Chapter 30

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The USJ jungle zone

Izuku swung effortlessly through the dense, towering trees of the jungle biome, his new suit from Mei adjusting smoothly to his movements. The cool air brushed against his face as he leaped from branch to branch, using his webs to slingshot himself higher into the canopy. Each swing felt like second nature now, but the jungle felt different—unpredictable, wild, and chaotic. He preferred the city, with its sturdy buildings and clear pathways. At least in the urban jungle, there were no surprises lurking in the thick undergrowth. 

Izukus head: I definitely impressed with the jungle biome U.A. built. I honestly couldn't tell I was in the city just earlier today. But to be honest I think I prefer swinging through the city more. This vegetation is so dense. There's almost no open room. Even with my spider-sense I feel like I'm gonna get attacked by a jaguar at every corner. 

He thought to himself. As he soared through the treetops, Izuku's mind raced over the situation at hand. The League of Villains especially. Who were they? What are they after? How do they have so many members? 

Izukus head: Kaminari said that they said there goal was to Kill All Might...An entire organization trying to kill All Might? 

The thought seemed absurd. THEE All Might. His hero. The one symbol of peace who was supposed to be untouchable. His fanboy instincts flared up, the idea of someone actually succeeding in taking down the Number 1 Hero seeming impossible.

Izukus head: They don't honeslty think they stand a chance against All Might right? I mean he could take out all of these villains in 5 minutes flat. Just this morning he stopped like 20 different crimes! ...But... what if they know something? Did they discover some kind of weakness? Or did they think because all the students were here he would be more vulnerable? 

A flicker of doubt crept in. What if they found some kind of weakness in All Might that everyone else had missed? Izuku's thoughts spiraled, his admiration for his hero momentarily overshadowed by concern. But then, as quickly as the doubt had appeared, he pushed it aside.

Spider-Man: No-

He whispered, shaking his head as he flipped forward, landing silently on a thick tree branch. 

Spider-Man: -That can't be it. All Might is unbeatable. He's literally the strongest there is. He has no weaknesses. And if All Might were here. He could take all these villains out AND save every student. 

Izuku's mind then wandered to Flint Marko—Sandman. He had already fought him today, yet he couldn't shake the feeling that Flint could have been an ally. 

Izukus head: And then there's Flint. I couldn't get through to him. And I only was able to beat him because I was lucky enough to land in a disaster zone with Kaminari...If only I could have changed his mind. Maybe even convince him to change sides. If he choose to help us. His quirk could be a huge help in stopping all these villains and rescuing any more students with U.A.

The thought gnawed at him. Marko's quirk would have been invaluable, especially in this fight. He could have helped protect the students, fight the villains, maybe even stand a chance against the League. But yet at the same time. Izuku understood why.

Spider-Man: I'll help his daughter after this...I promise Flint...I'll find a way...

Izuku promised himself under his breath, remembering the heartbreaking situation Flint had confided in him about. His fists clenched slightly, determination fueling his next leap through the jungle. 

Izukus head: This League... they were willing to take Flint's family hostage to make Sandman an alley. And even break Adrian Toomes out of prison. Not to mention kill a bunch of high schoolers, and threaten the number 1 hero. There not just crazy but there dangerous and obviously have resources and reach in high places. So there's no telling what else to expect with these guys. 

The seriousness of the situation weighed heavily on him, but he kept moving, pushing forward, pushing through. The tall jungle trees blurred past him as his focus sharpened, every nerve on high alert as he searched for more students.

Izukus head: Alright Midoryia enough monologuing. I need to start focusing on finding more students from class 1-A. Which is getting harder than I thought it would be. Every where I go looks the same! It's all just trees and vines! 

Izuku perched high in the trees, pausing to catch his breath. His chest rose and fell beneath his suit, the dense foliage around him offering little visibility. The thick canopy above created an almost claustrophobic atmosphere, the ground below barely visible through the tangle of branches and vines. He scanned the jungle around him, muttering under his breath, 

Spider-Man: How am I even gonna find anyone in this place?

Izuku said to himself. Genuinely frustrated how hard this is turning out to be. 

Spider-Man: This is turning into the worst game of hide and seek or where's waldo? 

The jungle remained still, save for the faint rustling of leaves in the breeze. Izuku exhaled, stretching his arms before he heard it—something soft, like a whisper from above. 

Tsuyu: Spider-Man? 

His entire body tensed. His senses sharpened, and he quickly spun around, shooting a web into the air, his eyes darting around. 

Spider-Man: Who's there?

He called out, his voice low but firm, ready for anything. A familiar voice broke the silence. 

Tsuyu: ...I...I can't believe it's really you.

Izuku's heart skipped. The voice was calm, not threatening, and just a little... starstruck? He scanned the surrounding trees and foliage. That's when she revealed herself—Tsuyu Asui. 

Izukus head: It's Asui! She's still alive! She can camouflage herself?!

She hopped into view as her camouflage faded away, her frog-like quirk allowing her to blend seamlessly with her surroundings. The green tint of her costume was now visible, and her large, round eyes blinked at him in awe. His posture relaxed, and his tense muscles eased. 

Spider-Man: Whoa!

Izuku gasped, his tone suddenly filled with admiration. 

Spider-Man: That's amazing! You can cloak yourself? Man, I wish I could do that. 

Asui smiled slightly, her calm demeanor not betraying the thrill she felt at meeting Spider-Man. 

Tsuyu: What are you doing here?

Izuku scratched the back of his neck, realizing he'd have to be careful with his response. He couldn't exactly say that Bakugo had called him. That would be a dead giveaway. 

Spider-Man: Oh, you know... I was just swinging through the neighborhood, felt my Spider-Sense go off... figured I'd stop by. 

He forced a smile, the joke lightening his own nerves. Asui tilted her head slightly, her large eyes narrowing in curiosity. She knew he was blowing off her question, but it didn't seem to matter. 

Tsuyu: I cant believe I get to finally meet you...

She said softly, more to herself than to him. Izuku shifted a little, embarrassed by the admiration. 

Spider-Man: Uhhh, thanks. Anyway, are you the only one out here?

He glanced around the trees, hoping for any sign of another student. Asui nodded. 

Tsuyu: I've been hiding since the attack started, hoping to find the others, but I haven't had any luck. I think I'm the only one sent into this zone.

Izuku frowned. The jungle was vast and full of dangers, especially now that villains had invaded. 

Izukus head: At least she's safe for now. I should try and get Asui out of here. So I can move onto the next zone and try to find more students and hopefully Kacchan. 

He thought. But the sooner he got her out of here, the better. He couldn't shake the feeling that more danger was lurking, even with his Spider-Sense being quiet for the moment.

Spider-Man: I'm glad to see your alright. So we need to get you out of here and make sure it stays that way. 

Izuku said firmly, determination in his voice. 

Spider-Man: Follow me, and stay high in the trees. We'll make our way back to the USJ entrance.

Asui nodded, trusting him completely. For a moment, despite the dire situation, Izuku felt a rush of responsibility as he prepared to lead her to safety. 

Izukus head: I better make it sound like I'm meeting her for the first time. Dont wanna shout her name without ever being told it as Spider-Man. 

Spider-Man: What's your name? 

Tsuyu: It's Tsuyu Asui. But you can call me Tsu! 

