Chapter 40

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With Izuku outside of the dorms in the sidewalks

Izuku was walking from school. However his eyes had bags under them and his back was slumped carrying the back pack with both hands on his straps. Baiscally his whole body language was that of a sleep deprived highschool student ready to crash any second.

Izuku: *yawn*. We havent really slept much have we? We've spent the last few nights trying to catch The Chameleon and even Mysterio.

Izuku then remembered something else he over heard with Aizawa Sensei. Apparently after The Chameleon took off and Izuku went after him Mysterio fled too "capture Spiderman". But hasnt even show up yet. Another problem he will need to take care of.

Izuku: Oh great. *yawn*We also have to take care or Mysterio.

Mei: What do we have to take care of with Mysterio?

Izuku was to tired to be suprised and just lazily turned around to see Bakugo and Mei.

Izuku: Oh its you guys.

They both just took one look at Izuku and immedietally thought.

Mei/ Bakugo head: He looks like shit.

Bakugo: Damn has being Spidey really exhausted you that much?

Izuku just put his hand out very tired and trying to shuu off the idea.

Izuku: No I'll be fine. I just need one nights of rest and I'll be *yaaaawn* one hundred percent.

Mei then tried to ask something. Clearly bothered with something on her mind.

Mei: Hey Izuku I actually want to ask you about something.

Izuku: What is it?

Mei: Well its about that new black suit of yours. I didnt realize you had a costume change until I it innthe U.A. Daily papers. What gives? Was my baby not good enough?

Izuku then said with a smirk.

Izuku: Mei this new suit puts yours to shame in so many ways. Its so much better.

Now even Bakugo was suprised by Izukus attitude. It was nothing like his usual self.

Bakugo: Uhhhhh

Mei though was........pretty hurt hearing that about something she made for him.

Mei: Oh well....thats ok I guess. I mean what ever gives you an edge right?

Izuku: Yep. It definitely gave us a better edge then your previous "baby".

Bakugo head: Us?

He then got a call on his phone and looked to see who it was. It was his mom.

Izuku: Sorry I have to take this. See you guys tomorrow.

Izuku then walked faster on ahead then Bakugo and Mei. With Mei looking at the ground bummed out. Bakugo couldnt stand the look on her face.

Bakugo: Look the nerd probably didn't mean anything by-

However he got cut off by her.

Mei: -No.... I know what he meant. I mean his gear is whats gonna give him the edge out in the field. He needs the best to survive out there and..... My babies just....... didnt cut it.

Bakugo: No! Look Deku is to much of a spineless wimp and pushover! There is literally no chance he would talk down on someone! So just chalk up all that stuff he said to exhaustion and him not thinking.

Mei thought about it though. Normally that would be true but.....What he did to Monoma. He talked to her in the same way. She then played what Izuku said before and then now in her head.


Izuku: What? Copy my quirk? Go ahead and try! Remember what happend the last time you did that?


Izuku: Yep. It definitely gave us a better edge then your previous "baby".

Flashback ends

Mei: *sigh*..... Sure.

Mei then quickly realized and question though.

Mei: Wait why do you suddenly care?

Bakugo then very offendedly and tsundere like said.

Bakugo: Like hell I do! I just cant stand seeing that pathetic look on your face! Thats all! Got it Pink Braids!

Bakugo then stormed off with Mei looking at his back side.

Mei head: Huh..... I guess he does have a soft side.

In Izukus dorm room

Izuku was on the phone with his mother walking into his room.

Inko: Oh honey you sound terrible. Are you ok?

Izuku: I'm fine mom just a little tired.

Izuku then let his bag fall off his shoulder and hit he floor. To tired to put it where it belongs.

Inko: When was the last time you had a full nights rest?

Izuku then started to undo his U.A. uniform until he was shirtless. Meanwhile the living black ozze that lived on his skin dressed as his costume started to crawl off his body down his leg and onto the ground. Hoping under his bed where its decided to make its temporary home until its host is rested.

Izuku: Uhhhh I think maybe? Ummm-

Inko: -Ok the fact that you have to even think about it means awhile. Please do your mommy a favor and get some rest.

Izuku was putting the last of his PJ on. Not even bothering with a shirt and getting some Pajama pants on.

Izuku: I will I will.

Inko: Good. Oh and Izuku dont forget next week is your Father's Birthday. Please get the things I ask for this week. It would be a huge help.

