Chapter 2

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In the familiar setting of Aldera Junior High, the classroom was a study in contrast. Despite the teacher's droning lecture, most of the students were slouched in their seats, eyes glazed over with boredom. Their thoughts were anywhere but on the lesson. The late afternoon sun filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room, but it only served to remind the students of where they would rather be—anywhere but stuck in class.

Among the disinterested crowd, one student stood out. Izuku Midoriya sat upright at his desk, his pencil moving rapidly across the page as he diligently took notes. His green hair, messy and unruly, matched his freckled face and large, attentive eyes. Unlike the others, Izuku was completely absorbed in the lesson, his brow furrowed in concentration. His small, slender frame seemed to shrink under the weight of his own intensity. To most of his classmates, Izuku was just the quiet, quirkless kid, but beneath his timid exterior, he was a star student, a genius who approached every class with a fierce dedication that few could match.

The teacher, a middle-aged man with thinning hair and a tired expression, sighed as he glanced at his students, knowing full well that most of them weren't paying attention. He shuffled through a stack of papers on his desk and then looked up with a faint smile.

Teacher: Alright, class. I could give you these career application tests, but let's face it—you all want to become PRO HEROES.

At once, the room erupted in cheers. The students eagerly showed off their quirks, filling the classroom with displays of flame, light, and energy. Sparks flew, shadows danced, and the air hummed with the sound of power being unleashed. But in the midst of the celebration, one student remained silent. Izuku kept his head down, his face tinged with shame. He clenched his fists under the desk, feeling the familiar sting of inadequacy. While everyone else reveled in their quirks, Izuku had nothing to show. No power, no special ability. Just a dream that seemed impossible. Suddenly, a loud, cocky voice cut through the noise. 

Bakugo: Hey, teach, don't lump me in with the rest of these losers. I'm the real deal, and these rejects wouldn't even cut it as a pro's janitor.

The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at Katsuki Bakugo, the blond, spiky-haired boy with a perpetual scowl on his face. His red eyes gleamed with arrogance, and his posture was one of absolute confidence. Bakugo radiated power, his presence demanding attention. He looked down at his classmates with disdain, as if they were all beneath him.


One student shouted, his voice full of anger.


Another added, his quirk crackling in the air.


A third chimed in, his fists glowing with energy. Bakugo sneered at them, a wicked grin spreading across his face. 

Bakugo: Oh, please-

 he scoffed. 

Bakugo: -I'll take you all on. I'm going to go to U.A., the number one hero school. I'll become the NUMBER ONE HERO and be the richest and most famous of all time!

The teacher, seemingly unfazed by the outburst, casually shuffled his papers and then glanced at Izuku. 

Teacher: Really, is that so... Oh yeah, you are applying, which is a pretty big deal. 

The teacher paused, then added with a curious look, 

Teacher: Wait, Izuku, aren't you applying too?

The classroom fell into an eerie silence. All eyes turned to Izuku, who felt his heart skip a beat. Even Bakugo looked surprised, his eyes narrowing as he stared at Izuku. Then, as if on cue, the room erupted into laughter.

Student 1: Really, Izuku? But he's just a quirkless loser. 

One student sneered, pointing at him.

Student 2: He'll never make it—he doesn't even have a quirk.

Another mocked, doubling over with laughter. Izuku getting up from his desk and trying to defend himself from his classmates. 

Izuku: A-Actually they just open applications for quirkless students. And support gear has become r-really advanced! So I-I could be the first-

Student 3: -Please, don't make me laugh more than I already am!

A third jeered, tears of amusement in his eyes. 

Izuku's face burned with humiliation. He sat down at his desk keeping his head down, his shoulders trembling as he tried to make himself as small as possible. The laughter felt like knives, each one cutting deeper into his already fragile self-esteem. But then, a sudden roar of anger silenced the room. 


Bakugo's voice thundered, filled with fury. 


