Chapter 28

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On a rooftop of power loader agency building

Mei Hatsume stood frozen, eyes wide, her breath caught in her throat. Before her, lying slumped against the wall on the rooftop, was a sight she could barely process. Spider-Man—bloodied, tattered, his iconic suit torn in more places than she could count—wasn't just any random hero. His mask, half-peeled off, revealed something Mei would never have guessed in a million years.

Mei: Izuku Midoriya... is Spider-Man?!

Her voice trembled as the words spilled out. She blinked, staring in disbelief at the familiar face of her classmate—her friend. Her heart raced as her mind began spinning in a thousand directions at once, refusing to settle. She took a step back, nearly tripping over the clutter of tools strewn about her rooftop workspace. Her hands moved to her head, fingers pressing against her temples as if that could slow the whirlwind of thoughts storming inside her.

Mei head: What happened to Izuku?!  How did he end up like this?! Why did he hide his quirk?! HOW could he have hidden his quirk?! No, wait... Why is he even a vigilante?!  Why is he Spider-Man?!

She turned sharply, pacing back and forth on the rooftop, her feet barely making a sound as her mind screamed at her. Looking around wondering where Izuku had come from and seeing a building exploded and burning. Some heroes already on the case containing the fire. 

Mei head: Is the person who did this to him still around? Should I be scared?

She stopped, hearing Power Loader's stern voice echo in her mind, as if he were standing right there beside her. 

Power loader in Mei head: Mei! Call for help! Call emergency services! Don't let your curiosity get the better of you!

It felt like the logical thing to do. The right thing to do. But she couldn't move toward her phone. Her eyes kept flicking back to Izuku, lying still, his chest barely rising with shallow breaths. He looked so vulnerable, so broken. Nothing like the Izuku she knew.

Mei: Izuku...

He had been one of the very first people in her life who didn't scoff at her passion or label her a mad inventor. No snide remarks behind her back, no doubting her ideas or treating her like a nuisance. Izuku had always been kind. Patient, determined, encouraging in ways most people weren't. And now, lying there in front of her, he was also someone who had been hiding this monumental secret.

Mei head: Is...Is he a vigilante because he couldn't get into the hero course? 

She thought about the day he told her he was quirkless, the way he had seemed so earnest, explaining why he'd chosen the Support Department over anything else. But that had been a lie, hadn't it? He wasn't quirkless. He was Spider-Man. This had to mean something bigger—something about why he couldn't share this part of his life. Mei clenched her fists, her mind running back to all those moments they had shared as classmates, as friends. 

Mei head: Was he always hiding this from me? What else is he lying about?

But then, another memory surfaced—Izuku smiling as he talked about how much he wanted to help people, how his dream had always been to become a hero. 

Mei head: He had to have really meant that... didn't he? 

She thought, her chest tightening. And it made sense in a way. He didn't abandon his dream. He became a hero in his own way. She thought he meant it in a way where he could help people with his inventions. 

Mei head: But did he mean it as being a vigilante? And NOT as a support developer? 

The pieces of the puzzle were beginning to click together in Mei's head, and yet the image it formed was still blurry and overwhelming.

Mei head: Oh man this is all so overwhelming. What am I supposed to do?! I mean I know I should call someone...but...

She bit her lip, staring down at him again. She knew she should call someone. It would have been easy. All it took was a simple phone call—Power Loader would know what to do, or she could dial emergency services. Yet something in her gut twisted, keeping her frozen in indecision. Izuku had trusted her, in some way, by being there, lying on her roof of all places. He hadn't intended for her to find him like this, but fate had other ideas. He was more than just her classmate—he was her friend. And maybe she wasn't supposed to understand everything right now, but she knew one thing for sure.

Mei head: I cant just turn him in. I have to help him.

Izuku had never judged her. He had never discouraged her wild ideas or told her she wasn't good enough. 

Mei head: He believed in me--

And now, seeing him like this, vulnerable and broken, the weight of his secret pressing down on him

Mei head:I wanna believe in him to. Or at the very least...give him the chance to explain himself. 

Mei's hands tightened into fists as she made her decision. If everything about their friendship had meant anything, if there had ever been any real trust between them, then she owed him a chance to explain. A chance to tell her why he had hidden this, why he had become Spider-Man. She knelt down next to him, her heart pounding in her chest as she gently brushed the torn fabric of his mask away from his face. 

Mei: Izuku... I have no idea what is going on. If you meant to show up on my roof or not. But your my friend and you need help. And...I wanna trust you. 

Her voice was soft, almost a whisper, as she watched his face for any sign of movement. Mei could still hear Power Loader's voice in her head, but she pushed it aside for now. This moment wasn't about rules or protocol or even what the legally right thing to do was. It was about trust.

In Power Loader agency building

Mei grunted as she stumbled down the stairs, Izuku's limp body slung awkwardly over her back. His weight pressed down on her, far heavier than she anticipated for someone his size. She struggled with each step, her legs shaking under the strain, beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

Mei: How... the hell... is he this heavy?

Mei muttered through clenched teeth, barely managing to keep her balance. 

Mei: For a guy his size, you'd think he'd weigh less!

She cursed under her breath, her face scrunched up in frustration as she half-dragged, half-carried Izuku down the narrow stairwell. Each step was a battle, her footing unsteady as she descended. Another wobble, and she nearly lost him completely. Mei let out a soft yelp, catching herself against the railing as she adjusted his slumped weight. 

Mei: Geez, Izuku, what the heck does your mom feed you? 

She groaned, her arms aching. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of fighting against gravity, she reached the door to her makeshift workshop. She kicked it open, sending a wave of clutter clinking and rattling as the door hit the mess inside. Mei's room was a chaotic paradise of invention—tools scattered across every available surface, gadgets in various stages of development piled in corners, a giant workbench covered in blueprints and prototype parts. A drafting board stood tall near her desk, which had a computer set up for coding and digital designs. Wires ran like wild vines, snaking across the floor, blending into the organized chaos of her space. The only semblance of actual living quarters was the small bed tucked away in the corner, a dresser beside it, and a closet jammed with even more supplies. Function was everything here; comfort was secondary.

Mei: Almost there...

Mei grunted, shifting Izuku's weight once more as she tried to maneuver him toward the bed. But her foot caught on a stray wrench, and she toppled forward, Izuku's body slipping from her grip.


Mei: Oh, come on!

She hissed, cringing at the loud noise as Izuku hit the floor like a sack of bricks. She scrambled to pick him up again, her fingers shaking from the exertion. 

Mei: Sorry, sorry!

She muttered as if he could hear her. As she struggled to lift him, the faint sound of footsteps echoed from down the hall. Mei froze, her eyes darting to the security monitor set up on her desk. The grainy feed showed Power Loader heading directly toward her room. Her heart jumped to her throat.

Mei: Oh no, oh no, no, no!

She gasped, her mind racing. 

Mei head: If Power Loader sees Izuku like this... Spider-Man unmasked, lying in my room... 

Panic set in as she frantically tugged at Izuku's limp body, trying to get him on the bed. But as she heaved his weight up, she tripped again, sending both of them crashing back to the floor.

Mei: Ugh! You've gotta be kidding me!

She groaned, getting up faster this time. With a burst of adrenaline, she hoisted Izuku onto the bed, tossing him onto the mattress just as the door handle rattled. Izuku's eyes fluttered open, his vision hazy. 

Izuku: Wha-...Where... where am I?

He mumbled, his voice weak and disoriented. He tried to sit up, his body sluggish. Mei's heart skipped a beat. 

Mei: Not now!

She whispered frantically, rushing to his side. 

Mei: Shhh! Izuku, you need to stay quiet!

She tried pushing him back down, but even in his weakened state, he was stronger than her. He sat up slightly, blinking in confusion. The door creaked open. Mei's breath caught in her throat. 


Desperation took over, and in a split-second decision, she wrapped the blankets around Izuku, hoping to hide his spider suit as best as she could. But that wasn't enough. Power Loader was almost inside. With no other options, Mei did the only thing she could think of. 

Mei head: Why is this the only plan I can think of?!?!?!

She grabbed Izuku by the shoulders, leaned in close, and pressed her lips against his. Izuku's eyes shot open, his brain barely comprehending what was happening as the fog of unconsciousness lifted just a little. His first kiss. Even in his dazed state, the suddenness of it all startled him awake, his body stiffening under the weight of the moment. Just then, the door flew open.

Power Loader: Mei, I need to head out!

Power Loader's voice boomed as he barged in, his eyes scanning the room. 

Power Loader: There's a villain sending pumpkin bombs into the city and—WHOA! OH! UH... um...I...I didn't realize you had ever...

His words faltered as his eyes fell on Mei, still mid-kiss with Izuku, Mei clearly flustered and Izuku still dazed. Almost like it could be mistaken from it happening from the kiss and not from being exploded off a building. Mei pulled back from Izuku quickly, her cheeks burning red. 

Mei: Mr. Maijima!

 She shrieked, her voice a mix of embarrassment and frustration. 

Mei: You need to learn how to knock!


Power Loader, for his part, stood frozen in the doorway, his brain seemingly short-circuiting at the sight before him. 

Power Loader head: I... I never thought I'd see the day... 

He thought to himself, eyes wide beneath his helmet. 

Power Loader head: I knew they were getting close, but... THIS CLOSE?!

