9 ~ Chronic and the Pills

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The facility was only adequately lit, and bars were everywhere.

   Sonic sits in a cell, his hands and feet were restrained by cuffs made of light. He glanced around, jiggling his foot with impatience. Being kept there in one space was unbearable for the hero, but unfortunately he had to grow accustomed to it.

   Sonic's eyes look to the door. A tall, hulking red and black figure opened the door.

   It was Zavok, the one who was going to lead him to his so called "execution" after a few days of being forced to stay awake to witness the end of the world.

   "This is the end, Sonic," Zavok declares.

   Sonic stares, unamused, unknowing of where he is going to be taken. "Oh hey, sounds like the party's started. Want to let me go and join in?" Sonic was talking really fast. It seemed like he was being a smartass but it seemed like he was nervous, perhaps the thought that the giant creature was going to torture him again.

   "No? Of course not, you hate fun."

   Zavok stares, processing Sonic's quickly spoken words as the alarms rang, sirens flashing red.

   The cuffs around Sonic's hands vanish, he rubs his sore wrists.

   "The end, huh?" The blue hedgehog smirks before taking a few unbalanced steps towards Zavok. "Let's see you try something now that I'm free."

   Zavok stares down at the weakened and bruised Mobian before him mockingly.

   "Foolish hedgehog," he raises on of his his clawed hands threateningly. "Getting out of your chains does not make you free."

   Zavok stares for a delayed second. "Wait..."

   Sonic immediately burst into laughter. That line alone was hard to keep a straight face with for some reason, let alone with Zavok's hesitation.

   Zavok turns to the camera crew. "Is this right? That's the line I say?" He asks, chuckling with uncertainty.

   One of the crew members were holding a stack of papers, they nodded with a chuckle. "Y-yep, that's the line."

   Zavok exits the cell, shutting the door again while the sirens were turned off, resetting the scene.

   "I can't believe this shit," he mutters.

   Sonic chuckled again one more time before they redid the scene again. They did just fine, delivering the lines perfectly, same as they did on the first take.

   But then that very same line was said again.

   "Foolish hedgehog. Getting out of your chains does not make you free," Sonic held his breath. "Now come and face the inevitable!"

   Sonic took a step, ready to dash towards him, but he just couldn't. He burst out wheezing again, pressing his hands on his knees.

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said between laughs.

   With a grin still on his face, Sonic quickly collects himself and runs behind Zavok.

   "The only thing inevitable here is my mom fucking your butt."

   This was what broke Zavok, he couldn't keep in character either anymore. Still chuckling, he charges at Sonic.

   "You fucking wish, Dickhog!" Zavok nearly toppled onto the floor, body unbalanced with laughter. Sonic quickly moved out of the large figures way before falling onto the floor, clutching his stomach.

   "Cut," someone snorts before giggling from behind the camera. "I'm so gonna enjoy looking back at these bloopers when this process is done."

   "Me too, buddy," Sonic grins.

. . .

Luckily third time was the charm. They got that and the fight scene done today. Next they had to do the post-battle cut. Due to the bad weather and the power coming on and off in the studio, Sonic and the rest of the crew or few cast members were sent home.

   Sonic grabs his coat and backpack from his locker. He feels a vibration from his pocket. With curiosity, Sonic grabs his phone and sees new messages.

Hey when you're done filming let me know so I can get you a ride :) You forgot your wallet

   Sonic smiled, that was three hours ago from Silver. It was amazing now kind be was to everyone. Well, most of the cast were very nice people but everyone had their bitchy moments. Silver had the least though.

   Call me when you can, we're having a big order-in dinner! 😂

   That was thirty seconds ago. From Silver again.

   Sonic pressed on the message, which takes him to the text history between the two hedgehogs. Sonic then presses on Silver's contact and then called him.

   It dialled for a few seconds before Silver picked up.

   "Heyyo, twink," Sonjc greets.

   "Heyyo, big blue," Silver says in return, chuckling. "How was your day?"

   "Good. A bit behind since we had to head home thirty minutes early, plus yesterday's was canceled due to the weather, so... eh. I'll explain when I get back, I don't want to talk about myself for too long. How was your day?"

   "Good," Silver replied. "A bit chilly, but we're all getting along fine. I seriously love this year already. All the new cast members feel like they've been with us for a while."

   "True," Sonic agrees. He shuts his locker and then walks out the locker room.

