A Love Story That Never Ends

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"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you are the world"


Alhaji Tanko

Ever since zulai rejected me, I was trapped in the nightmare of pain and horror. At that moment, All the sounds created a white noise I didn't even try to comprehend. That day, my whole world crumbled. I broke my own heart loving her.

Loneliness is a fire which I hold close to my skin, to see how much pain I can stand before running to the water

Thinking of her is a poison I drink often. Our love story is an endless one, I'm starting to believe that me and my zulai are meant to be. If not now, in the near future.

A lot has happened after our breakup which as a result led us to this day. Today is the day we are going to announce my engagement to Rakiyas daughter to zulai and her family. I don't even know how she would react when she sees me. I'm so eager to see her.

It was her Aunts idea, at first I thought it was a stupid one. But my father talked me into it, I became a pawn in their desperate cause for revenge.

Rakiya believes that jealousy is the mother of all the problems of women. She said that zulai would not let me marry her cousin. even if I did, she would come crawling back to me, begging me to divorce her cousin and marry her instead. It made a little bit of sense, or maybe I was just too desperate.

Rakiya had the guts to come to my father with the desperate need for revenge after what she had done to me and my zulai, I drove her out of my house the first time she came, I didn't listen to a word she had said. But she's got no dignity and self respect, she kept coming back. eventually, she got to my father and he let her into our lives.

When she first came to my father,I knew she came to the right place and she chose the perfect person for the cause.

According to Rakiya, zulai has rejected her son  Jamilu and has told everyone her dirty little secret. she wanted to hurt zulai and her family in which ever way she could.

I wasn't okey with her hurting zulai, but I overlooked it because I was desperate. I wanted zulai to be mine by all means, I wanted to feel alive and be happy. Only zulai has the power to make me feel that way.

My father has dedicated his life to the cause for revenge. He has refused to accept defeat, he feels that it is an obligation for him to restore his honor, pride and dignity in the eyes of the world.

He has made countless efforts, but all didn't work out in his favor. It turned out to be an epic fail.

What ever he is plotting would always be at my advantage, because the end result would be me getting married to my zulai.

My father has found a new Allie, "Rakiya". Marka and Shehu used to be his partners in crime, but ever since that incident, shehu is no more and Marka has not been herself.

Rumors has it that Shehu made a certain charm for a woman. He made a deal with the devil himself that if the charm becomes visible to any living being after it has been buried, he shall pay with his life.

Marka on the other hand is obsessed with the thought that she has been infected with a disease and her hands have started decaying even though it has not started showing yet.

She believes she has to find a cure for her ailment before it gets worse. She has been running from one town to another seeking medication for a disease she doesn't even possess. She is not at peace, worry has taken over her life.

Rakiya kept to her word, she was at my door step on time. With determination, We set out for zulai's house immediately. The comeback is always stronger than the setback, I said to myself.

When we arrived, My zulai opened the door for us. She babbled like a burbling stream of spring and breathed of morning air. I was mesmerized by her childlike smile combined with her determined gaze.

I inhaled her smell deeply, I wanted it to penetrate under my skin and stay with me forever, even when she is not with me. I wanted her in my bloodstream, for pieces of her to become pieces of me

Her face turned into a mask of confusion when she saw Rakiya by my side, it was adorable.

Zulai is the kind of person that doesn't need another heart to ignite her own. She is one of those people that don't give a fuck about what the whole world thinks of them as long as they are happy and they know that they are doing the right thing.

People cannot save other people, but someone like Zulai knows how to inspire you to save yourself if you let her.

She had found the colors to paint me, where the world had left me grey. If I know what Love tastes like, it is because of her. When I looked Into her eyes, I saw the mirror of my soul.

There is a whole magnificent world burning brightly behind her shy. Her smile is too contagious and warmth too hard to resist.

As surely as the sun will rise tomorrow, so too will my heart only beat for zulai. I love zulai for all she is, all that she has been and all that she will be.

To the world, Zulai might be just one person. but to me, she is the world.

Misery does not wipe out misery only Love could. But sadly, I intend to win back her love by inflicting pain on her as her Aunt suggested. I will marry her cousin

Hurting her might not make her love me, but it might make her reconsider her decision. Love could be labeled poison and we'd drink it anyways. Time is everything I have and don't, I'm done waiting. I just want my Zulai.

Our visit was short, I didn't get the chance to talk to zulai. I look forward to going back to her house again.

Rakiya did not get the result she was hoping for, but she assured us that everything will be alright. I'm going to hunt her down and skin her alive if she ruins this for me, that I promised her.

Thanks For Reading 🙏
Love You All 😘😍
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