The sick little bee

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I can't wait to do another check in! but the title has me concerned.. Let's do another check in shall we?

The recruits just finished making sure all the Humans in griffin rock we're safe before a blizzard hit griffin rock. Still when they came through the ground bridge they were freezing. And so heatwave told them to take a break for now.

Hotshot:*walks into the lounge, grabs a cozy blanket and sits on the couch in the lounge* *shivers* That was some rescue! Why was Jerry even stuck there anyways?And most important WHY IS THERE A BLIZZARD IN THE MIDDLE OF DARN SPRING!!*sees Honey in the doorway* Oh hi Honey! Come here you must be FREEZING!

When the recruits we're checking the area for any humans in trouble, Bumblebee and Honey were in the courtyard. Looking at the flowers, When it began to snow Bee quickly noticed and took Honey inside. She was still very cold so Bumblebee told her to grab a blanket. Even with Hotshot snuggling with her, She felt terrible and began to start sneezing

Hotshot:*surfing through the TV channels, looking for something good to watch. At the same time stroking Honey* 

She was very cold but at the same time she was developing a very bad fever and snuggled with Hotshot for warmth

Hotshot: *notices* *puts Honey on his chest* It's warmer there! *feels her fore-helm without realizing* See your getting warmer already, told you it was warmer there! Now what to watch hmmmm *finds Voltron while surfing channels on the TV* OOO WHAT SHOW IS THIS?! ARE THOSE ROBOT LIONS?!?! COOOLLLLLL

Honey sneezes again and got under the covers for more warmth, meanwhile Hotshot was still watching Voltron CLEARLY AMAZED BY IT then Bumblebee walked in looking for Honey

Bumblebee: Hey hotshot have you seen Honey? I told her to get a blanket but now I don't know where she is.The only place that is left is the lounge

Hotshot: Oh she's snuggling with me sir! She was sneezing before, I don't know how that happened but if you want her she's right next to me!

Bumblebee: Oh alright then do you mind if I take her?

Hotshot:It's fine sir! *gently gives Honey to Bumblebee, Bumblebee walks off while Hotshot is still  watching Voltron*

Bumblebee: *walks to med-bay*

Bumblebee: *gently places her on the floor and she runs off and very quickly gets in her berth* *notices* Hey what's wrong? You usually try to escape from the med-bay when this happens.. Hotshot did say you were sneezing.*feels Honey's fore-helm* Your burning up! No wonder  you were sneezing. *grabs another blanket and tucks her in* I'm going to go get blades so he can help you

Blades: * is in his office and sees Bumblebee walk in* Hi bumblebee! What brought you here? 

Bumblebee: Blades, Honey is sick. She's not acting like herself whatsoever!

Blades: Really?

Bumblebee: Yeah.. Can you help? 

Blades: Of course! To the med-bay!

Blades and Bumblebee arrive at med-bay, Honey is still in her bed and she is re-charging. But she was about to be woken up but Blades

Blades: *begins to gently to shake Honey up* Sweetie time for your checkup! *she turns and opens one of her optics* there we go! Good morning sleeping beauty. *picks her up and places her on the counter* *begins to give her a quick check up* 

She was carefully being poked and probed by Blades, sure she didn't like it but she was too sick to do anything. As soon as he done, he concluded that she has a bad flu and placed Honey back in her berth, Tucked her in and begun to look for some medicine

Bumblebee: *begins to give Honey head pats* 

Blades: *returns with the medicine and puts the medicine in a shot * there now we just need to give her the shot, and in a couple of days she should feel better!

Bumblebee: *sits her up on her berth * time for your shots! 

Blades: *quickly gives her the shot* It will make her sleepy after a little while. 

Bumblebee: alright. 

Blades was right, She was feeling better but she was still very sleepy. She didn't like to be woken up so suddenly she quickly went into deep re-charge.

Bumblebee: that was pretty easy, I'm glad she's finally gonna feel better!

Meanwhile it seems that Hotshot has caught Honey's flu! 

Hotshot: *still in the lounge* *sneezes* Honey was sick right? I think I caught her sickness.. Ugh..*Medix walks in*

Medix: Hotshot!? Are you OK? You don't look ok... Be right back Hotshot, Just need to get a couple things

Medix: *returns with a first-aid kit* *grabs thermometer* Through my experience of doctoring,You have a flu Hotshot. I know Honey was sick, but she is was resting in med-bay  right now. 

Hotshot: Well I was snuggling with her!*meanwhile at the same time while he's talking Medix placed the thermometer of his fore-helm*

Medix: You have a fever hotshot. YUP your sick alright!

Hotshot: WHAT?! I was just snuggling with her!!

Medix: Exactly, So she must of got you sick as well, I'm going to get some medicine! stay in the lounge  *goes to med-bay to get the medicine*

Hotshot: *coughs* I'm OK right?

Medix:*walks in the lounge* Your ok, just sick! *quickly gives medicine* take this with engine oil .

Hotshot: Thanks Medix! * is also given a cup of engine oil* *takes medicine*

Medix: There! Now you should rest, The  medicine takes time to work.

Hotshot: Medix? Can you sleep with me?

Medix: *lighty blushing* Why do you want me to sleep with you?!

Hotshot: I don't know, I just get lonely sometimes

Medix: That's a Illogical response! *sigh* FINE I'll sleep with you! *snuggles next to Hotshot on the couch* If you get me sick Hotshot.. I swear when I'm better I'm going to throw SO MANY WRETCHES AT YOUR AFT

Hotshot: *low key scared for his spark* *but resumes to snuggle with Medix* 

Medix: *secretly loving sleeping with Hotshot*

Hotshot: *already re-charging* 

Medix: *sigh* Hotshot, Your so cute..... *quickly goes into re-charge as well*

Honey just woke up and had her bottle recently, She is better now and and went to the loung and spots Medix and Hotshot cuddling She sorta wants cuddles and so gets RIGHT NEXT TO THEM

Medix: *Hotshot and Medix  don't notice because there already in deep re-charge* *Bumblebee walks in* 

Bumblebee: *picks Honey up* what do you think your doing? There sl- *LE GASP* The dating arc.. It finally started!


Bumblebee:*gets hit in the head with a wretch* OWWW that hurt... Lucky it didn't hit Honey thou.

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