Izuku: Ok mom. Goodnight love you. 

Izuku then threw his phone on the night stand forgetting to plug it in. Which he will most definitely regret later. (I do this all the time and hate myself for it later)

Izuku: *sigh* I should really find Mysterio but-

As he laid in the bed face down. His body finally started to shut down. It was only a matter of time before he gave into the vixen that was now his bed.

Izuku: *yawn* -I just need .....a few....... hours of Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Then in just a few minutes he was out like a light.

2 hours into sleeping

Izuku was sound asleep. However some Spidey tech in his secret stash in the vent was still on. Specifically the spare mask he had with a police scanner.

Mask speaker: This is Unit 12. We have a possible location on hero 221 aka Mysterio. Would you like us to take his statement for that robbbery case with Spidey and Chameleon? Over. 

The black ozze from before then crepped and crawled its way from Under Izuku bed. Climbing up its bed frame and onto the side. Meanwhile Izuku still stayed asleep on his back sprawled out comfy as can be.

Mask speaker: Copy. Be advised Mysterio is suspected of fraud and false identification. Sending pro hero Endeavour your way as back up. Wheres your location? Over.

The black ozze then started to crawl and cover Izuku body starting from his hand. Izuku still sound asleep. Then once his whole body was covered in the black suit Izukus whole body shot up with his mask lenses squinting in seriousness. However the suit was a lil different this time. Showing less webs on his chest and a bigger spider emblam stretching out.

Mask speaker: Copy. We are on 26th Monterey. Mysterio was seen flying through 7th Avenue. Over.

In the night city

Izuku was falling throuh the air before he shot a web. Swinging in between traffic. Quickly launching himself through the air. Until landing on a flag pole. However Izuku never spoke a word. In fact he wasn't even awake at the moment. No longer did he wear the black suit. Now "it"...... was wearing him.

Izuku then saw Mysterio fly and land in a alley way. Izuku quickly web zipped to the wall in the alley way. Blending right in with the shadow becoming camouflaged. Mysyerio than walked down the alley way and Izuku followed. Sticking to the shadows. Sometimes here and there Mysterio would check behind him. Only to find himself alone. And then when he turns around Izuku would move in on him. JUST stalking him like prey... like the spider he is.

Eventually Mysterio was at a door and knocked on it. Still looking around like he was on edge about being seen here. Izuku then reached to his side and the black suit pushed out a camera in its ozze like pockets.  Quickly taking pictures of Mysterio in the shady place.

Mysterio: Cmon open up dammit.

Mysterio spoke out of his usual character. Instead of his grand and dramatic tone he proud himself in. He spoke like any normal man would.  Scared and out of options. He was desperate. Soon a slit on the door opened up. A man on the inside then asked.

Door man: What is it you want?

Mysterio: Dammit let me in already!

Door man: Your really pushing your luck yknow.

Mysterio: Will you just let me in?! I cant be seen here!

The slit then closed shut and the door opened. With Mysterio quickly making his way inside. The suit then using Izukus body web zipped to the roof. Looking around and finding a air vent. He webbed it up pulling it open and then crawled his way inside of it.

Inside of the bar

Izuku was crawling through the vent and eventually found a spot where he could see a small bar. In it a man made of mist bartended and another man with hands all over his body sat. Mysterio then walked inside of the bar approaching the 2.

Shigaraki: What can I do for you ~Oh great Mysterio~.

Mysterio then grabbed his glass helmet and took it off. Meanwhile the suit used Izukus body to take a small picture. Getting a clear image of his face. He was white with a black hair bowl cut. Along with a mole right under one of his eyes on his cheek.

Mysterio: Chameleon was caught-

Shigaraki: -Yeah no shit.

The man made of mist then spoke showing a paper. Not of the U.A. daily but of the J.J. news. With a picture of Chameleon being unmasked by Spidey.

Kurogiri: We saw on the paper. It surprisingly didnt make the news but none the less. The public knows.

Mysterio: Yeah man which means im screwed!

Shigaraki: Yknow if you would have maybe. Oh I dont know. Showed up! When Chameleon needed you then you wouldnt be in this mess!

Mysterio: I couldnt! I got my ass kicked by Spiderman in his new suit. By the time I recovered Chameleon was done for. I barely got out of there without any attention on me.

Shigaraki just rolled his eyes mumbling about how whiney he was.

Shigaraki: So what did you come to me for?