Spider-Man: Well Tsu I'm Spider-Man. Lets try to keep a good pace so we can get you back with your class mates. 

Tsuyu: R-Right!

As Izuku and Asui navigated through the jungle, their movements flowed seamlessly together like a well-choreographed dance. The agility of their powers complemented each other; Izuku swung through the trees while Asui leaped and bounded effortlessly beside him. Each leap and web-slinging maneuver felt exhilarating, a momentary escape from the chaos that surrounded them.

Spider-Man: Honestly- 

Izuku said, a joyful tone breaking through the tension, 

Spider-Man: I'm really glad to see you here, Tsu. Of all people, you were the last person I expected to run into in a place like this. 

Asui looked at him, her brow furrowing slightly in confusion. 

Tsuyu: Why's that? 

She asked, still starstruck by the presence of the vigilante she admired. The way he said her name made Asui heart race, and she had to remind herself to keep it together. Izuku laughed softly, at her reaction. 

Spider-Man: Well, I mean, your quirk is frog, right? I'm of course guessing from your appearance...

He kept his voice casual, as if they were meeting for the first time.

Tsuyu: Yes your right. I can jump really high, shoot my tounge out, stick to walls and I'm a really great swimmer among other things. 

Asui replied, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm.

Spider-Man: Well first as a fellow animal kingdom quirk user welcome to the club!

Izukus head: I mean I dont technically have a quirk but not the point right now.

Izuku exclaimed, trying to keep the mood light from there situation. Asui excited to hear the two of them have something in common. 

Spider-Man: But that's exactly my point though. Think about it—sending you into a jungle? The villains who teleported everyone into these zones must not know what the quirks of your class are.

He glanced back at her, gauging her reaction. 

Spider-Man: So they'll  have to be cautious around you and your class mates since they wont know what to expect. 

Asui's expression shifted to one of realization as she processed his words. 

Tsuyu: You're right! If they knew I was a frog, they probably would've sent me into the fire zone instead.

Izuku nodded, as they both discussed there next steps. 

Spider-Man: That means we can use this to our advantage. If they overestimate us because they don't know our quirks, we might be able to use that and gain the upper hand. 

He paused, a serious look settling over his features. 

Spider-Man: But it also means they won't hold back. So we need to stay alert.

Asui's eyes narrowed with determination. 

Tsuyu: Got it! I'll be on my guard.

They continued through the thick foliage, their senses heightened. The jungle felt alive around them, with the sounds of distant creatures echoing through the trees. Every rustle in the underbrush set them on edge, both of them aware that danger could be lurking just out of sight. Izuku took a moment to appreciate Asui's capabilities. Her agility and stealth made them a formidable pair, and the more they moved together, the more he felt the bond of camaraderie growing between them. 

Izukus head: Now that I'm getting a chance to see Asui in action. Our powers actually really compliment each other. She's just as agile and fast as me and is able to keep up. We might actually make a pretty good team up!

Spider-Man: Hey, Asui-

Tsuyu: -You can call me Tsu. 

Spider-Man: Oh right sorry! Tsu your doing a great job keeping up! At this pace we should be outta this disaster zone soon!

Tsuyu: Thanks for the compliment! 

Spider-Man: Who would have thought a spider and frog would make a great combo eh?

Tsuyu head: He thinks we make a good team! With me?! Really!?

He replied, their conversation helping to lighten the heavy atmosphere. After parkouring through the trees for a bit longer Izuku perched high on a sturdy branch, he raised a hand, signaling for Asui to stop. He pressed a finger to his mask where his lips would be, a universal gesture for silence. Then, with a subtle motion, he pointed down into the clearing below them. Asui leaned forward, her heart racing as she peered down.

Tsuyu head: Those must be villains. And there's a lot of them...

The sight that greeted her was unsettling—multiple villains swarmed the area, searching with purpose. Their movements were erratic, filled with a sense of desperation and menace, a stark reminder of the chaos that had taken over the USJ. Izuku's brow furrowed as he took in the scene, his mind racing. He leaned closer to Asui, speaking in a hushed tone. 

Spider-Man: We need to be stealthy. 

He instructed, his voice steady but urgent. Asui turned to him, her eyes wide. 

Tsuyu: Should we try to take them out, or should we run away?

There was a hint of panic in her voice, uncertainty flooding her thoughts. The weight of the situation pressed down on her. Almost hoping Spider-Man would say they should keep running.

Spider-Man: Hmm...let me think. 

Izuku hesitated for a moment, his mind grappling with the choices ahead. Then, his gaze caught a flicker of light through his mask's virtual HUD, showcasing the array of new web gear Mei had created for him. A spark of excitement ignited within him. 

Izukus head: Actually...I haven't had a chance to test any of the new gear and upgrades Mei gave me. Maybe this is a perfect chance to test all those things!

He thought, and the moment felt serendipitous. 

Spider-Man: Stay put up here, Asui-I mean Tsu.

 He said, confidence returning to his voice. 

Spider-Man: I'm going to take care of all these villains below.

Concern washed over Asui's face. 

Tsuyu: But... are you going to do it all by yourself?

The words slipped out before she could stop them, a swell of panic rising in her chest. The thought of Spider-Man facing those villains alone made her stomach churn but the idea of having to face those villains in the first place terrified her more. 

Tsuyu's head: What if he gets hurt?  Shouldn't I help him? ...Could I even help him?

She wanted to help but was paralyzed by doubt and fear, the thought of fighting terrifying her. Izuku caught the worry in her eyes and couldn't help but crack a joke, trying to ease the tension. 

Spider-Man: Try not to worry so much. These guys will be easy to deal with. Besides...I've got some new toys I want to play with! 

He teased, his playful tone contrasting sharply with the dire situation. Before Asui could voice any further objections, he was already climbing down the tree, sticking to its side with practiced ease.

Tsuyu: Be careful...

Asui's heart raced as she watched him descend, a mix of admiration and worry flooding her thoughts. 

Tsuyu's head: I should go down there

She thought, clenching her fists. 

Tsuyu's head: I should be helping him!

But as she watched Spider-Man navigate the treacherous terrain below, doubt began to creep in, coiling around her heart like a vice. Memories she'd rather forget surfaced unbidden. The sight of Spider-Man, the very man who had stopped the sludge villain that had haunted her—his presence was both comforting and terrifying. He had given her closure after the darkness that had engulfed her life. But standing here now, feeling powerless, she was reminded of how easy it was to let him carry the weight of her problems, how tempting it was to allow him to fix everything for her again.

Tsuyu's head: Am I even worthy to be a hero? 

Asui thought bitterly, fear gnawing at her resolve. The duality of admiration and anxiety warred within her, and as she watched Izuku move stealthily among the villains. Izuku clung to the tree, excitement bubbling inside him as he surveyed the villains below. 

Izukus head: This is going to be fun. 

he thought, a smirk creeping onto his face. He pulled out the first device from his utility belt, examining it closely. 

Spider-HUD: Web trip mine

Spider-HUD: Traps and ensnares any villain who trigger its trip laser. Can be attached to any surface. 

His virtual HUD displayed, detailing how it works. 

Izukus head: Perfect time to test these bad boys out. Let's see how Mei out does herself this time. 

