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Thanks to the secondary double thrusters, they were able to break free of the planet's gravitational pull. They shot off into space, with Billy's squad pulling away to go meet up with the few others of their kind. Karen informed him which direction to go, and so they all set their courses and waited.

Traveling on small emergency-only ships was not the greatest form of transportation, but they were light and fast. Among the small band of survivors, for some reason Mark was chosen as the captain. He tried to hand it over to Tyler, the highest ranking member, but Tyler had told him, "Just shut up and drive." So he did, humbly. Although he could have sworn Karen sounded smug the next time she addressed him as "Captain." So he gave her Tyler's advice.

Now, they were sailing through the vast void of cold light and darkness. Stars glittered like jewels all around, and no one really said much other than what they wanted to do when they were home. But everyone was tense, and nervous. They were hoping, hoping with all their might that the ships would make it back. But as they approached Sector B, Mark noticed that the fuel was nearing empty. So, he tried radioing home.

"Alterra, this is Mark Fischbach, come in." Static. He tried again. "This is Mark Fischbach to headquarters, come in?" White noise. They held their breaths. "Does anyone read me?" He asked loudly. Then, they heard fizzing.

"We hear you loud and clear, Fischbach." They gasped and cheered, hugging each other. Mark smiled with relief as he replied.

"We're on the border of Sector B headed your way, but we need a support fleet. Emergency ships are running low on fuel."

"We are on our way, Fischbach." Amy cried and wrapped her arms around Mark's neck. Mark turned and hugged her back, also tearing up in joy.

Not long after, one of the patrol ships hailed them. They flew to it and docked, and the members on board cheered and exclaimed their support. One of the officers led them to the sick bay immediately to get them all checked for any alien sicknesses or diseases. They all checked out. And then their injuries were taken care of, before Mark was called away to meet the captain.

He followed the officer on crutches and entered the quiet, stowed away room. She dipped her head in a respectful nod before closing the door for him. Mark inhaled and looked around the room.

"Go ahead, Mr. Fischbach." The man was already sitting, and he had one leg crossed over the other, and was sitting back in his chair. "Take a seat, rest," he offered. Mark hobbled over and sat across from the captain. He sighed and nodded his head.

"Captain," he greeted respectfully. The man uncrossed his legs and sat forward.

"I'd say, Fischbach," he began, "I'm still not sure how the hell we found you, but boy am I glad you came and joined us." He studied the engineer, and added, "It was because of your dog, right?" Mark nodded.

"Yes- yes sir." He sat back, thoughtful.

"Right." He sighed. "Well, here's the good news. Not only did you manage to survive for quite a while, but your sentence is also lifted." Mark's eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" He stammered. The captain smiled.

"I mean, you don't have to serve us anymore to keep the mutt. You and your girlfriend are free to go." He squinted. "As long as you don't act up again," he said warily.

"N-no, no sir!" Mark stood. "I-I won't let you down!" The captain grinned.

"I know you won't, now sit down." Mark took his seat. The captain procured a file and pushed it to Mark's side. "When you were taken away by that giant, Damien I believe, your eyecam experienced some, ah... technical difficulties. So we couldn't view the rest of your experience." Confused, Mark opened the folder and shuffled through the holographic sheets. He stared at them all, shocked. "I know you and he got along well," the captain continued. "But I'm afraid he wasn't who you thought he was. So lemme ask you something."

"This-this is real?" Mark murmured. The captain nodded.

"Yes. He was persecuted to work in the anti-smog factory, and then shortly thereafter be condemned to either death or lifetime isolated exile." Mark took a sharp breath as he looked at a mug shot. "But then, he somehow escaped and snuck on board with the rest of your research crew members and affiliated himself into the research team. He didn't belong there." The captain leaned forward. "So, may I ask you: Where is Nathan Sharp now?"

Mark's head whirled. He remembered when he met Nate in the Crowl Fighting Arena. He remembered how nice he was, and he was, in a good way, laid back for someone who went to prison. He probably enjoyed freedom on the gargantuan planet, which would explain why he didn't want to come home.

"Trust me, Earth is better off without me," he had said. But what had he done? How could it have been bad enough to be sentenced for either death or insanity treatment? He didn't... kill someone, did he? No. Mark refused to believe that. His gut told him Nate was a nice guy.

"He died." The blunt answer surprised himself. "Justice served, I say now." The captain sighed and nodded.

"Good. They'll be glad to hear that."

"See you in another life." Then Mark remembered something, and he couldn't help but ask a question.

"Sir, who is Morgan? Nate mentioned her to me before." The captain sighed.

"Morgan is a woman with ARDS." Mark's eyes were wide with horror.

"Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome?" He sat back, feeling sorry. "For how long?"

"Almost five years now." Mark covered his mouth. "She's been fighting it for a very long time, but I'm afraid the ever increasing toxins and ever decreasing oxygen is not helping." The captain sighed. "The infection is much different than it was many years ago. Back then, it was only a low chance of death. But now, if she were to make it out of this alive, it would take a miracle and a half." He dipped his head. "We're doing all that we can to ease her passing, though, when the time comes." Mark sighed and folded his arms on the table.

"Can I see her?" He asked, "When we get back?" The captain looked surprised, but he nodded.

