2 More Winged

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Ink smiled, as he sees that he is inside of his house, while his Sekirei are having a bit of fun on their own living inside of it. It has been about a week since he had been with Team Hanzo, and they had beaten down Team RWBY for him. Luckily, life is going a little bit well for him, as long as the people who tormented his life have been off of his back. And Ink, he's been getting a very good break from all that has happened, and it is making him a little bit relaxed at least.

Ink Sans is shown inside of the house, as he is smiling at seeing his own Sekirei having fun of their own. And despite the fact that he is normally soulless, for some reason, he can feel their emotions inside of him, like he already has a soul, and even when he is emotionless, although he cannot feel it, he does feel some vague resemblance to such feelings.

Ink looks and sees Kusano playing with Eri, Akitsu having a popsicle, Shi and Kaho being with one another, Kuno making some origami, and all of that sort of stuff with Rishia Ivyred.

Yashima is simply on her own, sitting down and looking outside, and see items beauty. But Dream, he's been gone for a couple of days for some reason, although he did say that he'll be gone and will hopefully make this quick in when he disappears. Ink blinked his eyes, as they changed color with the left eye now a tear drop, and his right eye a green clover. Ink felt happy, as he sees that he can feel his emotions lasting longer, thanks to the Sekirei aiding him in preventing it from going away.

"Well...at least my have has became engaging."

Ink smiled, and as he did, he felt the familiar feeling of positive emotions...except stronger. This made Ink confused, until a voice spoke out.

"Hello, Ink."

This made Ink surprised, before he turned around, and he saw that his old friend has returned.

Dream has came back, but now...he looks different, ever since he had left for a couple of days. He now has a pair of 2 Golden Wings on his back, his yellow eyes have began to glow incredibly, and the crown on his forehead is now beginning to float like a halo above his forehead. This made Ink stunned at this, as he then spoke out.

"Woah, Dream. What happens to you? You got an increase in power or something?"

Dream nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Manage to find a lot more Golden Apples. And now thanks to that, I am a lot more stronger then before, just as strong as my brother."

This made Ink stunned, as he then spoke out.

"Wait, you mean, you are able to gain 998 Golden Apples? But you weren't able to eat all of them  at once, right? I mean, you'd be driven insane from doing all of that!"

Dream nodded, as he then spoke out.

"I know...which is why I had someone made sure that I do not go insane if I eat too may apples. And luckily, it paid off. So, I'll still myself now."

This made Ink sigh, as he is very glad that he did not become this.

"Wow...I bet Nightmare did not expect this."

Dream shook his head with a smile, as Dream's Sekirei then arrived.

Yume, Musubi, and Tsukiumi looked impressed or surprised at what happens with Dream, as Yume spoke out.

"Wow, Dream, you look very beautiful."

Musubi nodded, as she went to Dream's wings, and began to stroke it. This made Dream's breathing hitch a bit, due for the fact that it felt weird, and it made his breath shaky a bit later. Tsukiumi nodded, as she also felt something. All of Dream's Sekirei have been told of the source of his power, about how he becomes stronger with positive emotions, such as happiness and love, due to the Golden Apple. But for some reason, his aura is now far stronger then ever before. Stronger then even they all realize.

"Husband, what hast hath happened to thee? i can feeleth thee has't becameth much stout'r than bef're."

Dream looks at his first Sekirei and spoke out.

"Well...remember the Golden Apple I talked to you and both Yume and Musubi about?"

Tsukiumi nodded, as Dream spoke out.

"Well, I manage to find more with some help, and i ate then, about 998 to be exact. The same amount that my brother ate."

This made everyone stunned, but Musubi felt excited, as she spoke out.

"Wow, so you're now much stronger then ever before?!"

Dream nodded his head, and spoke out.

"Yep, with only Nightmare being able to match me."

