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After Jack finished recording, he turned everything off and got up to check on Mark.

"Aww." The rough edges on Jack's countenance softened, and he smiled. The young engineer was curled up in the center of Jack's bundled shirt, and snuggling the thick fabric. He was sound asleep,  and he also looked a lot more relaxed than Jack last saw him. I hope that means he's getting better. Jack carefully picked the jar up and slowly walked to the living room, trying to keep his strides from swaying. He was still holding the transparent container to his chest when he sat down on the couch. With a nervous sigh, Jack glanced down at Mark.

Now all I gotta do is wait for him to wake up.

Mark slowly opened his eyes. He was feeling a lot better than yesterday, but his body was still sore, battered and injured. With a groan, he sat up and decided to take a look at his leg. When he pulled his pant leg up, he noticed that his ankle already had new dressing on it. What? Mark frowned and gently touched his foot. It was a little off and sloppy, but it was in place to get the job done.

Mark tried to remember what happened before he passed out, and before he'd momentarily woken up in Jack's recording room. He remembered how awed Jack was when he saw him, and then he had looked... Concerned? And sympathetic, when he'd seen Mark's arm. The engineer recalled collapsing to the floor and seeing Jack go and get Felix. Felix bandaged my foot? Mark pulled his sleeve up and, as he guessed, his arm had new gauzes wrapped around it as well. Still ached like hellfire though.

Wow. Mark pulled his pant leg back down and let his sleeve fall. That was really... considerate. I didn't realize they'd done that for me. He was still trying to persuade himself that maybe, just maybe, he was lucky; out of all the giants that could have picked his ship up, he knew how fortunate he was to have Jack, of all possible scenarios, pick his ship up. Who else would mistake a tiny ship for a toy? Certainly not a violent inconsiderate giant. Mark could finally feel in his gut that maybe Jack was nice and had good intentions after all-- but he could also feel that the giant probably had no idea just how gravitational his actions were.

Mark flinched when his stomach let out a miserable growl, and the mechanic folded his arms over his midsection with a small sigh. Where am I anyway? He looked around and realized that the jar had been moved. He was now in the living room, placed on the coffee table and facing the holoscreen tv. The news was on, and they were talking about how extraordinary it would be if Mark's people were sentient and could talk. All kinds of new and exciting information could be squeezed out of them if they could just get a live specimen...

Fear and horror fluttered through Mark, and he could hear his breathing get shallow as he started panting in fear. His mind was too creative for his own good. What if they catch the crew? What if they catch Amy!? Mark was perturbed at the idea of someone hurting Amy and his friends.

"You understood that... didn't you?" Mark froze and turned his head. Jack was standing in the kitchen, his gaze locked on Mark's diminutive form. Mark didn't know whether to answer or not, but in the end his sassy attitude got the best of him.

"Do you understand that it's not nice to shove someone in a jar?" Mark grumbled loudly. Jack's eyes shot wide open-- but then once he'd recovered, he smiled and actually let out a small laugh.

"Sorry." He carried a sandwich into the living room and plopped down at the couch. Mark leaned back a little and looked up, his boldness wavering as he was reminded of how small and weak he was. Jack thought little of sitting so closely though, smiling at Mark before taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"So, do ya have a name? Mine's Jack."

"Uh..." Mark found himself staring as Jack chewed. "Y-yeah, my name's M-Mark..." he grimaced as Jack swallowed his mouthful and took another bite, and he looked away as Jack chewed thoughtfully.

"Hmm... Mark." Jack swallowed again and tried the name out. "Mmmmaahrk. Mmeerrk, M-Mahrk." He grinned. "It suits you."

"Thanks," Mark mumbled. He tried looking back up at the giant, yet he couldn't help but stare at the sandwich-- which Jack noticed, and one brow raised a mite.

"You want some?" He offered. "It's got ham and cheese."

"Sure," Mark replied, trying to not sound scared. The bites Jack had taken out of the sandwich were bigger than him. It's like Attack on Titan... He was shaking in his boots, but Mark knew he had to keep up a strong front. He had to be strong, for Amy and his friends. Jack pulled apart a small piece of the sandwich and put it in the jar. Mark cowered when Jack's hand swooped in, but then he relaxed when the giant made no move to grab him and pulled his hand out, leaving the piece of sandwich behind. "Th-thanks." Mark picked the piece up and started nibbling on it, but he felt his ears turning red as Jack watched him eat with fascination, and he tried to ignore it.

"So what are you?" Jack suddenly asked.

"I'm a human," Mark answered between bites. Jack rested his arms on the table and peered into the jar, fascinated.

"What's a human?" Mark looked up and jumped when he saw how close those huge ocean blue orbs had gotten; they were just hovering like headlights in front of the glass.

"Y-you don't know what a human is?" Mark squeaked. Jack shrugged and shook his head.