He cleared his throat awkwardly. 

Power Loader: Uh, r-right. Sorry. I just—there's a dangerous villain out there... planting bombs... but you're safe here-

He mumbled, shifting his weight awkwardly. 

Power Loader: -I checked the building already. It's safe here so er.... Just stay inside, okay?

Mei, still mortified, nodded quickly. 

Mei: Okay! Got it! You can go now!

Power Loader hesitated for a moment, lingering in the doorway. 

Power Loader: There's food in the kitchen if you're hungry... for you and, uh... Midoriya, too.

Mei's face burned even hotter, and she practically shrieked.

Mei: OKAY!

Power Loader: And Midoryia don't go home yet!

Power Loader added, finally stepping back, his voice muffled by the door. Expecting an answer from Izuku however Mei frantically answered for him.

Power Loader: Wait until it's safe. Got it?


Mei snapped, beyond annoyed at this point. An awkward silence followed, Power Loader lingering on the other side of the door. After a few agonizing seconds, his voice cut through the quiet again. 

Power Loader: I'm... I'm really happy you're socializing better, Mei-


Mei screamed, her patience at its limit.

Power Loader: Right, right! Going! Stay safe!

With that, Power Loader hurried down the hall, finally getting the message. Mei sighed in relief, slumping against the bed, her nerves still on edge. But when she glanced over, she realized Izuku was staring at her, wide-eyed and clearly bewildered. Their eyes locked, and for a moment, neither of them spoke. Mei felt her heart race as she held him up, her arms wrapped around his body. He was still half-limp, his weight pressing against her, but there was something intimate about the way he leaned on her now, as if she were the only thing keeping him upright. Mei's mind buzzed with a thousand thoughts, her heart pounding in her chest. She'd invaded his space countless times, but this... this felt different. 

Mei head: He has...a really fit body...

Mei couldn't help but notice the tight spandex he wore. Hugging his frame and figure. With it not helping with calm her mind down. Mei having nothing left to imagine with Izuku figure. Izuku's eyes softened, and for a moment, he leaned in just slightly, as if drawn toward her. 

Mei head: Is he...awake?

Mei's breath hitched, her mind spinning at the possibility of what might happen next. But before anything more could unfold, Izuku's head drooped, and he slumped forward, his breathing shallow and steady. He'd passed out again, his body going limp in her arms. Mei blinked, staring down at him, utterly baffled by everything that had just happened. She shook her head, her voice barely a whisper as she muttered to herself.

Mei: And they call me the troublemaker...

Mei slipped Izuku off her shoulder, his body slumping onto her bed with a dull thud. She took a deep breath, glancing at him as she carefully pulled his spandex costume off, starting with his shirt. As the fabric peeled away, her eyes widened at the sight of his skin—a patchwork of scars, bruises, and fresh wounds. Some scars had faded, others were still healing, and a few fresh bruises and cuts marred his body from whatever fight had knocked him out tonight.

Mei: I never would've guessed he looked like this. 

She muttered to herself, recalling how Izuku always wore his school uniform or his costume. Her hand brushed over a particular scar on his chest, long and jagged, like a claw mark. She lingered on it for a moment, wondering what could have caused such an injury. 

(Unbeknownst to her, it was from a brutal encounter with the Lizard, a fight that had left Izuku more scarred than most.)

After managing to get the rest of his costume off, Mei walked over to her workbench and grabbed a familiar device—a medical scanner, the very first invention she had tested on Izuku. The memory brought a faint smile to her face; that moment had been the start of their friendship. She remembered how the scanner had revealed broken bones still healing when she first used it on him during the entrance exam. Izuku trying to blow off it was broken and Mei thinking herself she he was right. 

Mei: I knew it wasn't broken...but that means... Izuku since the first day we met. Was lying. He was recovering from his battles. 

She mumbled, her voice soft with the nostalgia. She scanned him again, watching the results appear on the device. Mild concussion, scrapes, cuts, bruises, and a few second-degree burns, but nothing life-threatening. Sighing with relief, she grabbed her first aid supplies and began treating his wounds, cleaning and wrapping them carefully. Once he was bandaged up and resting in her bed, she stepped back, taking a moment to observe him sleeping peacefully. Mei sighed deeply, her mind spinning. 

Mei: *Sigh*...God Mei what are you even doing?

She whispered to herself, her thoughts torn between concern for Izuku and her own confusion about the feelings stirring inside her. As she was walking her foot stepped on Izuku costume that she briefly threw on the ground. 

Mei: So this is his costume huh? Looks like a simple spandex material. 

Mei's curiosity got the better of her as she turned her attention to Izuku's costume and gear, now discarded on the floor. 

Mei: Did he not think about adding armor or protection? 

She immediately noticed the fresh burns and cuts from tonight's battle, along with the stitch scars woven into the fabric. Clearly, Izuku had done his own repairs. Her eyes narrowed as she ran her fingers over the uneven stitching. Noting how she herself could have done a better job. 

Mei: Typical Midoryia. He's smart but terrible with a needle and thread. 

She muttered, amused by his resourcefulness but also knowing he could use a bit of professional help in some areas. Then, something else caught her eye—his web shooters. Mei's heart skipped a beat. She grabbed one of the devices, excitement bubbling up inside her as she fidgeted with the web cartridges on his utility belt. 

Mei: I knew it!

She exclaimed, patting herself on the back. 

Mei: Support gear! Spider-Man uses support gear for his webs!

She eagerly analyzed the web shooters, muttering to herself as she traced the mechanics. Izuku had built them out of scrap material—old boxes, parts of electronics, and who knows what else—but the design was genius. They operated using pressurized gas to shoot web fluid through a spinneret, forming the strong, elastic webs Spider-Man was famous for. 

Mei: He's really outdone himself with this one.

Unable to resist, Mei slipped the web shooter onto her wrist and loaded one of the web cartridges. She copied Izuku's iconic hand gesture, expecting an instant result, but... nothing. Frowning, she pressed harder, wondering what she might've done wrong. Still nothing.

Mei: What gives? 

She muttered, examining the device again. Then, a thought crossed her mind. She adjusted the pressure on her fingers, applying it both lighter and harder at different points, experimenting with the sensitivity. Finally, after a few tries, a web shot out, zipping across the room and attaching itself to an empty energy drink can on her desk.

Mei: Woah....

Mei's eyes widened in delight as she gave the web line a tug, sending the can flying through the air. She caught it effortlessly, a wide grin spreading across her face. 

Mei: Clever boy. So that's how you avoid misfires—by setting an exact pressure threshold. Not a bad solution. 

She glanced back at Izuku, still resting peacefully in her bed. Mei already knew how brilliant he was at school—he was the first student who could actually keep up with her—but seeing the intricacies of his work up close? It impressed her on a whole new level. 

Mei: You really outdid yourself with these, Izuku. 

She whispered, her admiration for him deepening as she placed the web shooter back where it belonged. Mei's fingers fidgeted as she pulled a half-torn notebook page from her pocket, the one Izuku had dropped today at school. She'd found it after an accidental explosion—courtesy of Bakugo's nitroglycerin sweat, which they had been using for a "science" experiment gone wrong. At the time, the page made no sense, missing too many critical details for her to understand what Izuku had been working on. But now, staring at it in the dim light of her room, the pieces clicked into place.

Mei: SO THATS what you were working on in class? Honestly not a bad idea to use U.A. supplies to upgrade your gear. And this web formula isn't just impressive. It's one of a kind. I've never seen a compound like this before.  The complexity of it is so...beautiful. 

Izuku had been experimenting with a new web formula, one that incorporated Bakugo's sweat. Mei's eyes lit up, a surge of excitement racing through her. The idea was bold—mixing the explosive properties of Bakugo's quirk with Spider-Man's webs to create something entirely new.

Mei: Wow... just, wow. 

Mei muttered under her breath. It was incredibly ambitious. Synthesizing something like that would be difficult, borderline insane, and incredibly dangerous. But the concept was brilliant. Mei couldn't help but let her mind wander, the endless possibilities sparking in her brain like a fireworks show.

Mei: What other kinds of web fluid could I make?

She mused aloud. 

Mei: Maybe acid webbing? Or if I used a stronger catalyst the webbing could cement and harden faster making cement webbing. Or, wait, what about taser webs?

 Her thoughts raced faster. 

Mei: And what about his costume? Could I make it more durable, maybe flame-resistant? Since he clearly got burned up in his fight. What about an even more efficient web shooter, with variable pressure modes?

Her hands twitched with the overwhelming urge to start tinkering, but she hesitated for the first time in her life when it came to inventing. A rare moment of doubt crept in, halting her creative storm. Should she really be making these things for Izuku? Or even thinking about helping him?

Mei: I know I'm just a gear head. And thinking about all the possibilities for improvement is fun and all. But...I cant help him with this. I...I could get in trouble. Not to mention id be aiding a vigilante... But I's Midoryia though. 

Her mind wandered back to a conversation she'd overheard between Izuku and Tsuyu. Izuku had been comforting the frog girl, who had witnessed something tragic—his father's death at the hands of a villain. Mei remembered the calm yet gentle way Izuku had reassured her, telling Tsuyu not to blame herself for what happened and not to let it stop her from being a hero. But there was something else Izuku had said that lingered in Mei's mind. He had mentioned it wasn't Tsuyu that he blamed for his father's death.