This made all of Dream's Sekirei feel happy, and the positivity aura that Dream is expelling is immensely pleasurable to them. They feel like they are bathing inside of a sun that is not too hot, and felt like the right temperature for them. No words can describe how happy the Sekirei are right now. Ink then goes to the fridge, and he sees that there is very little food left, despite the fact that there is a lot, and the fact that the fridge is bigger and wider then a normal fridge. Dream looks, and Ink spoke out.

"Looks like we're gonna need to buy more. Wanna come with me, Dream?"

Dream nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Sure. And let's go by ourselves this time, so our Sekirei don't get involved with that Red Dragon Emperor again."

Ink nodded, and at least let them know first. And after that, they left, as they began to go and get some food from the grocery store. And both Ink and Dream don't doubt that they will possibly have a rematch with Issei again. But what they do not know, is that they are going to be meeting with a couple more Sekirei, and one of them is attracted to the other, and it is something that will be very unexpected for them both.


Inside of a motel of sorts, as a bunch of cars pass by said motel, a woman is shown to be walking towards it and opening the door. It would have been a little bit hard using her own hands, so she made a gesture with her hand, and winds blew at it, allowing the woman to open the door, and enter inside of the building. The lights shown onto her, as the appearance of the woman is revealed to everyone.

Coming inside of the building with bags in her hand is a woman wearing a purple Chinese outfit that is rather revealing in a way, with purple hair so dark that it is black and has brown eyes. A familiar bird symbol is present onto her back, meaning that it is none other then a Sekirei. She is holding bags from a place of sorts, as she walks up the stairs, and tries to find her place. Of course, she has males eyes on her and they began to ogle her, but the woman does not care in the slightest, nor does she pay any attention to it, as she went pass a bunch of rooms of sorts, before she then is able to find the one that she is living inside of, along with a roommate of hers. She opens the door, and enters, as the female spoke out.

"I'm back."

Then, another female approached while inside of the room.

Appearing inside of the building with her is another female, looking not as mature as Kazehana, but still mature nonetheless. She has burnt orange hair with long side plaits and orange eyes. She wears a loose-fitting white dress which resembles a cheongsam and glasses. A Sekirei crest is also shown onto her back also.

"Oh, hello Kazehana. Did you get all that you need?"

The purple-dressed woman, Kazehana nodded her head, as she then spoke out.

"Yeah, as well as Sake, Matsu."

This made Matsu, the red head, roll her eyes a bit.

"Of course you did, after what happened from before."

Kazehana smiled, and spoke out.

"Well...at least it drains my troubles away. So that is something."

Matsu then looks outside, as she sees all of the people go around and about, even the ones with powers. She could tell that they aren't Sekirei, but rather something else. She then spoke out.

"I wonder if we'll ever feel out Ashikabis in this place."

Kazehana shrugged, and spoke out.

"Maybe, who knows. At least it'll be better then the man that I tried to be with. Painful that he had to reject me the way he did."

Matsu looks at Kazehana and spoke out.

"Well, I'm not going to give up this easily. I'm gonna find him, no matter what! And besides, that other person, you didn't react to him, did you?"

Kazehana shook her head, and Matsu spoke out.

"Then that means he wasn't meant for you. Your real Ashikabi, the one that will love you, he'll be the one that is meant for you. So don't feel down about this,
Kazehana. I'm positive you'll find your destined one in no time at all."

Kazehana looks down at the ground for a bit, as she then spoke out to Matsu.

"Ehhh...maybe you are right in a way when involving that."

Matsu nodded, as she pumped her fist a little bit with a smile. After the both of them had some food, they decided to take a walk outside.

Matsu and Kazehana walked down the stairs, as both have a rather happy expression on her face, and although Kazehana still has a smile present on her own, it is too hide a bit of her doubt to an extent. Both Matsu and Kazehana then went outside, as they decide to look around the city for a bit...when all of a sudden...Matsu collapsed. Kazehana turned, and saw that Matsu is now onto her knees

"Matsu...what is-"

But as she tried to speak out, Kazehana also felt odd, and a sweat began to go down from her leg, as she felt something she had not experienced before.