He pointed directly at Izuku, his face twisted in rage. 


Flash back to years ago when they were 6

On a rainy afternoon in a small neighborhood. Bakugo, a smart and confident child, walks home after a long day at school. Despite his fiery personality, even he sometimes needed help with his studies. His parents had asked if anyone in the class could tutor him, and to their surprise, the first to volunteer was Izuku Midoriya. Though they lived on the same street and occasionally saw each other, Bakugo never paid much attention to the quiet, quirkless boy. But Izuku was known to be exceptionally bright and consistently at the top of his class. The teachers often praised him, though he never basked in the spotlight. Izuku mostly kept to himself, a result of being teased and bullied for being quirkless. Yet, despite all this, Izuku admired Bakugo from afar, fascinated by his fearlessness and powerful quirk.

One rainy day, as Bakugo was heading home, he noticed a commotion ahead. Three kids were ganging up on Izuku, pushing him around and hurling insults. Without hesitation, Bakugo sprinted toward them, anger boiling inside him.


Bakugo's right hook connected with the face of the first kid, sending him stumbling back.

Kid 1: Ahhh! What the heck?!

Bakugo: I said, BACK OFF!

Kid 2: Stay out of this if you know what's good for you.

Kid 3: Yeah, this quirkless loser needs to learn his place—

Before the third kid could finish, Bakugo unleashed an explosive punch to his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. However, the second kid retaliated by landing a punch on Bakugo's face, leaving a nasty bruise on his cheek.

Izuku: Stop it! Your hurting him! 

Izuku, seeing his friend hurt, felt a surge of courage and threw a punch at the second kid, but it barely fazed him. The bully retaliated by throwing Izuku into a wall, causing him to hit his head hard. Izuku collapsed to the ground, motionless. Panic spread among the bullies.

Kid 1: Oh god, he's not moving...

Kid 3: HOLY CRAP! Did you kill him?!

Kid 2: NO, I DIDN'T! Let's get out of here!

The bullies fled, leaving Bakugo alone with the unconscious Izuku.


Bakugo's triumph quickly turned to dread as he saw Izuku lying on the ground, bleeding from the head. He rushed to Izuku's side, gently slapping his face to wake him up.

Bakugo: Oh no, Izuku, wake up! C'mon, wake up!

Izuku remained unresponsive, but Bakugo could hear faint breathing and a weak heartbeat. Relief washed over him.

Bakugo: Thank God... He's still breathing.

Realizing he needed to act fast, Bakugo hoisted Izuku onto his back, determined to get him to safety.

Bakugo: I don't know where you live, so I'm taking you to my house. My parents can help. 

He carried Izuku through the rain to his home. As he approached, his parents, who had been waiting outside for him at the houses front porch, worried he'd get sick in the rain. They noticed the Bakugo running down the street carrying Izuku. Mitsuki recognizing the boy. As he belonged to her long time friend from High school Inko Midoryia. Their expressions turned to shock.


Masaru: Oh god, he's bleeding from the head. We need to get him to a hospital! I'll call an ambulance!


Bakugo, still catching his breath, explained the situation.

Bakugo: I was walking home, and some bullies were beating him up. I fought them, but one of the kids threw him into a wall, and he hit his head... then he stopped moving. They ran, and I brought him here.

Mitsuki: Alright, let's get him out of the cold rain. Wait for the medics to take him to the hospital. Bakugo, run to his house and get his parents. It's 10 houses down, apartment 265. GO!

Bakugo sprinted to the Midoriya residence, his heart pounding with urgency. He banged on the door frantically until it opened, revealing Inko and Hisashi Midoriya.

Inko: Oh, it's Bakugo?

Hisashi: What's up, kid—

Bakugo: IT'S MIDORIYA! HE GOT BEAT UP, AND HE'S NOT WAKING UP! He's at my house with my parents! They called an ambulance. 

Panic immediately filled the faces of Izuku's parents.

