Chapter 13

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Izukus room a couple days after the sludge villian incident

Izuku had the apartment to himself and was currently unpacking his back pack from school. As he did he started to pull out his Spider-Man costume. Taking a good look at it. 

Izuku: Man...I guess I haven't realized it yet but this costume is way to torn up to use again. There's claw marks from that fight with the lizard, road burn and rashes all over the jeans. My gloves are completely torn. The jacket has holes burnt through it. 

Izuku then took a quick smell of his mask. Then had a disgusted look on his face quickly extending it away from himself. 

Izuku: UGH... And the mask smells awful. Thats what I get for not washing it. 

Izuku then headed to his desk and started to think about designing a new suit for himself. 

Izuku: I think its time I go ahead and upgrade my costume. I'm not gonna be able to keep being Spider-Man wearing that sweat shop suit. 

Izuku then started to create more designs for what he thinks he wants his suit to look like. 

Izuku: I thought adding armor to my suit would help. But now that I look at it. I look more like someone on the SWAT team and less like a super hero. Plus I cant carry a bullet proof vest under my clothes or in my back pack.

Izuku: ....I have no idea how I'm gonna build that with trash and a thrift store. What was I even thinking? 

Izuku: It definitely looks cool. But I'm also not fighting bad guys from WW2. Im trying to be a super hero not a private investigator. 

Izuku: I thought I would try a different color design and add some lights to the suit.... it honestly still looks goofy. 

Izuku: I though I would try adding some green in to match my hair. But I think this is a little to dark and edgy. 

Izuku: This also looks cool. But still to edgy. Maybe try a more friendly vibe with the color scheme?

Izuku: This suit definitely looks awesome...but looking at the hood design now. Kind of realizing its a choking hazard. It would suck if I was singing and got caught on a flag pole snapping my neck. Or if a villian decided to choke me with my own suit. I would never let that one down. 

Izuku: I dont even know what I was thinking with this one. This is just straight goofy ridiculous. 

Izuku: Hehehe. Spider-Ham. Thats a funny.

Izuku: I was going for a more ninja vibe since I'm so agile. But I dont think having to wrap my hands for every suit up is such a good design to have. Also not having long sleeves. Someone could identify me with a scar. 

Izuku: Man this one actually looks really great...although. Maybe I should get rid of the green color scheme though. It might be to obvious that a green hair kid would wear a green costume.....Plus I really like the red and blue color scheme I drew before. It reminds me of All Might's color scheme. 

Izuku: I think we have a winner with this one. Its looks like it could be iconic. The spandex material will let me easily hide it under my clothes. That was I dont have to keep lugging around my costume in my bag and I can stop losing so many back packs when I have to leave it behind. 

Izuku then started to design and think of other upgrades he could add to his web gadgets. Eventually coming up with 2 new ideas. After an evening and late night of tinkering and building with spare parts he had when building his web shooters and utility belt. He finally finished both of his projects. Currently he had some goggles on his face and after finishing burning some circuitry. He took them off swiping the sweat from his face. 

Izuku: Its finished! 

Izuku then held up the first of his gadgets. A small little spider shaped plastic with circuitry mixed into it. 

Izuku: Introducing my new spider tracers. They look like just small spider theme buttons. But there actually a miniature transmitter that will periodically send out back coded signals. Which speaking of-

Izuku: I also re-utilized this old radio and added a simple screen with a green light. The radio receiver will pick up the signal and track where its coming from. I designed it to always point me North, east, south and west. Along with the distance it is from me. I haven't found a way yet to tell me up or down but im impressed with myself none the less. And to make sure that this radio only picks up the signal from my spider tracers. I designed the spider traces to send a back coded message in morse code of Beyonce All the single ladies 3 times. 

(This honestly sounds like such a spider man thing to do though. Also I looked up what All the single lady sounds in morse code. Its beautiful.

.- .-.. .-.. / - .... . / ... .. -. --. .-.. . / .-.. .- -.. .. . ... .-.-.- / .- .-.. .-.. / - .... . / ... .. -. --. .-.. . / .-.. .- -.. .. . ... .-.-.- / .- .-.. .-.. / - .... . / ... .. -. --. .-.. . / .-.. .- -.. .. . ... .-.-.-)

Izuku: I had the idea of building these when I fought that giant Lizard guy on the bridge. If I had stuck one of these things on him before. I could have tracked him down later to stop him. I even built in a spider tracer launcher inside of my web shooters. Which utilizes a spring loaded gun that you just cock back and pull the trigger on. Just like a nerf gun. The Spider tracers are covered in a sticky solution based on a similar formula to my web fluid which also acts as a protective barrier to all the circuitry inside. Making them water proof, some what impact resistant, and gravel/ sand proof. That way its harder for the tracers to fall of the bad guys or malfunction and break while on them. 

Izuku: I also added a pocket for them inside my utility belt. That way if I miss or need to track multiple bad guys. I can just load another tracer inside of my web shooter OR just press it onto a bad guy without them noticing. 

After Izuku had finished checking his spider tracers and packing it all up for his next patrol on the town. He grabbed his utility belt and started to do a last check up on his next gadget he made. 

Izuku: Also am pretty proud of this bad boy. 

Izuku then pressed a button on the belt. Making a bright red light shine out. Then on his roof was a spider signal logo. 

Izuku: The spider signal! It was honestly pretty easy to make. The only issue I had was converting a Flash light into something that could fit on my utility belt. I plan on using it to scare the normal common crooks before they decide to do something they'll regret later. But I also figured it would be handy having a flash light. Which is why-

Izuku then unclipped the middle lens. Showing it to be also a hand held box flash light. 

Izuku: I made it detachable. That way I can hold it like a flash light. 

Izuku then clicked a button on the side. Which then turned it from a spider signal. Into a simple flash light. 

Izuku: Also it can chance back and forth. All I had to do was make room for a second bulb in it. One red and one white. 

However as he was playing with it. It quickly shut off. With Izuku turning it over and pulling the batteries in it out and replacing them. 

Izuku: Sadly it dies pretty fast. So I shouldn't use it to much. I'm sure it'll come in handy though. 

Izuku then put away all his spider gear and equipment he used to engineer it all. Putting some pajamas on and finally going to bed when it was already 4am. 

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