The Search

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I know this should be in Scimitar's POV, but he wasn't on the day we did this. I'll just do my POV again.

I climbed up and out of the ravine, Cited close behind, clutching eleven Eyes of Ender. As soon as we crested the small rise that bordered the cave, Cite threw one. The small green orb hovered in the air for a moment, pointed toward the coast, and traveled about twenty meters that way. It then shattered into a million little purple shards. "Dang it!" I exclaimed. "We're going to have to cross an ocean and one of our eyes already broke."

"Well, I guess we'll just have to try to conserve the other eyes so that we use as few as possible. We weren't really aiming to complete the portal today anyway, were we?" Said Cited.

I sighed. "I guess so. Besides, it's not super hard to get more ender pearls, we have a warped forest, and Scim collected about fifty blaze rods, so it's not like we're going to run out of those any time soon. Let's go!" I said, trudging towards the beach, punching a tree for a few logs, and making a boat. "Hop in, I'll collect the fallen eyes as we go." I told my friend, throwing the little ship in the water. He got in, me climbing into the passenger position behind him, and we rowed out into open water. After about five seconds, Cite threw an eye, just to make sure we were still going in the right direction. It flew on ahead for a bit, dropped, and I picked it up. The journey took around a minute, Cited throwing a couple more eyes, one of which broke, which I thought was strange, seeing as one had smashed just a couple of throws ago, but I shrugged it off when we saw a coastal village in the distance. Docking our boat at the end of one of the floating paths, I chucked one of the eyes that I had retrieved. It flew straight into the heart of the small town, and... Smashed!? That was impossible! Five throws, three broken!? What were the odds!?

"There goes any chance of us lighting the portal today..." Cited grumbled, floating past the spot where the eye had stopped and into the birch forest beyond. After a while, I threw my last eye, and of course, it went backwards.

I turned to the little blue alien bobbing in the air beside me. (If any of you guys didn't know, his skin is a little floating blue alien in a tattered cloak.) "Hey, bro?" I said, "I think we overshot the stronghold."

Cite did a facepalm. "Can this day get any worse!?" He asked, running to go get the eye, which thankfully hadn't broken.

"How far do you think it is behind us?" I wondered, paddling across a small river that we had crossed.

"Probably not that far. That eye flew pretty close to the ground." My companion remarked, throwing an eye to see if we were in the right spot. It broke.

"Okay, the piglins must have given us trick pearls or something because these are smashing way too fast. How many do you have left?" I said.

"Umm... Five. We're definitely going to need more."

"Me and SIGHTZZZZZ will get them over the weekend." I told him.

We followed the next eye back to the village, and I threw it one more time. It went straight down.

"We found it! I can't believe it's this close to spawn!" I exclaimed as we dug down to get into the underground structure.

"Me neither! Wasn't the one in the original realm, like, two thousand blocks away?" The small extra terrestrial said excitedly.

"Uh-huh. I started out with fourteen eyes and by the time I'd got there, I had three. And not because tons of them were breaking." I said, starting to pillar back up to the surface. "I think we dug in the wrong spot. We should dig a bit to the side this time." I called down to Cited.

"Aight, coming up!" He yelled.

two minutes later

"Don't move! I'm coming!" I heard Cited's muffled voice say through the stone.

"What was I gonna do, go to The Far Lands? My pick broke!" I retorted, punching the hard grey rock with my fists, trying to get to the white lettering that read CitedCello39763. Getting closer by the second, I heard the sound of a creeper taking fall damage. I looked up the shaft to see the furry green creature picking its way down the steep shaft, using the ledges we had created to keep from taking too much damage. "HURRY UP!" I screamed, mining faster. "THERE'S A CREEPER ABOUT TO FALL IN THE HOLE WITH ME!"

At that moment, the block below me crumbled, and I dropped down into the flickering torch light of Cite's tunnel. I quickly plugged the entrance to mine, and we were safe. The two of us mined on. "We must be super close by now," Said Cited, "probably just a few more-" The block in front of him crumbled, revealing a spiral staircase made of stone brick.

"We're here." I said, starting to descend into the structure below.

Short, I know, but the next chapter is gonna be really good. I'm going to do either my sister's POV or SIGHT's POV, because they were the people who did this with me, not Cite or Scim.

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