Mysterio: We had a deal! I make Spiderman look bad and you make me a famous hero. That was the deal.

Shigaraki: As far as I see I kept my end of the bargin. Your all the news can talk about now.

Mysterio: Yeah about how Im a fraud! I was supposed to be loved and admired by everyone.

Kurogiri: So what do you expect us to do about it?

Mysterio: I dont know?! What about making Chameleon plee my innocence? Or taking the fall for all of it.

Shigaraki then began to laugh it up.

Shigaraki: Hehehe....hahahha... HAHAHAHA

Mysterio: Whats so funny?!

Shigaraki: Sorry its just really hialrious how desperation can make a man hope for a miracle. Becuase-HAhahaha. Thats what its gonna take to make that chrome headed wierdo to do it.

Mysyerio: W-Well whys that?! He's a gun for hire. He'll do anything for the right price.

Kurogiri: Chameleon is a highly trained german mercenary. Its true he will do alot of things for the right price. Kill, kidnap, impersonate, spy, even frame. However he would never agree to help a man who backstabbed him no matter how much money he would get offered. I wouldn't be suprised if he ratted you out already.

Mysterio heart sunk hearing that.

Mysterio: finished.

Kurogiri just shrugged his shoulder.

Kurogiri: To put it simply........pretty much yeah.

Mysterio then slammed his fist on the bar table.

Mysterio: You guys said you would make me a hero dammit!

Shigaraki then got up from his stool. Disintegrating a glass he had in his hand turning it to dust. Scaring Mysterio.

Shigaraki: We agreed to make you a famous pro hero. Never specified how long or how you wanted to be famous.

Shigaraki started walking towards Mysterio. With Mysterio instinctively walking back.

Mysterio: Y-Yknow what I meant. I wanted to be famous like All Might-

At the mention of his name Tomura snapped. Quickly grabbing him by the cape attached to his shoulder with 4 fingers so he wouldnt disintegrate him.....yet.

Shigaraki: I would choose your next words very carefully.

However as they had their little disagreement. The slight sound of a click of a camera couldnt help but be heard. Shigaraki looked back at Kurogiri. Both nodding at eachother. Tomura than slowly put down Mysterio with him being confused.

Mysterio: Whats up?

Shigaraki: Were not alone....

The suit controling Izuku suddenly realized hes been made. He tried to crawl away only to suddenly be teleported into the bar area. Kurogiri quickly warped Izuku arms and legs in his warpgates. Making him trapped hanging in mid air right in front of Shigaraki and Mysterio spread out like a "X".

Mysterio/ Shigaraki: Spiderman?!

Shigaraki: Oh what a nice suprise for you to stop by. Care for a drink?

Spiderman: .................

However Izuku didnt speak. Instead his mask lenses squinted at him. As Izuku was still technically sleeping under that mask.

Shigaraki: Whats wrong? You seem to be less social all of a sudden.

Shigaraki then put a hand on Izukus chest slowly disintegrating the suit making izuku squirm and the suit feel the pain.

Shigaraki: But dont worry. I'll make sure to make you talk. Maybe even scream if I'm lucky.

The suit then suddenly shot 2 black web tendrils out of its arm pits. Wacking Shigaraki into Mysterio and hitting Kurogiri into the bar breaking some glasses of alchool. Izuku then quickly pulled his arms and legs out of the warp gates before they closed and cut his appendages off. All the suit did was look at Mysterio and it freaked him out. Seeing the chest area Tomura damaged revealing bare naked skin. The suit then started to ozze out black liquid covering the area and then in a instant it healed itself.

Mysterio: Thats it!-

Mysterio then put his glass helmet back on and started running away out of the bar. With his mask on his voice was now back to being echo and more dramatic like.

Mysterio: -I'm out of here!

Izuku then followed suit running after Mysterio. The 2 other villians got up recovering looking out the door where there 2 most pressing problems had left.

Shigaraki: What.....just happend?

Kurogiri: I think Spiderman just completely ignored us.... And went straight for Mysterio?

Shigaraki: But....why?

Kurogiri: I .....uhhhh...... I dont know.

The 2 villians pondered why Mysterio would be a bigger target for Spiderman then one of the 2 biggest League of Villians member's.

Meanwhile in the night city

Mysyerio was frantically running away in the alley way. Quickly throwing a small cubed device that soon created a hologram of a brick wall.

Mysterio: Please fall for it!

