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The first day of recovery was nothing but a jumbled blurry dream to Mark. Many times he recalled Jack's immense face peering down at him with worry and murmuring to him, but he couldn't remember anything he said. He just remembered hearing Jack's voice a lot, and Felix's too as he drifted in and out of consciousness.

The second day was when he finally woke up. His vision was hazy in the beginning, but he blinked a few times and it eventually went away. His eyes wandered as he breathed deeply and smelled food. He was in the living room, lying on what he assumed was the couch. His shirt had been removed and replaced with multiple gauze wraps. A spare roll of them lay beside an empty bowl on the coffee table, with a pair of scissors close by to downsize them to Mark's appropriate size. Mark blinked sleepily at his surroundings and yawned before he tried to sit up.

"Ahh!" He gasped and quickly lay down again. His back was throbbing with pain that was only dulled with what he guessed was medicine. He closed his eyes and moaned, trying to wish the aching agony away. Ow... The surface under Mark suddenly shifted, and Mark opened his eyes to see Jack frowning down at him.

"Hey." The giant's voice was a low murmur, hushed and easy on Mark's ears. "How you feeling?" Mark groaned and closed his eyes.

"Like a rakovad chewed me up like a chew toy and decided it didn't want a piece of me," he grumbled. He felt Jack chuckle as his hair was gently mussed.

"Well that's pretty much what happened." Mark realized he was laying on Jack's chest as the giant put his hand over Mark and sat up with a grunt. "But are you dizzy? Nauseous?"

"I'm a little queasy," Mark admitted, "But it's mostly just from the pain."

"I bet you're hungry." Jack nodded at the kitchen. "I just made some soup, you want some?" Mark yawned and let his head rest on his friend's chest as he added, "You're looking a little emaciated anyway," and got up. Mark yawned again as Jack walked into the kitchen and headed for a large pot sitting on the stove. He moved Mark so the engineer was laying cradled in his hand as he reached for a spoon and dipped it into the rich broth.

"Here, have a little," Jack urged. Mark's eyes fluttered open as he looked to see the spoon hovering not too far away. He could feel the heat emanating from the hot liquid, and the smell was enticing. He tried to sit up, but he quickly stopped as he gasped in pain and gripped Jack's hoodie.

"I-I can't sit up," he whimpered. Jack frowned and put the spoon in the pot.

"Hmm..." he carried Mark back into the living room and set him down carefully on the couch. Mark's countenance twisted with pain as Jack gently nudged him so he was laying against the back and sitting up. "Easy, easy..." Jack murmured as he stepped away. "Comfy?" Mark relaxed and nodded, sighing. "Just wait there." Mark wanted to point out that he couldn't go anywhere, but Jack was gone before his groggy mind could think to say anything. He sighed again and waited for Jack to come back.

The gargantuan alien came walking back very slowly, his hand held under the spoon as he treated it like an explosive. "Here you go." He crouched down and gently blew the steam away before holding it out to Mark. "Just try to get a few sips in ya," he encouraged. Mark craned his neck and managed to slurp a little as Jack held the spoon with a steady hand. It tasted good. It needed a little more salt, but Mark didn't complain. He was fine with it just the way it was and didn't mind.

It took a few minutes before Jack got Mark to drain the whole spoonful, and he smiled and rubbed Mark's head. "See? There we go... feel better?" Mark yawned.

"You're surprisingly not a bad cook." Jack chuckled.

"I'm full of many surprises." He left Mark for only a few seconds to go put the spoon in the sink, and when he came back he saw Mark had conked out again. Smiling he crouched down and gently scooped the small lifeform up, and he sat down on the couch as he snuggled the sleeping human and held him close to his heart.

"Ok class, now that we've finished that, open your books and turn to page 94," the teacher said. "We're continuing Stars In the Sky." Some kids groaned as they reached for their books and flipped through the pages. Jack was quiet about it, but he wasn't happy that they had to read. Again.

"Now, who likes space?" The teacher asked. A couple of hands shot up. The teacher smiled. "I think space is lovely, it's a very colourful place. But unfortunately," he sighed, "Space travel is not possible."