"How would I? We've never been off this planet before. None of us have." Mark's eyes widened as his jaw dropped.

"Never!?" He exclaimed. Despite all the difficult and death defying events he had been through, Mark couldn't imagine being trapped on Earth forever, with no way to go into space-- not when his heart called for the stars!

"Never!" Jack shook his head. "The scientists on our planet said it wasn't possible, so instead everyone focused on making our own technology better." Mark felt sympathy bloom in his chest, and he realized that he had started to relax around the giant already... Fascinating. While his new acquaintance was gargantuan and could kill him with one wrong move, he actually felt like he was having a genuine conversation with Jack. At least the giant had emotions, and Mark was good with those.

"That's awful." Mark finished his tiny portion of the sandwich and looked up at the rim of the jar. Jack went back to eating his sandwich and finished it quickly. "Hey, um..." Mark looked up at Jack. "I-I don't mean to be rude or anything, but can you please let me out now?" Mark was hoping that the word please meant something on this planet.

"Sure." Mark felt relieved until Jack held his finger up. "On one condition," Jack continued. Mark's heart sank.

"Wh-what is it?" Jack looked at Mark with a serious look in his intense gaze.

"When I get you out, you won't try to run away," he said solemnly. Mark bit his lip.

"Does... does that mean you're going to hurt me?" The spaceman haltingly dared to ask. Jack's eyes flew wide open.

"What!? No!" He exclaimed. "I just meant it's dangerous out there, I don't want you to get hurt!" Mark sighed in relief, and then he nodded.

"O-okay, good. Good..." He stood up and walked to the glass wall, placing his hands on the jar. "But I also have a condition." Jack frowned and tilted his head.

"What is it?" He asked, curious.

"Y-you can't pick me up." Mark saw Jack's expression soften, and feeling braver he pressed on. "You can't carry me, or grab me," he declared. Jack slumped in his seat.

"Oh... you don't trust me." Mark frowned in sympathy when he saw Jack look down sadly.

"It's-It's not that Jack, I just-I have boundaries," Mark stammered. "This is my first time on a giant planet, so I'm just having a hard time adjusting. In case you didn't notice, I don't... I don't exactly belong here." Jack suddenly brightened up and smiled.

"Then I'll give you the best damn first impression I can!" He exclaimed. Mark winced and covered his ears, and Jack smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry. I'm used to being loud," he apologized, chuckling. Mark relaxed.

"It's fine." He looked up at Jack. "So, do we have a deal?" Jack beamed.

"Deal!" He quietly cheered. Mark smiled nervously as Jack reached over and picked the jar up.

"How am I gonna get you out without picking you up though?" Mark thought for a few seconds and pointed at the floor.

"Just put the jar down on its side, and I'll climb out," he told Jack.

"Okay!" Jack crouched down and turned the jar over on its side. Mark immediately found himself tumbling, and he was suddenly sprawled face first in the shirt. "Oops, sorry," Jack giggled. Mark clawed his way out of the shirt and walked to the rim of the jar. He took a deep breath before climbing out, and just like that he was out in the open. He was free, and the giant was on his side... mostly.

"So were you the one that took my shirt?" Jack asked, picking the jar up to get his shirt out. Mark's cheeks reddened, and he blushed in embarrassment.

"Oh, yeah, kind of," he admitted. "It got really cold at night for me, s-sorry."

"It's fine," Jack chuckled dismissively, "Ye think it's cold at night, wait until winter starts." Mark's heart sank once more. Would he be stranded on the planet long enough for the autumn season to pass?

"It's almost the end of the warmest season, right?" Mark craned his neck and watched as Jack unfolded his shirt and smoothed the wrinkles out of it.

"Yeah." Mark shivered.

"I'm gonna fucking die when it gets cold," he mumbled. Jack looked down at Mark.

"Aww, you don't have to worry! I won't let you freeze." Mark smiled gratefully, and then he realized that there were tears in his eyes. He sniffed and tried to wipe them away, but instead the salty teardrops trailed down his cheeks. Why am I crying!? Mark couldn't tell whether he was crying because he was scared of dying, or if he was just getting emotional at the idea of finally having somewhere safe on the planet. "Safe" kind of stretched the truth though. Mark knew Jack was still big and unpredictable. But still, maybe...?

"... Mark?" Jack had frozen and looked down at the small engineer with alarm shining in his wide eyes. "Are you- are you crying?" He exclaimed. Mark found himself letting out a laugh as he covered his face, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I just get really emotional!" He giggled. "I tend to be a bit of a blubbering crybaby." Jack felt his chest squeezed as he watched the tiny man sob into his hands, and he couldn't resist reaching down and gently rubbing Mark's head. He was surprised by how soft his black floofy hair was, and he continued to comfortingly pet his small acquaintance.

"It's okay little buddy," he cooed. "It's ok, Jackaboy's got ya. You'll be A-okay."

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