Sparring With His Spawns

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Ink felt a bit wobbly when he was finally finished with that it is that Sara Bloodlily was doing to him, and needless to say, it was one thing that he did not expect for Sara Bloodlily to do, but at the exact same time, it felt strangely...good. Sara...she was very rough in bed, which is surprising, due to her having very brittle bones, but she was also very gentle to Ink Sans, and needless to say, Ink found barely walk from what she had just done to him. Luckily, he still has enough strength inside of his legs to use her shower, and clean himself up from what it was that had just happened, and something that he does not want to speak of again. He just hopes that it never had to be a case such as that again. But luckily, it was just the only time that Sara Bloodlily does this to him. And the experience that he had with Sara Bloodlily from doing was oddly...pleasurable. And this pleasure is one that Ink seriously needs to get over, as the lust within his mind is now starting to infect his brain. And he clearly does not want his Sekirei to feel it.

He than clenched his fist, and focused on his emotions...and after a little bit...he opens his eye and leaks paint out of his eyes and mouth. It is almost looking like he is crying paint and that he is bleeding paint from the mouth. Needless to say, it was a little bit painful for Ink Sans, but he kept on persisting...and after a little bit, Ink was able to leak every last bit of his emotions. And all of the emotions he leaks out are the fact that he is now inside of the Doodle Sphere. He than looks down a little he than stood up, and he looks up again.

His eyes are pure white, as his face now looks stone faced, and the fact that Ink Sans now does not seem to make an expression on his face. Ink had been able to 'leak out' the emotions inside of his body, which takes on the form of paint. It is thanks to that that he is able to drain the emotions out of his mind. This allows him to become emotionless much more faster than before, rather than having to wait for the emotions to be gone from his mind. Of course, he needs to wait for an entire minute, than he will dip himself into some paint, as to make sure that the negative lustful feeling does not return inside of his mind again. Otherwise, his Sekirei might get affected, and it would lead to one heck of a problem...and that is especially goes double to Kusano, since he does not want to have Kusano getting infected by this Lustful Emotion that he is feeling inside of his very own mind.

After a little bit of a minute...Ink Sans stood up, and he turns to the waterfall of paint that is next to him. He clenched his fist, and he than ran forward as fast as he could to it, as he jumped and forced himself down into the paint pond and paint waterfall that is happening right now. He than dripped his whole body into it, and Ink closed his eyes, as he can feel all of the emotions inside of him returning back, and his vials are refilling on their own. Ink than opened his eyes, with his right eye a blue color and his leg Reyes a star with cyan pupils, as he is now back to his usual self with his emotion. Ink smiled, as he than leaps out of the paint pond, and lands back down, as he looks around the Doodle Sphere that he is inside of now. The pages and the pieces of land are everywhere, and needless to say, it is making Ink Sans happy,

and is unable to make his Sekirei worry. Because of the fact that they can sense his emotions, if he had stayed emotionless for too long, it would make his Sekirei be worried sick for him, as they can sense his feelings, and having no emotions would make the Sekirei unsure if he is still alive or not. As he looked around...

"Hello, Father Ink."

A voice spoke out. Ink Sans than turned around to see who it is that spoke.

This person is named, Stain. He is the accidental child of Ink and Nightmare. Basically, he is Palette Roller's Half Cousin and Half-Brother in a way. He does it choose a side of either him or Nightmare, and instead, he had chosen to do his own stuff at his own devices.

Similar to Ink, he has the ability to create stuff. But unlike Ink, he simply uses Black Ink instead of different colors, and yet, for some strange reason, his powers can make a stain on the surface, hence the name, Stain. And that is not all that Stain can do.

Just like Nightmare, he has his own negativity form. But his form is different compared to Nightmare. The scarves on Stain become tentacles, and he has stars all over his tentacles. And unlike Nightmare again, his clothes and other physical appearances remain the same, just made of goop and colors in that way. His left eye also becomes purple. And needless to say, the way he can use his powers can cause one heck of a mess. But not that Ink Sans minds, since he himself can cause a mess by himself as well.