   Sonic peacefully travels down the hall, waving to anyone who passes by. Silver was quite for a moment, like he was expecting something.

   "You're very calm today, what's up?"

   Sonic sighed with relief, happy to know the treatment's working.

  "I, uh, took my meds this morning before coming to the filming.

   "Ooh," Silver gaps in understanding. "I see. It seems to be really working. How long have you had it, two weeks?"

   Sonic waits in the lounge room, not wanting to go outside in the cold without any ride coming to get him soon. He plops down on a couch, crossing his legs.

   "Yeah, it's really helped me focus and keep a better wraps on myself," Sonic smiles. He felt somewhat nervous he was having this conversation on the phone, but he took a breath in confidence. "I didn't take it much since I didn't think it would help, or I thought it might change who I am or my acting abilities, but I can tell that it's really helping. I mean, I still go off track and get distracted, but I definitely can handle it more now."

   Silver was silent for a moment on the other end. Sonic felt nervous for some reason. But was relieved when Silver's tone was still friendly as ever.

   "That's good, Sonic, I'm happy it's helping."

   Sonic smiles, heart warm. "Thanks buddy." The hedgehog's ears perk up, remembering. "What was it you wanted to call me about, again? Take out or something?"

   "Oh yeah!" Silver exclaims. "We're ordering from a bunch of different places—even Infinite's in on it— and I was gonna ask you what you wanted."

   Sonic grins and widens his eyes in a dramatic surprise, though no one was there to see his reaction.

   "Infinite being unhealthy? That's a first."

   Silver chuckles. "Yep, he figured majority ruled so he's trying something new. Oh, I can't wait until you see what happened in the chat room."

   Sonic grinned, knowing that by the tone of voice that I must have been great.

   "I can't wait for wifi, ha. Anyway, uh, I guess I'll have a burger and fries or something."

   "Okay... Wait, you said 'or something'. Do you want something else?"

   Sonic shrugs to himself, switching his phone to his other hand. "I just really know what I want. I kinda want avocado rolls from that sushi place in town, but I also want overly salted potato slices."

   The two hedgehogs chuckle.

   "The struggles."

   "So hard."

   "Well, Infinite and Rouge are ordering on from the sushi place since it's 'healthier'. And Knuckles is finally having one of his famous cheat days and is gonna be ordering a burger and fries and stuff. So you could have some from both places if you wanted."

Sonic switches his phone to phone to his other hand. "Okay then, I'll order sushi too then and steal some of Knuckles' fries."

"Okay, let me just write that down... and done. I'll call an Uber for you in a minute, then you can come home for our royal banquet."

"Thanks, buddy," Sonic grin. The idea that the main cast would be sat at a bunch of conjoined tables and extra chairs taken from around the house to sit at the meal of paper bags plastic containers made him want to laugh. "Damn, I really need to set up my credit card-thing on my phone when this storm is over, huh?"

"Yep. I think you're the only one who doesn't have that other than Tails."

Sonic shrunk his head into his shoulders, impersonating an old man. "Now listen here young man, back in my day you paid with real money." The hedgehog stopped talking once he heard the hog of weed snorting on the other side of the call. He gave up the impression and talked normally, feeling accomplished that he made Silver laugh.

"You can grab the cash for the Uber from my wallet—that I frickin forgot—so I don't owe you anything."

"Okay then. See you in a bit, Sonic."

"See ya." Click.

Sonic puts his phone into his coat pocket. His green eyes stare out the window as he snuggled into the grey cushions of the couch. His gaze followed the large pieces of white falling from the darkened sky.

It felt so peaceful and relaxed. Which Sonic wasn't used to. But he smiled, because Sonic loved this moment since he never gave himself ones like this before.

. . .

Whelp, this is isn't really funny. But oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️, I'm putting in some elements of a story into here so that it's not just memes and stuff.

Anyway, there was a problem for some reason with my draft history and it didn't save the finished piece and I couldn't find the finished one in my revision history to I had to remake it from what I remember 😑.

Now, let me ask the annoying author questions:

Will the royal banquet go well?? Or will it lead to chaos?!

What are the pills Sonic is taking?!

Will this series actually develop a sense of fucking humour?!!

Spoilers: answer the the last question is a hard no 😑.

KeEp ReAdInG tO FiNd OuT!!!!!11




... Was that an offensive enough impression?


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