Another New Reaction

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Ink sighed, as he touched his forehead, feeling a little bit exhausted by what he had to go through yesterday. The 2 Sekirei, he can feel their emotions, and both are unique. Oriha is ladylike and is the most stable Sekirei. But Benitsubasa is the most explosive and emotional of all the Sekirei Ink winged. It is amazing at how the Sekirei can affect the minds of the Ashikabi that they wing, but in all honesty, Ink does not seem to be unnerved by all of that. In fact, Ink seems to really Ike being able to feel their emotions, so that he can know how they are feeling, and in what way can he help them. After al, he really does love his Sekirei, even if his feelings towards them are artificial and not true emotions. But it seems that his Sekirei does not realize that they are artificial, and Ink would prefer it that way, as he has no idea what will happen if they discover that he has no soul, and that he can't really feel.

But there is one thing that has been bothering Ink, and it really made him concerned. When he winged Oriha and Bemitsubasa, for an unknown reason, his ability to extend the time limit of his began to increase less and less for some reason. When he winged his first 3 Sekirei, they increased his time limit every 15 minutes. Now...when Benitsubasa and Oriha were winged...the time limit became less. Now it extended to 10 minutes for when he winged the both of them. And Ink...he has no idea why in the world the time limit is slowing down. Maybe because his emotion vials are the problem, or there is a limit to how many Sekirei he can wing. Either way, this is really concerning Ink, as he has no idea what to do in this situation. He just hopes that he can know the situation better so that he can possibly be more careful with what he does, as well as the effect that it can possibly have on the Sekirei that he had winged all these days ago. But for now, though, there is just nothing that he can do about it.

Ink is now in his room, as he is watching outside of the window that is next to his bed, which he sitting on top of. He looks outside, as he sees the birds singing, and he sees the flowers blooming, including the ones that are in his yard. It is a beautiful day outside. Ink intertwined his hands together, as he continues to observe the beauty of the world that he's in.

Ink sighed, as he looked up, but than felt a tug on his shirt, as he sees Kusano and Eri looking up at Ink, and they are both very happy to see Ink, as they had been wanting to be with their big brother.

Ink smiled down at the 2 of them, as he grabbed them and hugged them close to Ink, and both Kusano and Eri returned the embrace to their adoptive big brother. Clearly, Ink is acting like an emotional anchor for the little 2 kids, and the fact that Eri and Kusano act so alike with each other, wit the difference being that, in personality, Kusano can mimic behavior, while Eri does not, and their powers, are sort of opposites. Kusano can accelerate the growth of plants, but only plants, while Eri can reverse all organisms to the way they once were. And in spite of all of that, the 2 of them treat each other like they are both sisters, much to Ink's happiness. Ink was always afraid of what would happen if they both met. But once they met each other, they have both instantly bonded and treat each other very happily. And even Ink was very happy at that, and there are simply no words to describe how happy Ink is when he saw them both play together, ecstatically.

Ink than holds onto both Eri and Kusano's hands, as they both walked down the stairs. And needless to say, it is very...interesting, of what is happening downstairs now.

Papyrus...he is feeling a little bit stressed for some reason, as he seems like he is worried about something. Ink gawked at Papyrus, as he than spoke out.

"Yo, brother. Is there something wrong."

Papyrus jumped and looks at Ink, as he than spoke out to his older brother.

"Well...what do you think, Sans? I don't have enough rooms for the Sekirei that are bonded to you! How am I supposed to fit all of them in this?"

Ink looks at Papyrus with an 'are-you-serious' face, as he spoke out to Papyrus.

"Paps, you're forgetting that we can create stuff, right? Recreate the house, so that we can give the Sekirei their own rooms, if they are willing to use them, that is."

Papyrus froze in his place, as he than smacked his head, feeling stupid, as he than spoke out.

"Oh, right, I forgot that we all can do! What in the world was I thinking!"