"My grandpa said the planet's gravity is too heavy!" A kid boasted. The teacher nodded.

"Your grandpa's right Mike. Now." He got up from his seat and walked around, adjusting his glasses as he looked at the book. "Who would like to read first?" A girl raised her hand. "Yes, go ahead Mindy." The girl beamed and wiggled in her seat before she began to read.

"Nicholas turned to Andrew and asked, "What's going to happen now?"" She slowly read. Jack rolled his eyes and looked out the window. He was more interested in being outside than having to hear his classmates learn to read. "Andrew said, "It's gonna be ok Nick. We'll get there someday, up in the stars, where no one can tell us what to do." He held his hand up and added, "Pinky promise?"

Nicholas smiled. "Pinky promise," he vowed."

"Good Mindy," the teacher praised. He looked around the room for his next victim. "Jack." Jack jumped in his seat and looked at the teacher with wide eyes. "Could you read the next few paragraphs for us?" He asked. Jack nodded hesitantly and looked in the book. He cleared his throat nervously and began to read.

"... "B-but Andrew," Nicholas added. "How are we gonna get up there?"

"We'll just have to shoot for the stars," Andrew said. "We're young, we'll make it there one day, and when we do we'll make a home there, maybe even take over the universe!" Excitement shined in his eyes.

"One step at a time," Nicholas laughed. Andrew's eyes bulged as he realized something.

"Nick!" He exclaimed. "What if there are other creatures out there, new things and new planets?"" The teacher nodded.

"Thank you Jack." He looked around for the next reader as Jack slumped in his seat, hot with embarrassment. "Aiden, would you give it a try?" The young boy he called out obediently read.

""If there are," Nicholas said, "Then we could be friends with them! We could eat all sorts of new things and play with the animals! I bet they'd be really cute."

"I bet there's a planet of robots!" Andrew said hopefully." The bell rang, dismissing class.

"Now remember!" The teacher called as the students packed their bags. "I want you to finish chapter five of your science fiction books tonight! We'll discuss what happens next tomorrow." Jack followed the throng of young kids through the hallway and out of the school. It was foggy again, and the sun still wasn't out.

"Jack!" Jack turned and smiled when a familiar blonde ran up to him.

"Felix!" The two fist bumped and smiled at each other with glee. "Come on!" He nudged Felix and raced off, breaking away from the other kids as Felix followed. They ran along the road and left the city; they walked through the woods and talked as they approached the familiar cabin.

"So how's that little bug you found?" Felix asked. "What did you name it? It started with an S."

"Sam." Jack was keeping himself occupied as he jumped around in the grass, playing a game in his head that all of the grassy patches were lava. Felix smiled.

"Has your mom found him yet?" He teased. Jack scowled at Felix and puffed his chest out.

"Nuh uh!" Jack jumped and landed by Felix. He turned to the blonde boy and crossed his arms. "I've been keeping Sammy safe!" He added with a defiant glint of pride in his eyes.

"That's good," Felix said. His blue eyes sparkled with interest. "Can I see him?" Jack narrowed his eyes.

"Pinky promise you won't tell?" He asked slowly. Felix held his pinky up.

"Promise!" He swore with round eyes. Jack complied and bounced giddily.

"Yay!" He grinned at Felix and started running. "Race ya!"

Mark felt stronger the more he rested. By the end of the day he could sit up with Jack assisting just a little bit, and by the next morning Mark could actually stand under his green haired friend's close eye.

"Mark, no!" Mark groaned when Jack's hand suddenly swooped down and swept him off his feet.

"Jaaaack!" He whined. "I'm going stir crazy!"

"I'm sure ye are! But that doesn't mean you're walking yet," Jack said firmly. "You might fall or pull your stitches open!" Mark groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Yes dad." He knew he was starting to act like a rebellious teenager, but he couldn't help it! Jack hadn't left him alone for more than a minute; it felt like forever since Mark was outside. He appreciated Jack's concern, but he needed some air! Felix walked into the living room.

"How is he today?" He asked. Mark felt Jack prickle a little when Felix didn't directly ask Mark how he felt.