Mei: Maybe he has a reason for all this? 

At the time, Mei had assumed he was talking about the villain responsible for it. But now, as she stood there, staring at his broken-down gear and and Izuku unconscious body in her bed she wondered if there was more to it. Did he mean something else entirely? There were so many questions swirling in her head, so many things she didn't understand—not just about Izuku, but about her own feelings.

Mei: *sigh* Honestly what's up with me lately. I should really just stick with what I'm best at.

Mei shook her head, pushing the flood of emotions aside. She wasn't going to unravel all of that tonight. Maybe not ever. What she did know, however, was that there was one thing she could do, something that made sense to her. She could focus on what was right in front of her: inventing, creating, improving.

Mei: SO my new adopted babies. I shall give you a new makeover! 

With renewed energy, Mei dove into her work. Against her better judgment, she set aside the lingering questions and doubts, letting her creativity take control. One idea after another formed, a storm of invention going off in her mind as she began tinkering with Izuku's suit and gear. Each passing moment brought another idea to life, and soon enough, she was lost in the rhythm of creation, her mind free from everything but the rush of doing what she loved most.

At U.A. high school class 1-A next morning 

The next morning, Class 1-A was its usual lively, chaotic self. Conversations buzzed across the room as students shared stories, some still excitedly chatting about the meetup at a local restaurant the night before. Kaminari, Mina, and the others swapped jokes and comments about the event, while Bakugo sat at his desk, lost in thought. His brow furrowed as he glanced at his phone, still worried. He hadn't heard anything from Izuku. Bakugo scowled, already suspecting why. 

Bakugo head: That damn nerd probably went out as Spider-Man again. 

He scoffed, annoyed but understanding the reason behind it. No one could find out the truth about Izuku—that his powers hadn't been inherited, but given to him by accident. It was a secret Izuku fiercely protected, and Bakugo grudgingly understood why. Still, it didn't stop him from thinking it was incredibly stupid to keep risking his life as a vigilante. The class's chatter shifted, drawing Bakugo's attention. Kaminari perked up, his voice rising above the others. 

Kaminari: Hey, did anyone hear about that villain attack last night?

He asked, leaning over his desk with curiosity. Mina jumped in, eyes wide. 

Mina: Oh yeah! I heard they're calling him the Green Goblin or something.

Mineta chimed in from his seat. 

Mineta: Apparently, he set a bunch of buildings on fire. The whole city had explosives shaped like pumpkins hidden everywhere. 

His tone was a mix of horror and fascination.

Mineta: Heroes and the bomb squad had to comb through the whole city to make sure there weren't any more of those pumpkin bombs left.

Momo added, concern in her voice.

Momo: I heard Spider-Man was fighting that guy. 

Mina: Spider-Man probably beat that ugly green faced demon to next street and back. He always has a way of coming up on top. 

Mina remarked, her tone almost impressed. Bakugo felt a pang of guilt shoot through him. His fingers tightened around his phone, the screen still lit up with a string of unanswered messages he had sent to Izuku throughout the night. It wasn't unusual for Izuku to go silent after a major battle, but this time...something gnawed at him. Kirishima, sitting nearby, caught the conflicted look on Bakugo's face. 

Kirishima: You good, Bakubro?

He asked, his usual warm smile replaced with a concerned frown. Bakugo scoffed, quickly masking his worry. 

Bakugo: Tch...It's nothing,

He muttered, brushing off Kirishima's concern. But his friend wasn't easily fooled, his sharp eyes seeing right through the facade as well noticing Bakugo didnt yell at him to not call him "Bakubro". 

Kirishima: You heard anything from Midoriya? I never saw him at the meet and greet? 

Kirishima asked, genuine concern in his voice. Bakugo stiffened, doing his best to come up with a quick response.

Bakugo: Yeah, he's fine-

Bakugo lied smoothly, managing to keep his voice steady. 

Bakugo: -He's just sick or something. Stayed home. 

Bakugo head: Lying for Deku is getting harder when I don't even know where he is. He wasn't in class and isn't at school. His mom already had to call me and ask where he was so I know he isnt home either...

As Bakugo turned back to his phone, the weight of all the lies began to press down on him. He had already lied to Inko, Izuku's mother, telling her that Deku had stayed over at his place. He even faked a message from his own mom, Mitsuki, to back up the story, just to keep the worried mother calm.

Bakugo head: I even had to pretend to be my mom while Ms. Midoryia called me. 

But each lie was becoming harder to maintain, and the guilt was eating at him. Lying to Inko of all people—someone who had already been through so much—felt like a betrayal. The memory of Izuku's father, Hisashi, flickered in Bakugo's mind, adding another layer to the guilt that was slowly building up. He gritted his teeth, pushing the thoughts away.

Bakugo head: far is this gonna keep going? ...

Kirishima gave Bakugo another look, clearly not buying his excuses, but decided to let it drop for now. Bakugo could feel his friend's eyes still on him, but he didn't react. He couldn't. Too much was at stake, and the lies were necessary—for now.

Bakugo head: I cant...I cant keep lying to Hisashi wife of all people...

As Bakugo sat in thought, the classroom suddenly fell silent. The door slid open, revealing their teacher, Aizawa, who entered with his usual exhausted demeanor. Without looking up from the floor, he muttered, 

Aizawa: Shut up and sit down.

The excitement in the room quickly died down as Aizawa stood before the class. His voice remained steady but tired. 

Aizawa: Today, we're doing rescue training.

The students erupted into a chorus of cheers, the energy in the room reigniting at the thought of the new training session. Aizawa's eyes narrowed. 

Aizawa: Settle down.

He repeated, his tone firm as the class grew quiet again.

Aizawa: Being a hero isn't just about fighting villains. It's about saving lives 

Aizawa began, his voice taking on a more serious tone. 

Aizawa: Your job as a hero is to rescue as many people as you can, often under extreme conditions. Today, you'll be put through simulated natural disasters. Your goal will be to use your quirks to combat those conditions and save civilians. 

He pressed a button on his remote, and shelves built into the wall began to slide open, revealing suitcases neatly stacked with numbers corresponding to each student.

Aizawa: You can wear your hero costumes for this. But keep in mind that some of you still aren't used to fighting in them. Be cautious, and don't rely solely on your gear.

He pointed to the suitcases. 

Aizawa: Get suited up. We're taking a bus to an off-campus facility.

One by one, the students eagerly retrieved their suitcases, the excitement building once more. They were animated with anticipation, sharing thoughts and plans about how they'd use their quirks in the training. Amidst the buzz, Bakugo remained silent, his thoughts still occupied by Izuku. 

Bakugo head: That damn nerd... he's gonna pay for making me worry so fucking much. I don't have time to be getting distracted. 

His fists clenched involuntarily, but the look of concern on his face remained as he absentmindedly grabbed his case. Aizawa, ever observant despite his tired look, noticed Bakugo's unusual lack of enthusiasm. His eyes lingered on him for a moment, curious. Bakugo's reaction—or lack thereof—stood out, especially since he was usually among the most eager for any form of training. Something was clearly bothering him. 

Aizawa head: What has Bakugo all spaced out today? 

But Aizawa chose not to say anything for now. There was a lesson to be taught, and he would keep an eye on Bakugo during training.

Aizawa head: Hopefully what ever it is. It doesn't affect his training. 

Mei Hatsume room at power loaders agency

Izuku stirred beneath the soft warmth of a bed, his mind clouded in confusion, still hazy from the fight. His body felt heavy, his muscles stiff and sore, as though he had been through a war—his subconscious tried to pull him back into a nightmare. Suddenly, memories began flooding in like a tidal wave: the eerie green light of a glider, the wicked grin of the Goblin—his voice, that maddening, bone-chilling laughter that echoed in his ears like nails on glass. Explosions. Fire roaring all around him as the villain taunted and mocked him. There was a blinding flash, and then the sensation of being weightless, falling from the sky. 

Izukus head: Goblin blew me up...

Izuku blinked rapidly, shaking his head as if trying to escape the lingering fragments of the nightmare. He reached up to rub his face, wincing slightly at the tenderness in his muscles. His fingers brushed against his bare skin—his mask was gone.

Izukus head: My mask! 

His heart thudded in his chest, sending a jolt of panic through him. He sat up abruptly, clutching at the bandages that covered his torso, his hand grazing his exposed skin where his suit's shirt should have been. His mind raced. 

Izukus head: Where's my shirt?! Where am I?! What happened after the explosion?!

His green eyes darted around the unfamiliar surroundings, taking in the clutter of gadgets and spare parts strewn across the room, their gleaming surfaces illuminated by the morning light trickling through the window. Tools, prototypes, and half-finished projects covered almost every available surface.

Izukus head: Am I in someone's workshop?

Izuku stared down at the bandages wrapping his body. His wounds, though painful, had been tended to, and his chest tightened in uncertainty. 

Izukus head: How did I get here?

Before he could unravel the situation further, the door creaked open, and Izuku tensed. Mei Hatsume walked in, carrying a tray of breakfast with one hand and a handful of first aid supplies in the other, her goggles perched lazily atop her head. Her expression was characteristically neutral, though a sharp glint of curiosity danced in her eyes. She barely spared him a glance, setting the tray and medical supplies on a nearby bench as if tending to an injured Spider-Man was part of her daily routine. Izuku, still dazed and unsure of what was happening, stared at her in disbelief. His voice came out hoarse, almost an afterthought.

