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(Any and all Pictures, Videos, Songs and GIFs used in this story is not mine, they belong to their original owners and deserve the credit)

Reach, 3rd POV'

At the ruined base of the FOB, multiple figures were seen surrounding a small building , wearing blue, red and white armor. Some were 5 1/2 feet tall, wearing orange armor and wielded blue and green pistols and the others were bird like creatures. Some were holding shields, rifles and the same pistols the little ones were using, all howling and chanting as they looked at the building

Inside it, a man was seen reloading a MA37 Assault Rifle, a M6G Magnum, beside it was a M45 Shotgun. Beside him black Mark V [B] helmet, his armor was black with blue ascents, he wore a Tactical/LRP chest piece and FJ/PARA knee guards. He was tanned, with blue hair in an undercut style, the top was short but enough was tied in a ponytail

He was emotionless in the face, which was covered in scars and burns. His black eyes were colder than ice, making any person or alien flee from him, which was useful to interrogate some poor fuicking sap who unluckily got him to question him. He grabbed his shotgun, then four shells, which all he had left, they didn't let him have a chance to find more

...But four was enough for him.

"Jorge," he said

He slot the first shell in.


He slot the second shell in.


He slot the third shell


He slot the fourth and last shell in. He sighed as he cocked the shotgun, placing it on his back and grabbed the Magnum to place it on his side, then his Assualt rifle, getting ready for what comes exit. He grabbed his helmet, as the aliens outside chanted as a new alien walked up to the building, he wore crimson armor with two black prongs on top of his head

"Demon," he yelled in human speech,"come out and face us in honorable combat! You are the last of your kind here, we have taken your world and killed your people! For the Great Journey is upon us, we will cleanse your people off the face of the galaxy!"

"FOR THE GREAT JOURNEY," the aliens yelled

The man didn't speak as he looked at his helmet, which was cracked but still useable for this. He sighed as he grabbed it, checking it over before he slides it back on, tapping the visor as he readied his rifle

"That Lone Wolf stuff stays behind Nobel 6," Carter said

"...Sorry sir, looks like I'm gonna have to disobey that order," he said as he grabbed a grenade

He tossed it over head, making it fly as it landed near the Jackals and Grunts, soon exploding into a cloud of fire and smoke. The shrapnel flew as it tore into their flesh and bones, taking out a few while the Elites were protected by shields. They looked as they saw their troops were decimated, they didn't see Nobel 6 come running at them

He fired his rifle at the closet Elite, which was a Minor rank, it ripped into his shields and made it fall. He jumped up high, planting both feet on its chest and forced it onto the ground, making the armor dent from the impact. The Elite growled and tried to slice him with an Energy Sword, but Six knocked it aside and used his other hand to grab the shotgun and fired a round into its mouth

'One,' he thought, counting his ammo

"Reach has been good to me," Jorge said,"time has come to return the favor. Tell them to make it count."

'..I'm sorry Jorge.'

He was then shoulder tackled by another Minor, who went to stab him while he was on there ground. Be he rolled to the side and pulled his Magnum out and fired half the clip till the Minors shields dispersed and got a bullet to the skull. He panted as he saw his visor was cracked more, but he pressed on with the battle.

An Ultra came at him, so he switched back to his rifle and fired into its chest, making the shields flicker. He rolled forward as it came with a slash, but he spins on his knee, facing it, then emptied the clip into its knees. The shields faltered and dispersed, making the rest of the bullets rip its knee apart, forcing it to fall to its knees.

Six grabbed his shotgun and puts the barrel at the back of its head, then squeezed the trigger, making the bang noise as its head was blown completely off, making blue blood, flesh and sharp teeth go flying. The Ultras body spazzed as it fell down onto the ground, making blood flow out


"Not gonna lie Lieutenant," Carter said,"you're steeping into some shoes the rest of the squad would rather leave unfilled"

'I was glad to have fill those shoes sir.'

He panted more as he was grabbed, being pushed into a wall but a Zealot, whose hands were on the shotgun. The two struggled as Six reared his head back and head butts the Elite, making it stumble back and he pulled out a Plasma Rifle. He fired a few rounds, hitting Six a few times as he shields held up, so he ran at the Zealot and pulled his knife out

He swinged a couple times, trying to take its shields out but the Zealots Energy Sword blocked it. He growled as he rushed it, bashing his shoulder in its chest and makes it fall down, giving him time to pull his pistol out and fired at it, taking its shields out finally and finished it off with his shotgun, taking the top have of its head off


"I'M READY," Emile yelled,"HOW BOUT YOU!?!?"

'Yeah...I'm ready Emile.'

He stumbled a bit as he looked to see blood leaking out of his armor, seems a blot took the shields out and got him. Adrenaline was bumping his body, his heart race and eyes dilated, he was on overdrive as he looked around to see the Gurnts and Jackals hiding behind cover as the Shipmaster was walking straight up to him, Energy sword crackling

"May I know your name Demon," he asked Six

"Why," Six asked him, trying to see through the now heavily cracked visor

"So I may write your name down, as one of the few Demons I have gained massive respect for."