With a gleeful giggle, he tossed several of them onto the forest floor, strategically attaching them to nearby trees. 

Izukus head: They arent gonna know what hit them. 

He thought to himself, his eyes sparkling with anticipation as he tries to be as quiet as possible. Next, he then pulled out a small red ball with blue lights blinking across its surface. 

Spider-HUD: Web Bomb.

Spider-HUD: Non-lethal hand held thrown device. Once device is attached to an object or thrown on impact. The device will shoot out large amounts of webbing in the surrounding area. Covering the area and any enemies in radius with thick webbing. 

The HUD informed him once again, highlighting its explosive capabilities. 

Izukus head: Now this will really pack a punch! 

He couldn't help but snicker, feeling a rush of mischievous energy. 

Spider-Man: I almost feel bad for these guys...almost...

He muttered, hanging upside down from his webline, surveying his traps like a conductor preparing for a symphony. As he took in the scene, he thought to himself. 

Izukus head: If everything goes according to plan, this might be a new personal record for the most villains taken down in one go! 

He relished the thrill of the moment, his heart racing at the thought of executing his plan. Izuku grinned as he web-shotted the ground behind one of the unsuspecting villains, watching with bated breath as the villain turned around, curiosity written all over his face. 

Villain: What the heck was that?

Spider-Man: That's it... that's it. Walk right into the trap,

Izuku muttered under his breath, feeling his spider instincts kick in. Ready to pounce on his victim like a spider does in its webs. Watching the villian lean down and observe the ground. Touching it and feeling the white substance stick to his finger. 

Villain: A web?...

Izukus head: Oh this is almost too easy, 

He thought, the thrill of the hunt sending a rush through him. The villain took a hesitant step closer, then called out, 

Villain: Hey! I think Spider-Man is—

Before he could finish, Izuku shot a web to entrap the villain's feet, his face hitting the ground making him wince in pain. Then feeling himself pulled upward into the air. 

Villain: What the-AAAHHHHH!!!!

The villain's screams filled the air as he swung helplessly, flailing about. 

Villain: PUT ME DOWN! 

He shouted, panic rising in his voice. 

Spider-Man: Honestly how cliche is it you fell for the oldest video game stealth trick in the book.

With a quick punch to the face, he knocked the villain unconscious and began wrapping him up in webbing. 

Spider-Man: Thanks for drawing your friends in with all that screaming. Your perfect bait! 

He said cheerfully as he finished cocooning him, letting the bound villain drop to dangle from a branch. The sight of the giant cocoon caught the attention of the remaining villains, who quickly formed a large group around it. 

Villain: What the heck happened?

One of them shouted, glancing nervously at the webs glistening in the dim light.

Villain: Look at the webs! Spider-Man's here!

Another cried, pointing upward as if that would somehow help their situation. Meanwhile Izuku from the side of the tree rolled his eyes gleefully. Where he couldn't ask for a better position. 

Spider-Man: Well would you look at that. All sitting around the xmas tree. Ain't that just perfect. 

Just then, Izuku seized the moment, throwing three small web grenades into the crowd. They landed with soft thuds, and the villains stared down at them, confusion painted on their faces. 

Villain: What are those?

One of them asked, looking back at his friends. One of the smarter villains yelled, realizing too late it was a trap.

Villain: Get down!

The web bombs detonated in quick succession, sending thick webbing flying everywhere. Izuku watched as the crowd of villains was blown away, their shouts of surprise echoing through the forest. He couldn't help but laugh out loud, the sound ringing with joy. 

Spider-Man: Hahahaha! Holy crap that was awesome!!! Thank you everyone for perfectly circling your buddy like NPC in a video game. Like honestly could not have asked for a better one shot then that. 

He jeered, reveling in their confusion. The villains, now stuck in webs, began shouting threats. All of them trying to pull there limbs and bodies out but only to get pulled back in from the thick webbing. Izuku still watching and laughing from above clinging to the side of a tree. 

Villain: Let us down, you sick freak!

Villain: Let us out and fight us like a real man!!!

Villain: Keep laughing smart ass! 

Villain: When I get out of here! I'm gonna enjoy killing you!

Another added, anger seeping into his voice. Izuku turning to see a villian hilariously stuck to a tree head first, bent over, arms glued to the tree, with his butt standing high and tall. Izuku no longer able to hold it in and simply laughed harder, shaking his head. 

Spider-Man: HAHAHAHA!!!! Ohmygod!Ohmygod! Like how-HOW did you end up in that position-HAHAHAHA!!!

After a moment, he jumped down, landing gracefully on his feet. However as he looked up. He saw the sight of 2 villains trapped hugging each other face to face. Only an inch from each others faces. Almost like they were about to kiss each other. 

Spider-Man: *WHEEZE* HAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!HAHAHAHA!!!Oh-holy. Oh thats so much better.!!!

Spider-Man then just kneeling down and clapping his hands, struggling to catch his breath between fits of laughter. 

Spider-Man: I can't even breathe! HAHAHA!!!

He gasped, hugging his sides as he fought to regain his composure with one hand on his knee. However he then absolutely lost it. As he finally saw a villian stuck on the ground with him arms and legs webbed up in doggy position. And one villian hands are glued to that villian body...while his pelvis was behind his behind. 




(Yo it just straight up look like they doggy style fucking). 


Izuku was literally crawled up on the floor clutching his sides and just laughing at all the villains he easily caught. Every one of them humiliated and embarrassed in the positions Spider-Man webbed him into. Meanwhile, Asui, still perched above in the tree, watched in disbelief. 

Tsuyu's head: You know on second thought I dont think he really needs my help. He looks like he is doing pretty fine without me.

She thought, a deadpan expression settling on her face. 

Tsuyu's head: I thought he'd be more serious than this honestly...

But as she observed him laughing at the trapped villains, a smile tugged at her lips. 

Tsuyu's head: Then again...pffft....this is pretty funny...

However Asui then observed how more villains started to close in all around Izuku. His loud fits of laughter and all the noise he made before clearly alerting the whole jungle where Izuku was at. 

Tsuyu: Oh crap...Spider-Man! There's more coming-

However she then saw Izuku get up. Only having a few laughs come out here and there and watched as Izuku patted and brushed the dirt off his suit. Izuku standing in one place calm. Tsuyu wondering if he lost it from laughing to much. 

Tsuyu head: Is he gonna fight or just stand still?! 

Spider-Man: Hehehe...*SIGH* OK! time...

However as Asui continued to watch in awe of Spider-Man. She then saw something she could only describe as orchestrated chaos. Izuku making his own symphony of chaos, a grin spreading across her face. Izuku lifted his hands, fingers dancing in the air like a conductor leading an orchestra, fully immersed in the performance he had set up.

Spider-Man: Now...Que the music...

He declared, pointing dramatically in one direction. Just then, a villain tripped over a hidden web trip mine and was yanked upward, becoming a flailing puppet stuck to a tree. 


The sound of surprised screams and shouts from the villains made Izuku beam with delight.

 Spider-Man: ahhhh....Beautiful! 

He exclaimed, pointing again. Another villain stumbled into a trap, getting ensnared by a web line and pulled into a tree. The mine exploding with webbing and trapping him there. 

Villain: WHATTHEFUCK!!!!

Izuku was grinning from ear to ear, his heart racing from the thrill of it all. 