He begged himself. However a web shot through the hologram and then caught Mysterio on his legs triping him onto the ground. He looked back to see Spidey walk through the brick wall. Pulling the web dragging his body towards him. However something felt different. It no longer felt like a tussle of 2 heroes throwing quips with their attacks. No Mysterio was being hunted down like an animal.

Mysterio: What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you so dead set on me?!

For the first time tonight Spiderman spoke. However it wasnt his usual up beat tone. Now it was slurred out with a slither of a tounge like a snake. Not even Izukus voice spoke but another one.

Spiderman: ~MuSt GeT RiD Of YoU! YoU CaUsE PrObLeMs FoR Us!~

Mysterio then quickly pulled a knife out of his wrist gauntlet. Cutting the web off making a run for it to the streets.

Mysterio: Fine whatever! Just stop chaseing me!!!!

However he didnt stop and he wasnt gonna until Mysterio was no longer an issue for Izuku Midoryia.

On a rooftop in the night city

In the night city a lown hero stood blazeing. Lighting up the area around him. He leaned forward onto the building ledge unpleased.

Endevour: *sigh* Nothing.

He then pressed onto his ear piece turning it on.

Endeavour: This is Endevour. Are you sure you gave the right location of Mysterio last sighting?

Com link: Copy. Mysterio was last seen heading into a alley way on 7th avenue. Over

The number 2 hero looked down to see the alley empty.

Endeavour: This is the place. But I found nothing. *clicks ear piece* Well my search came back negative. I havent foud any-

However then he heard what he thought was a woman screaming for her life.


Endeavour: Be on stand by. I might have something!

Endeavour then quickly took action. Leaping off the roof and jumping onto a new one. Doing so over and over. Until eventually he came upon the origin of the woman screams.

Endeavour: Mam are you ok?-

However he was instead met with the sight of Mysterio crawling backwards onto a wall scared for his life. And in front of Mysterio was Spiderman himself. With his shadow from Endevour flame towering over Mysterio.

Endeavour: Hmm *clicks ear*. I found Mysterio. Bringing him in for questioning now.

Endeavour walked up to Spiderman. As he did Mysterio panicked and yelled.

Mysterio: Oh thank god Endevour! Look Spidey is legit trying to kill me man! Please you have to-

However Spiderman then quickly webbed Mysterio to the wall in black webs. Webbing his glass fish bowl helmet off and throwing it to another wall. Shattering it with tech pieces falling off it. Then webbing his mouth shut.

Spiderman: We'Ll sAvE yOu FoR LaTeR.

Endeavour: Spiderman. I must thank you for finding Mysterio for me-

Endeavour flames then bursted bright and Izuku jumped forward dodgeing Endevour slamming his fist into the ground. Caving in from the strength and heat of Endeavours attack. Then with a confident smirk he looked up at Spidey who was in a classic spidey battle position.

Endeavour: -You not only saved me the trouble of finding that fraud. But now the extra time and effort I would have put into finding you.

Endeavour then stood up letting his flames burn hot and Izuku could feel it. More so....the suit began to feel the heat. It was irritated by it. Endeavour noticed this and smiled psychoticlly.

Spiderman: ToO HoT

Endeavour: Whats the matter?-

Endeavour then slammed his fist together causing a heat wave.

Endeavour:- Cant take the heat!?

He then created a fire blast and shot it at Izuku. Izuku did a side flip dodeging it. He tried to shoot webs at him only for the webs to completely burn and evaporate right when they touched him. Endeavour then malked disapointedly.

Endeavour: Whats the matter Spiderman? I heard you were more talkative. So cmon then! ...crack a joke while I beat you!

Eneavour charged after Spidey with a right hook with Izuku doing a backflip dodge. Then Spidey tried going after Mysterio lungeing at him.

Mysterio: AHHHH!!!!

Endeavour: Where do you think your going?!

He then grabbed Izuku by his leg and swung him around until throwing him into a wall. His body hit the wall and he went limp from it. Laid out flat on his face seemingly knocked out. The flame hero smiled in victory.

Endevour: Was that really it? I expected more from everything I heard.

Endevour then walked over to Izuku ready to detain and capture him. He grabbed Izuku shoulder and was about to turn him over.

Endeavour: Its the end of the line Spiderman! 