Izuku: Mei...? W-What are you doing here?

Mei didn't bother to look up as she adjusted the bandages on the tray. 

Mei: It's my room.

Her response was blunt, and it hit Izuku like a cold splash of reality. 

Izukus head: Oh...crap...

Everything started to click into place—the last thing he remembered was the Green Goblin blasting him off a rooftop, his body colliding with something solid before everything went black. He'd crashed somewhere—on someone's roof. And now, Mei was standing in front of him, looking very much like someone who had just picked up the pieces. Izuku's heart raced faster, panic starting to edge back in. 

Izuku: did I get here? 

He asked, his voice shaky as he struggled to put the pieces together. His thoughts scrambled between finding an exit and figuring out what Mei knew. Mei finally looked at him, still emotionless. 

Mei: I carried you here. You were passed out on my roof.

The words hit him harder than expected, and for a moment, Izuku could only blink in disbelief.

Izukus headShe carried me? 

His body was far too heavy and injured for someone like Mei to easily move him, but there was no denying the truth in her voice. She had done it. But before he could process it all, Mei tilted her head slightly, her expression still as neutral as ever, but her next words struck him like a punch to the gut.

Mei: So why were you passed out on my roof? .... Spider-Man.

Time froze. Izuku's body stiffened, the blood draining from his face. 

Izukus head: She knows... 

The overwhelming urge to lie hit him like a reflex, as if there was still a chance to protect his secret, even though Mei had already spoken it out loud. He fumbled, scrambling for something, anything that made sense.

Izuku: I-I'm not Spider-Man!

Izuku blurted, the lie stumbling from his mouth before he could stop it. 

Izuku: I just—wear the suit to take photos at U.A.! You know, for the reward money...! It's sometimes hard t-to get pictures of the guy so I-

Mei, unsurprisingly, was not convinced. She rolled her eyes, her lips twitching into the faintest hint of a smirk. 

Mei: Izuku, I may not have realized you were Spider-Man this whole time until now, but I'm not an idiot.

Izuku's heart sank, his hands shaking slightly as he tried to sit up straighter. 

Izuku: I-I didn't mean—

He stumbled over his words, feeling the weight of his lies crashing down around him. Mei cut him off again, her voice sharp and direct.

Mei: -Why did you lie about being quirkless? 

She tilted her head, eyes narrowing slightly. Izuku swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. 

Izuku: I am quirkless.

He managed to say, his voice strained. Izuku knowing that he isn't technically lying but already knowing she wouldn't believe that.  Mei's expression didn't change, but her eyes glinted with sharpness. She casually reached for her phone, holding it up as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Her finger hovered dangerously close to the screen, and her tone remained flat. 

Mei: If you don't start telling the truth, I'm calling the cops. 

Izuku instinctively reached out to web her hand, only to realize with a sickening jolt that his wrist was bare—his web-shooters were missing. 

Izuku: Huh?-

Before he could react, Mei lifted her hand, and in one swift motion, webbed his wrist to the wall. Izuku stared at his trapped hand in shock. 

Izuku: You—what—how did you—

Mei: -I borrowed your stuff. 

Mei's voice held a rare trace of amusement, the corner of her mouth twitching upward. 

Mei: I have to say, your baby is really impressive.

Izuku deadpanned. 

Izuku: Please don't call them that.

She merely shrugged, clearly unfazed by his distress. 

Mei: How'd you come up with the idea for these anyway? 

She gestured to the web-shooters, clearly enjoying having the upper hand. Izuku sighed, realizing there was no easy way out of this. He wasn't in control here, and Mei knew it. His eyes drifted to the phone still in her hand, her finger poised as if one wrong word would set his world on fire. Trapped, he exhaled, the fight draining out of him. 

Izuku: *Sigh*....Elephant toothpaste. 

Mei raised an eyebrow. 

Mei: You always have the weirdest analogies and way of connecting dots. What about the web formula?

He stared at her, torn between fear and resignation. 

Izuku: That's...complicated.

Mei: You said you were quirkless. So how have you been lying about that your whole life?

Izuku's chest tightened. Every question was a knife, cutting away at the armor he had built to protect his secret. 

Izuku: It's not what you think. Again its complicated. 

He whispered, but Mei's stare was unrelenting. Mei studied him closely, clearly seeing the pattern in his answers. She crossed her arms, expression unchanged.

Mei: And why didn't you join the hero course? That was always your dream, right? 

Mei pressed on, her gaze sharp, waiting for him to slip. Izuku opened his mouth, ready to repeat the same excuse, but Mei cut him off, her words swift and cutting.

Mei: Let me guess... 'It's complicated'?

Izuku bit his lip, feeling the walls close in on him. Mei held all the cards, and she was relentless. She tapped her phone, her meaning clear as day: one wrong move, and his secret was out. He sighed heavily, defeat in his voice. 

Izuku: Alright... alright. If you unweb me, I'll explain everything.

Mei tilted her head thoughtfully, and after a moment, she nodded. 

Mei: Your dissolvent?

Izuku: My utility belt. 4 pocket on the left. How did you know I had one?

Izuku muttered.

Mei: Because you would be an idiot to not make one to get yourself or other people un stuck. And your not an idiot. I know that much about you at least...or I hope. 

With a quick motion, Mei retrieved the dissolvent from his belt and sprayed it over the webbing, freeing his hand. As Izuku rubbed his wrist, he glanced at Mei, knowing he had no choice but to face the truth. After freeing Izuku from his own webs, Mei leaned back in her office chair, the backrest facing forward as she sat on it backwards, staring him down with an impatient expression. 

Mei: Well... I'm waiting...

She said, clearly losing patience. Izuku hesitated, his thoughts racing. He wasn't sure how to explain everything to her, especially since so much of it was wrapped up in secrets he had held onto for so long. But he realized he didn't have much of a choice. Mei wasn't going to let this go.

Izuku: Honestly, I don't know where to start... 

Izuku admitted, nervously scratching the back of his neck.

Mei: Start from the beginning.

Mei interrupted, her tone blunt. 

Mei: I want to hear everything. You're my only friend, and I couldn't just leave you out to dry. That's why I took you in and fixed you up and even lied to Power Loader for you. But I'm not risking getting kicked out of U.A. or going to keep lying to Power Loader, or worse even getting arrested without a damn good reason. So, you'd better be straight with me and hope for the best.

Izuku blinked, taken aback by how forward and no-nonsense she was. Then again, that was exactly like Mei. He took a deep breath, steadying himself. If he was going to tell anyone the truth, it might as well be a friend. 

Izuku: Alright... I wasn't lying when I said I was quirkless. 

Izuku began. 

Izuku: I still am STILL technically quirkless. 

Mei raised an eyebrow.

Mei: You... still don't have a quirk? But you can stick to walls, and can stop a bus with your bare hand's? Then how—?

Izuku: -Do you remember the incident with The Lizard? The one that tried to turn Tokyo into the capital city of lizard people?

Izuku asked, cutting her off gently.

Mei: Of course I remember. The media said said it was a bio weapon attack. Some kinda quirk used to mass produce a gas that turned people into lizard mutants. 

 Mei responded, her eyes narrowing as she tried to figure out where this was going. Izuku shook his head. 

Izuku: It wasn't a quirk. It was cross-species and quirk-based genetic research. A virus developed by a scientist named Dr. Connors. 

Mei's confusion deepened, but she stayed quiet, letting him continue.

Izuku: Dr. Connors—The Lizard—was experimenting with mixing genes from different species and combining them with quirk genetics. He was trying to transfer the traits of certain quirks into animals or people.

Mei: Like, giving someone fireproof skin from a fire quirk user? Or replicating a healing factor from someone's quirk?

Izuku: Yes exactly. He was trying to develop a cure for certain diseases and even achieve full cellular regeneration to grow his amputated arm back. He experimented on many different specimens and species. Lizards, mice, insects. One of those experiments was on spiders. Genetically modified spiders. About 6 months ago. I went on a field trip to his lab. One of those spiders had gotten out of its cage and found it way on me and bit me. 

Mei's eyes widened as realization started to sink in. 

Mei: You're saying you got powers... from a spider bite?

Izuku nodded. 

Izuku: Yes. Dr. Connors theorized that the spider carried some kind of virus in its venom that had embedded its own DNA inside of me. Altering my own genetic make up. The spider was able to pass on those enhanced abilities that Dr. Connors gave it to me. That's how I got my spider powers.

Mei sat there, absorbing the information, her analytical mind piecing it together. 

Mei: So... you weren't born with a quirk. The spider gave you those powers.

Izuku: ...Yeah. 

Izuku admitted, his voice soft. 

Mei: Are there others like you? Other cross species or quirk transferred subjects? 

Izuku: I'm the first and last, as far as I know. However Dr. Connors was the only one who figured out how to replicate what happend to me. He was able to reverse engineer the process. However it had...side effects. 

Mei: And I'm guessing those side effects was the Lizard monster that attacked Tokyo. 

Izuku: When he tested it on himself the foreign DNA took over his human DNA. So he mutated into the Lizard and went crazy. He tried to turn everyone else into what he was. Believing it to be the final cure for all sickness and diseases...I had to stop him and was the only one who could. And thankfully I was able to with some help. After I was able to turn Dr. Connors back to normal. He swore to never let the secret of his research out. Asking me to do the same. I destroyed all of his research. Leaving Dr. Connors the only man on earth with the secret to give people powers...and me the only person with abilities given and not born with.