Spider-Man: It's like music to my ears!

He shouted, relishing the chaotic symphony of confusion around him. Pointing in another direction with another on que trap being set off. 


Asui watched as Izuku perfectly predicted and calculated when every single villian would appear and set off his web traps. Asui mouth agape the whole time in awe. 

Tsuyu: My god...he's an artist. 

With all the villains ensnared, he took a dramatic bow, soaking in the moment. And just as he bowed, two more villains lunged at him from opposite sides, but they too were swiftly snagged by more web trip mines, yanking them away with a startled yelp. Izuku couldn't help but giggle, leaning into the absurdity of it all. He turned, bowing again, this time in Asui's direction, and saw her wide-eyed in surprise.

Spider-Man: ANNNND...scene...

Slowly, she started to clap, her hands coming together as the laughter bubbled up within her. 

Tsuyu: That was...amazing...

She called down, her voice a mix of admiration and disbelief. Izuku muttered a soft. 

Spider-Man: Thank you, thank you! 

Basking in her praise. Asui jumped down gracefully, landing next to him, looking around at all the trapped villains around her. Seeing the large amounts of webbing spread through out the jungle with villains trapped all around in them. Surprised one person was able to capture this many villains all at one. 

Tsuyu: How...How did you plan all that out? 

Izuku just tapped at his head at Asui.

Spider-Man: ...Spider sense. 

Asui not even able to tell if he was joking or not. 

Tsuyu: You know I imagined you being alot more different. I thought you would take this more seriously. 

She asked, raising an eyebrow. He shrugged, his mood buoyant. 

Spider-Man: Oh trust me I am taking this seriously. 

He replied, flashing a grin under his mask.

Spider-Man: The thing is when I'm fighting villains. It gets pretty easy to get worked up and in my own head. Which leads can lead to me sometimes hesitating. I deal with all the stress and pressure by making jokes and having fun with it. Especially when your dealing with low level villains like these guys. 

Villain: HEY!?

Spider-Man: What its true. You guys suck. I took out like 30 of you guys in 6 minutes. 

Villain: Awww...

Izukus head: Which does make me feel a little better. That means the league of villains hired whoever it is they could find. And didn't take time in considering quality over quantity. 

Spider-Man: And I mean cmon look around! 

He gestured around at his handiwork, where a large number of villains were either dangling helplessly from webs or glued to the ground, unable to escape. 

Spider-Man: You can not tell me it wasn't fun watching those guys get pranked and trapped everywhere. Especially when they looked like chickens running around with there head cut off. 

With a deep sigh, he leaned back slightly, feeling the weight of the past two day lift off his shoulders. 

Izukus head: Honestly this was a nice needed change of pace and tone in my life. In the last 24 hours I've almost died like 4 times. A common pattern in my life now. So getting to humiliate a bunch of low life villains with playful wit and pranks...was a much needed stress relief. 

Spider-Man: *sigh*.....You gotta enjoy the small things in life. 

He admitted, a soft smile spreading across his face and matching his tone as he surveyed the organized chaos he had created. 

Spider-Man: A little fun goes a long way.

Asui nodded, still amazed by his lighthearted approach to such a serious situation. 

Tsuyu: I guess that does make sense. I honestly feel that's one of my problems is that I hesitate. It's just... scary...

Just then, one of the villains, clearly frustrated by his comrades' failures, decided to sneak up on Spider-Man. 

Villain: Your gonna pay Spider!!!

Asui's instincts kicked in, and she opened her mouth to warn Izuku. 

Tsuyu: Look out—!

But before she could finish, Izuku reacted with lightning speed, shooting a web pellet under his arm from his web shooter without even turning to look. The pellet exploded upon impact, and tendrils of webbing shot out, ensnaring the villain instantly.

(What it looks like when Impact webbing is used)

Spider-Hud: Impact webbing. Web-Pellets that, upon impact, release tendrils that ensnare the target.

Spider-Man: The names Man...Spider-Man! 

Izuku declared, watching as the villain flailed helplessly, struggling to escape as he was wrapped tighter and tighter in webbing. He hopped around a few times, only to collapse onto his side, completely cocooned. Izuku raised his wrist and blew on his web shooter with a flourish, mimicking a scene from a James Bond movie. 

Spider-Man: Another mission tied up with a neat little bow

He quipped, flashing a triumphant tone in his voice. Asui not able to see his face but telling he was grinning underneath. 

Tsuyu head: Did...did he just quote James Bond? In a time like this?

Izukus head: Man the Impact webbing is seriously powerful! Mei really out did herself with that new web gadget. It was an instant one shot!

Asui watched, a mix of amusement and disbelief on her face. As Izuku leaned back against a tree, taking a breather after the whirlwind of webbing and defeated villains. Izuku taking a moment to reflect on his new additions to his web arsenal. 

Izukus head: These new web gadgets and devices Mei made are pretty amazing. The only draw back though is they take ALOT of materials and web fluid to make. I'm sure Mei had to use a lot of stuff from Power Loader support agency. So if I wanna keep making this stuff to use fighting villains. I'm gonna have to make it more cost effective. Ahhh I'll save that problem for when I get out of this alive. 

Asui landed softly beside him. She studied him for a moment, watching the way he exhaled slowly, the laughter from before now replaced by something quieter—more introspective.

Tsuyu: How do you do it?

She asked suddenly. Izuku, glancing at her in a confused tone.

Spider-Man: Do what?

Tsuyu: Stay so calm and... cool under pressure.

She said, her voice soft but full of genuine curiosity. 

Tsuyu: You've got all these villains, chaos everywhere, and you're just... laughing and joking like it's nothing. How do you do it? How are you not afraid? 

Tsuyu's head: Meanwhile I hid the whole time. Begging that I he would be ok so I wouldn't have to step in. 

Izuku's heart clenched at her question, and for a moment, his mind drifted back to a conversation they had long before all of this. Not as Spider-Man. As Izuku Midoriya.

Flashback to earlier this month on the 1st day of school

Tsuyu: It was the end of last school year. I was walking home when... when a sludge villain attacked me. He tried to take over my body...

Those words hit Izuku like a sledgehammer. His heart stopped, his blood turned to ice, and suddenly, it was like he was back there—back in that horrible memory. The sludge villain. The same one who took his father's life. The same villain he had faced as Spider-Man. The villain who had filled him with a rage so deep, so overwhelming, that he had almost crossed a line. The first time he had truly wanted to kill. To a time he almost did. He remembers the villian begging for his life. The anger in his voice as he asked why should he? He couldn't move. His mind was spinning, a whirlwind of grief and anger crashing through him like a storm. Tsyu voice cut through the chaos.

Tsuyu: Your dad... he...he sacrificed his life to save me.

The silence that followed was suffocating.

Izuku: Why are you telling me this?

Izuku asked, his voice cold and hollow. His hands clenched at his sides, every part of him on edge, like he was waiting for a blow he knew was coming but couldn't brace for. Tsyu's composure shattered. She broke down, tears streaming down her face as she bowed deeply, her voice cracking with guilt and pain as she kept her head bowed not daring to move it up.

Tsuyu: I'm so... so sorry, Midoriya. I tried to help him, I tried to I swear!!! But I wasn't strong enough. And there much blood... I-I didn't know what to do. I didn't—

Her words were choked by her sobs.