Spiderman suddenly whipped his head to Endevour. His mask was no longer just a mask but it turned into a face. He now had a large mouth with sharp rows of teeth. The inside of his mouth was pink and inside it lived a long gross pink and narrow tounge. It hissed and roared at Endevour.

Spiderman: *monster scream* REEEAAAHHH!!!!!

Endeavour quickly dashed backwards on instinct and Spiderman quickly jumped up from the ground and onto the side of the wall. It then quickly crawled after Mysterio. Hanging over his head with its mouth wide open drooling green alien like saliva from its mouth.

Mysterio: OH GOD! OH MY GOD!!!! HELP! AHHHH! Hes gonna EAT ME!?

Just as the creature (that is now Izuku) long tounge started wrap itself around Mysterio head. A giant shot of flame went right at Izuku. He quickly dodged it though jumping onto higher ground. The eyes then squinted at the hero Endeavour. Analyzing him.

Endeavour: Spiderman?

The creature seemed to have made his choice. It pointed its arm outwards with a fist unlike spideys usual web thwip hand gesture and shot a web from its wrist. Swinging away into the night to only god knows where. Meanwhile the fake hero and number 2 hero watched him swing away.

Mysterio: W-What t-the hell was that thing?!

Endeavour: I dont think it was Spiderman. I dont think that thing was even human.

Mysterio then still trapped in the webs looked at himself and was baiscally like "fuck this shit. Im out"

Mysterio: Ok THATS IT! I cant take this anymore. Im a fake!

Endeavour looked at the guy with an eyebrow raised.

Mysterio: I'm not a real hero. My quirk makes people hear and smell things I want them too. I use tools and tricks to make it look like I have a real quirk. Turn me in!!!!

Endeavour looked at him very disappointed. Not like he had hope in him and was let down. More like disapointed in the fact that people like this can actually exist.

Endevour: Wow you are pathetic.

Mysterio: Like I CARE?! That THING JUST TRIED TO EAT ME! I dont wanna die! So just take me to jail!

Endeavour just shrugged his shoulders. Its been a long night and he just wants to go back to head quarters not empty handed.

Endeavour: Fine whatever. I'll take you into custody.

Mysterio: Thank you!!!!

However Endevour was still thinkong about that whole fight.

Endevour head: Was that really Spiderman? His suit did change. Maybe this guy is another imposter like chameleon? What are the chances that there would be 2 imposters though? However his powers and fighting style were still all the same. There authentic. But..... That "thing" wasnt even human. So I need to figure out if this is another imposter or ...... Spiderman is turning into some kind of monster.

??? Somewhere in the morning

Izuku was sound asleep enjoying his rest. He then felt something poke his head. He tried hitting it away with his hand. It stopped. Until it was 2 more pecks.

Izuku: *groan* mmmm stop.

He then turned his body over feeling his hand dangle in the air. Just as he thought it was over though.


Izuku then finally opened his eyes looking in front of him as he layed down in what he thought was his bed. Expecting to see his child hood friend pulling a morning prank.

Izuku: *groan* What the heck Kacch-

Only to see a pigeon right in front of him.

Izuku: -...pigeon?

He then looked to his right seeing the roof of a building.

Izuku: Why am I on a roof?

Still not fully awake he looked to his left. To see a high ground view of the city with cars looking like the size of ants and a infintie amount of windows going down in a row. He then made the sudden realization that half his body was hanging off the side of a skyscraper.


Quickly pushing himself onto the side with a roof grabbing the ground in a panic.

Izuku: What the hell am I doing on a skyscraper?!

He then got back up. Walking to the edge and looking down. Then looking all around himself trying to figure out where he is.

Izuku: Did...did I fall asleep in the city as Spidey again? I didnt. I went to bed last night. I know I did. I walked home, talked to mom on the phone and went to bed.

He then felt a cold breeze along his chest. He looked at himself seeing he was still in his pajama pants and shirtless.

Izuku: Wha?

Izuku was at a lost for words. He threw his hands in the air letting them fall down in frusteration.

Izuku: Why does the wierdest stuff happen to me?!

He then sudenly realized though that today is Tuesday. Which means school.

Izuku: Ohmygod- what time is it?!

He tried to check his phone in his pocket only to grab his camera he uses for the U.A. daily. 

Izuku: Why do I have my camera and not my phone- Whatever. At least my camera can tell-

He then turned his camera on only to find that it was dead.