Inko and Hisashi: WHAT?!

Hisashi: Inko I'm gonna run over to Mitsuki's! Get there before the medics and catch a ride with him. 

Inko: You have his medical history right?

Hisashi: Yes I got it! Just stay here and I'll call you with updates! 

Hisashi grabbed his coat, keys, phone and wallet immediately rushing out of the house. He noticed the boy Bakugo soaking wet in the rain and knew he didn't have time to watch him too. So he gave him a job to do. 

Hisashi: Okay, kid, stay with Inko. I'm going to your house to help. 

Bakugo: Bu—


Inko fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. 

Inko: Oh no... please no... Let him be okay. Please let him be okay. He's my everything... please... please let my baby be okay...

Bakugo, unsure of how to comfort her, gently took her hand and led her to the couch. He handed her a blanket and some tissues, but it did little to ease her overwhelming worry.

Inko: Why? Why does this happen? What did he do to deserve this?

Bakugo hesitated, then spoke up softly. A child learning how to reassure and show empathy. 

Bakugo: He's going to be okay. He's surprisingly tough.

Inko: What do you mean?

Bakugo: Well... when one of the kids hit me, he hit back and tried to defend me. But... he got hurt because of it.

Inko: Y-you... You tried to help him?

Bakugo was taken aback by her surprise, realizing that she was grateful someone had stood up for Izuku. Inko suddenly hugged him tightly, her gratitude pouring out through her tears.

Inko: T-thank... *sob*... Y-you...

Bakugo was taken a back with the hug. Bakugo was you could say spoiled in a sense. He had parents who gave everything he wanted. He had all the necessities to do anything he wants growing up. He was a natural at almost anything. Then when he was 4 and finally got his quirk. Now having an incredible gift to create explosions from his hand. Constantly praised for things...completely out of his control. Bakugo only being along for the ride. As much his situation has inflated the young boy's ego. There was always something missing with himself that he never understood what it was. But when someone on there knees had thanked them with genuine gratitude not for his abilities and gifts in life. But his actions...he felt pride. However as he felt that pride he felt shame. Knowing it was coming from a woman who is scared for her son who is hurt because he wasn't strong enough to help. Trying to push that feeling away. 

Later, after what felt like hours, Inko fell asleep on the couch, exhausted from crying. Bakugo gently covered her with another blanket before exploring the apartment home. He found Izuku's room, filled with All Might memorabilia—posters, action figures, pillows, and more. It was clear that Izuku idolized All Might on a whole new level. 

Bakugo: Man...and I thought I was a fan boy...

The door creaked open, and Bakugo turned to see Hisashi carrying a sleeping Izuku, now bandaged on the head. Hisashi gently placed Izuku in his bed and then turned to Bakugo with a grateful expression.

Hisashi: Thank you for staying with Inko. I know how scary all of that must have been. But I know my wife was the most scared of all. So thank you for keeping her company. 

Bakugo once again felt that same feeling in his chest that lifted him up. It was so unfamiliar and foreign that he didn't know what it was or what to do with it. Especially when he still felt guilty about what happend to Izuku. Simply dodging the gratitude. 

Bakugo: No worries, Mr. Midoriya. It's the least I can do...He...He got hurt because of me. 

Hisashi: That's not true. Izuku told me what happend in the ER-

Bakugo had cut off Hisashi. Anxiously wondering if Izuku was gonna be fine. 

Bakugo: -Is his head gonna be ok? He got hit pretty hard.

Hisashi: They did a scan of his head. His head and brain is gonna be fine. Just needs time to heal...Why do you think it was your fault? 

Hisashi had  crouched down towards Bakugos eye level as he talked to him. 

Bakugo: I...I tried to step in and help. But I failed. I thought I could beat those kids up...I was wrong...

Hisashi: You didn't hit my son. In fact you tried to help him. I dont blame you. You did your best Katsuki. Your a good kid. Be proud of that. 