Tsuyu: -I never meant for you to lose your father! I...I called for help when he grabbed me. Your dad...was the one who answered! I'm the reason he had to get himself killed! That you have to grow up without him because I... because I couldn't...

Her body shook with grief as she bowed lower, her tears falling in heavy streams. Her voice, once soft, was now broken, full of sorrow and regret.

Tsuyu: Because of ME someone you love is DEAD! I—


Back in the present, Izuku clenched his fist as he looked at Tsuyu, standing there as Spider-Man, a mask between him and the truth. He hated the idea of her carrying that guilt when it was a burden that belonged to him, not her. So he took a deep breath and said the truth, or at least, as much of it as he could give.

Spider-Man: You want to know how I stay calm?

Izuku began, his voice quieter than before. 

Spider-Man: Well the truth is that I'm not. I'm terrified... all the time.

Asui blinked, surprised by the admission. 

Tsuyu: What?

Spider-Man: When I first started out, trying to do this vigilante hero thing- 

Izuku continued, his voice laced with the raw emotions. 

Spider-Man: -I didn't know how to handle it. I was drowning in so many feelings—anger, sadness, grief, guilt, and fear. Every time I put on the mask, I felt like I was losing a piece of myself to all those emotions. But then... I remembered my idol, All Might.

Tsuyu's eyes softened at the mention of All Might.

Spider-Man: He always had a smile on his face-

Izuku said, his tone wistful. 

Spider-Man: -No matter how bad things got, he smiled. And I kept thinking about how much weight he had to carry as the Number 1 hero. The whole world depended on him, and yet, he never let it show. I figured if he could carry all that and still smile... then maybe I could try to do the same.

He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. 

Spider-Man: So I started faking it. The jokes, the quips... it's my way of dealing with the fear. I'm just... trying to hide how terrified I really am. I crack jokes to keep myself going, to stop from freezing up. Because the truth is, Asui... 

Izuku met her eyes, the weight of his words settling in, 

Spider-Man: I'm scared all the time. Especially now. I'm worried about you, and the rest of your class mates, and if we'll even make it out of this alive. Or wondering if I have to live with another life I couldn't save. Knowing I'll be haunted by what ifs...

Tsuyu stared at him, wide-eyed, processing everything he'd just said. She had always admired Spider-Man's confidence, his light-hearted approach to danger. But now, hearing the truth, her admiration grew tenfold. There was so much more beneath the mask than she ever realized.

Tsuyu: You're a lot braver than you let on....I would have never guessed other wise. 

Tsuyu finally said, her voice quiet but full of respect. Izuku smiled weakly, shrugging. 

Spider-Man: Guess that means I'm doing a good job.

Tsuyu gave him a small nod. 

Tsuyu: So...the secret is to fake it till you make it.

Izuku chuckled lightly shrugging his shoulders. 

Spider-Man: It's worked so far...

There was a brief silence before Tsuyu added as a joke. Trying to take Spider-Man lesson to heart.  

Tsuyu: So Spider-Man is an All Might fan?

Izuku rubbing his head embarrassed. 

Spider-Man: Oh cmon! How can I not be?! Plus who isn't!? Guys a legend. 

Izuku stood up from his spot, dusting himself off, and Tsuyu followed suit. He gave her a reassuring smile, ready to move on. 

Spider-Man: Alright, let's keep moving. We should be almost out of—

Suddenly, Izuku's Spider-Sense flared violently, his world slowing to a crawl. He turned just in time to see a massive, deadly stinger aimed directly at Tsuyu's head. Without a second thought, Izuku grabbed Tsuyu, throwing her out of harm's way, and braced himself. The scorpion stinger slammed into him, pinning him to the ground with brutal force. The sharp pain shot through his body as he looked up to see his attacker: Scorpion.

Scorpion: Well, well, look who we have here-

Scorpion sneered, standing over him, his tail twitching menacingly. 

Scorpion: -Spider-Man!!!

Izuku groaned, but even through the pain, he managed to quip back.

Spider-Man: Y'know, it's really rude to barge in on peoples conversation.

Scorpion grinned, his voice dripping with mockery. 

Scorpion: Oh I'm sorry. Did I ruin your little heart-to-heart? I almost feel bad... Almost.

Izuku winced as he forced Scorpion's tail to stab the ground next to his head, using all of his strength to keep it from piercing him. Then, with a burst of energy, he jump-kicked Scorpion square in the face, sending the villain stumbling backward. 

Spider-Man: You didn't learn your lesson from the last time I kicked your butt?!

Scorpion: Last time was beginners luck! This time is different! 

Scorpion started to recover getting back on his feet from stumbling back. His stinger waving side to side trying to decide where to aim next.  

Spider-Man: Still with the same generic bad guy dialogue huh? 

But Scorpion just laughed, a cold, menacing sound. 

Scorpion: Except this time, I know your tricks Spider-Man! The more jokes you crack, the more scared you are!

Izuku rushed at Scorpion once again. Running straight forward.

Spider-Man: Now you've gone and done it-

Izuku quipped, dodging the stinger by jumping and then backflipping off it to kick scorpion in the face. 

Spider-Man: -Now I'm gonna have to read your diary and uncover all your deepest, darkest secrets now! 

In a flash, Scorpion lunged forward, his hand wrapping around Izuku's throat, lifting him off the ground with ease. He slammed him into a nearby tree with a sickening thud. 

Scorpion: Ahh more jokes! What's the matter?! Scared you might not make it out of this one?!

Izuku gasped for air, his vision starting to blur as the pressure on his throat increased. He could hear Scorpion's mocking laughter, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tsuyu, standing frozen in fear.

Spider-Man: Asui, run!

Izuku managed to choke out, his voice strained.

Spider-Man: I'll catch up!

But she didn't move. She couldn't. Tsuyu's body trembled, her wide eyes filled with the same dread she felt when she was powerless against the sludge villain. The helplessness of that moment—the moment when she couldn't save Izuku's father—was paralyzing her all over again. Her mind screamed at her to move, to do something, but her body refused to listen. Scorpion, sensing Izuku's struggle, grinned wider. 

Scorpion: C'MON WEB HEAD! Crack a joke! Like you usually do! 

He thrashed Izuku from side to side, slamming him against trees and rocks with brutal force. The pain was unbearable, but through it all, Izuku forced a weak grin. 

Spider-Man: W-What's your deal?

He gasped. 

Spider-Man: You keep... bringing up our last playdate. Starting to think you still have feelings for me.

Scorpion roared in frustration, slashing at Izuku with his stinger on his arms. Izuku barely managed to dodge the attacks, using the trees to flip out of reach. Each missed slash left races of his venom about. Sizzling and burning whatever it touched. The fight was relentless, the two combatants darting between the trees, exchanging blows. But Izuku's movements were slower now, the fatigue and pain setting in. Meanwhile, Tsuyu stood frozen, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Flashes of that day replayed in her mind

Flash back

Their paths crossed just as Tsuyu was about to step past an alley. It happened so fast—a sudden blur of movement, and she was caught in the slimy grip of the sludge villain. Her heart raced, panic setting in as the villain's disgusting form threatened to engulf her. Forcing its way down her throat. Into her body so it could wear her as a skin suit. She was barely able to set herself free. Calling for help.