Ink, Kusano, and Eri looked at each other, and they laughed at the fact that Papyrus is acting like such an idiot, Even though he is usually very creative. Sometimes, Ink begins to wonder if Papyrus even still has a brain inside of his skull, since he never seems to use his powers as much as Ink can use them. Kusano and Eri hugged Ink by the sides of his body, as Papyrus felt a bit embarrassed at what he had just been said to by his brother, Ink.

" you plan on making the rooms?"

Ink said to his brother, as Papyrus nodded his head.

"Of course!! I'll get to that, right away. All I need to do is think of the designs of the room for me so they'll fit them."

Papyrus than goes to his room, as he than prepares to think of the designs. Ink smiled, as he spoke out.

"And make sure to make an extra room, just in case I need to bring back one more Sekirei."

This made Papyrus a little bit annoyed, but he than spoke out.

"I will, brother."

He continues to go back to his room, as Ink chuckled a little bit, at the way his brother looked very annoyed. But as he did that...suddenly, Eri and Kusano are gone. He looked around, and for some reason, he could not find them anywhere.


He looks outside...and saw that they are are playing with each other. Somehow, they manage to slip past his him without Ink knowing. Clearly, that is very impressive for them to do. Ink smiled, but than, his face turned colorful as a blush, as he felt some arms snake around his body. He looks down, and sees that the arms have white gloves, that reach close to the elbow part of the arms. It didn't take Ink long for him to realize that these arms belong to Oriha.

"Nice to see you look very beautiful, Ink~."

Oriha spoke out, as she hugged Ink from behind. This made Ink a little embarrassed, especially with what she is pushing and squeezing on his back. But he is still feeling happy, knowing that he will not be alone anymore. Especially since he is literally bonded to people, and he can feel them just as much as they can feel Ink. But as Ink is feeling flattered, he felt another pair arms wrap themselves around one of Ink's arms, and Ink looks to see Kuno is the one that is doing that. Kuno smiled at Ink, and Ink smiled back.

"I...we are so grateful to have a kind and generous Ashikabi like you. You are important for us, important for me, because all of us...we love you too much to go to anyone else."

Needless to say, Ink is very embarrassed, but at the exact same time, he is flattered, that these Sekirei genuinely love him, all honesty, he just wishes that he can love them back just as genuine. Unfortunately, though, his lack of a soul, which he had destroyed, prevents him from truly loving them, and yet, with the emotions that he had artificially made, it gave the Sekirei power, somehow, in spite of the fact that they aren't true emotions, just fake ones made. But even though he lacks a soul, he is touched by their eternal devotion to Ink and his very wellbeing.

Ink smiled, as he kisses Oriha and Kuno, and their wings spread. Oriha than unwraps her arms off of Ink and both her and Kuno go somewhere to go off and do something. As Ink waved at them, happy that they are feeling happy and not as alone as thought, suddenly, another pair of arms wrapped around Ink without even realizing they were coming to him. When Ink turned around, he saw that it was Akitsu,

and Ink smiled, as he turns around and faces her, as Akitsu than wrapped and brought Ink even closer to her, because she wants to feel Ink. She wants to feel as much of her Ashikabi's body, because she loves him too much. Ink smiled, as he kissed Akitsu in the lips, making her wings spread, and Akitsu pulled Ink even closer, so that she can press her lips as much as she can. She held Ink's head from behind, as she is pulled as close as he could.

One the 2 of them are done, they looked at each other, as if they could understand something between each other. But as they looked, Ink and Akitsu than turns to the news, said something that caught Ink's attention.

"Just this morning, most of Rias' team have been attacked by an unknown person. But witnesses claimed that the face of the entity has a resemblance to Ink, except that he has shadowy skin with strings from his fingers."

This made Ink look at the screen, as a blurred photo of an entity having blue lines and strings. Ink looks, as he clenched his fist, and Akitsu noticed, as she than spoke out to him.

"Ahh...Master. Is this someone that you know of?"

Ink turns around and nodded his head, a little urgently.

"Yeah. I do know him...and he is bad news. Really bad news."

Ink said, as he looks around and sees that his paintbrush is right next to the Television. Ink than walks up and goes to the paintbrush and picks it up.