Mei nodded slowly, processing it all. 

Mei: So, that's why you hid the fact you had powers? Because you were afraid of what people would do if they found out? 

Izuku looked down, his shoulders slumping. 

Izuku: I saw firsthand the damage this kind of research can do. I didn't want to be the next scientific discovery that becomes a weapon or... something worse. I didn't want to be the next atom bomb.

Mei didn't have a snappy comeback. She leaned back slightly, her gaze softening just a little as she seemed to understand the weight of his decision.

Mei: Okay... I can see why you didn't join the hero course. 

She finally said, her voice quieter now. 

Mei: I mean, you'd suddenly have to explain where your powers came from, and I guess that would have caused more problems by blowing the lid on everything.

Izuku nodded. 

Izuku: I didn't want to risk anyone finding out about the research... or what happened to me. Or worse trying to replicate the process again and creating another mutant creature or monster trying to gain powers.

The room was quiet for a moment, the tension between them easing slightly. Mei leaned forward again, resting her arms on the back of the chair.

Mei: Well, I'll admit it Midoryia. That WAS a lot more complicated than I thought. 

Mei remarked, her usual energy returning, though her tone was still serious. 

Mei: But... it makes sense.

Mei crossed her arms and tilted her head, a sarcastic grin forming as she asked, 

Mei: So, why exactly would you risk exposing the secret of your powers just to dress up as a vigilante? You do know being a vigilante is illegal, right?

Izuku smiled embarrassed as he sheepishly nodded. 

Izuku: Yeah, I know.

He dreaded this part of his story. It was a painful memory, and one he hadn't shared with anyone else in detail. But if Mei was going to understand why he did what he did, she needed to hear the whole truth. Izuku took a deep breath, his voice softening as he began. 

Izuku: It... it all starts with my dad.

Mei's usual energy seemed to dim as she listened closely. Izuku's tone had shifted, and she could tell that this wasn't going to be an easy story.

Izuku: My whole life, I always wanted powers. 

Izuku continued. 

Izuku: Every birthday, every time I blew out my candles, all I ever wished for was to finally manifest a quirk. When I saw a shooting star or broke a wishbone, it was always the same thing: 'Please, let me be like All Might.' I just wanted a chance to be great like him.

Izuku paused for a moment, staring at the ground as the memories flooded back. 

Izuku: And when I finally got my powers... from that spider bite, I wasted them. I didn't become a hero. I didn't use them to help anyone. I... I went to a wrestling match. 

He looked away, guilt heavy in his voice. 

Izuku: I thought maybe I could test out what I could do, maybe even win some money while doing it. But I got ripped off by the ringmaster.

Mei stayed silent, but her expression was serious, as if she could sense where the story was heading.

Izuku: Then, the ringmaster got robbed by a villain. 

Izuku said, his voice cracking slightly. 

Izuku: I had a chance to stop him... but I didn't. I just stood there and said it wasn't my problem. Wanting to get back for getting cheated out of the prize money.

Mei's heart sank as she began to realize the weight of Izuku's guilt. Her mind flashed back to their first week at U.A., when Izuku had told Tsuyu about the incident. She remembered his words, how he had told Tsuyu it wasn't her fault, but she now realized that Izuku had been carrying the blame all along. Izuku continued, his voice strained with emotion. 

Izuku: That same villain... he kidnapped a girl. My dad... he died saving her. He was the only one who did the right thing, the only one who stepped up when no one else did...And he was punished for it. 

Mei felt a lump forming in her throat as she remembered Izuku comforting Tsuyu. 

Mei head: He didn't blame her for what happened to his dad...he blames himself.

Now, she understood why.

Izuku: I was so angry. 

Izuku admitted, his voice trembling. 

Izuku: Not just at the villain. I was angry at myself... for letting him go. For being the reason my dad died. If I'd just done something... maybe he'd still be here.

There was a long pause as Mei absorbed the gravity of what Izuku had been carrying. The room felt heavy, the silence punctuated only by the sound of Izuku trying to steady his breath.

Izuku: I used my powers to hunt the villain down. 

Izuku said, his voice now quieter. 

Izuku: I thought... I thought if I could find him, if I could make him pay, I'd feel better. I...I wanted to kill him... But when the moment came, I couldn't do it.

Mei's eyes softened, realizing the depth of Izuku's internal struggle. Izuku looked up, meeting her gaze. 

Izuku: My dad used to say, 'With great power there also has to come great responsibility.' Those were his words. And I couldn't just take a life, even if it was the life of the man who took my father from me. I didn't want to become like him.

He paused, swallowing hard. 

Izuku: I may not have been born with powers, but maybe I was given them for a reason. Maybe I'm supposed to use them to help people, the way my dad always believed I could. He thought I could be a hero... even when I didn't have a quirk. Even when I didn't have anything.

Mei, moved by Izuku's confession, found herself speechless for the first time in a long while.

Izuku: I know that because of my circumstances, I might never get to be a pro hero. I'll never have the career or the life I dreamed about growing up. 

Izuku continued. 

Izuku: But... as a vigilante... As Spider-Man... I can still help people. I can still save lives. I can still be the hero I always wanted to be... the one my dad always believed I could be.

Mei blinked, her throat tightening as she processed the weight of his words. For all her usual enthusiasm and quirkiness, she understood the depth of what Izuku had shared. He wasn't just chasing a childhood dream. He was trying to live up to the legacy his father had left behind. For a moment, the room was silent, the weight of Izuku's story hanging between them. Then, Mei exhaled slowly, her voice soft but full of understanding.

Mei: Izuku...

She said, her usual bluntness softened by the emotion she was trying to mask. 

Mei: You... you're doing all of this because of him, aren't you?

Izuku nodded, a small, sad smile on his face. 

Izuku: Yeah. I just want to be the kind of hero he always believed I could be.

Mei's respect and admiration for Izuku grew in that moment. For the first time, she truly understood the weight he carried with him every day. All this time, she had only seen glimpses of his struggles, but now, knowing the full story, his determination and passion to help people seemed even more inspiring. The depth of his character, which she had always admired, took on a whole new meaning. Without thinking, Mei surprised Izuku by wrapping her arms around him in a hug. It was sudden and unexpected, but in that moment, it felt right.

Mei: You really are something else 

She whispered softly. Izuku, caught completely off guard, blushed deeply, stumbling over his words in his usual flustered way. 

Izuku: I-It's really not that big of a deal, Mei—

But Mei didn't let him finish. She squeezed him tighter, not giving him a chance to brush off her praise. 

Mei: No, listen to me. 

She pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes, her expression serious yet warm. 

Mei: All this time, you've been such an inspiration to me. And I don't think I've ever told you that.

Izuku blinked, his heart racing as he tried to process her words. 

Izuku: Inspiration? To you?

Mei nodded, her voice filled with sincerity. 

Mei: Yeah... I know I'm not exactly the best at... well, talking to people. I'm pretty bad socially, and I know I can be kind of a gearhead.

She gave a small laugh. 

Mei: But you've always been so kind to me, Izuku. So understanding. You never made me feel weird for being... well, for being me.

Izuku tried to protest, shaking his head. 

Izuku: Mei... you may not be normal. But you are so determined and passionate about your work. I'M inspired by you and—

Mei: -See?

 Mei cut him off again, smiling. 

Mei: Even now, you're being kind. And it's not just about the tech stuff. You shared in my passion for invention, even when no one else did. You didn't just see me as some crazy inventor. You saw me for... me.

Her voice faltered for a second. 

Mei: I don't even know how to put into words what I'm feeling, but... thank you. For everything you do. For everything you are-

Izuku was at a loss for words. Mei, who was usually so straightforward and direct, was now pouring her heart out to him. It was overwhelming, and deeply touching. As she hugged him again, she quietly said

Mei: -Izuku Midoryia...

Izuku blinked, his heart warmed by the simple mention of his name, a callback to their early days when she couldn't even remember his name. Now, it was etched into her heart. As the heartfelt moment lingered in the air, Mei finally pulled away, her usual sharpness returning. 

Mei: So... who else knows about your secret?

She asked, cutting through the emotional haze like a scalpel. Izuku shifted awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. 

Izuku: Well, Bakugo knows... and one other pro hero. And now there's you. 

Izuku raised an eyebrow. 

Izuku: So, have you decided if your turning me into the police or the pro heroes?

His tone was teasing, but there was a weight behind his words. Izuku's heart skipped a beat. This was it—would she reveal his secret? Mei took a deep breath, as if gathering her thoughts, before firmly saying. 

Mei: No, I won't... I won't turn you in.

Her tone was resolute. 

Mei: Thank you, Izuku, for being honest with me... and for trusting me.

Izuku exhaled in relief, his shoulders relaxing. 

Izuku: Thanks for patching me up and... for giving me a chance to explain. And for not, you know, handing me over to the police and government to be experimented on hehe.

Mei: Well it would suck if the only friend I had went to jail. I would feel bad turning you into a lab rat. 

They chuckled awkwardly, genuinely grateful. As Mei waved off his thanks, Izuku suddenly paused, a curious thought crossing his mind. 

Izuku: Wait... something you said earlier. You mentioned lying to Power Loader, but... we're in your room, right? What was power loader doing at your home? Actually what building am I in?

