The Crowl Fight

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"Our other contestant is ready." Christopher put the cage down and looked at Mark. "Better give us a helluva show. It's puny but... I bet it's scrappy." Mark tried to ignore the cold smile on the giant's countenance and looked away. In front of his cage were the thick metal bars that separated the small area his cage was in from the arena. The deafening sound of so many giants speaking all at once was making Mark's ears buzz.

"Ha ha. Good luck midget," a giant behind Christopher snickered. Christopher turned and shut the door, leaving Mark alone in his prison. He stood there for a few seconds in silence before sinking to his knees.

What have I gotten myself into?

Jack couldn't remember falling asleep, but when he woke up it was in the strangest position. He was on the floor splayed on his stomach, his empty mug was in his partial grip, laying on its side with his fingers only slightly wrapped around the handle. Sunlight shimmered on his stretched out body, and one of his knees was uncomfortably up against his stomach, sticking his butt  in the air a little.

Jack groaned and slowly sat up. The mug rolled away a short distance as he scrunched his nose up and rubbed his forehead. God I feel like I have a hangover! I did not sleep well... He yawned and fished his phone out to check the time. His eyes flew wide open.

"Nine thirty three!?" He shrieked. His fingers flew over the screen as he called Felix, and while he waited for his friend to call him back he lunged for the tv remote and turned on the holoscreen.



"Oh, did you just wake up?" Felix yawned. He didn't sound worried at all. "Don't worry, I have a plan to get Mark out! Besides, there's no way they'd put him in on the first day. They don't ever put new species in until the second-" Jack suddenly slammed his fist on the table and screamed.

"Felix!" His voice was high pitched with stress. "I'm watching the news right now, and they're starting in less than half an hour! Why didn't you wake me!?"

"Because knowing you, you probably drank more than tea or coffee last night." Jack tested his breath and grimaced. Oh fuck, I did drink.

"That's not the point!" He snapped. "I have a right to drink, there's alcohol in my veins!"

"I know, I know," Felix laughed. "Look, I'm heading to your place right now, it'll be just a few more minutes so hold on to your flamingo shorts, ok? I'm bringing my spare hoverboard for you."

"Fine," Jack hissed through his clenched teeth. His anger wavered when a hiccup suddenly jerked his body, and he cursed as Felix snickered.

"You're fucking adorable."

"Fight me bitch," Jack grumbled. He turned his phone off and tossed it on the couch cushion. He hiccupped again and put his feet up on the coffee table, and he rubbed his head again. Maybe I shouldn't have put alcohol in my coffee. He groaned and closed his eyes as the news droned on in the distance. Now that I'm awake- more or less- this is one killer headache. The tv sounded like a bird jabbering away like it was on caffeine.

"So Mindy, what do you think about today's Crowl Fight? Who will be our competitor's for the first round?" News reporter Max asked.

"Well Max, I'd say this match is either going to be incredibly short or a long grueling fight!" Mindy exclaimed. Excitement shined in her eyes as she continued, "With our reigning champion on one side, our other competitor is a brand new species entirely." Jack's eyes flew wide open.

"No!" He gasped. His hiccups were gone now.

"We aren't even sure what type of animal it is, but it's sure going to be interesting!" Mindy continued gleefully. "It looks like a tiny person, to be honest with you Max."

"A tiny person?" Max laughed. "Now that's newsworthy folks." Jack heard Felix pull up and flew to the door.

"Felix!" He threw the door open and ran to his friend. "Screw a plan, get us to the arena as fast as these boards can go!" Felix looked back as Jack grabbed Felix's second hoverboard.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Mark's in the first round against Robin!"

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The announcer exclaimed. "Welcome to the first round of the annual Crowl Fights! My what a beautiful day it is..." the crowd's cheers hurt Mark's ears. Even with his ears covered, he couldn't hear himself think! "Yes, what an exciting day," the announcer laughed. "Have ye placed yer bets yet? Excellent. Now, let's get down to business!" Mark stepped back and shrank against the mesh when the bars in front of him started rising.

"In our one side, we have a new creature brought by Jackson and Alex!" Mark squinted and covered his eyes as he was forced to walk out of his cage and into the arena. It's so... bright! The crowd murmured their awe as the announcer continued. "I know, I know what yer thinking folks. But this is an exclusive animal we simply had to showcase as soon as possible! It's new, exotic, and fresh from the wild! It may not look like much but we're sure it has a few of Mother Nature's tricks up its sleeves!" The crowd ooed and awed and clamored as Mark looked around. The dust was an orange brown that already stained his boots an ugly burnt orange. It was dry and looked arid, like it belonged in a desert.