Six panted as he holstered his shotgun, and stood there as they stared at one another. Six sighed as he grabbed his helmet, unsealing it, making some hiss noises as he took his helmet off to show his face. The Elite and Six stared at one another in the eyes, he smiled as he wondered what a Demon looked behind one of their helmets

Safe to say...he wasn't surprised to see they all looked the same

"Whats your name Demon," he asked Six again

"Ben, Spartan-S068," Ben said said,"Nobel Six of Nobel team, and a very pissed off Spartan."

"Ben...a proud name indeed, no last name I suppose?"

"Most of us ever knew our last names, something we had to deal with growing up. We made sacrifices along the way to be what we are to this day, to beat you and end this war. One we will win."

"Hmm I see, you really believe you Humans will win this war."

"I do, now whats your name spilt-jaw?"

"Grr," he growled at the nickname of his people,"I am Shipmaster Toda 'Tezamee! And I will be the last face you see before I end your life."

"Eh I prefer a ladies face if you don't mind so how about you just fuck off and die Toad?"

Toda growled as he charged at Ben, who pulled his rifle out and fired at Toda, who blocked the bullets with his Energy Sword. Ben growled as he rolled to the side, firing more bullets as it struck his shields, but they were tougher, given his rank and such. Ben fired till he heard the click of his rifle running out of ammo, so he tossed it and pulled his magnum out

He charged at Toda and bashed into him, he aimed his pistol at his pistol at his neck and fired the whole clip into his shields. Toda growled as he left both arms and crashed both down on Bens back, making him grunt in pain but still held on. He pushed off, reloading his Magnum as Toda roared at Ben, trying to stab him but Ben was quicker

He rolled to the side still firing as he dodged and weaved around the blade, but he was getting faster as his armor was getting hit by it. But luckily his shields returned, but he couldn't relay on it to much, so he moved fast to get some cover. He panted as he looked at Toda, who charged at him, making him grunt as he ran up a wall to dodge the flying bricks

He ran up a wall and jumped on Toda shoulders, who roared as he tried to shake the Spartan off, but held on tight as he pulled his magnum out and fired it into his shields, finally taking them down again and quickly took his shotgun, then aimed at his chest and fired. It tore his armor off and makes them both fall down, rolling down a small hill

They slammed into a wall, making Ben scream as his body was on fire, his muscles were screaming to rest and his bones were shaking. He struggled to get up, pressing forward as he marched to Toda, who gurgled on his blood, as Ben looked at shotgun and tossed it


"I know what you're thinking," Kat said with her smile,"and it's a very bad idea."

'Yeah it is...but it's the only one I've got Kat.'

"You fought...valiantly are a worthy warrior," Toda said as he laid against the wall,"I shall see the afterlife Demon."

"Its a rematch Toda," Ben said as he stood over him

The Elite smiled as he passed on from this life, making Ben sigh as he wobbled to the base. He killed a few more Jackals and Grunts before finding his assault rifle and some ammo for it, getting ready for another wave of Covenant. He walked around until he sees a Phantom come in with a huge group of Elites, dropping in and all armed with Energy Swords

He sighed as he reloaded his rifle and looked around, seeing dead Marines, ODSTS and Spartans all around. He looked to the sky as he closed his eyes and breathed in as he exhaled, smiling as he was gonna die today. Soon he would be joining the others soon, he would be with Kat once again and enjoy that peaceful life

...But he wasn't going down quietly or in silence. He was gonna go down swinging, and KILL AS MANY AS HE COULD!!

"WELL WHAT YOU WAITING FOR," Ben yelled, blood leaking out his eye,"COME AT ME SPILT-JAWS!!!"

It was a battle, he gunned down Elite after Elite, using his rifle and Magnum to kill dozens of them. He dodged, punched and shot any that got near, but he was overwhelmed and was pushed to the ground, he fought them off but he was ultimately killed by a Zealots blade, as he was stabbed in the chest and soon his vision went black


Omega Void

Ben opened his eyes as he was absolutely confused at his situation, he was expecting either a fiery hellscape with sexy Demon ladies ready to torture him or a cloudy one, with small babies with angel wings and harps. So you can agree he was surprised to see a void with star like objects and a black hole, and he was standing in midair

This was not covered in his instruction manual

"Da fuck is going on," he asked himself

"I believe we can be help explain," Tempest Creed said

Ben turned around to see Tempest Creed and Aka, two Multiverse Gods of the cosmos. Tempest was a tanned male, with white spiked hair, red horns and eyes, wearing red and black Jordans, baggy cargo pants, a red shirt with a black military jacket. Aka was a dragoniod, with red scale skin, wearing Mandalorian armor with Optimus Primes paint scheme

"Umm who are you two," Ben asked, getting on the defense,"identify yourselves!!"

"Woah woah chill Benny," Aka said with a smile,"we're not hostiles, we're friends."

"Yeah, plus we're hear to help you," Tempest said as he drank some beer

"Oh yeah and how are you going to do that," Ben asked, very skeptical of the two

"Well firstly I want to discuss your true origins."

"What? What do you mean by true origins?"

