The Ravine

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HI! Cited here! The next chapter is in my POV. (Zarkana: I wrote this for him because he said that I was better at grammar, jokes, and phrasing things. He also "taps and finds" which means he only uses his two index fingers to type.)

After giving the stone pick to Zarkana, I continued down the main shaft after Scimitar. The hallway he had discovered was already lit with smoldering torches.

Farther down, I found an unlit tunnel running deeper into the earth. I walked down it, and soon found a ravine. And not the way I would normally have wanted to. There I was, walking along in the darkness, when suddenly the ground dropped away below me. I scrambled backwards to avoid falling in, and watched small rocks that I had knocked loose fall away into the chasm to be incinerated by the lava at the bottom.

Scimitar skidded up behind me, a grin on his face. "You found a ravine!?" He exclaimed, clearly excited to get to mining. Five seconds later, Zarkana arrived, holding a large amount of iron ore.

Not even pausing, he ran past us saying "Cool!" and took a flying leap into the rift in the earth. We looked at each other, both of us knowing that the other was about to do the same, and sure enough, we both made the same leap, landing perfectly in a pool of water at the bottom.

As we wandered through the twisting tunnels that branched off from the ravine, I saw something glimmering in the light of the lava. Looking closer, I saw them to be diamonds! I informed my friends, who were fiddling around with a furnace and some buckets, and told them to make an iron pick with Zarkana's resources.

"Oh, cool!" said Zarkana, putting some more coal in the bottom of the furnace. "By the way, Scim's trying to make a Dream style portal with a bucket of water."

"And why does he think that he can manage it?" I asked, looking at the half nether portal that he was making. I knew it was the wrong shape, but I decided not to tell him.

"Hey! Got the pick! Can you show me where the diamonds are?" Zarkana said from behind me.

"Yep. Maybe Scim will have figured out the portal by the time we get back!"

I led Zarkana out of the side-cave that we had made camp in, and through a short, winding tunnel.

When we came out of the tunnel into the ravine, we walked for a couple of minutes to a larger, sloping cavern.

There in the wall was a vein of five diamonds. I helped Zarkana mine around it, to check if there was any lava around. There was none, so Zarkana starting hacking the icy blue gems out of the rock. I lit up the cave as he did so.

On the way back, we heard Scimitar yell, "I've done it! I've made a Dream style portal!"

We came as fast as we could, and Zarkana took out a shard of flint and an iron ingot. "Nice work," he remarked, "Now let's get some of those blaze rods." He slammed the flint and steel together, sparking the obsidian frame at his feet. Whispering purple swirls erupted off of the cold, black stone.

We each crafted full iron armor and walked slowly towards the portal. The rotating purple swirls reached out, pulling us forward into the underworld.

Hi! I'm so sorry it took so long to get this out! I've had a lot going on, and it was hard to find the time to write. I'm going to try to start publishing a chapter every weekend. See you in the next chapter!

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