Ink Sans looks at Stain, as he than spoke out to him.

"Hello, Stain. I didn't think that I would see you there. How are you doing?"

Stain smiled a little bit, as he than spoke out to him.

"I'm doing fine, father Ink. Nothing has ever been better."

Ink Sans smiled a little bit at Stain, as he than spoke out to him.

"That is good, I guess. So what are you doing here that got you to visit me?"

Stain looks at Ink Sans in the eye for a little bit, before he than spoke out to Ink Sans at what he is going to say.

"Well...I had heard of what you are going to do. In the next 2 days  you are gonna go into a pocket dimension, and start to fight against the other spawns. The spawns will also fight against you and the other parent. And, well...I figure that I would come to watch the fight happening. After all, it is more of a frriendly fight than an actual fight. Right?"

Ink Sans nodded, as he than spoke out to Stain.

"Yeah, it is more of a friendly fight. But if one of us decides to go to far, than we will hav two stop until the next time, and at the same time, be punished for trying to make an attempt in trying to go to far."

Stain nodded his head at Ink Sans, as he than spoke out.

"Okay. Understood. Well...I hope to see you at...whoever you are going to spar in."

Ink Sans nodded, as Stain than turned into a liquid, and flies out of the Doodle Sphere. Ink Sans sighed, as he than looks at the pieces of paper that is around the pocket dime smoke that he is in, the pocket dimension that he had used as his base, before he spoke out to himself in a very concerned tone of voice.

"I just really hope that...Error does not go to far, and actually follows the rules of fighting, especially since the spawns of the both of us are going to be here as well."

Ink Sans gripped his Paintbrush, and began to do a few swings, as he than began to practice for a little bit, just in case some of his spawns actually began to show some signs of improvement. After all, he needs to improve on what he is able to do, in order to make the sparring against his spawns and the spawns against the parents a little bit more entertaining. After all, how would it be entertaining if the spawns and the parents suddenly lose the fight a little to soon? Ink Sans closes his eyes and smiles, as he prepares and readies himself for the sparring that will happen in the next 2 days. And what would be the most important and the most happy thing that he will witness while he is inside of the sparring, is that his own children have been able to improve and grow far more stronger than he did before. He just hopes hat they would make him proud the moment that he sees them inside of the sparring

2 days later...unknown dimension...

Ink Sans has been sparring for 2 whole days straight. Of course, he went back to his house, and made sure that the Sekirei knew that he is alright. But he trained for 2 whole days, as he tried to improve on what I can do. And that he had finished practicing his powers...he is now ready to face off against his spawns. But first off...the other parents need to arrive. And arrive they did.

Dream Sans had came through a portal that he had made, along with Underswap Sans, as he than smiled at Ink Sans.

"Ink!! It is nice to see you found join us!!"

Ink Sans smiled, as he than spoke out.

"It is. It is also nice to be with you both again. It is like we had reformed the Star Sanses from scratch."

Dream Sans smiled a little bit with Underswap Sans also smiling. And as that happened, a glitchy portal than opened up, and than, Error Sans appeared through the portal, and he looked very unhappy, as usual, though he does seem to be in a much more better mood than before.

"Oh, Error. Heh. I though you would not join in along with the others."

Ink said, as Error simply rolled his eyes.

"Do-Do-Don't get any fun-fun-funny ideas Ink! I am only here because I need to let-et-et off some steam, due to something with me happening. So I think-ink-ink that this sparring thing would help me release some steam inside of me."

Ink smiled, as he spoke out to the Destroyer of the Alternate Universes.

"What ever you say, Error."

Than, another glitchy portal appeared, and out came Gradient, Paperjam, Palette Roller, and Blueprint. Error looks like he is gonna throw up, as Ink spoke out.

"Good, you 4 are here."

Paperjam smiled, as he spoke out.

"Hey, we never refuse a call such as this, Father Ink. Besides, we actually have been practicing in trying to fight, such as me."