Izuku: Of course its dead. Why wouldnt it be dead?! Its not enough that im half naked on top of a skyscraper. With no memeory of how I got here. Oh noooo!Now I dont even know if im gonna be late for school becuase I.CANT.TELL.THE.TIME!!!

Izuku then grabbed his messy hair in anger. Pulling it and then quickly letting go and running his hands through it. Taking a deep breath in. And then out.

Izuku: Thats ok.....its ok. Think postive Midoryia! What do I need to do? Uhhh I need to get to school. So just get to school. Yep.

He then walked to the ledge feeling like he had a chance to save his morning still. However he then noticed that he didnt recognize any of the places around him. He didnt even have a phone to get directions either. Izuku then looked into the sky. Talking to whatever higher power existed that cursed Izuku with his bad luck.

Izuku: .................. if there's a God up there .............he laughing at me right now.

Middle of the day at U.A.

Mei Hatsume was in the support department workshop being hard at work like usual. However this time she was working on something a little more special than the rest of her babies. Carefully tinkering around with some chemicals in vials on a desk next to a window. Behind her was Power Loader.

Power Loader: What are you working on?

Mei then suspiciously tried to dismiss his curiosity closing a notebook with chemical formulas.

Mei: Oh uhhh. Just a lil something for a friend.

Power Loader: Well what is it?

Mei then blushed stoping what she was doing to turn and face her teacher.

Mei: I-Its a secret!

The teacher then smirked thinking.

Power Loader head: Its for a boy.

Powerloader: Its for a boy isnt it?

Mei then blushed even further.

Mei: I-Its not for a boy!!! Stop trying to get in my love life! W-Which is none by the way!

Power Loader head: Oh its SOO for a boy. This is great. The more I can get Mei out of the lab the less likely she is to blow it up!

The teacher then coyly played along with Mei story not getting into it.

Power Loader: ~Ok. If you say so~. I'll be heading to the stoarge facility to grab some supplies.

He then left the room. Only to then come back in adding one detail.

Power Loader: DONT blow up the lab!!! Got it!?

Mei just rolled her eyes.

Mei: Yeah yeah. I got it.

Power Loader then left the room for good now and Mei was then carefully trying to pour in a set amount of chemicals into a vial.

Mei head: Ugh. Stupid yellow metal block head. Im not doing it for a guy. Im just making an upgrade to a previous baby that so happend to be for a boy- I mean for-


Mei then looked out the window to see Izuku half naked knocking on the window.

Mei: -*blushing* I-IZUKU?!

Izuku: Mei let me in. Its really cold out here and I feel dirty and wrong for being half naked in public.

She then went to open the window. However she didnt notice that she poured in to much of a certain chemcial and it slowly began to fizz more and more.

Mei: Izuku what are you doing wall crawling up to my window?

Her eyes then coudlnt help but wander to his 6 pack and his pecks. Blushing and feeling all hot and bothered from it.

Mei: *blushing* And why do you not have a shirt on?

Izuku was also blushing and crossing his arms over his chest feeling embaressed.

Izuku: I-I'm sorry. There's alot to explain that even I dont know and- is that green vial supposed to be fizzing up so much?

As Izuku quickly pointed out Mei side project she turned to it wide eye realizing shit just hit the fan.

Mei: Oh no its gonna blow.

Izuku: Wait blow?!

Mei: Yes explode.

Izuku: Like explode explode?!

Mei: What other kind of explode is there?!!?!

Izuku then quickly grabbed a trash can scoping the vials of chemicals into it and throwing it outside. To where it then exploded creating a loud boom. Mei and Izuku just stood side to side looking out the window.

Izuku: *awkwardly points* was it supposed to do that?

Mei then smiled funnily.

Mei: Well actually yes but.... Just not in that exact way.

However the 2 could then hear a voice filled with pure rage and frusteration.

Power Loader: DAMMIT MEI! What did I tell you about blowing up the lab?!

Mei then looked at Midoryia freaking out.

Mei head: OH NO! Not again! Why am I always hideing Izuku in my lab?!

(Lol go back to chapter 26 to see the other time she had to hide Izuku from a teacher in her lab with Bakugo who ironically was also half naked in that chapter)

She then grabbed Izuku by the hand and pushed him to a closet.

Izuku: M-Mei what are you doing?

Mei: Hideing you of course!

Izuku: Why? Im not Spidey right now. My secret is safe.

Mei: BUT I am a highschool girl who has already been caught with a shirtless guy in the lab ONCE and do NOT want to go through this shit again!