'Must mean that something interesting must be happening. I should go and check it out, just to see what it is. After all...what can go wrong?'

Ink thought to himself, as he puts the Paintbrush on his back. But as did, he than heard Akitsu spoke out.

"Ahh...Master. I shall come also."

Ink was surprised, as he turns around and spoke out to the Sekirei that he been the most loyal to him.

"You sure you want to come along with me, Akitsu? After all...the person who I believe could be, is on a whole new level to the one with the Red Armor, you know, that person that tried to take you by force. He will be difficult to fight off against, were he ever try to attack you."

Although Ink would allow Akitsu to come along on almost every stuff. But if it involves problems that come from Ink and nothing else, than Ink knows that this will badly attack Akitsu unlike any other, and this person, who had been a personal problem of his, is no exception. He just hopes that the person is not who he thinks it is, and is simply just an assumption.

Akitsu nodded, as she spoke out.

"Whenever you go, I go as well. I will never abandon my master."

Ink was surprised, as he than spoke out.

" that case..."

He goes to the door, opening it.

"Let's go."

Ink spoke out, as he gripped his paintbrush, and goes outside, as he than looks outside to see the beauty in the outside world. Akitsu followed him, as Ink made a portal, and the both of them went inside of the portal to the city, in order to see what it is that is going on, and if Ink's beliefs are confirmed, at what he realizes must be inside of the city.

'If it is you...than I need to know...why are you here so inside of the home that I live inside of right now?'

Ink thought to himself, as Akitsu and Ink go to the city, in an effort to search for the one that Ink knows of, and see if his suspicious are true or simply just assumptions.


It is a morning day for other people, as they go around and do what they want to do. They go around to shop with their children, hang out with friends, and do all sorts of stuff, just for the fun of it, just to make themselves happy with what they have. person is not having a fun time, because someone so chasing, and it is not good. The person also not human. It's a Sekirei.

This named Kaho. She is jumping around the city, as she makes an attempt to try and find out where her Ashikabi is. She does not know where he is, she has not reacted, but she is determined to find him, and makes sure to stay by his side for the rest of her life. But the thing is...she is facing a problem that she is now dealing with inside of the city that she is in, and it is causing her to delay her time finding her Ashikabi. And no, it is not because the city is way too large and that finding her Ashikabi is impossible, though it is sort of part of the problem that he has. In fact, that sort of difficulty is the least of her problems. It is because of the fact that there is someone that is following her, and is very relentless into trying to wing her. As Kaho jumped into the air, a red blast of energy struck the roof that Kaho jumped off of, as rocks and debris flied everywhere, and some of the debris nearly missed Kaho, as she landed onto the rooftop of another building.

She turns around, and she sees that it is none other than that preferred Dragon Emperor again. Clearly, he does not know when the female wants nothing to do with him.

"How many times so I have to tell you?! I will never join the likes of you?! You're just nothing but a disgusting pervert!!"

Kaho shouted, as she points her weapon at Issei Hyoudou. But the Red Dragon Emperor simply spoke back.

"Well, that's too bad! You will join me wether you like it or not!!"

Issei flies towards Kaho position, and tries to grab her, but Kaho leapt out of the way and avoided getting grabbed by the hands of the Dragon Emperor. Issei turns, as Kaho raised her leg, and with inhuman strange, kicks him away, and makes him to flying into a wall, as Kaho leapt away as fast as she could. Clearly, Ink is not the only one that is having immense trouble with the Red Dragon Emperor. Because now, he is causing problems for another person entirely.

Kaho turns she felt something inside of her chest. It is a pull of some sort. It didn't take long for Kaho to realize what is going on. Her Ashikabi...he is nearby somewhere, and is moving fast. Kaho than turns to the direction of where the Ashikabi is at. Kaho than looks determined, as she ran forward and leapt up into the air, as she goes to his location. But as she did, the wall of a the building that was damaged exploded a little bit, as Issei came out of the wall. Issei shook his head, and he looks around to see that Kaho is gone! This made him very frustrated, as he shouted out at the top of his lungs.