Once again Bakugo wasn't used to this kind of praise. This attention to his actions. He almost wished they would praise his quirk again so he could be his usual boastful self knowing that's at the least familiar. So he tried to dodge the compliment with a question. 

Bakugo: He really likes All Might...

Hisashi, with a knowing smile, asked Bakugo. Feeling a kinship with the kid. Like he was missing something and Hisashi could help with that. The man couldn't name what it was. But he knew he had to try to get through to this boy.

Hisashi: Is that a bad thing?

Bakugo: Um no! I mean... I do too. Just...not THIS much. 

Hisashi looked around his room. Admitting he may spoil Izuku a bit with the All Might merchandise. However he also knows it's one of the only things that cheer Izuku up after days like today. And he has...ALOT of days like today. 

Hisashi: Well, he wants to be a hero and idolizes him. And with all the people he saved who can blame him for wanting to be just like him. 

Bakugo looked puzzled, remembering what the bullies had said.

Bakugo: ... isn't he quirkless? If he is, then how can he become a hero?

Hisashi tried his best to speak from the heart. He didn't know it. But his words would affect Bakugo for the rest of his life. 

Hisashi: Katsuki, you don't need a quirk to be a hero. All it takes is the desire to do what's right and to use the power you have with responsibility. Sure in a lot of cases that means our quirks. But it's not just your quirk that makes you who you are. It's what you choose to do with it. Today, you showed that your strong. Not because you can win in a fight. But because you choose to stand up for someone who needed help. 

Bakugo finally realized what that sense of pride meant inside of himself. His whole life being praised for things handed and gifted to him. Suddenly didn't matter. He now had a new pride in his actions and what he can accomplish on his own. 

Hisashi: I am grateful to you Katsuki. Izuku doesn't have a lot of friends... So it's nice to know someone at school has his back. Sadly, I wish this was the last time... but I know it won't be. I can't protect him all the time, and one day, I know I won't be here to do it.

Hisashi's eyes softened, and he looked at Bakugo with a depth of emotion that struck the young boy.

Hisashi: I know this may be asking a lot of you, but could you... protect him when I'm not there? Promise me you'll be a good friend and look out for him. Keep making good choices. 

Bakugo was awestruck that someone would ask him, of all people, to take on such a responsibility. But for the first time, he felt proud of something more than just his abilities. He felt proud of his actions, of being trusted with something so important. No longer being a boy who had everything with no purpose. Now having a step in the right direction. 

Bakugo: You can count on me, sir... I promise.

From that day forward, Bakugo and Izuku became inseparable friends. Bakugo would protect Izuku from bullies, and Izuku would help him with homework if he ever needed it, which was rare. Over time, Bakugo began calling Izuku "Deku"—not as an insult, but as a reminder that without Bakugo's protection, Izuku might struggle on his own. But to Bakugo, "Deku" also became a term of endearment, representing the bond they shared.

Back to the present 

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the quiet streets as Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo walked side by side. The air was crisp, carrying the scent of blooming flowers from nearby gardens. Despite the calm of the evening, there was an undercurrent of tension between the two, as their thoughts raced with the uncertainties of the future. Bakugo walked with a confident stride, his hands tucked behind his head in a relaxed yet defiant manner. His sharp orange eyes scanned the surroundings, but every now and then, they flicked towards Izuku, who moved more cautiously beside him. Izuku's arms were tightly wrapped around the straps of his backpack, his posture slightly hunched, a mix of nerves and determination etched on his face.

Breaking the silence, Bakugo glanced sideways at Izuku. 

Bakugo: Hey, Deku... You okay?

Izuku nodded, offering a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. 

Izuku: Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about today. I mean you know how it is with the other kids at school...

His voice was steady, but there was a trace of weariness in it that Bakugo didn't miss. Bakugo let out a soft tch, the sound rumbling from his chest. 