Mei's face turned a little pink as she mumbled. 

Mei: Well... actually we are in power loaders agency building. 

Izuku: What is your room doing at his place? 

Mei: Power Loader is actually... my dad.

Izuku's eyes widened in shock. 

Izuku: What?! Why didn't you ever mention that?

Mei grinned, teasing him. 

Mei: Well you never mention you were Spider-Man! We all got out own secrets y'know?! 

Izuku blinked, stunned by the revelation. 

Izuku: Why did you want to hide it so bad? 

Mei: I have a hard enough times making friends already. I don't need everyone accusing me of being the teachers daughter or for nepotism. 

Izuku: Well you did a pretty good job hiding it. Honestly that explains why Power Loader puts up with all the trouble you cause. And property damage. 

Mei: I actually have been doing much better in that department now thank you very much! 

Izuku: What? You only blew up the workshop one time this week instead of 6 times. 

Mei: It was actually only 3 times this week

Izuku: It's only Tuesday. 

Mei: Is this how you thank me for scraping you off my roof?! 

Izuku and Mei laugh as they went back and forth. 

Izuku: So thats why you two always seem so close in class.

Mei nodded, leaning back in her chair. 

Mei: Yeah, pretty much. He found me when I was eight, sneaking into his workshop and stealing materials to make a homemade laser gun.

She laughed at the memory. 

Mei: Instead of turning me in, he saw potential. He adopted me and I've lived with him at his agency ever since. I've been inventing and building things with him ever since...He's been pretty great as a guardian...

Izuku couldn't help but smile at the warmth in her voice. 

Izuku: That's sweet. No wonder you guys argue so much though- But wait—where's Power Loader now?

Mei: He's at school 

Mei said casually, then smirked as realization dawned on Izuku's face.

Izuku: Oh no... I missed school! 

Izuku groaned, burying his face in his hands. 

Izuku: My mom is going to kill me...

Mei patted his back, offering an odd form of comfort. 

Mei: Yeah, most likely. 

She said bluntly, making him groan louder. But as Mei touched his shoulder, something stirred in the back of Izuku's mind—a blurry memory from last night. He was dazed and barely conscious after the explosion, but he vaguely recalled... something. Something important.

Izukus head: Wait...last night. Did Mei...kiss me?

Izuku, flustered, opened his mouth several times to ask, but the words kept sticking in his throat. 

Izuku: Uhhh... hey Mei? 

Mei: Yeah what's up? 

Izuku: W-Well...about last night. I mean...

Mei: Hm?

Izuku: I-I got knocked around pretty good so I was pretty dazed and uhhh. H-Honestly dont remember to much from last night.

Mei: Uh huh?....

Izuku: A-And well I could like t-totally be imagining stuff and stop me if I'm like totally off the mark or s-something. But uhh...

After a few awkward attempts, he finally managed to spit it out. 

Izuku:... d-did you... uh, last night... did you-OR I mean did "we"... kiss?

Mei's face instantly turned crimson, her usual confidence faltering for a second. 

Mei: O-O-Oh, THAT... it wasn't a big deal! I just needed to make Power Loader go away, okay?! I needed an excuse for why you'd be in my room so late! A-And LIKE power loader is super uncomfortable with me dating ...hehe...

She crossed her arms, trying to play it off coolly. Izuku, now just as red, nodded rapidly, desperately trying to make the situation less awkward.

Izuku: Oh! Yeah, I get it! Totally! It didn't mean anything... Yeah, totally...

The room was filled with an awkward silence, both of them laughing nervously, neither knowing how to navigate the situation. Izuku slumped in his seat, depressed at the realization. 

Izukus head: Oh first kiss with a girl. And it must have tasted like blood from getting punched in the jaw so much. And I passed out right after?! What a fail!!! 


On a bus on the way to the USJ

In the back of the bus, Bakugo sat alone, his arms crossed and a scowl etched into his face. The rest of Class 1-A was buzzing with excitement, talking about the rescue training at the USJ, but Bakugo wasn't paying attention. His usual crew wasn't even sitting next to him, too busy chatting with the others about their quirks and the upcoming exercises. Bakugo, on the other hand, couldn't stop worrying about Izuku. His calls, texts, and messages had gone completely unanswered for far too long. The thought gnawed at him—

Bakugo head: Did Deku finally bite the dust? Is he dead in some alley way?...

He clenched his fist, trying not to let his panic show. He hated worrying about that nerd. The thought of telling the police or asking for help was making him even more agitated. What if Izuku really was dead somewhere, and he had just sat on this bus doing nothing? Then his phone vibrated in his pocket. Bakugo's heart skipped a beat as he grabbed it, his fingers shaking slightly as he saw Deku flash on the screen. A wave of relief hit him, but it was quickly replaced by anger. He immediately answered the call, his voice low and harsh. 

Bakugo head: Deku... what the hell happened?!

He growled, making sure to keep his voice down so the rest of the class wouldn't hear. On the other end, Izuku's familiar voice came through, a little sheepish. 

Izuku phone: Hey, Kacchan... sorry for worrying you and for missing the meet and greet last night—

Bakugo: -I don't give a crap about the meet and greet! 

Bakugo interrupted, his voice almost rising before he caught himself. 

Bakugo: Where the hell have you been?!

Izuku sighed. 

Izuku phone: I... I was fighting a villain. A green goblin guy. There was an explosion, and I got knocked out.

Bakugo's grip on the phone tightened. 

Bakugo: Are you hurt?

Izuku phone: I'm a little banged up. Nothing I can't walk off or heal. Nothing I haven't had to hide before from mom or in school. I'll be fine, promise.

Bakugo exhaled, both relieved and furious. 

Bakugo: Dammit Deku... I was about to call the cops. I was starting to think you were dead somewhere. 

He spoke with his usual sharpness, though it was laced with genuine worry.

Izuku phone: I'm really sorry, Kacchan. I didn't mean to—

Bakugo: -Whatever-

Bakugo cut him off. 

Bakugo: -Just don't make me worry like that again.

There was a brief silence before Izuku hesitated, his voice lowering. 

Izuku phone: There's... uh, one more thing.

Bakugo rolled his eyes. 

Bakugo: ...




Bakugo: What now?

He asked, dreading whatever was coming next. 

Izuku phone: So I kinda got knocked out and...Mei found me as Spider-Man...

Izuku muttered something, but with the chatter of the class around him, Bakugo couldn't hear. 

Bakugo: What was that? Speak up dude!

Izuku's voice grew slightly louder, but it still wasn't clear. Bakugo leaned in, straining to hear over the noise.

Izuku phone: I said...Mei found out my secret that I'm Spider-Man...

Bakugo: Spit it out, nerd! I can't hear you I'm on a bus!

Bakugo snapped, finally losing his patience.

Izuku phone: Mei Hatsume found out I'm Spider-Man! 

Izuku said, his voice clear now. Bakugo's eyes widened, and his palm sparked involuntarily. A small explosion crackled in his hand, drawing the attention of some nearby classmates. He quickly clenched his fist, trying to keep his voice steady as he seethed into the phone. 

Bakugo: What?!

Izuku phone: I, uh, got knocked out on her roof. She... patched me up and even hid me from Power Loader.

Bakugo grit his teeth, trying to maintain control, knowing the class was still watching. 

Bakugo: You better not have said anything about me! I can't afford to go get kicked out of U.A. or worse go to jail!

There was a pause, and Bakugo could already feel the incoming headache. 

Izuku phone: ...I might have mentioned that you already knew before her...

Izuku admitted sheepishly. Bakugo slapped his forehead, his patience wearing thin. 

Bakugo: You idiot!

He hissed, venom dripping from his words. 

Bakugo: How hard did you get blown up?! You've got no brain cells left in that stupid head of yours!?

Izuku, sensing how close Bakugo was to exploding, quickly tried to calm him down. 

Izuku: But she promised she wouldn't tell anyone! I explained everything, and she understands.

Bakugo let out a long, frustrated sigh. The fact that Mei wasn't going to snitch was somewhat reassuring, but the whole situation was still a mess. 

Bakugo: Great... now I gotta deal with this on top of everything else. I'm so glad you didn't get killed because I cant wait to KILL YOU MYSELF!

Izuku chuckled nervously. 

Izuku: Hey, it's not like I meant to get blown up. That wasn't my fault!

Bakugo: Said's the guy who literally got himself blow up!!!

Bakugo growled. Izuku tried to change the subject. 

Izuku: Uh... did you tell my mom anything about me being gone?

Bakugo, still rubbing his temples, grumbled, 

Bakugo: I told her you were crashing at my place after the U.A. meet and greet. You're welcome, by the way.

Izuku sighed in relief. 

Izuku: Thanks, Kacchan but...I might need you to tell my mom that you lied so I could hang out with Mei instead.

Bakugo rubbed the bridge of his nose, beyond frustrated. 

Bakugo: Oh god...why?! 

Izuku: Mei did her best to keep my secret. But Power Loader still ended up seeing me in Mei room. He doesn't know I'm Spider-Man though. So my alibi is gonna have to be with her now and not you. And if Power Loader asks my mom why I was in her room she cant say I was with you instead. That would make Power Loader suspicious. 

Bakugo: You're never gonna be able to pay me back for all the lies I've had to tell for you, Deku .... Ever!