She remembers the sludge villian grabbing hold of Hisashi and Tsyu holding his hand as tight as she could. Playing tug of war with the villian. Trying to hold on with everything she had. Hearing his last words.

Hisashi: Oh crap...

Tsyu: Hang on sir!

She remembers the emptiness in her hands as his hand slipped out of hers. Tsuyu watched in horror as Hisashi body was thrown to the ground, skidding and rolling on concrete before slamming against the side of a car. Each hit from the pavement had a sickening thud. Until the loud metal dent was heard from the car.

Tsyu: MR. MIDORYIA!!! 


—the terror of being kidnapped, the helplessness of watching as Izuku's father was killed before her eyes. She clenched her fists, her heart pounding, a voice in her head screaming, 

Tsuyu's head: Move! Do something! ANYTHING!

But her body refused to listen. Izuku and Scorpion continued their intense battle, the forest around them becoming a blur of webbing, shattered trees, and the sharp whistling of Scorpion's deadly stingers. Scorpion slashed at Izuku with the stingers on his arms, but Izuku's quick reflexes allowed him to web the villain's arms to nearby trees, narrowly dodging his tail as it thrashed violently. Izuku shot a glance at Scorpion, trying to get a sense of his motives. 

Spider-Man: What's the pay this time Scorpion? 

He quipped, dodging another stinger swipe. 

Spider-Man: You still taking contracts to kill heroes, or did you get a raise with killing kids now?

Scorpion snarled, yanking his arms free from the webbing with brute force. 

Scorpion: You think I'm here for money? And I could give less of a crap about some damn brats! I'm here because you humiliated me! Made me a laughingstock in the underworld!

He lunged at Izuku, who flipped backward just in time to avoid a brutal tail strike. Izuku, landing nimbly on a branch, chuckled. 

Spider-Man: You definitely didn't need my help with that... especially in that getup.

Izukus head: Wait a second. The league knew I would be here? I thought it was odd all the old villains I fought are here. First Vulture, then Sandman and now Scorpion! 

Scorpion's eyes burned with fury. He roared. 

Scorpion: When I was offered a second chance to kill you by the Big Man, I didn't even hesitate! I've been waiting for this chance ever since you put me in jail!! Good thing I didn't have to wait long!!!

Izuku's brain immediately latched onto the new piece of information. 

Izukus head: "The Big Man?! "

That alias had come up before, linked to a number of high-profile crimes around Oscorp. Could the Big Man be orchestrating all this chaos? And more importantly, could he be controlling the League of Villains? The possibility that the League was targeting All Might made Izuku's blood run cold. If they were here to take down the number one hero, it only raised more questions in Izukus head. 

Izukus head: Him again?! Is he behind the league of villains?! What could the league need all that Oscorp tech for? Why does the "Big Man" want All Might dead? Why does he want to kill U.A. students?! 

Izuku mind raced, as he pieced the puzzle together. But Scorpion, sensing Izuku's distraction, capitalized on the moment. With a powerful swing of his tail, he slammed Izuku through a tree, the force so strong that the entire trunk splintered and started to fall toward the ground. Izuku grunted in pain as he hit the truck of the tree high in the air, debris flying everywhere. Scorpion loomed over him, shaking his head in mock disappointment. 

Scorpion: What happened to you, web head? You were much faster than this last time.

Izuku's Spider-Sense screamed, and as he glanced down, he realized the tree was going to fall directly on Tsuyu, who was still frozen in fear. Without hesitation, Izuku shot a web at the tree, pulling with all his strength to stop it from crashing down. He screamed at her, panic in his voice. The upper tree falling off completely with Izuku being the only thing stopping its fall. 

Spider-Man: ASUI, MOVE!

But she was still trapped in her own mind, paralyzed by fear and the haunting memories of the sludge villain's attack and the death of Izuku's father. Her legs felt like lead, her heart racing but unable to take action. Izuku had no choice but to hold the tree with one arm, the webbing straining as he kept it suspended. But Scorpion didn't let up. He pounced on Izuku, pinning him to another tree with his weight. Izuku, holding the tree with one hand, used his legs to push back against Scorpion's deadly stinger while his free hand fought off one of Scorpion's arm stingers. It was too much—he was stretched thin, quite literally. Every muscle in his body screamed under the pressure of holding the tree, fighting off Scorpion, and trying to keep Tsuyu safe. 

Spider-Man: TSU!!! PLEASE!!!

Izuku shouted again, his voice desperate. Scorpion laughed, leaning in closer as Izuku struggled. 

Scorpions: THATS IT!!! No more jokes!!! No more tricks!!! No where to run or hide!!! FINALLY!!! I can prove once and for all that I'M BETTER THAN YOU!!!

Izuku gritted his teeth, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead as he held off the stinger. With a strained smirk, he muttered, 

Spider-Man: Seriously!!!??? Dude you failed one job to kill me and you then made your entire identity revolve around proving your better than me?! GET A LIFE MAN!!! 

But his strength was waning, and Scorpion was overpowering him. If Tsuyu didn't move soon, Izuku would lose the fight. Tsuyu was trapped in her mind, her body frozen, as if paralyzed by fear. Her breathing was ragged, heart racing uncontrollably. The world around her seemed to close in, suffocating her under the weight of her terror. She could see Spider-Man, Izuku, fighting with everything he had to keep the massive tree from crushing her while fending off Scorpion, but all she could do was stand there—helpless.

Tsuyu's head: I can' it...

It was all too familiar. Once again, she was watching, just as she had that day. The day Izuku's father had died, and she had been powerless to stop it. She was worthless.

Tsuyu's head: I can't...move...

Spider-Man was risking his life for her, fighting with all his strength, and she was just standing there, frozen by fear, unable to even move out of the way of a falling tree. The thought gnawed at her like a relentless predator.

Tsuyu's head: I'm not a real hero... I'm a coward... a killer.

The guilt clung to her heart, weighing her down like an anchor. She could hear the sounds of the battle—Izuku's grunts of pain, Scorpion's taunts—and yet, she was still stuck in her own head. 

Tsuyu's head: This is my fault. I'm letting him die too... Just like I did before.

But then, a memory surfaced. A memory of Izuku Midoriya, the boy she felt she had wronged the most. And yet...he was kind. 


Izuku: Asui... I don't hate you. You tried to help him... You did everything you could.

Tsuyu slowly lifted her head, eyes red and swollen from crying.

Tsuyu: But I couldn't save him... How can you even look at me without feeling—

Izuku: -I don't blame "you".

Izuku cut her off, his voice firmer now, though still shaking.

Izuku: Your not the one who killed my dad. I know you were involved. But you were not responsible or caused any of it. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

His voice broke, and he swallowed hard, trying to contain the overwhelming surge of emotions.

Izuku: I already read the police report of how he died. I know you did everything you could. cant save everyone.

Tsuyu stared at him in shock, her tears still falling, but now there was something else in her gaze—confusion, disbelief.

Tsuyu: You... don't... blame me?

Izuku shook his head, tears forming in his own eyes now.

Izuku: No. No I dont...You... you didn't cause his death. You're not the villain here..."He" was...and he's gone now. Rotting in a cell forever.

Tsuyu: But I...

