Chapter 18: Webs vs Claws

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Yuto's Pov

I finally made it to Oscrop as I landed on the window and shot my webs forward and pulled my self further to the roof as I saw a glass window was busted open and I jumped in.

Yuto: *looked down and saw a container* Shut Connors was here. Wait...Travis!! Sona! Where are you guys?!?!

???: *groaning* Yuto??

Yuto: *looks at the person* Travis! *runs to him and picks him up* You good?

Travis: Y-yeah I'm good. *rubs his head8 Fuck he hit me hard.

Yuto: Wait you and Sona fought Connors?!

Travis: We needed to stall him while the cure finished?

Yuto: Where's Sona?

Travis: I don't know *looks behind him* Oh no she took the cure.

Yuto: What?!

Travis: She must went to where Connors went!

Yuto: Oh fuck!! *jumps out of the window*

I jumped out of the window and started to wall run as fast as I can and made it to the roof and saw Connors put the lizard serum in a machine as it said it will release it in two minutes. I shot a web and swing kicked him off the tower as he grabbed my leg and pulled myself to him and we landed into big light. As I gotten out first and landed on the ground Connors grabbed my but I kicked him off, and he grabbed my leg and toss me off the building. I shot a web and landed on the building and tries to climb up.

Yuto: Connors stop this now!

Connors: No Connors only the Lizard!

Yuto: I know that scaly man!!

He soon throws a canister of Nitrogen at me but I dodged it and I shot a web at him and jumped back on the roof  and Connors soon grabbed me and slammed my on the ground couple of time cracking the area I activated my talons and stabbed him in the chest and kicked him away. I started to make my way towards the tower but my spider sense went off and I dodged another canister at me as I fall to the ground hard. I tried to shot another web but Connors stepped on the web and grabbed me by his tails and he destroyed my webs shooter and took my mask off.

Yuto: *grunting in pain*

Connors: Poor Yuto Akumu, no father, you tried to stop me in what I'm trying to save your family but now you is going to die all alone.

???: He's not alone.

We turned our head to reveal Sona but she looked different as Connors roared at her, the spikes on her back started to glow blue and she soon fired  a blue looking beam at Connors making him dropped me as I saw a hose with liquid nitrogen and I sliced it and used it on Connors making him freeze up a bit. As he was freezing Sona soon blasted him with that beam again making him fall into more liquid nitrogen tanks and I sliced them more making it kept freezing them.

Sona: Here's the serum! *toss it at me* I'll deal with him.

Yuto: No you're not!

Sona: Yuto I got this now hurry up we don't got much time!

I just sighed and started making my way towards the tower as I looked down and saw Connors was making his way towards me and I quickly switched his vial with the cure and soon enough he grabbed my leg as the cure shot into the air and blue cloud surrounding the city. I looked down to see that Connors was turning back into a human as he let go of me and damaged the tower thus making it fall with me with it. I jumped off and quickly grabbed part of the roof , but my hand slipped and something grabbed me as I look to see that it was Connors. I soon gotten back on the roof and looked at him.

Connors: *eyes widen* The girl.

Yuto: What? *realizes* No no no no!

I got up and ran towards the last time I saw Son calling out her name and I saw her body on the ground not moving as blood was around her.

Yuto: No..Sona babe...*shakes her a bit and started tearing up* No no please wake up..*picks her body up* Please don't leave me! Please...not again...not again...

Sona: ....n...ngnnn...*opens her eyes* Y..Yuto?

Yuto: Sona! *hugs her close* Thank god...

Sona: *rubs my back* I'm fine babe I'm fine.

Yuto: I...I though I lost you..

Sona: You didn't but good thing I can regenerate. *smiles at me*

Yuto: Don't ever do that to me okay?

Sona: No promises.

Yuto: *sighs* Okay let's go get Travis and get out of here.

Sona: *giggles* Okay.

We soon left the roof to find Travis.

Time-skip brought to you by

(Four Days Later)

It had been four days since Connors tried to turn everyone into lizards and I was recovering from the attack from Connors and those lizards creatures and school was still closed from the battle that me and Connors had. Now I'm in my engineering room with Travis and Sona.

Travis: So you basically had powers that's like Godzilla right Sona?

Sona: Yeah but as Yuto put the cure out my lizard features disappeared.

Yuto: But you kept the strength and regeneration?

Sona: I did apparently. 

Yuto: And she scared me for a quick second.

Sona: I said I'm sorry.

Yuto: *sighs* I know that.

As we was talking police cars had drove past my house using their sirens.

Travis: Welp look like duty calls man.

Sona: Kick their asses. *kissed my cheek*

I smiled and soon changed into my now repair suit as I jumped out of the window and started swing from building to building following the police while yelling, as helicopters soon followed me in the direction I'm going.

That's the end of Spectacular Spider-Man: Lizard up is Spectacular Spider-Man: Octo-Fight.

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