Izuku, despite everything, couldn't help but laugh. 

Izuku: I owe you big time, huh?

Bakugo: I own your SOUL at this point with all the debt and favors you keep asking me for!!!

Bakugo muttered. Bakugo sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. The frustration was real—just a few hours ago, he had been practically begging for his phone to ring, desperate for some sign that Izuku was okay. Now, the minute he got that call, all he wanted was for it to end so he could escape the never-ending onslaught of headaches that Izuku's antics brought him.

Bakugo: Look, Deku I'll deal with all this after training . I gotta focus on this rescue training at the USJ. 

Bakugo grumbled, his voice laced with exhaustion. 

Bakugo: Just... try not to get yourself blown up again before then, alright?

Izuku laughed awkwardly on the other end, clearly still trying to make light of the situation. 

Izuku: I'll do my best, Kacchan. Thanks again.

Bakugo rolled his eyes, already feeling another headache forming. 

Bakugo: Yeah, yeah. Don't thank me—just stop making my life harder.

Before Izuku could reply, Bakugo ended the call with a huff, slipping his phone back into his pocket. As he leaned back against the seat, his thoughts were still racing. Despite his irritation, the relief that Izuku was okay lingered. But with Izuku's secret exposed to another person, Bakugo knew things were only going to get more complicated from here on out. All he could do now was focus on the upcoming training. Maybe he could pour his anger and frustration on something he could blow up...but then remembering its rescue training not battle training. 

Ochako: Man I can't wait to get started today!

His classmates, all in their hero costumes, were buzzing with excitement about their upcoming training session at the USJ. Tsuyu was the first to speak up, her calm voice cutting through the chatter. 

Tsuyu: I'm really excited to finally practice rescue training. It's what I want to specialize in as a pro, ribbit.

Ochako, sitting beside her, nodded enthusiastically. 

Ochako: Same here! I mean, that's why we're here, right? Saving people!

Her wide smile showed just how thrilled she was. Kirishima, who had been quietly flexing his hardened fists, chimed in. 

Kirshima: Yeah, I'm pumped, too! But if I'm honest, I think I'm more suited for fighting. 

He said, showcasing his quirk by hardening his entire arm. 

Kirishima: Still, it's important to learn how to protect people. That's what really makes you one of the pro's!

Kirishima then glanced over at Bakugo, who sat stewing in his seat. 

Kirshima: But if anyone's got pro hero material written all over them, it's definitely Bakugo and Todoroki. I mean, those two are powerhouses. 

Mina couldn't resist the opportunity to tease Bakugo, grinning mischievously. 

Mina: Yeah, but Bakugo's way too angry to be popular as a hero. He'd probably scare the civilians away before he could save them!

Bakugo's eyes snapped toward her, narrowing dangerously. 

Bakugo: Watch it, raccoon eyes!

Kaminari laughed at the comment but decided to push it further. 

Kaminari: She's got a point, though. Bakugo's personality is like a garbage fire—always hot, always loud, and always burning someone who gets too close.

He chuckled, clearly enjoying the banter. That was the last straw for Bakugo. The earlier phone call with Midoriya had filled him with enough bloodlust to take on an army. He glared at Kaminari, a menacing grin creeping across his face. 

Kaminari: Pikachu, I'm gonna roast you alive and make you regret stepping foot in U.A.!

Kaminari visibly flinched, holding his hands up in mock surrender. 

Kamanari: Okay, okay! I take it back!

Momo, who had been sitting quietly through the conversation, grimaced at the exchange. 

Momo: I still don't understand how Midoriya is friends with someone like Bakugo?

She muttered, her tone filled with disapproval. 

Momo: Their personalities are complete opposites.

Ochako smiled sheepishly, scratching her cheek. 

Ochako: Yeah, it is kinda strange, isn't it? Izuku is so nice and calm, and, well... Bakugo's...

Tsuyu: -Bakugo

Tsuyu finished flatly, her blunt tone making the others laugh softly. Bakugo grabbing the bus railing with explosions coming off it scorching the metal. 


Before any of them could continue the discussion, Aizawa's voice cut through the noise from the front of the bus. 

Aizawa: Quiet down

He ordered, his tone as apathetic as ever. 

Aizawa: We're here.

Instantly, the chatter died down as everyone's attention shifted to the enormous dome-shaped structure outside. The USJ loomed ahead, and the excitement bubbling in the air quickly overpowered any lingering tension. Even Bakugo, though still simmering with frustration, felt his heart race a little at the sight. For all his irritation over Midoriya and the banter with his classmates, he couldn't deny the thrill of what was to come. 

Outside the USJ

As the bus pulled to a stop, the students eagerly began filing out, buzzing with anticipation. The rescue hero, 13, stood at the entrance, her gentle voice carrying over the group as they approached.

13: Welcome, everyone!

13 greeted them warmly, her large, white cloak giving her a distinct appearance. 

13: I'm so excited to show you what we've prepared for your rescue training today.

The students, still in awe of the enormous structure ahead of them, followed her inside, and gasps of amazement echoed through the group. As they stepped through the entrance, the sheer scale of the facility was breathtaking.

Kirishima: Holy crap!

Kirishima muttered, eyes wide. 

Kirishima: It looks like a freaking amusement park!

The vast interior was divided into different sections, each simulating a specific disaster or emergency scenario. Towers loomed over them, one area resembling a city in ruins, while another looked like the aftermath of a landslide. A massive ship sat stranded in a pool of turbulent water, while in the distance, an artificial desert and mountain range beckoned with promise of treacherous challenges. 13 continued with her enthusiastic explanation, gesturing towards each section. 

13: We have a shipwreck zone, a landslide zone, a city engulfed in flames, a windstorm, a desert, and even mountainous terrain. Every area is designed to simulate the real-world disasters and emergencies heroes might encounter. It's critical that you learn to save people in all kinds of situations.

As the class marveled at the incredible sight, 13 concluded with a proud smile. 

13: This training facility was created to prepare all of you for any kind of scenario where someone might need your help. We call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint... or USJ for short.

There was a brief, collective pause before the class, almost in perfect sync, shared the same thought in their heads.

"It's just like Universal Studios Japan."

Some of the students stifled laughter, the comparison impossible to ignore, but 13 didn't seem to notice. She was too excited to see how well they would perform in the challenges ahead. Aizawa casually made his way over to 13, his ever-tired eyes surveying the facility as the class continued marveling at their surroundings.

Aizawa: Hey isn't All Might supposed to be here?

Aizawa asked with a hint of dry humor, his voice low. 

Aizawa: Let me guess, he booked another interview instead?

13 leaned in and whispered, 

13: Actually, he did too much hero work on his way to school. He used up his three hours and is resting in the teacher's lounge.

Aizawa sighed and rolled his eyes, his expression a mix of exasperation and understanding. 

Aizawa: That man is the height of irresponsibility...

He muttered, though in his head, he reasoned they'd be fine. 

Aizawa head: Just the two of us should be enough for a simple rescue exercise. 

He straightened up, preparing to address the class. However, before either of them could start the training, something unusual caught Bakugo's attention. The lights above flickered, casting momentary shadows across the vast facility. His sharp instincts kicked in, and an unsettling feeling washed over him.

Bakugo head: What the hell's going on? 

Bakugo thought, his eyes narrowing as he glanced around. His gut twisted with a familiar sense of dread. Given his string of bad luck lately, this flickering wasn't just a technical glitch. No, something was wrong. He could feel it. And knowing how his morning had already gone, Bakugo had a sinking feeling that this was only the beginning of something worse. As the class stood in awe of the enormous facility, the atmosphere shifted abruptly. A swirling black portal opened up in the middle of the USJ, its inky darkness swirling ominously. From it emerged figures with wildly varying quirks and body types—each more dangerous and menacing than the last. The students froze, unsure of what they were seeing.

Ochako: What's happening?

Someone asked in a mix of confusion and fear.

Tokoyami: Is this part of the training?

Another questioned, their voice uncertain.

Tsuyu: This is rescue training, villain training isn't until 2 weeks later. 

Tsuyu muttered, her brow furrowing in concern. Bakugo, however, didn't waste a second in doubt. His instincts screamed that this wasn't a drill. They were being attacked. His hand immediately went to his phone, trying to call for emergency services—but there was no signal. 

Bakugo head: Damn it!  There's no signal!

He gritted his teeth, realizing the situation was even worse than he thought. They had cut the power, likely blocking communications too. Quickly, Bakugo reached into his pocket, glancing around to make sure no one noticed. From within, he discreetly pulled out a small, inconspicuous device: a Spider-Tracer. With one press of a button, he activated it, hoping it could pierce through whatever was blocking the signal. He had no way of knowing if it would reach, but if anyone could account for a blackout scenario rendering signals useless, it was Izuku. Aizawa stepped forward, his scarf already loosening around his neck, eyes sharp and focused. 

Aizawa: Everyone stay back!

He commanded, his usual lazy demeanor gone. 

Aizawa: This isn't a drill. It's not part a of some exercise.

The gravity of his words hit the class like a punch to the gut. Wide-eyed, they stared at the villains emerging from the portal, the realization setting in: this was real.

Aizawa: If you want to make it out of here alive, prepare to fight. Those are REAL villains.

Bakugo's heart raced, but not from fear of the villains. It was something worse. 

Bakugo head: Did the signal reach? 