Tsuyu hesitated, her words faltering as she wiped her face, trembling as she tried to gather her thoughts.

Tsuyu: I feel like I failed him. I feel like I failed you! I can't stop thinking... that I should have done more...

Izuku's arms slowly wrapped around her, pulling her into a gentle hug. Tsuyu stiffened at first, shocked by his kindness, but slowly, she melted into his embrace, her tears soaking into his shirt.

Izuku: It's not your burden to carry.

Izuku whispered, his voice barely audible.

Izuku: You dont have to keep living with this Asui...not for my sake...and not for my dad...

Tsuyu's sobs grew quieter, her shoulders shaking as she clung to him.

Tsuyu: I...I just ...wanted you to know what happened. To tell you... that he was a hero.

Izuku pulled back slightly, looking her in the eyes, his own expression softened by the pain they shared.

Izuku: I know. My dad was a hero. And you—

He hesitated, his voice filled with determination.

Izuku: -You'll be a great hero too some day...Tsuyu Asui.


 She had confessed everything to him—the sins she carried, the guilt that had suffocated her since the day his father died. She had expected him to lash out, to yell at her, to pour his grief and anger onto her. She had been prepared to take it all, to shoulder every ounce of his pain.

But he hadn't.

Instead, he had hugged her.

"You dont have to keep living with this Asui...not for my sake...and not for my dad..."

His words echoed in her mind, gentle yet firm. 

"It wasn't your fault. I don't blame you for what happened." 

And then, the words that had shaken her to her core. 

"You'll be a great hero too".

Those words ignited something deep within her. Tsuyu's eyes widened as she stared at Spider-Man struggling to hold the weight of the tree, fighting for his life and for hers. 

Tsuyu's head: Midoriya believes in me...him of all people. I can't let him down...

He had forgiven her, shown her kindness, and believed in her when she couldn't believe in herself. How could she stand here and do nothing now? The spark turned into a flame, burning away her fear. She screamed at herself in her mind, 

Tsuyu's head: I can't just sit here and do nothing!!! NOT AGAIN!!!

 This wasn't the time to be haunted by the past—she couldn't let it hold her back any longer. She had to move forward, to let it push her, not freeze her.

Tsuyu's head: I won't be useless again! Not now! Not ever! I'll protect people! Like I should have before! Like I can do RIGHT NOW! 

Tsuyu clenched her fists, her whole body trembling, not with fear but with resolve. 

Tsuyu's head: I can be a hero... 

She told herself. 

Tsuyu's head: I WILL be a hero!

She wouldn't let the past define her. She would prove it to herself, and more importantly, to Izuku, that she was worthy of the forgiveness he had shown her. She would honor his father's memory by becoming the hero she was meant to be. With a sudden surge of strength, Tsuyu leaped out of the way, her frog-like agility kicking in. The moment her feet hit the ground, she sprang into action, charging toward the fight. Tsuyu, summoning every ounce of her strength, dashed to the side and then leaped high into the air with her powerful legs. With precision and speed, she whipped her tongue around Scorpion's body and pulled him off of Izuku, screaming in rage at the villain. 

Tsuyu: LET!HIM!GO!

Scorpion barely flinched as he continued to push his stinger at Izuku's face. Tsuyu pulling Scorpion body back only slightly. 

Scorpion: You know scorpions are frog's predator right!? Stay out of this or your next on the menu! 

He sneered, amused by her bravery. However Izuku seeing Tsuyu finally out of the way. Let go of the web line holding the tree. The large trunk slamming onto the ground and Izuku cracking Scorpion in the face with his free hand. 

Spider-Man: Save it with the animal kingdom bull crap!!! And for your information!-

He then put both his legs together kicking Scorpion away from him. Sending him flying in mid air. Tsuyu charging her legs with power. 

Spider-Man: Scorpions arent predators to frogs! 

Tsuyu followed Spider-Man's lead, using the trees to her advantage, bounding from one to another. Her momentum built up, she delivered a powerful dropkick to Scorpion's back, sending him bouncing off a nearby tree before crashing into a branch. 


Before Scorpion could recover, Izuku launched himself at the villain, grabbing both of his arm stingers and forcing them back. They locked into a power struggle, Scorpion pushing with all his might while Spider-Man strained to hold him back. Tsuyu watched, her eyes wide, as Scorpion's tail began to rise, the deadly stinger aiming straight for Izuku. In an instant, without thinking, she jumped into action. 

Tsuyu: WATCH OUT! 

With a burst of speed, Tsuyu kicked the stinger away from Izuku, but as she did, it swung back, stabbing into her shoulder. The sharp sting pierced her, and she felt the venom immediately coursing through her body. Tsuyu gasped, her body growing weak, but she stood her ground, refusing to collapse.

Spider-Man: ASUI NO!!!

Izuku screamed, his eyes blazing with rage. Fueled by fury, he unleashed a brutal uppercut that cracked into Scorpion's jaw, the force enough to disorient the villain. Izuku then shooting an impact webbing pellet at the villian. Wrapping his body up instantly and bonding him together. Grabbing hold of Scorpion's tail, Izuku swung him around with all his might, spinning the villain's massive frame over and over until, with a powerful flip, he slammed Scorpion down into the ground, creating a deep crater from the impact. Breathing heavily, Spider-Man had just enough time to catch Tsuyu as she collapsed from the air falling off a branch from above, the venom starting to take its toll. Her eyes fluttered weakly as Izuku cradled her, his heart pounding with worry. Tsuyu opened her eyes slowly, her voice soft but steady as she asked, 

Tsuyu: Are you alright?

Spider-Man, still cradling her, brushed off her concern, his voice tinged with worry. 

Spider-Man: I'm fine, don't worry about me. I should be asking you that. You just saved me back there...We need to get you help. Now!

Tsuyu blinked a few more times, slowly feeling her strength return. 

Tsuyu: I'm fine, really. I actually feel—

But Izuku wasn't listening. He was already running through scenarios in his head, talking aloud. 

Spider-Man: We've gotta move fast, there's a hospital nearby the USJ. Maybe that engine guy I saw leaving U.A. is already getting help...

Tsuyu: Spidey, listen to me!

However Izuku still wasn't listening. Not even realizing Tsuyu keeping her head up right without any trouble. Her dead pan expression obvious to everyone but Izuku. 

Spider-Man: Oh god we only have so much time before the venom becomes lethal! I'll have to bulldoze through the center where the most villains are-

Frustrated, Tsuyu finally shouted. 

Tsuyu: SPIDER-MAN I'M OK!!!! 

Izuku paused, startled. He looked down and realized Tsuyu was sitting up on her own, her expression calm and surprisingly collected. 

Spider-Man: Wait, you look... fine? 

He stammered. 

Spider-Man: How do you feel?

Tsuyu gave a small shrug, rotating her injured shoulder. 

Tsuyu: I only felt lightheaded for a bit, but I feel better now. 

Spider-Man blinked in disbelief. 

Spider-Man: That's... impossible. Scorpion's venom is no joke! He took out Mount Lady in her giant form almost instantly. How are you not... y'know, dead? Or at least remotely affected?

Tsuyu pondered for a moment before replying, 

Tsuyu: It might be because of my quirk. My body secretes a toxic mucus, and I've built up a natural resistance to poisons and venoms. 