So for a solid 4 hours, Tempest explained how Ben was really born. He was born on planet called Remnant, to a great family, his mother died of illness and father committed suicide, then he would be adopted by a wonderful woman and man, Glynda Goodwitch and James Ironwood. But he would face more tragedy in Beacon, bulling and being targeted cause he didn't want to be a Huntsmen

He would be targeted and attacked multiple times, one ending in his death by a monkey boy and a water bitch. After that, Tempest granted him another life in the new universe, becoming Nobel Six on Reach and dying as a Hero. Then they explained the current events, such as the Vytal Festival was close.

"...This is fucking weird," Ben said as he sat crossed legged on the floor

"Its wacko yo," Aka said with a smile

"Yeah," Tempest said as he worked on his table,"so I'm giving you a mission Ben."

"What is it," Ben asked

"You, and a huge fleet of UNSC ships and such will be resurrected by me to go to Remnant and colonize it. There you and the others will work on taking out the Grimm, White Fang and Salem."

"The Grimm Bitch."

"Yes, and you will be with your friends on Remnant again, but you will have to help Adam, his AWOL as of now. He hasn't been exactly stable since your passing, Sage and Cardin practically are their own team and Glynda...she ain't well."


"Yeah, she's almost stopped living, but thankfully James, Ozpin and the others have been helping her stable. James however...he needs help, he is stressed, making bad decisions and such, so he will need professional help."

"Understood, the UNSC will have the best medical care to help. Also...will they be brought back?"

"Yes," Aka said,"all of them."

Ben smiled, a small unnoticeable smile, as he would see them again and...Kat. She was his closest friend since he was a kid, the two were close together growing up, always getting into trouble and trying to hack into important files. But they were separated when he was picked to be apart of the Headhunters, so they lost contant for years until they reconnected on Reach

"Okay then, so when do I start," Ben asked

"Now," Tempest said as he snapped his fingers


A bright flash happened and suddenly I was landing on my back, hitting metal with a huge bang. I groaned as my head was still spinning from the flash and the fight with the Covies, so all this moving around wasn't helping my head very much. I opened my eyes to see men and women in UNSC Navy and Marine uniforms huddling over me

"Holy shit a Spartan," a Marine asked

"Looks like a Spartan-III," a Navyman said

"Think his with the others," an ODST asked

"Sir are you alright," a Corpsman asked me

"Wilco Corporal," I said and got up,"ugh fuck. Where's your commanding officer Marine, and which ship am I on?"

"Sir, you're on the UNSC Trafalgar! We and a few other ships are currently lost in space sir, we don't where we are or what system."

"To be frank sir, we're fucking lost," an ODST said with a sigh

"I see, is the Captain on broad,' Ben asked him

"Sir, Captain Owen MaCallen is the captain sir," the Corporal said

"Understood, lead the way." 

The Corporal nodded as he lead the way, making the others make a hole for us to walkthrough them. We walked for a a good while, as I looked around and can definitely tell this ship was a UNSC vessel, plus this ship was destroyed at Reach. I sighed as I am now just noticing my helmet was on my head, huh the Gods must've repaired it and put it

I took it off, breathing in fresh air, or from the ship's oxygen reserves, but still tasted good. I sighed as we reached the bridge and soon the door slides  open, letting me see the inside and stopped as I saw...them

"Well well look who decided to join us," Jorge said with his smile

"If it ain't the big man himself," Jun said, playing with his ammo

"Good to have you back Six, I was getting lonely here," Emile said still having his helmet on

"Nobel Six, good to have you back," Carter said as he walked to me and shook hands

"Glad to be back sir," I said with a smile and looked around

"Looking for me," she asked

I turned around and there she was, Kat. She still looked the same, her short hair and glowing blue eyes, she smiled at me as I was happy to see me. I was happy to see her once again, though I wished I could actually smile.

"Whats up Kat," I asked her

"Nothing, just hoping you came earlier," she said,"what took you so long?"

"Traffic, and then dying at the end."

"Then what did you do?"

"...I walked it off."

She giggled a bit, man she is cute when she giggled.

"Okay as long as like to continue the reunion," Carter said,"we need to plan our next move. We're sailing blind, we have no map and nowhere to go, this isn't UNSC space, so we don't know where to go."

"Plus our systems can't tell where we are," Captain Owens said

He was a well build man, standing at 6'7, short black hair and emerald green eyes. He wore the UNSC Navy uniform with the insignia of Captain on his chest, marking him as the highest rank on the ship. Ben sighed as he looked at the hole table and looked around as he suddenly sees a glowing planet, meaning that was Remnant

"What about that one," he asked

"Hmm it does have all the signs of a habitable planet," Jun said

"Though we don't know if the Covenant is out there," Jorge said

"It's the best shot we have," Emile said,"I say we take it."

"I agree," Kat said,"it may even find resources to build a colony."

"Hmm Six," Carter asked me

"...I have something to say," I said as they look at me,"but know this is still new, even to me, I'm still wrapping my head around it."

"What is it Six," Jorge asked

"Well you all better sit down, this is a doozy."

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