He wondered, dread pooling in his stomach. 

Bakugo head: Did I just bring Deku into this mess? 

It was one thing to look the other way when Izuku broke a few rules as Spider-Man, but this? This was bringing him straight into the heart of danger.

Bakugo head: Damn it! I can't believe I have to rely on that nerd right now! 

He thought, his fists clenching. 

Bakugo head: I dont really have a choice, but if he gets hurt because of this...

His thoughts trailed off, knowing there was no turning back now.

Bakugo head: I never thought I'd actually have to use one of his spider tracers to ask for help!

He admitted to himself, a sliver of disbelief slipping through the cracks of his usually brash exterior. Izuku had given it to him a while back—half-jokingly, as if it was just another one of his nerdy inventions. Bakugo had brushed it off at the time, thinking it was overkill. But now, in the middle of the USJ with villains pouring through a portal and no other way to call for help, he found himself oddly grateful. 

Bakugo head: It's a good thing Deku isn't completely useless and knows how to think ahead. 

He hated relying on anyone, especially Deku, but at this moment, he was glad Izuku had insisted on giving him the tracer.

Bakugo head: I could really use his help right now. Or better yet hope he finds a way to send some other heroes here to fight!

Bakugo thought, his nerves firing up. There was no way he'd admit it out loud, but part of him trusted that Izuku would come through. Yet, another part—the part that cared, even if he'd never admit it—hoped that he hadn't just dragged his friend into something they couldn't handle. Shaking off the unease, he stuffed the tracer back into his pocket, preparing for the chaos about to unfold. 

Bakugo head: I just hope Deku doesn't try to bite off more than he can chew...

Mei Hatsume room at Power Loader agency 

As Izuku examined Mei's work on his web shooters, his eyes lit up with excitement. 

Izuku: I can't believe you upgraded my web-shooters. You managed to improve the web fluid storage, increase the consumption efficiency, and add a higher PSI into the web shooters. WITHOUT them blowing up?! Every time I tried to do that I ended up getting my hands stuck together or on something from my web cartridges blowing up on me. 

He marveled at the sleek design and the thoughtful enhancements, from the web fluid dispensers to the reinforced joints. Mei grinned, clearly enjoying the attention. 

Mei: I had plenty of spare parts around. It was a fun challenge! I mean, it's actually impressive that you built your first pair with nothing but junkyard parts. I had all this equipment and material around to help me and I still had some trouble making them. 

Izuku nodded, nostalgia washing over him. 

Izuku: It took me forever to make my web shooters. It took days just scavenging for all the materials. I even borrowed some old electronics from my old middle school!

Mei teasing at Izuku pointing out a key detail.

Mei: You mean you stole them from your school?

Izuku rubbed the back of his head ashamed and embarrassed. 

Izuku: Uh....yeah. Yeah I stole them hehe. 

He chuckled at the memory, but then his Spider-Tracer began to beep, the sound cutting through the room.

Mei: What's that?

Mei asked, her curiosity piqued.

Izuku: It's one of my Spider-Tracers. I built them as a way to track any villains I couldn't beat or to keep tabs while I did my own thing in my personal life. 

Izuku replied, confusion creasing his brow as he pulled the tracker device from his utility belt. Extending the antenna on it and seeing the signal was pointing in the direction of the USJ. 

Izuku: But I haven't put any trackers on villains lately. The last time I used it was on the Lizard...

Then it hit him. 

Izuku: Wait, I gave one to Bakugo! And the signal is pointing to the USJ?

Izuku scrambled for his phone on his utility belt. Trying to call him, but it went straight to voicemail. 

Izuku: No signal? Or his phone is off? But he never has it off. 

He muttered, anxiety creeping in. 

Izuku: I gave Bakugo that tracer just in case he ever needed to contact me.

Mei: Maybe it's nothing. 

Mei suggested, though she could see the worry in his eyes.

Izuku: Or maybe...he actually is in danger! And Kacchan having to ask for help is something big!

Izuku winced as he stood, pain flaring in his side. Mei rushed to stop him.

Mei: You're still healing! You can't just—

Izuku: -I can't just stay here when my friend might be in trouble!

Izuku argued, grabbing the shirt of his damaged suit off the ground. Pulling on the fabric stretching over his still-healing body. Going to grab his mask but Mei grabbing it before he could. Clutching it in her hands. 

Mei: NO! Izuku! You have to rest! You almost died! Let's call for some help instead-

Izuku: Mei and tell them what? That my spider tracer sent an SOS message?! Or show them fake messages of Bakugo calling for help?! They wont believe it. Or worse they would tell were lying. I can't risk them finding out my secret. Not just for the sake of my life being over but for what would happen to society if everyone found out you can be given powers! 

Mei tried to think of another way. But she couldnt. Izuku stepping closer to her. 

Mei: Izuku...I cant just let you-

Izuku: -And I can't just do nothing ... not again...

The weight of that memory hung heavy between them, a reminder of the last time he stood by and did nothing to help. How it caused the death of someone he cared about. Mei understanding why Izuku feels he has to help so desperately. Not just because of the guilt he lives with. But because it's who he is. 

Mei: You're going to get yourself hurt! Or worse...

Mei hesitated, clearly against the idea of him going out as Spider-Man right after his battle with the Green Goblin. But she knew him well enough to understand that she couldn't stop him if she wanted to. Especially since she LITERALLY could not stop him if she tried to. 

Izuku: ... I know... But if I can do something to help...then I have to... It's my responsibility... So I HAVE to... 

With Izuku already making up his mind. He grabbed the damaged mask from Mei. Gently taking it from her hands. Mei letting him take it. 

Mei: *Sigh*. I know I cant stop you. But...I cant let you go out wearing "that".

Mei said pointing at his suit. Izuku pinching and stretching it with his brow raised. 

Izuku: What's wrong with my spidey suit? 

As he said that the fabric he was pinching ripped off. The suit clearly in its last stage of life from all the battles Izuku has had. 

Mei: There are so many things wrong with that costume. 

She then walked over to her closet and grabbed something. She then tossed it over her workbench. Izuku seeing a brand new Spidey suit. 

Mei: Which is why I made this!

Izuku's eyes widened as he caught sight of the new suit. It resembled his current one, but the material looked tougher, yet still stretchy and flexible. 

Izuku: Did you really make this for me? 

Mei then went on to show case her ability to advertise and sell. Going on about the suit she had made.

Mei: Alright, problem number one—your current suit? Yeah it's pretty flimsy. One good slash, and it's toast! But this new material I developed is a triple-layered polymer weave. See this?

Mei then picked the material up stretching it wide and then letting go. With it instantly returning to its original shape. Showcasing its ability to stretch and how light it was. 

Mei: Light as spandex but way more durable. It's slash-resistant, tear-proof, and still flexible enough for all that flipping around you do! 

Mei then kept going on. Izuku mouth still open at the gift Mei had given him. 

Mei: Problem number 2- is I noticed how not fire proof you are. I mean you were practically bbq when I found you. SO I've coated the outer layer with a nano-ceramic finish. You could literally walk through fire and only get a little toasty. Should handle temperatures up to 1,200 degrees, easy. Perfect for those fiery battles. Just remember that DOESNT MEAN your fire proof. So don't be diving into burning buildings again expecting to make it out fine. 

Mei then grabbed a giant fist device from her closet. Izuku guessing it was some kind of giant smashing device. Izuku watching Mei slam the fist device into her work bench. The device shooting off a hydraulic fist as well. The impact making a loud crashing sound. Mei picking the device up and letting it fall onto the ground. Showing the suit was completely fine. 

Mei: And then finally! I sandwiched a Kevlar blend inside the weave. I saw all the footage of you fighting on the internet. You get smashed around ....ALOT! 

Izuku dead panned hearing her point that out. 

Izuku: Oh thanks Mei for pointing that out. I haven't really noticed. 

Mei knowing he was being sarcastic smiled and continued on her presentation. 

Mei: The Kevlar will add some protection to you. It's not bullet proof and it still will hurt being smashed around by Rhino. But it will still give some much needed protection against basic attacks. Without slowing you down at all. It's definitely better than swinging around with nothing but pajamas protecting you. 

Izuku picked up the suit feeling the material. Amazed at Mei work and what she accomplished. 

Mei: Basically, you're looking at the New and Improved Spider-Suit. Flexible, durable, heat-proof, and over all Spectacular! I think I REALLY outdid myself this time!

Mei explained, her eyes sparkling with pride. 

Izuku: How did you make this so fast?

Izuku asked, astonished.

Mei: I got bored last night waiting for you to wake up. And I had some spare materials around Power Loader work shop I "borrowed" from him. 

She teased, a smirk on her face. Izuku laughing at the joke. Both of them a thief when it comes to making there inventions. 

Izuku: Thank you, Mei. 

He said, sincerity in his voice.

Mei: You can thank me by not dying. 

She shot back, her tone light but serious. 

Mei: And next time, just ask for help instead of showing up passed out on my roof. 

Izuku felt a fire ignite within him, bolstered by her support. But as he noticed a sleek jetpack in her room, an idea struck him. 

Izuku: Is that the Buster Hero- Air jet's jetpack?

He pointed, excitement coursing through him. Mei raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at her lips. 

Mei: I made a replica of it. It's not perfect yet but it still functions. Why do you need it?

Izuku: I have a really bad idea...

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