Matsu is on her knees, as her  heels felt red, due to her feeling...hot. The symbol on her back is burning, and her breathing began to hitch.

And Matsu is not the only one. She also feels her own body beginning to feel unlike itself, and her own symbol is beginning to burn as well...which can only mean one thing.

"Kazehana...do...do you feel that?"

Kazehana nodded, as Matsu then spoke out.

"It's them. I know that it is them. Our Ashikabi's...they are inside of the city, somewhere away from where we are at."

Kazehana then bent down and picked Matsu up, as Matsu held her chest, and felt the burnt feeling become more greater, her heart continuing to thump. She smiled, as sweat continue to go down her face, as Kazehana then spoke out.

"Well...if that is the case...then what are we waiting for?"

Kazehana then extended her hand out to Matsu, and spoke out.

"Come on. Let's go and find out Ashikabis, and fast."

Matsu nodded, an eager smile and a rather perverted one at that formed on her face, as she took Kazehana's hand, and using wind, propelled herself into the air, using wind to fly in a way, as Matsu and Kazehana then began to search the entire city. The desire to find their destined one, it is too much for them to bare, too much for them to restrain themselves for. And now...now they will stop at nothing until they get to be with the ones that are considers their mates, be with the ones that will give them the life of love and happiness that they have. And soon...they'll meet with one another. And Matsu...wanting to see if her Ashikabi has a phone...decides to use her power over technology, in order to sense it. And sure enough...he does. Smiling...she decides to make contact with him.


Ink and Dream are now shown to be elsewhere...as they are now walking towards a grocery store. Ink and Dream smiled, as they are having a pleasure day, with Dream absorbing the positivity within the area that he is in passively, and now does not need to move much, due to his aura now becoming as great as Nightmare's.

As they walked, Ink felt something...odd. He feels another connection forming, and it is like that of a Sekirei, where he would sense them and would search for them. And Dream, he too is feeling it. Dream and Ink tuned to look at each other, and Ink spoke out.

"Do you feel that. A strange...connection, Dream?"

Dream nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Yes, I do. It must be more of the Sekirei."

Ink nodded, as his phone began ring. This made Ink confused, before he then looked and sees that there is an pixelated image of a woman with glasses on the screen. This made Ink confused, until he pressed the button, and spoke out.


Then, a voice spoke out.

"Hello...my Ashikabi."

This made Ink surprised, as he spoke out.

"Oh...you must be the Sekirei that I have been feeling, huh?"

Then, a giggle appeared, and spoke out.

"Of course I am. And I can feel you as well."

Ink then spoke out.

"Yikes. Well..."

He looks at Dream and spoke out to him.

"Guess that means we are gonna have to postpone the groceries until we find them."

Dream nodded and Ink spoke out.

"Okay, we'll go and find you. Don't worry."

The voice then spoken out.

"I'm looking forward to it."

Ink puts away his Phone, and Dream held us hand out, which Ink took, and they're off, as Dream flapped his 2 pairs of golden wings, and began to move as fast as they can towards the location of the 2 Sekirei. And needless to say, Ink and Dream are very eager to have more at their side, so that they can finally help some more problem be happy as well. Dream...he can feel his Sekirei's pull much more then Ink, due to the fact that he is far more in tune with emotions and feeling, thanks to the fact that he is the guardian of Positivity, and the fact that love, a positive emotion, is a feeling that fuels the power that a Sekirei possesses.

Ink can feel the pull becoming tighter and tighter, as he felt his chest feel strange, like someone is squeezing it. He kept on moving, as Dream felt himself becoming faster, due to the positive emotions that are continuing to fuel him. He continued to move, and continued to fly faster. And both Ink and Dream, they have a strong feeling that the Sekirei back at Ink's home, they might also be feeling the pull as well indirectly, as Dream and Ink continued to move forward. But then...

