdgyHedgy: What.

Blaze: I don't understand.

<Velocity has entered the chat room>

RamenLord: he LAUGHED

EdgyHedgy: Code red, everyone, to your safe rooms.

Blaze: Are you being serious? I can't tell if this is a joke.

EdgyHedgy: I have never been more serious.

RamenLord: last time he was like this was when we were recording Maria's death scene 😅😳

EdgyHedgy: Take cover in a closet. Execute all tornado protocols now.

Blaze: I know Infinite is serious, even outside of shooting, but is a laugh that serious?

Velocity: What in the actual fuck have I walked into?

EdgyHedgy: NOW.

RamenLord: he's smiling at me... I'm scured 😳

— —

Sonic quickly jumps up from the couch, making a dash for the door with his phone nearly slipping out of his fingers. His heart was racing, he wasn't sure if he should be afraid that Infinite was about to do something extreme or if he should burst into laughter at the severity being taken in the situation.

   Before Sonic could get his hand around the doorknob, an arm reaches out in front of him. The hedgehog skirts to a stop before hitting the limb. His eyes slowly trail up the arm, to Infinite's face. His mask was off since they weren't at the recording studio, Infinite's sharp fangs were shown in a devilish smile.

   Sonic laughs nervously, hands sweating. "H-hey, bro," he said.

   Infinite raised his phone up so Sonic could see. The jackal's mismatched eyes look to his screen, his thumb was over a button.

   "Wait! Let's not go to any drastic measures," Sonic snickering slightly at the words coming out of his mouth. But at the same time, he meant them. Infinite was an incredibly talented actor, he could be very scary when he is able to switch personalities with such ease. Sonic couldn't help but think that was what he was doing right now.

   Infinite pushes Sonic to the ground with a slight thud.

   Infinite holds the phone high in the air, as if it was the switch the set off an arsenal of missiles or nuclear weaponry.

   Blue and yellow eyes stare down at Sonic, Infinite pressed his thumb down on the screen.

   "Oh shit." Sonic quickly looks down at his own phone, waiting for whatever has been released to load through the chat.

— —


EdgyHedgy: That damned jackal got to him first...

EdgyHedgy: ... I couldn't save him in time.

Velocity: T_T Would you have actually "saved" him if given the option?

EdgyHedgy: Probably not.

Infinite: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Metropolis, and I have over 3000 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire Mobian armed forces.

Velocity: Oh... no.

Infinite: You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

EdgyHedgy: Holy lord, Jesus Christ XD

Infinite: You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker.

RamenLord: XD i caant'

Infinite: As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Mobius and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the GUN Agency and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit.

Velocity: Damn it, I'm laughing! XD

Blaze: I can't believe THIS is what you were taking so long to type. 🤣

EdgyHedgy: Stop, this is actually funny!

Infinite: If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot.

RamenLord: ommagod

Velocity: FINSIH HIM.

EdgyHedgy: No, don't. Plz, have mercy on a fellow mEmElOrD. 😂

Infinite: I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

RamenLord: I cannn t ev n

Blaze: >0<

Velocity: Why did you do this? XD He copied the copypasta.

EdgyHedgy: That was actually amazing. 😂

Infinite: Apology accepted. :)

EdgyHedgy: Wait, no! That's not what I meant.

RamenLord has updated their status:

"I can't breathe XDD"

EdgyHedgy: Well that's a problem, isn't it?

Infinite: Unfortunate collateral damage in these dark times.

RamenLord: WUT?! 😂

Velocity: Speaking of dark times, we're supposed to be at the studio in thirty minutes.

Blaze: Right. Sonic, are you okay?

RamenLord: I will be when Infinite stops staring at me while I laugh XD it makes me laugh more 🤣🤣

Infinite: Then leave my house. T_T

RamenLord: nu :3

Infinite: . . .

EdgyHedgy: Speaking of which, Infinite tried ramen right? How'd that turn out?

RamenLord: he ate it slowly while curled up in the corner XD

Infinite: Silence, bitch boi!

RamenLord: he lp m eh83rhVKE9WQ=WSP[DL

Blaze: ;-; Sonic?

Velocity: Should I go check on them? I live close to them.

EdgyHedgy: No shit, we all live in the same neighborhood for filming. -_-

Velocity: -_-

EdgyHedgy: Also, I live right next to them too.

Blaze: I sort of wish I lived closer, now.

EdgyHedgy: Nothing you can do, it's the alphabeticalization of our last names that should be blamed.

Velocity: I need a ride to the studio, so I'm gonna to Infinite's house anyway.

Blaze: I will go with you. :)

Velocity: :)

EdgyHedgy: I'm going with you, we can all carpool together :)

Velocity: Yay?

EdgyHedgy: Yay.

EdgyHedgy: Now, I must the most important question when we get there.

Blaze: What is it?

EdgyHedgy: Whether or not Infinite LIKED the ramen.

Blaze: Wow, that's actually a good one XD.

EdgyHedgy: I know. :)

<EdgyHedgy has logged off>

Velocity: Well... see you there Blaze.

Blaze: Okay.

Velocity: Wait, quick question.

Blaze: Yes? Ask away :)

Velocity: Don't you ever wish you were filming with us? I know you're helping direct and stuff, that's amazing by the way, but you're really good at acting too. Don't you ever wish you were in "the war" with us? XD

Blaze: Sometimes, yes. But I don't want to include myself in the scenes AND be a director, I feel like that would be abusing my power ;~; . Also, it's worth it to be able to make all the acting perfect, though I do feel like I may be a but controlling at times.

Blaze: Also, thank you for the compliment. But like I said, directing is fun too, I get to watch you amazing people bring the script to life and I have to ability to edit to make sure it's perfect.

Velocity: No problem. Also, don't worry, you're not too controlling. You instruct us to make us better, but it's not too exteme. You're my favourite director. :D

Blaze: Thank you. 😁

Blaze: Oh, Shadow's knocking on my door. See you in the "carpool".

Velocity: See ya.

<Blaze and Velocity has logged off>

— —

... Did Infinite enjoy the ramen? Will the scenes go as planned or will there be fuck-ups?! WILL I STOP THESE ANNOYING QUESTIONS?!

... Never.

Also, there's a tag for the book that says "bloopers" T_T, so of course there's gonna be fucking bloopers.


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