Ink nodded, as he spoke out.

"Now than...let's get started."


The spar that will start first will be between Error, Ink, and their spawns

Ink and Error, who is actually in a good mood to spar with Paperjam, but only for this time, fought their kids in this match.

When he comes to Ink and Gradient...Ink and Gradient made their first attack on each other. Ink swung his Paintbrush, and Gradient swung his stylus, and the black paint slash clashed with the digital green slash, which made a powerful explosion that caused the 2 of them to be pushed brackets by the might of the attack colliding against each other. Gradient landed on the ground, as he than ran up to Ink, and he than swung his stylus, and launched a bunch of speaks stuff Ink Sans, who than decided to return the favor, by swinging his small paintbrushes, and launching sharp ink bones at the digital spears, which caused the 2 attacks to cancel each other out.

Gradient Sans than made a wall of Digital Paint, as Ink Sans struck at it, being a little bit more durable then Ink Sans' own wall paint, but he than teleported behind the wall, and began to attack Gradient Sans again, who than used a spear to clash against the Paintbrush. Gradient swung and struck with the spear at Ink Sans, who than used his Paintbrudh to clash and block against the spear, before using his Paintbrush to make a wall of paint, as he than jumped backwards, and Gradient was able to destroy the wall. He than launched a bunch of spears at Ink Sans, who than clashed against the spears, and used an Ink Blaster to defend against a Gradient Blaster.

Ink Sans blocked a bunch of attacks, before made another wall, as he than jumped backwards, and blocked Gradient, who tried to attack him, before he than covered himself in Ink, as he than leapt up into the air, to avoid getting hit by the Gradient Blasters. Ink Sans narrows his eyes, as he than dashed at where Gradient is positioned in in order to try and hit him. But Gradien tthan used the Stylus that he is holding in order to avoid getting hit, but making a pixel portal similar to Error Sans, and Ink went through it, as he than splashed into the ground, before reforming himself again, as he looked up at Gradient, who than landed on the ground. Gradient and Imk Sans looked at each other, as Ink Sans than spoke out.

"Wow. You really have improved since we last fought against each other, huh?"

Gradient nodded with a smile, as he than spoke out to Ink.

"Of c-c-course I did-id. I have-ave-ave been waiting-ting and practicing for this mom-mom-moment!"

Ink Sans smiled, as he than spoke out to Gradient again.

"Well, that is a good thing for you, I guess. But don't think that the fight is over yet, Gradient. We are still I'm combat against each other. So come on."

Gradient nodded, as he gripped his stylus, and spoke out.

"I won-won-won't restrict-strict myself."

And as that happened, Paperjam used his own attacks for a limited form of offense against Error Sans, as Paperjam launched his Ink Strings at Error Sans, who than launched his Blue Strings at Paperjam, and the 2 strings wrapped around each other, as Paperjam and Error tried to tug on each other, in order to try and overpower the other.

But Error was stronger, and was able to overpower Paperjam, and than threw him far away, before launching Red Bones at Paperjam. Only for Paperjam to get out of the way, and avoid getting hit by the bones, and than, launched some strings into the air, and wrapped the strings around Error's leg, before swinging his arms and throwing him down to the ground. Error than stood up, and spoke out.

"Should-Shouldn't have done-done that, k-k-kid."

Paperjam smiled, as he spoke out to Error.

"I am just getting started."

He than jumped into the air, and launched some paint bones at Error Sans, as Error sans launched his red bones fast.

Next fight...

The battle against Ink and Gradient lead to Gradient winning in the end, but only because Ink was cyan from by surprise, and the battle between Paperjam and Error lead to Error winning, due to Error having a superior offense. Gradient and Error fought...but it was so immensely destructive that it ended in a tie, and both Gradient and Error are ruled out to not fight anymore. So now...onto the next match.

Now, it is time for Blueprint to have his turn to spar against both Underswap Sans and Ink Sans to see how much his power has developed in his time of using it for his ability to create.