"Oh come on!! You serious?!"

Issei shouted, as he than jumped flies up into the air, and tries to search for the Sekirei again. He is not planning to lose her, but Kaho, she is hoping that Issei does not notice her. And is going to make sure that Issei loses her. Kaho than ran, as she tries to look around, and sense the pull is not in a different direction, a little bit more colder than before. Kaho clenched her red-gloved fist, as she goes to the direction, and leaps to said direction in an effort to try and find her Ashikabi. She leapt down and kept from building to building in an effort to try and find her Ashikabi.

But as she went down one of the buildings, a large red projectile crashed down 15 feet in front of Kaho, causing Kaho to stop and step back. But she could tell who it is, as she recognized the color, and she turns around and leapt away. She leapt lower and lower, as she than tries what she can to go around the Red Dragon Emperor. She leapt up to a higher taller building, and was about to go to the even taller building. But than, a red blast of demonic energy fired in front of Kaho, as she turns around and tries to get away from the Dragon Emperor. Clearly, trying to get away from the Dragon Emperor is shown to be a very tough challenge alone, as the fact that he is very relentless in trying to her to Kaho, no matter what happens to himself, nor does he care what happens to Kaho. He just wants her to be apart of his group, who he lusts over. And that is very disgusting for Kaho, as she does not want to go with him.

But as she leapt to a building, and continues to get closer and closer to her Ashikabi, suddenly, a red hand tried to grab her out of nowhere and Kaho had to jump back quickly, before getting grabbed by the hand. Kaho looks, to see Issei. Kaho gripped her weapon, and has a glare on her face, as clearly, Issei does not know when to take no for an answer. She tightened her grip on the weapon, Issei than spoke out.

"You are gonna join me, whether you want to or not!"

Issei leapt towards Kaho, and tried to punch her. But Kaho, she is holding a weapon, and it is going to be very painful for Issei, who won't be expected to be injured by it, due to resembling a normal weapon made by mortal humans.

Kaho swung her Naginata, and Issei was forced to block it, which sends him back a little bit, and Kaho leapt away from the Red Dragon, before he has a chance to recover and follow. But Issei was able to recover quickly enough and tried to charge at Kaho in the air, but she turns around and struck his head with the bottom part of the handle, hitting his face and causing pain. It also made his nose bleed suddenly.

Kaho than landed on the ground, as she than charged at Issei, and stuck him a bunch of times, and kicked him back. Issei than fired a Dragon Shot at Kaho, who than sidestepped out of the way. But as she did, she suddenly felt her heart beat.


Kaho's eyes widened, as she felt her heart skipped a beat at such an unexpected way. She grabbed her own chest, as she felt the feeling of her reaction. She raised her head, as she than felt it, the feeling of being pulled, it is now much more closer and much more noticeable. Her eyes widened and shook, as she had guess what's causing it.

Kaho turns around, and sees a short teenager with a large brush, as he is shown to be jumping around and...seems to be looking for something. But as she jumped away from Issei...Kaho she felt her body become hot. This must be him. It's her Ashikabi.

As Issei tried to grab Kaho, she leapt away as fast as she could, and she though to herself.

'It's's really Ashikabi. I...I need him. I want to be with him, my Ashikabi."

With Ink...

Ink was leaping around with Akitsu following Ink's lead, as he tries to find out about this lookalike that the news has been talking about. Apparently, finding him is going to be much more harder than he expected, due to the fact that the city is large. But they mentioned having a black coat with strings coming off is big fingers. And the sound of that description sounds very familiar to Ink. He has a feeling that he knows who it is, but he needs to be absolutely sure that it really is the case and not just some false identity of some sort.

"I know you are there somewhere. I just need to know where you are."

Ink said to himself, as he leapt around, making no progress. But as he is in the middle of the air, suddenly...someone tackled him.



Ink gasped in pain, as he's sent down to the ground, while the person that had tackled had Ink goes down to the ground with him. Akitsu, without any hesitation, jumps down after Ink, and hopes to try and help him against whoever it is that has tackled him to the ground.

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