Chapter 20: Heading to New York

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3rd Pov

It been two days since the trio graduated from high school as they was in Yuto's room as they was helping him packing up.

Yuto: Wait, where is my web shooters? *looking around*

Travis: *holds a suitcase* I though they was on you bed.

Yuto: I looked but they aren't there.

Sona: I got them don't worry. *shows them the web shooters*

Yuto: Thanks Sony. *grabs them and put them in a bag* Okay I think I got everything.

Travis: You sure man?

Yuto: Yeah if not I can just buy the things.

Sona: Wait where are we going again? 

Yuto: New York we got scholarships there.

Travis: Jeez Sona you can be dumb sometimes.

Sona: *glares at him and growls*

Yuto: Oi. *flick her head* Chill.

Sona: Tsk, fine.

Charlie: Kids! Are you done yet?!

Yuto: Yeah mom we're coming down now!

The trio grabbed Yuto's belongings and went downstairs and outside to see Charlie waiting for them.

Charlie: Ohh my baby boy is growing up to fast. *hugs Yuto*

Yuto: *sighs a bit and hugs back* Mom it's life you gonna see me move out some day unlike Yuta who staying here.

Charlie: I know it's just your the youngest and I wanna baby you more.

Yuto: Mom you can still do that even if I'm not at home. Okay?

Charlie: Okay. *looks at Travis* So your sister is dropping you three off at the airport?

Travis: Yep, and she'll come in

As he said that a car pulled up and the window rolled down to reveal Travis' older sister Amy.

Amy: Let's go you brats! *laughs a bit*

Travis: Yeah yeah! *walks to the car*

Sona: Bye Mrs. Akumu. *walks to Travis*

Yuto: *grabs his things* Bye mom love you.

Charlie: Love you too Yuto.

Yuto walks to where the others are and put his bags in the trunks of Amy's car and gets in as the car drives off to the airport.

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