"Alright, my boy! Are you ready?!"

Underswap Sans said, as Blueprint nodded his head, as he than spoke out towards one of his own fathers.

"I am ready as I will ever be, Father!"

Ink Sans than gripped his Paintbrush, as Blueprint gripped on his Mechanical Pen tightly, as Ink Sans smiled at his son, before he than spoke out to Blueprint Sans.

"Than let us see what you can do, Blueprint. Let us see how much you have improved with the powers that you have against us both."

Blueprint nodded his head, as he than swung his Mechanical Pencil, and he than made a net come out of nowhere. Before the sparring could occur, Blueprint, who had became aware of it, was able to make a 'blueprint' of the various objects that he feels like he should make in order to help himself against his parents. And in case that they do not help, he will use his own powers, as well as his training in combat, to help fight against his own parents. But more specifically on Ink Sans, since he is far more powerful than Underswap Sans.

Swap Sans jumped into the air, and launched a bunch of bones at Blueprint, in which Blueprint did the same thing, by launching his own bones at Underswap's bones. He than summoned a Blueprint Blaster, and fired it at Underswap Sans, who than fired his own Gaster Blaster, canceling the attack of both sides out. Needless to say, Blueprint and Underswap Sans are having immense fun. It now it is Ink Sans' turn to take the fight in, as he rushed forward, and both him and Blurprint clashed against each other with their artistic weapons, and thanks to Blueprint's training as a royal guard, he is able to keep up against the Protector of the Alternate Universe.

He is able to block, attack, counterattack, and redirect back at Ink Sans with immense force. And needless to say, Ink Sans is enjoying it. Ink Sans jumped into the air, and tried to attack with Ink Bones, but Blueprint made a brick wall. He than made some missiles in the air, and Ink Sans blocked it by making a wall of paint. Ink Sans than landed on the ground, as Blueprint smiled at Ink Sans.

"You are doing good, Blueprint. But let's see how much you can keep up against me."

Blueprint nodded, as he smiled proudly.

"I will."


Blueprint lost the fight, but he lasted far longer than he did in the past. Back then, he had lost a bit more quicker than ever before. But Ink Sans is very proud at what happened.

Palette Roller, who is a very powerful spawn himself, is now fighting off against Dream Sand and Ink Sans in this form of sparring, due to the fact that his powers are a combination of Dream and Ink's powers. He can create like Ink, but only with a Palette Roller, which is where he got his name from, and he can empower himself with Positive Emotions, just like what Dream can do. This is thanks to the fact that during a fight between Dream Sans and Ink Sans, the Golden Apple within Dream Sans combined with Ink Sans' paint combined to make Palette Roller, and thanks to this, he is very powerful enough to go toe to toe against bout of his parents at the same time.

Dream Sans gripped on his bow and arrow, and spoke out.

"Alright, Palete Roller. Do not hold back on us both."

Palette Roller smiled, as he than spoke back to Dream Sans.

"I will not plan to hold back on anything that I am fighting, especially against you, Father Dream and Father Ink."

Ink smiled along with Dream Sans, as Ink than spoke out to Palette Roller.

"Than show us what you can do against the both of us, Palette Roller. And do not try and let us down."

Palette Roller smiled at Ink Sans, as he than gripped his, uhh..paint roller, and he prepares to fight against his parents, before he than spoke out too them.

"Let's go."

Dream Sans and Ink Sans than fired projectiles at Palette Roller, who than swung his paint roller as fast as he could, which than made a white wall of paint, as the projectiles bounced harmlessly against the wall, and nearly hit the ones that had made the projectiles in the first place. Ink Sans and Dream Sans, not wanting to get hit, immedaitley jumps into the air, as the projectiles that they fired stabbed the ground. Ink Sans than looks up, and sees Palette Roller in the air, and ready to swing his paint roller. Ink Sans than swung  his brush, as the 2 art weapons clashed against each other, as Ink and Palette Roller than landed on the ground. Palette Roller than jumped back, as he than charged at Ink Sans, and swung rich yellow paint at Ink Sans, which than turned into rope. But Ink Sans swung his Paintbrush, and made a pillar of paint, which the rope had than wrapped around instead of Ink Sans, as the pillar and the rope splashed into liquid form.