"Very well." Then he added, "Enjoy your dog and life." And then he got up to leave. Mark sat there for a few seconds before he turned and blurted, "Sir!" The captain turned to him, standing at the door.

"I... I want to still be a member," Mark said. The man's eyebrow rose at this.

"Really?" Mark nodded.

"D-don't get me wrong, I've really missed Chica and my friends and all, but I still want to search the stars. I want to save our world." His voice dropped to a more calm tone. "However, I do have to tell you something." The captain came back over.

"Go on then," he grunted. Mark took a deep breath.

"I have something that may be able to help our planet."

Three Years Later....

Jordan ran swiftly through the halls, pushing through the meandering crew members and fighting to go as fast as possible. "'scuse me, pardon me!" He yelled. He skidded and turned into a small corridor. He pushed numbers into the pad and opened the door. "Sir!" He leaped through the doorway. In the room, there were all sorts of strange devices. Lights illuminated the metal walls with a strange glow, and at the center was a desk. At the desk, there was a strange laptop shaped box, and tinkering on it was Mark Fischbach.

"Captain!" Mark looked up from his work and smiled.

"Hey Jordan." He put down his tools. "What's up?"

"I got a message from earth, the pollution levels finally dropped below the lethal levels. And there's a message from Billy." Jordan panted between words. "He said that they finally found a T-3 planet. They've attached coordinates. It's in Sector F." He added to himself with a puffy exhale, "Man, I need to work out more."

"Really?" Mark was smiling. "Good. I'm glad they finally found a place to live." He tapped his fingers on the desk. "Once they're settled in, we can begin the trading and confirm the alliance treaty." His smile faded as his gaze grew distant. "Any word from...?" Jordan shook his head.

"I haven't heard anything from Sector D." Mark sighed and tried to hide his deflated spirits.

"That's alright." Jordan nodded and left again. Mark stared at the door for what felt like a couple of minutes, and then he looked down at the box in front of him. It doesn't matter. He touched its surface and slid his fingers across its top. I'm so close... Mark cocked his head and sat back. Actually, I should try it now. He put the cover on and pushed a button. The screen flickered to life, shimmering above the box. Mark inhaled sharply and held his breath. He tapped on the screen and pulled up a webpage. He started typing, his fingers went faster as he continued. Then he stopped and stared at the screen.

"Okay... here it goes." He tapped the button and waited. For a few, long, agonizingly suspenseful seconds, nothing showed up. But then, the computer suddenly beeped and pulled up a different screen.

"Hey! Why'd ya push accept!?" The screen was shaky and blurry; likely, the holder was probably running. But that voice made Mark's heart jump in his throat and his chest compress.

"Come on! You need to get out more!" The screen suddenly dropped to the floor as someone ran away, and Mark heard one of the familiar voice curse. There was a loud thump, and then some screaming and laughing.

"Fuck you!" The first voice laughed. Mark smiled a little, and then the screen suddenly moved again. Mark felt his heart beat faster as he came face to face with a familiar face. "HOLY-" He dropped the phone again. Mark laughed as he fumbled for it. "M-Mark!?!?" Jack gawked at the screen. "Mark! Is that you!?" He shouted. Mark nodded, grinning.

"H-hey, Jack!" He waved.

"Holy shit! I can't believe it!" The surprise wore off to a huge grin. "Yer back! Er, I mean, sort of, but, um- How'd you do it?"

"I used those notes I made when you showed me your computer. I connected to the EyeNet." Then Mark suddenly gasped. "Wait, where's your hair?" Jack's hair was no longer green, but it was now dark brown. "Who are you, imposter!" Mark yelled. Jack laughed.

"Yeah, I, uh, I had to take out the dye." He ran his hand through his hair. "It was getting really annoying to wash," he chuckled, "It kept rubbing out and all." Mark nodded, understanding.

"I've really missed you," he murmured. Jack nodded, also looking sentimental.

"Me too, little duder." He touched the screen nostalgically. "At least I can see ye better, being normal sized now!" He added lightly. Mark chuckled.

"That's true." He batted his eyes. "Am I pretty?" He asked in a fake voice. Jack laughed.

"Yeah, if that's what you want to call it."

"JAAACK!!!" Felix suddenly barged into frame and pushed Jack aside. "Who are you talking to?" He yelled. Then he balked at Mark, said something in another language that sounded like cursing, and then came the ear bleeder. "MARK!!" He shook the phone excitedly. "Hi!" He yelled. Mark laughed and waved at him.

"Hey Felix!" Jack shoved Felix with a stupid grin.

"Looks like we've all got some catching up to do!" He exclaimed. "How about you? Are ye dead yet?" Mark scowled.

"Yes. I am a ghost from the grave coming to haunt your phone," he joked. Felix snickered.

"Well then tell us! What's up?"

"Well." Mark tapped the desk. So many things to say, he was just so excited! It had been so long! "I'm the captain of my own ship," He started.

"Really? Wow!" 

"Well go on!" Jack urged with shining eyes. "Tell us everything! What else has happened? Did you marry Amy yet? When are ya gonna visit?" Mark laughed and began to fill them in on everything he could remember.

"Don't worry guys." He smiled and touched the screen. "We'll all be together again soon."

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