She smiled faintly. 

Tsuyu: I guess that saved me this time.

Izuku stared at her, utterly lost for words. 

Spider-Man: Uh yeah no kidding!...That's... really convenient.

After Izuku expressed his relief that the venom hadn't affected Tsuyu, an awkward silence fell between them. Spider-Man was still holding Tsuyu in his arms, and she glanced up at him, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Tsuyu: Uh... you can put me down now. 

Tsuyu muttered, her blush deepening. Izuku's face turned red as well hidden underneath his mask. 

Spider-Man: R-right! O-of course! 

He stuttered, gently setting her back on her feet. The moment turned comical as Izuku rubbed the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed. Trying to shift focus, Izuku quickly threw a web grenade at the unconscious Scorpion lying on the ground, trapping him in thick webbing. On top of the impact webbing he was already trapped in. 

Izukus head: I dont know how the league guessed I would show up. Or maybe the Big Man just expected Spider-Man to try and stop him some how since I've been taking down so many of his villains. But either way they went through a lot of trouble to break out villains who have a grudge against me. I should expect to find other villains ive fought before. 

Spider-Man: That should hold him for a while-

He said, his voice regaining confidence. 

Spider-Man: -But we should get some distance. My webbing dissolves over time, and knowing him, he might have some tricks left up his sleeve to escape. 

Tsuyu nodded, already on board with his plan. 

Tsuyu: Yeah, let's get out of here. 

The two started making their way through the dense jungle area, keeping a steady pace as they navigated through the chaotic environment. After a while, they reached the edge of the jungle and found a clear path leading through the various rescue training biomes toward the USJ entrance. Izuku squinted ahead. His upgraded mask lenses zooming in and noticed familiar figures. Momo, Jirou, and Kaminari had already made it back safely with a group of their classmates. Izuku felt a wave of relief wash over him as he realized Kaminari's group had successfully made it out. He smiled to himself, his heart lightening. 

Izukus head: Good. They were able to make it back. At least they're safe now. 

Spider-Man began explaining his plan to Tsuyu, his tone serious yet calm. 

Spider-Man: Alright, Tsu, listen. You need to make your way back to the entrance, but be careful. Go around the desert biome—avoid the sand if you can. There's a villain I fought earlier who might have recovered by now, so don't stick around there too long.

Tsuyu nodded, listening carefully.

Spider-Man: Also, stay away from the center. It's still crawling with villains, and that's where the big boss guys are hanging out. If they spot you, they'll attack immediately. Once you're past the desert biome, head up the side of the stairs leading to the entrance. Stick to the walls, use your quirk to stay hidden. Your abilities should give you no trouble with that.

Tsuyu paused for a moment, her expression unreadable. 

Tsuyu: Aren't you coming too, Spidey?

Izuku hesitated, his mind racing. He wanted to make sure she was safe, but there was something he couldn't shake. 

Izukus head: I still haven't found Kacchan yet. But he has to be close by now. I can't give up searching. After all he's the one who called for help. And Bakugo NEVER would ask for help in a fight unless it really was do or die! 

He still hadn't been able to track Bakugo down, and the thought of his friend being in danger gnawed at him. He was worried, even if he'd never admit it aloud.

Spider-Man: I can't-

He finally said, his voice quieter than before. 

Spider-Man: -I need to find the others... there are still U.A. students all around here. Just like I did with you I gotta find them and make sure they get to safety. 

He trailed off in his head, thinking of Bakugo. 

Izukus head: If Kacchan's in trouble... I have to find him.

Izuku was about to wish Tsuyu good luck and swing off toward the next zone in search of Bakugo, but Tsuyu's voice stopped him, her tone suddenly desperate.

Tsuyu: Wait!

He turned back, concern on his face. 

Spider-Man: Tsu? What is it?

Tsuyu stood there, clearly nervous, but after a deep breath, she pushed through her fear like she had done earlier. Her voice was softer this time, carrying a weight Izuku hadn't expected. 

Tsuyu: I just... wanted to say thank you.

Izuku smiled and waved it off. 

Spider-Man: Well seeing how you saved me back there consider us even. So just don't worry about- 

She cut him off mid-sentence. 

Tsuyu: I don't just mean today. Though I'm grateful for that too. I mean for everything.

A brief silence hung between them as Izuku tried to piece together what she meant. He had a feeling, but he waited for her to continue. Her words became more hesitant, but she pressed on. 

Tsuyu: About half a year ago... you stopped the sludge villain from kidnapping a kid in a fire. And you brought him in.

Izuku's heart clenched as the memory came flooding back. The day he'd faced the sludge villain, the day his father's killer was captured, the day he saved Bakugo. It was a painful yet defining moment in his life. He nodded quietly. 

Spider-Man: Yeah... I remember that fight.

Tsuyu seemed to be gathering her courage, her voice trembling as she spoke. 

Tsuyu: I don't know if you knew this or not, but that villain... he killed my friend's father. And I couldn't save him.

 Her voice cracked as she forced herself to keep going, even as the emotions threatened to break through. 

Tsuyu: I've blamed myself ever since. Even though my friend forgave me, I still feel like I have so much to make up for.

She didn't know the man standing in front of her—the one she was confessing all this to—was the same person who she was talking about. Izuku felt the weight of her words sink deep into his heart, moved by how she had carried that burden all this time. A short silence fell over them before Tsuyu bowed her head deeply. 

Tsuyu: Thank you for stopping him. My friend got the closure he needed because of you. Ever since I found out you caught that villain, I've been able to sleep a little better. And today, you helped me face my fear. And now I finally get the chance to say....thank you!

 She took a breath and added, 

Tsuyu: I don't care if you're a vigilante. Or if your even a real pro hero. You are a hero in my eyes! And I can never thank you enough for everything that you have done for me and for my friends. I hope one day I can be a hero like you...

Izuku was struck by her words, feeling the echo of his own past. 

Izukus head: I feel were similar in a way. We both blame ourselves for the death of Hisashi. And we both choose to be better because of someone we couldn't save. Even if  she isn't to blame for my dad's does mean a lot that she took so much responsibility and care for his life and memory even after he was gone.... That she never forgot about him...

He remembered all the years when he was quirkless, and how he had once dreamed of hearing someone talk about him the way Tsuyu was now. Moved, Izuku placed a hand on her shoulder. In an attempt to break the tension. 

Spider-Man: You've really gotta stop it with all this emotional stuff. You saved me back there! Scorpion nearly took me out—I'd be toast if you hadn't stepped in.

His tone softened as he added.

Spider-Man: Today you were just as much of a hero. And I'm sure one day your gonna make an amazing Pro...

Tsuyu blinked back tears as she processed his words, feeling a warmth and nostalgia wash over her. It was like when Izuku encouraged her before. She nodded, tears still in her eyes, and gave him a soft but determined smile. 

Tsuyu: Thank you! Please, be careful out there! And make it back safe, okay?

Izuku smiled warmly. 

Spider-Man: I will. And you do the same...

With that, they parted ways, both of them headed for different dangers. Tsuyu, to the safety of the USJ entrance, and Izuku, with newfound determination, towards the collapsed city zone in search of his friend, Bakugo. 

Izukus head: I'm coming for you, Kacchan. Just wait for me! 

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