Palette Roller than swung his Paint Roller, as orange paint than began to try and attack Ink Sans, as the Protector of the Alternate Universes jumped up into the air, and the orange paint splashed onto the ground, as the orange paint glowed, before it had than made a powerful explosion. Clearly, Palette Roller has been practicing on his powers alright, as he has made them far more damaging them before. Dream Sans than raised his bow and he than fired a bunch of positivity arrows at Palette Roller. When that happened, Palette Roller swung his paint roller and fired paints of various co,ours, which than turned into arrows themselves. They all had a variety of effects, such as the orange arrows exploding against the positivity arrows. The cyan arrows freezing the positivity arrows, the green arrows bouncing the positivity arrows back, and the purple arrows turning into what appears to be a stasis bubble around the positivity arrows. And that is just to name a few of the arrows that had made these effects.

Ink Sans than tried to launch his Ink Bones at Palette Rollee. But than, Palette Roller took out a Paintball Gun,

And fired at the Ink Bones, shooting them out from the air itself. That's too close for Palette Roller.

Palette Roller and Dream Sans smiled, as Dream Sans than spoke out to Palette Roller.

"You hav done so well, my son. You have made use of your powers so great and so well. One of these might one day take after me as the Guardian of Negativity."

Palette Roller nodded with a smile, as he than spoke out.

"And I will do anything to make you proud, Father Dream."

Dream Sans nodded, as Ink than spoke out, as he held onto his Paintbrush tightly in his hand.

"Good. Now than. Let us continue, shall we?"


Palette Roller was able to bring the fight into a tie. He used his power over absorbing Positivity and infusing it into his paint, it hade made him such a her difficult opponent on part with Gradient. It was incredible. Gradient was extremely tough on his own, and Palette Roller was able to bring the fight to a stand still. It is thanks to that it ended in a tie, which was completely unexpected for both Dream Sans and Ink Sans.

Error has left as soon as the last fight was over, and Underswap Sans, Dream Sans, and Ink Sans were taking a break from having to spar agains their own kids, in that while they were still young, they are still very powerful in their one unique way, as Ink believes that they'll surpass them in time.

Blueprint, Palette Roller, and Gradient, all 3 of these spawns came to see Ink, Dream, and Swap Sans, as they are very happy to see their parents. Paperjam has left to his own spot, but Ink does not mind that sort of thing from Paperjam, since Paperjam has his own stuff to do, and it is not even his own business.

"Oh, hey you 3. How has the sparring been for you?"

Blueprint smiled, as his eyes turned into the shapes of stars.

"It was amazing!!! This is the most heated,yet exciting moment that I have ever felt in my life!!"

Palette Roller also smiled, as he spoke out to Ink Sans.

"It was such a perfect opportunity to test my powers, due to how much I have trained in the use of the different paints that I have, and their effects on what they can do. I feel so relieved that I could finally use them to see how well it would go."

Dream Sans smiled, as he than spoke out to Palette Roller.

"I am very glad that you are able to improve. All of you are getting more and more stronger every day."

Underswap Sans smiled, as he than spoke out.

"Mweh heh heh!! At this rate, Blueprint, you can become a fine member of the Royal Guard."

Ink Sans than smiled, as he than spoke out.

"Or even better, all of you will soon become the next generation of Star Sanses if you continue to grow more powerful enough.

Gradient's eyes widened, as he than spoke out.

"Real-Real-Really?! Do you ser-ser-seriously mean i-i-it?!"

Ink Sans nodded his head with a smile, and spoke out.

"I really do, Gradient. I really do."

The spawns looked at each other, and they all hugged each other, as the original Star Sanses looked at their spawns with a smile.

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