Chapter 14: Getting Patched Up

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3rd pov

Sona was in her room doing work on her computer until she heard a knocked on her window as she turned her head and saw Yuto banging his head on the window.

Sona: Come in.

Yuto soon opens the window and climbs in a bit.

Sona: You know you could of changed and knocked on the front door.

Yuto: *chuckles a bit and gets in her room* I know...*winced in pain a bit*

Sona: Are you okay I he-*turns around and saw him* Yuto, Yuto what happened *walks up to him*

Yuto: Heh you should had seen Connors. *flops on a chair* Ugh.....

Sona: He did this to you?

Yuto: Yeah but I got him back though..*moves a bit* Fuck....

Sona: Hold on Imma grabs some supplies.

Sona was patching Yuto's wounds from from getting attack from Connors.

Sona: So Connors did these three claws marks?

Yuto: Yep and even said that he is getting stronger by the minute so I gotta take him down soon before he get stronger than me.

Sona: You need our help remember that Aku *kissed his head*

Yuto; I know but do you guys have spider powers?

Sona: *grips on his shoulder* No but I can still do real damage.

Yuto: *wincing in pain* Ow ow Sona.

Sona: *smirks* Heh deal with it.

Yuto: How do I love you.

Sona: cause i'm thicc and sexy and you love it.

Yuto: *blushes a bit*T-true.

Sona: Aw~? *sits on his lap smirking* Did you stuttered~? 

Yuto: T-tsk n-no..

Sona: You are~ *giggles*

Yuto: S-sona I was in the sewers so I stink.

Sona: And~? 

Before Sona can do anything there was a knock on her door as it was one of family members konocking.

???: Yo Sona had you seen my shake?

Sona: *instantly got up and went to the door and slightly opens it* Oh hey irmão(Brother), and I don't know.

(Yes it's baki from his anime but works with me, and his name doesn't change either.)

Baki: Damnit. Alright then, who else have it?

Sona: Maybe Mirko have it. 

Baki; that rabbit some on a-Mirko give me back my shake! Thanks sis.

Sona: Yeah no problem. *closed the door and looks at Yuto*

Yuto: *chuckles a it*

Sona: *sighs* And I was about to have my moment.

Yuto: *gets up* Maybe later Sony. going to check on Danny now.

Sona: But shower first.

Yuto: I knew that jeez. *jumps out of the window and webs swings away*

Sona; *smiles and closed the window*

Time-skip brought to you by

After taking a shower Yuto made his way towards the hospital that Danny was in and he made it to his room.

Yuto: Hey bro, how are you feeling?

Danny: I'm feeling fine just a bit scratched up from fighting a lizard mouse thing.

Yuto: Yeah now it's my fault since I made the formula for the lizard thing.

Danny; Hey hey don't be like that again. It wasn't your fault it must had been a side effect.

Yuto: *sighs* Alright.

Danny: So I heard you and Sona are dating.

Yuto: yeah.

Danny: Fucking finally we was waiting for you two to start dating.

Yuto: Oh ha ha.

Danny: *looks at the time* Yu you need to go back home it's a school night for you.

Yuto: What about you?

Danny: I'll get discharge tomorrow so I'll come home.

Yuto: What about your college.

Danny: Oh they said that I need to recover before I head back to them.

Yuto: Hm alright *gets ups* I'll see you at home bro.

Danny: See you lil bro.

Yuto soon walked out if the hospital and changed into his suit and started to make his way towards home.

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