"There you fuckers are!!!"

A familiar voice spoke, as Dream made a dome and defend against it, using his wand. The dome pushed against the beam and cracked a little bit, before a red blur came out of nowhere and punched the dome, which sent it down to the ground, and made horn Dream and Ink crash. Luckily, the dome is far stronger, due to the increased power that Dream had gained, and thus, he is able to stand up and Ink as well, without any issue at all.

"Oh, great, you're back. You just don't know when to quit, so ya?"

Ink Sans spoke out, as Dream spoke out to the Red Dragon Emperor.

"Why is it that you do not know when to take the hint and leave us be?! We are not here to be your punching bags!!"

Issei snarled at the both of them in pure anger.

"You had humiliated me and Rias far too many times!!! Now...i'm gonna make sure they you pay for all that you have done to me and my friends in making up and her family look bad!!!"

Ink narrowed his eyes, as Dream then held his 2 hands out and summoned his daggers, now connected  by a light blue cable, and has ancient runes all over it, the runes colored golden as well. Dream narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.

"This is your last chance to walk away."

Issei snarled within the helmet, as he then spoke out.

"Like hell I will!!!"

Issei then charged at Dream and Ink, as the both of them jumped out of the way. Ink leapt up into the air, and fired an Ink Blaster, as Issei barely avoided it and tries to go to Ink again. But then, a wrecking ball came out of nowhere, as he struck Issei and sent him far away into a building, due to the fact that Ink made it with his paint, and it has the same weight and durability as one. Ink then swung his ampler paintbrushes in his hand, and fired Ink Bones at Issei, as Issei then fired his Dragon Shot and destroys the Ink Bones, and nearly hits Ink. But Ini scattered and morphed his body into Ink, as he then summoned a purple paint slash at Issei and splattered him with it. Ink then landed onto the ground, as chains formed from the purple paint, and when that happened, Ink spoke out.

"You've apparently forgotten King Multiverse's warnings to you, Issei. Did you not remember his warnings?"

Issei snarled, as he spoke out.

"That is when Rias tried taking you into her peerage. But it was never about trying to cause as much pain to you as possible."

Ink rolled his eyes, as Issei fired another Dragon Shot, which was difficult, due to the restraining movement. But he resided it as he is talking, and Ink fired his Ink Blaster, causing the 2 attacks to collide and explode. Issei then boosted his strength as much as he can, until he ripped the chains off of him, before he then launched fire from his chest. But before it can hit Ink, Dream then made stars appear from the use of the wand and use it to counter the power of Issei's fire, as Dream landed onto the ground, and he then attacked, and thanks to the Golden Apples in his possession, he has gained far more greater strength then ever before, not just in magic, but in terms of physicality. Dream punched and kicked at Issei, as the Dragon Armor began to crack from the punches, although due to Issei enhancing his durability using the boost power, it didn't do much pain at all, and the cracks then began to heal on the armor. Dream narrowed his eyes, as he then concentrated, and empowered himself with more and more positivity. And then...as he held his hand out...he summoned another weapon...but one that he did not use before in his life. It is a golden spear of sorts, which has a yellow flag, and Star symbols with a sun all over it, with cyan runes all over the spear itself. Needless to say, this made Dream surprised, as he spoke out.

"Woah, this is new."

Dream said, as Issei then charged forward and tried to grab Dream, only for Dream to stab at Issei a thousand times with immensely fast speed, before he then swung the Spear, and surprisingly, this made the spear head split and extend, held together by the same cyan cable, as it sliced at Issei, scratching the armor a bit. And then, Positivity began to concentrate and swirl around the spear, as it became as powerful as a drill, before he thrusted it at Issei, and penetrated his armor, and well as causing a wound on the chest.

"Aghhh...you fucker!!!"