Am I that far away from Jack's house? Mark wondered. The second door lifted up.

"Now our second contestant, you definitely know him, is our proudly reigning champion, Robin's Rakovad!" Mark felt faint when the monstrosity burst out of its cage. It reared its head and roared, blasting a hot belch of fire as it held its wings high and swung its tail. The crowd went crazy, and Mark tried to cover his ears again. Through the pain he barely heard the announcer. "Let the round begin!" A ring clapped the air and made Mark cripple under its loud soundwave with a grunt. The rakovad growled with anticipation and broke into a run.

Get up, Mark told himself. He slowly got off his knee and studied the approaching beast. It was the size of a small house, and it looked pretty much like a dragon. What's a dragon's weakness? Mark rattled his brain for an answer as he threw his weight to the side and flung himself out of the rakovad's barreling path. The creature skidded to a halt and grumbled, turning around and fixing Mark with its beady yellow eyes. It worked its jaw and hissed, and Mark froze.

"Oh shit." He sprawled on the ground as an arc of hot flames licked the air abovehead, missing his weak body by a hair or two- too close for comfort. Mark quickly got up and looked at his fabricator. Iron and steel! He realized. He smiled a little and started running, pressing some buttons. Now I get to be my own knight in shining armor! He fabricated a light sword and a hard shield from the materials Nate gave him. Mark ducked another belch of flames and turned, shaking as he held his shield up to protect himself.

Mark wanted to say he was brave during this part of the story, but in truth his legs were shaking madly. Is it selfish to wish I don't die? Mark wondered. He was facing the gaping maw of Death's jaws, so it was a simple question. There was no way I was gonna let Nate get taken away from Mat, but... what about my friends? What about Amy, and Chica? I can't leave them alone! Mark felt his legs stop shaking. I don't have to die. Mark narrowed his eyes. I won't die! It'd be selfish to let myself die now and let the others be stuck here on their own! He may not know how to use a sword, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try.

Mark turned and ran from another column of blazing fire, but he wasn't prepared for the lashing claws. He cried out with pain and rolled on the ground, the rakovad hissed and flicked its forked tongue. Mark rolled over on his back and whimpered, clutching his arm. His shield had rolled away, but his sword wasn't too far off. He crawled to the weapon and grabbed it, and finally getting to use those plus one biceps he turned and flung the weapon with a yell.

It smacked the creature right in between the scales on its shoulder, digging into the flesh. The rakovad bellowed and jumped back, flicking its tongue and glaring at Mark. The luck of the Irish must be with me. As Mark got up the crowd was cheering and chattering, but Mark was starting to get used to the loud throbbing in his poor tiny ears. The rakovad snapped and, now furious, lunged at Mark. Mark luckily managed to dodge, but he could feel the rush of wind the vicious animal left in it's wake as it passed by.

Mark shivered and turned around. Ok, think Mark, what else can I use? His survival knife came to mind, but he knew he had to reject that idea. Too small, the only real damage it's ever done so far is surprise Jack when I cut his finger. He ran around the ring to avoid getting turned into barbeque and tried to think more. My grappling hook? He mused. It wouldn't do much, but maybe he could use it to get away. Mark pulled the gun out and aimed it at the rakovad. He fired, and the grapple shot out and sailed for its target.

But the rakovad was ready this time. It bat the grapple away like a cat and lunged at Mark with a roar. Mark gasped and threw himself out of the way again, but a claw snagged the leg he fractured in the ship crash. The jeans ripped and pain blossomed in his leg. He howled in pain and crumpled up on the ground, covered in dust and shaking violently.

But the monster didn't stop there. It snapped its jaws with an angry snarl and pressed its talons over Mark, pinning him to the ground and digging its claws in, ripping cloth and flesh. Mark screamed as his back exploded with white hot agony, and his vision darkened for a few seconds. The rakovad growled and picked Mark up in its jaws, and the broken engineer was suddenly shaken around like a piece of prey.

The crowd suddenly clamored as a commotion rose.

"Outta my way!"

"Ow! Hey!"

"Sir get back in your seat!"

"Hey! You can't go in the arena!"

"MARK!" Jack? Half conscious Mark looked up when the rakovad stopped shaking him and turned to glare at something. Mark saw Jack running into the ring, and he was shocked to see the giant tackle the rakovad. The dragon like beast snarled and dropped Mark as it twisted its neck and tried to bite Jack.

Mark lay limp on the ground, stunned and dizzy with pain. Am I hallucinating? He wondered. There's no way Jack would be here in the ring... His back felt wet with a warm sticky substance, and Mark realized he was bleeding. Bad.

Maybe I will die after all... His head lolled as he closed his eyes and fell unconscious. 

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