Bakugo: Tch, thought so. Just let me worry about those guys alright? 

Izuku: I know I shouldn't rely on you so much with that stuff but I also know I probably wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for you...So thanks Kacchan. 

Bakugo joked at his friend. Knowing he had to try and lighten the tone a bit. 

Bakugo: Well Deku your kinda useless with out me. What kid of hero would I be if I just let ya get your lunch money taken every weak...Soooo, U.A., huh? Your still planning on going? 

 He tried to keep his tone casual, but there was a hint of curiosity that he couldn't hide. Izuku's eyes lit up with a mixture of hope and anxiety. 

Izuku: Yeah. I know I probably don't have a chance, but they're taking kids with no quirks now, so I could be the first hero.

He hesitated for a moment, then added. 

Izuku: But probably part of the support group though. I'm still gonna try for the hero course, so maybe I'll get in with you. We could be in the same class together and everything! Training together side by side!

Bakugo: Yeah... right...

Bakugo knew it was a touchy subject with his dreams of being a pro hero. His parents tried there best to encourage Izuku to follow his dreams. His father the most. He knows Inko though had so much doubt and worry. Hopeing Izuku would grow out of his dream and face reality. Bakugo didn't want to be the one to try and get Izuku to face his circumstances. However Izuku already knew what everyone was thinking. 

Izuku: I know how stupid it is...I'm not dumb. But...I have to at least try. Give it my best shot. I mean I wont know its possible until I do. 

As Izuku spoke, Bakugo's usually stern expression softened. He glanced up at the sky, the faint smile on his lips betraying his pride in Izuku's determination. 

Bakugo: Like you said... You could be the first. Your definitely smart enough to figure a way out if there is one. No way to know until you try...

Izuku's smile widened slightly, warmth filling his chest at Bakugo's rare compliment. He couldn't help but feel a surge of hope—maybe, just maybe, he could stand alongside Bakugo as a hero. But the lingering doubt gnawed at him; would his efforts really be enough in a world where quirks defined everything? They continued walking, their houses a short distance apart. The familiarity of the neighborhood provided a sense of comfort amidst their dreams and fears. As they approached a familiar intersection, Izuku hesitated before bringing up the next topic, a subject that had been on his mind all day.

Izuku: So, are you excited for the field trip, Kacchan?

Bakugo's eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of annoyance flickering across his face. 

Bakugo: Why? It's just going to be some boring old lab.

Izuku's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, his earlier hesitation vanishing. 

Izuku: WHAT, Kacchan? It's not just some lab. It's Dr. Connors' lab, and they study genetic research there and how quirks work. They're the biggest leading researchers on quirks, which is huge. THEY... they could even figure out how to give someone a quirk.

As Izuku's words sank in, Bakugo's expression shifted abruptly. A flicker of guilt crossed his face, and he looked away, trying to mask the unease that was creeping into his thoughts. He had downplayed something that was clearly important to Izuku—something that could be a glimmer of hope in his otherwise quirkless life. The realization hit Bakugo harder than he expected, stirring a mix of regret and concern within him.

Bakugo: Well, anyways, I'm gonna go home now. See you later, Deku.

Bakugo muttered, his usual bravado faltering as he struggled to reconcile his own feelings. Izuku watched him, a hint of confusion mingling with concern. He reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Bakugo's shoulder. 

Izuku: Later, Kacchan.

Bakugo glanced back, a conflicted emotion battling within him. He wanted to believe in the possibilities that Dr. Connors' research represented for Izuku. Yet, pride and fear held him back, making it difficult to fully embrace the hope that Izuku exuded so naturally. He turned away, trying to shake off the weight of his thoughts, but the unease lingered. As they parted ways, Izuku watched Bakugo walk away, a silent prayer on his lips. He hoped that one day he could stand next to Bakugo as an equal—and perhaps, together, they could overcome the challenges that lay ahead.

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