Issei shouted, before Dream then throws the Spear into the air, and then, more came down, hitting and pinning Issei to the ground. He then snapped his fingers, as it exploded, and cause Issei immense pain. Ink stared, obviously in awe at what it is that Dream had done, before he then spoke out.

"Wow, that's cool!!"

Dream smiled, and spoke out.

"Yes, it is indeed amazing. I didn't know that I can do that!"

Issei then began to stand up, and Ink spoke out.

"Are you through yet?"

Issei snarled, as he spoke out.

"No...not yet...until I see you bitches go down!"

Issei, making one last attempt, charged at the both of them, and got ready to try and cause as much agony to Dream and Ink as he could. But then, a powerful gust of wind appeared, as a voice spoke out to Issei.

"No one attacks one Ashikabi's and gets away with it."

Then, Issei is sent up into the air, before sent back down to the ground behind Dream and Ink. This caught them both by surprised...until someone had suddenly appeared.

Kazehana stepped out of the building walls, as Matsu followed suit behind her, and needless to say, both Dream and Ink cannot help but feel in awe at their beauty, especially with Kazehana.

And Kazehana made Dream speechless, due to her stunning beauty. And the same is said for Ink, due to how beautiful she is. And that is when she approaches him.

Although Matsu could see that Ink is small, he is older then he looked, and can feel something that she always wanted to have. She stepped forward and spoke out.

"So you're to one I've been sensing, huh?"

Matsu said, as Ink spoke out.

"Yeah, and I can feel the same from you as well."

Matsu smiled, as a grin appeared onto her face. Dream looks up and spoke out to Kazehana

"So...you're appeared."

Kazehana nodded, and without another sword, born Matsu and Kazehana kissed their Ashikabi's, winging themselves.

The 2 wings grew bright beautifully, as Ink and Dream felt their connections completed and bonded to them. This feeling...it is just incredible to the both of them.

"I am Kazehana."

"I am Matsu."

As that happened, Issei then stood up and spoke out.

"Gah...what the hell is that?"

And Kazehana, seeing this, decided to react, so he does not come back anytime soon.

She raised her right hand, and summoned a gust of wind immensely strong, and sent Issei flying out of the area that he is in, as Matsu, taking control of a weapon one's satellite, fired a beam, and struck Issei, sending him far away, before Dream then spoke out.

"Wow, that is incredible, Kazehana."

Kazehana smiled, as she spoke out.

"Thank you..."

"Dream. And this is Ink, Matsu."

Kazehana smiled, as she spoke out.

"Thank you, Dream. That is so kind of you."

Dream smiled, as he spoke out.

"I always try to be, even to those I do not like at all."

Kazehana smiled, and Ink spoke out.

"With that being said, Dream...we still need to buy some food for the other Sekirei."

This made Kazehana and Matsu surprised and spoke out.

"Wait...there...so that is how you know what I am."

Matsu said, as Dream spoke it.

"Yeah, of course we do. And Ink has more, while I have 3. You're basically my fourth one."

Kazehana smiled.

"Well, that doesn't matter to me. At least that I am happy to be with you, my darling."

Dream blushed, and Kazehana smiled, as Ink rolled his eyes, as Matsu spoke out.


She hugged Ink's head to her...cushions, and spoke out to him.

"I cannot wait to do my 'experiment,' with you~."

This made Ink shiver...knowing the odd tone, as he made an Ink portal, and all of them left for the Grocery Store, so that they can pick up food. And as Ink and Dream looked down in embarrassment, Ink spoke out.

"This life is getting more and more interesting by the passing day, huh?"

But as Ink and Dream continue to go through the portal, which closed onto them, he is unaware that a certain sans is watching him, and one he has trained with.

Alpha watches, seeing Ink and Dream go, as he spoke out.

"Well...Ink...you have certainly gotten very lucky. Guess you'll have a great time, huh?"

Alpha then closed his eyes, as he then disappeared into the realm, and he goes off someplace else.

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