Before Izuku could even question what she meant by that though he was shoved into a closet and closed it. Power Loader then came into the room ready to punish.

Power Loader: I knew I couldnt leave you alone in a lab for one sec- oh.

However the lab was just as he left it and Mei was awkwardly trying to casually lean on a countertop.

Mei: H-eeey Power Loader. Whazzz up?

Power Loader: uhhh.... Nothing much. Did you blow something up?!

Mei then just nodded her head no like the terrible liar she is.

Mei: Uhhhhh nope. Nothing has gone kaboom over here.

Power Loader than started to look around the lab. Feeling very confused at the setting around him

Power Loader: Really? I could have sworn I heard an explosion.

Mei: Uhhhh YKNOW what? There is some construction uh like outside and stuff so. M-Maybe you heard that.

Mei said in the most suspicious way possible.

Power Loader: Oh....ok. Well Mei I'm sorry to have accused you so suddenly.

Mei then just waved it off though. Mostly so he could get the fuck out of here and so he doesnt find another boy she hid and has even more rumors spread about her.

Mei: Psshh dont worry about it. Im sure its like another long day at the office and like uhhhh- whatever just dont worry about it.

Power Loader: Oh....Well... alright then.

He then left the room. Mei then walked over to the closet opening it and could feel the stress leave her body as Power Loader left.

Power Loader: On second thought-

Mei head: OH WHAT NOW?!?!?!?!?!

She then slammed the door right in Izukus face and he just tumbled back into the closet wall.

Izuku head: owowowowowow.

Mei: Yes! I mean um....yes what is it?

Power Loader though was starting to catch on to her suspicious attitude.

Power Loader: What are you hideing?

Mei was begining to sweat with a nervous smile.

Mei: W-What are you talking about?

Power Loader looked behind Mei only for Mei to lean and block his view of the closet. He then started to walk over to the closet.

Power Loader: Look Mei if you made a mess dont hide it by shoving it into the closet.

He then began to open the closet. Mei panicked and tried to say the first excuse on the top of her head.

Mei: Look Power Loader its not-

Only to see no Izuku inside of it. Along with nothing else to hide from Power Loader. To which Meo "smoothly" finished her excuse

Mei: -hing at all. Its nothing. Im hideing nothing at all.

Mei head: How does he do that?

The pro hero/ teacher closed the door once again feeling embaressed.

Power Loader: *sigh* Sorry again Mei. I dont always assume the worst with you but you are a bit of a handful.

He then felt bad and tried to apologize and make amend like any other teacher would probably do. With candy.

Power Loader: Hey how about I say Im sorry by getting you some choclates I know there your favorites.

Mei though was still panicing and freaking out from hideing a half naked spider power vigilante boy from her mentor figure. So she was pushing Power Loader out of the lab.

Mei: No Thanks. I dont like chocolate! Choclate sucks and its unhealthy and fattening.

Once Power Loader was out of the room she closed the door on him. However suddenly she felt guilty for kicking her teavher out like that. So she open up the door again to see Power Loader standing there.

Power Loader: Ummm.... yes?

Mei: Uhhh....sorry. That was rude.

Power Loader: Are you ok? Seriously is something wrong.

She saw Power Loader was trying to get back inside so she pulled the very last card she know would work. The one thing that makes not only any teavher leave a girl alone but every man as well.

Mei: Im on my period! So uh I'm just dealing with girl stuff and hormones so I'm good. Dont worry.

Power Loader: Oh! .....well um sorry. I uh didnt know. Well then I'll go on ahead to the storage facility.

Mei: Ok good luck!

Power Loader: But im still getting chocolates in case you change your mind! I heard choclate helps with um "that" stuff.

Mei then finally closed the door as that NIGHTMARE was over. She then open the door in the closet to see Izuku in his black spidey suit. However he was blushing from hearing about "girl stuff" about Mei.

Spiderman: So ummm uhhh. I-Is it like actually your period or-

Mei: -Shutupshutupshutup.

Mei then took a seat and on a counter top and Izuku sat in a rolly chair.

Mei: Ok. Now can you please explain to me why you showed up in my window half naked and made me die of embarrassment in front of my teacher.

Izuku then explained how he woke up this morning and how he had to sneak around the city and into U.A.

Spiderman: So that's what happend.

Mei: *sigh* of course it is. Well whats your plan now? You can't hide out in my lab all day.