"He's right here if you wanna ask him yourself," Jack growled. Whoa, easy does it buddy... He pat Jack's hand and felt the tense muscles relax around him.

"I'm doing a lot better, thanks," Mark told Felix. Felix nodded.

"That's good." He glanced at Jack, and then he added, "I overheard you two. If he's cooped up so much why don't you let him go outside?" He suggested. Jack's eyes widened.

"But it's raining!" He exclaimed.

"Less pollen for you," Felix replied crisply. "Besides, we have umbrellas, just sit on the front steps. It's not like he can walk anywhere yet." Mark grumbled, but he liked the idea of getting some fresh air- exactly what he needed.

"Please Jack?" He shoved Jack's finger and looked up at the giant with pleading eyes. "Felix is right, I'm dying in here!" Jack made a strange noise and laughed.

"All right fine! I can't deny that face," he giggled. Mark beamed.

"Yay!" He cried. Felix carried on about his way and went into the kitchen. Jack got up and took Mark into his room. Mark glanced at Felix's turned back as he was carried away.

"I get the feeling Felix doesn't wanna be buddy-buddy with me," he admitted to Jack. Jack curled his lower lip.

"I think he's just jealous you're getting all the attention," he teased, but the joke was halfhearted. Mark's frown carved deeper.

"I don't want any trouble though," he murmured. "You guys are such good friends, what has he got to be cranky about?" Jack shrugged.

"Some friendships don't last," he pointed out. "But Felix and I grew up together thick as thieves, so maybe he's used to having me all to himself." Mark smiled.

"So what, are you saying he thinks he should be jealous?" Mark shook his head. "He doesn't have to be," he said kindly, "I wouldn't want to come between the two of you."

"And the sooner he comes around and realizes that, the better." Jack helped Mark onto his bed and went into his closet.

"He can't help how he feels," Mark murmured drowsily. Jack snorted from behind the closet door.

"Oh now you're defending him?" He mused. Mark swung his legs idly off the edge and shrugged.

"I'm just saying that it's who he is, he just cares about you that much," he sympathized. Jack came out of the closet with his familiar red shirt and black ripped jeans on.

"That is true," Jack agreed. "But that doesn't mean he should be a prick about it." Mark sighed as Jack tugged his black jacket on.

"I don't know." Then he added in a small voice, "I hope he doesn't, you know... turn me in or anything." As he said the words a shiver ran down his spine, and Mark shuddered at the idea.

"He wouldn't." Jack crouched down by the bed and put his arms on the covers, looking straight at Mark with his intense crystal blue eyes. "Just give him some time," he pleaded. "He'll come around, you'll see." Mark nodded.

"I know." He sighed. "I guess I'm just stressed, I'm sorry..." Jack's brow curved upward.

"Come here." He gently pulled Mark closer and hugged him to his chest. Mark closed his eyes and relaxed with a tired sigh, closing his eyes. Jack smiled and mussed his hair.

"Come on, let's get you some fresh air." He stood up and walked to the front door as he let Mark sit on his shoulder. Mark held on to the giant's hoodie as Jack reached for an umbrella hanging from the hat stand.

"Have fun!" Felix called from the kitchen. He was sitting at the table helping himself to some leftovers.

"Thanks." Jack opened the door and leaned out to open the umbrella. A cold rush of wind splashed Mark's small body, and he gasped as he shuddered.

"Brr!" He climbed over the folds in Jack's hoodie and curled up against his neck. Jack stepped outside on the small porch and shivered.

"Brr is right," he agreed. He walked to the small stairs and sat on the edge of the porch. Rain pattered on the umbrella heavily as a squall ruffled Jack's fluffy green hair, but Mark relaxed and sighed. It was very warm in the crook he had taken refuge in.

"Now this is what I'm used to," Jack said, eyeing the foggy trees with a nostalgic look. Mark stirred and looked around.

"It's beautiful," he murmured. The forest was beginning to lose its lush green, making Mark realize that autumn was on its way. Jack chuckled.