Spiderman: I just texted Kacchan using your phone to get me some clothes. He always has a spare set of clothes in case this stuff happens.

Mei: Wow must be nice.

Spiderman: You have no idea.

5 mins later


Bakugo: Open up!

Mei then open the door and in came Bakugo holding Izuku bag and a news paper.

Bakugo: I got your text? How did you end up half naked on a skyscraper?

Spiderman: I have no idea?

Izuku then instinctively told the black ozze to retract back so he could put his clothes on. Both Mei and Bakugo stared at him wide eye. Seeing his suit move around like a living creature.

Bakugo: What.the.fuck?!

Mei: Midoryia? What just happened to your suit?

Mei then began to notice Izuku shirtless state again. With her eyes locked onto that V-line of his below his abs.

Mei: Holy V-line!

Mei snapped out of it though when she realized she said thag out loud and Izuku was blushing from hearing that.

Izuku: O-Oh. Um well I'm not entirely sure myself honestly. I dont know that much about it.

While he explained what he knew about his new black suit he keot on putting his clothes on. With Mei turned around blushing as her eyes looked to the side wanting to keep looking.

Izuku: It was the night I first fought Mysterio as Spidey. After wards I caught some crazy school girl from breaking into a space museum. She tried stealing a meteorite and I stoped her. The meteorite though had a black ozze inside of it. It got onto my suit and bonded to it.

Mei: Bonded? So you let an alien creature bond to one of my babies?! Wait.... Is that bad or good? I mean its my baby but....its an alien. Earths very first alien decided to make my suit its home!!!!

While Mei nerded out on her suit and the alien Bakugo was legitimately concerned.

Bakugo: Wait youve been letting an alien live and crawl all around on your skin?

Izuku though tried to explain.

Izuku: Its not like that!

Bakugo: Well can you get rid of it? Can you unbond it from the suit?

Izuku then suddenly got angry at the idea of getting rid of the ozze.

Izuku: Why would I get rid of it?! Its helped me out so much! Its not a parasite. Its a symbiote! Its actaully made me stronger! Im using it for good!

Bakugo then threw the U.A. daily paper in Izukus face.

Bakugo: Are you sure about that?

Izuku pulled it off his face and looked at the front cover. It was ....him. It was him in the black suit taking down Mysterio. With the headline "Spiderman takes down a fraud".

Izuku: Wait what?

Bakugo: Check who took the pictures.

Izuku then looked down and saw his name credited as the one who took the pictures.

Izuku head: I didnt take these pictures?! Unless.....

Izuku then went over to the computer where Mei let him charge his camera. He turned it on and saw all the pictures in there. Even of Mysterio talking with the League of Villains.

Bakugo: Dont you get it Izuku! Your not wearing that suit. That suit is wearing you!

Izuku knew his concerns were well placed. He knew that he had a point. However something in him was telling him other wise.

Izuku: Your wrong! So what if I dont remember taking down Mysterio. So what if the suit did it but I didnt?! It doesnt matter. Mysterio is now out of the picture and that's one less bad guy to worry about. If anything we should be thanking this suit for making my life easier.

Mei though was the one to put a hand on Izuku shoulder and try to reason with him.

Mei: Izuku. We dont know what were dealing with here. That thing is a living creature. We dont know how it works or what it wants. Maybe it does want to help or maybe its here to suck your blood? Or to use your body as a host? Or even use your body to reproduce? We dont know anything. We need to keep an eye on this symbiote and try to understand it better.

Izuku looked into Mei eyes. He felt calm and collected all of a sudden. Like everything he was feeling earlier suddenly went away. However then it came rushing back and Izuku gently grabbed Mei hand giving it back to her. Walking away.

Izuku: Fine whatever. But the symbiote stays with me no matter what. We have to go to class. See you guys later.

As Izuku left Mei and Bakugo were once again left alone.

Bakugo: That explains it then...

Mei: Explains what?

Bakugo: His sudden boost of confidence, his fight with Monoma, his lack of empathy with you. The sudden anger issues. I knew Izuku was acting up I just didnt know why? I thought it was from all the stress from being Spiderman.

Mei: So what? You think the suit is some how changeing him?

Bakugo: Ive known Deku my whole life. I know my best friend. Ever since this "symbiote" bonded to him he has acted different.

Mei: So then what do we do?

Bakugo: I........I dont know.

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