"It's just trees and grass," he remarked. "Then again," He added softly, "It's home sweet home..." Mark hummed and closed his eyes as he snuggled Jack's warm neck. The giant's jugular throbbed behind the thick wall of pale skin, pulsing with life and pumping gallons upon gallons of blood through him. Jack's pulse was soft but rhythmic, and Mark was both comforted and daunted; it reminded him of how infinitesimal he was in this world that he didn't belong in.

"I miss home," he murmured, half to himself. Jack slumped against the patio column and tried to look at Mark, but the small human was out of eyesight.

"I'm sure your people will come soon," he said quietly. But the truth was, he didn't know. How far away was Mark's planet? How long had he been in space, and how long would it take his people to come and save him and the other survivors? Mark sighed and buried his face in Jack's neck.

"I don't know man," he mumbled. "They should be here sooner or later, but what if they can't find us? What if they don't care?" Jack frowned.

"Hey..." he reached up and covered Mark with his hand. "They'll be here," he promised. "They're your kind, of course they care! Maybe they had a few technical difficulties or something. Besides," he added, "I wouldn't mind you staying here. I'd take good care of ya." Mark didn't say anything. Jack felt him wriggle under his hand and push against his thumb. The giant moved his thumb and felt Mark poke his head out.

"Jack..." Mark looked up across Jack's jawline. "You don't... think of me as a-a pet or anything... do you?" He weakly asked. Jack's muscles went rigid.

"WHAT!?" Mark flinched and covered his ears. "What the hell gives you a dumb idea like that!?" Jack exploded. Mark winced, his ears ringing. Too late Jack remembered his little buddy's sensitive ears and lowered his voice. "Mark," he murmured, appalled. "Why would you think that? Of course not!"

"I-I just..." Mark's mind flashed back to the Crowl Fight, and he shivered. "Being kidnapped got me shaken up," he admitted. "I-I'm just a little jostled, from..." Jack slowly relaxed and sighed.

"Mark." He picked up Mark and laydown on the porch, putting the umbrella down so he could look at Mark and have a genuine conversation with the small engineer under the porch roof. "Those guys were assholes. They didn't know any better, and they shouldn't have taken you," Jack growled softly. "You're yer own person, and I know I've been a little over the top recently, but that's just because I'm worried, I care. Although..." his eyes wandered away from Mark. "I'm sorry you don't feel like you've been respected." Mark felt guilty.

"Jack..." he pat Jack's finger. "That's not what I meant," he said. "You've been so amazing, I would never have survived being here without you." Mark smiled. "And I'm glad we met. I'm glad you care, and I'm glad we're friends, because you're an amazing person, and one of the most humane guys I've ever met." Jack's wide eyes locked on Mark again. He smiled.

"Really?" He asked. Mark nodded and lay his cheek on Jack's hand.

"Really." His smile fell as he yawned again, and he noticed Jack look flustered by all of the nice things he had said.

"M-Mahrk, I-" Jack stammered, trying to find words for his gratitude.

"Don't talk, just shut up and hug me, I'm cold!" Jack laughed and lay Mark on his chest before he covered him with his hand and hugged him close. Mark smiled as the giant's rumbles of laughter shook him, and he closed his eyes.

Jack's chuckles died as Mark heard his heartbeat pick up its pace. He frowned, and as he lifted his head and tried to ask what was wrong, Jack murmured urgently, "Mark get in my pocket, someone's coming!" Mark's eyes widened as he got up and tried to see who it was, but Jack's hand was blocking him from whoever was approaching. He ran and dropped to his hands and knees as he quickly crawled into the hoodie's pocket. Jack rumbled nervously as he sat up and held the umbrella as he stood and walked out into the rain.

"Hey, excuse me!" Jack called over the gentle roar of the rain. "Do you realize yer on private property?" Mark curled up at the bottom of Jack's pocket as he waited for an answer.

"Yeah, I know." Mark's eyes flew wide open, and he gasped. He knew that voice! Mark gripped the fabric wall as he climbed up and poked his head out of Jack's pocket.

"Then what are you doing here?" Jack frowned.

"Well, I'd say that's a simple answer but in reality it's very complex given the situation-"

"Mat!" Mark cried.

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