Chapter II: A Day In Life

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June 13 2023

Weather Reporter: Good Morning New York, Hope everyone is having an amazing day, Now Today's Weather is full of sunshine.

Desmond shot a web line as he continued swinging through different buildings as he continued listening to news on his phone.

Eddie: Welcome To The Eddie Brock Report. Today's Topic is about The New Spider Man. Recent Sightings of Spider Man has sparked a national debate over the role of Vigilantism in crime fighting. Now let's listen to the public's opinion on him.

Desmond shot two web lines on a building to boost himself as he shot another web line and continued swinging.

Civilian: I don't care what the bugle says about him. Spider Man is a hero and we will support him.

Meanwhile a group of kids were bullying someone in a alleyway as the kid was scared while the others were making fun of him until....

The Bullies were scared as they ran away as Desmond looked at the boy as he was staring at him.

Desmond: You alright?

George: I'm fine.

Desmond: Is that a wind turbine?

George: Yeah, I made it myself.

Desmond: It looks amazing.

George smiled at Desmond as Ketch fixed the turbine and gave it to George as he continued smiling at him.

Desmond: I'll walk you home.

George nodded as Desmond and George continued walking as they were talking to each other.

Desmond: What's your name?

George: George.

Desmond: Nice to meet you George, I'm Spider Man.

George: Nice to meet you too, Your really cool Spider Man.

Desmond smiled at Geroge as they reached George's house as George waved at him as Desmond waved at him back until he went inside his house as Ketch was looking at him.

Desmond shot a web line and continued swinging as he continued hearing people's opinions about him.

Civilian: Spider Man isn't the law around here. Get out of here and let the Police and Roxxon do their work.

Reporter: Some might think there's more then one Spider Man.

Desmond saw a truck driving out of control as it was about to hit a civilian until Desmond saved her.

Desmond shot a web line as he managed to stop the truck as he helped the driver get out as he spoke to him.

Desmond: Are you alright?

Truck Driver: I'm alright, The Brakes were out and I couldn't stop it, Thank you so much.

Desmond nodded as he shot a web line and continued swinging around New York as he continued hearing public opinions about him.

Civilian: Spider Man is awesome, I remember the fight he had with Rhino last year, It was amazing.

Civilian: I would like to know who's behind that mask.

Meanwhile Gionna and her friends exited the mall as they were all holding shopping bags as they all had huge smiles on their faces.

Jessica: Congratulations on the engagement Liv.

Gionna: Thanks guys.

Dori: We still have a lot of shopping to do.

Priscilla: That's right, We're gonna make sure this is the best wedding for Gionna.

Chris: After all, I'm glad she found happiness in her life.

Gionna: Yeah. . . .

Thea: Is everything alright?

Cassie: You've been acting odd lately.

Gionna: I'm just tired only, That's all.

Michelle: If there's anything that is bothering you, You can talk to us.

Maria: We are here for you.

Gionna: Its nothing guys, I'm just really tired and I haven't slept well.

Lexi: Its okay Liv, When we reach home, You can sleep peacefully.

Gionna smiled at the group as they continued walking but unknown to them, Someone was watching the group.

Desmond was looking at the group as he saw the group cracking jokes as they began laughing as he continued looking at them.

Desmond continued looking at the group as he saw Gionna smiling at Dori as he sighed to himself until he heard police sirens as he shot a webline and followed the police cars.

Meanwhile The Group continued walking until they saw multiple police cars chasing down some robbers who stole a car until the group saw Spider Man following the police cars.

Chris: There he is, Keeping the city safe.

Michelle: I really hate Jamesons comments about him.

Maria: He really thinks Spider Man is a menace but he's a hero protecting this city.

Dori: Some People just don't understand.

Lexi: That's right.

Meanwhile The Robbers were shooting at the police cars as the driver was driving fast as they were talking to each other.

Robber: There's no way the cops are gonna stop us.

Robber: Even Roxxon couldn't stop us.

Robber: Let's hope Spider Man isn't here to stop us.

Desmond: Say my name and I'm right here.

The Robbers saw Desmond in front of them as One Robber tried to shoot him but Desmond dodged the attack as He grabbed the robber and threw him out of the car as he shot a cobweb on him as he was struggling to break free.

The Other Robbers began shooting at Desmond as he shot a webline on one robber and pulled him out of the car as he grabbed another robber and threw him to a cobweb as he was stuck.

The Driver stepped on the gas as Desmond jumped on the car as he took down the driver with a...

Desmond managed to stop the car as he saw the robber grabbing a assault rifle as Desmond began swinging towards him until the robber began shooting at Desmond but he managed to dodge it.

Desmond grabbed the rifle and threw it as he took down the criminal with a...

The Police arrived and arrested the assailants as Desmond shot a webline and continued swinging as he was making his way towards the hospital.

Twenty minutes later, Desmond made it to the hospital as he changed into his casual attire as he sneaked into the hospital by climbing through the window.

Desmond entered a room and saw Rosie in the hospital bed as he saw the heartbeat monitor as it was normal. Desmond took a chair and sat down as he was holding Rosie's hand.

Desmond: Hey Rosie. . . .

He closed his eyes as he sighed to himself before he continued talking.

Desmond: Today was something, I had to stop a group of robbers and stop some bullies from bullying a kid. Overall New York is safe and Crime has hit all time low again.

Desmond continued holding Rosie's hand as he began having memories of the incident at the bridge two years ago as he closed his eyes.

Desmond: I'm so sorry Rosie, Because of what I did, Your in a coma. I don't blame Otto if he hates me, I couldn't save you. It's all my fault.

Desmond heard footsteps as he jumped out of the window as he saw Otto entering the room as Desmond continued looking at him before he sighed to himself and left the hospital.

Meanwhile The Group were in a restaurant as they were done eating as they exited the restaurant and continued walking until Thea bumped into someone as she saw who it was.

Thea: Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you.

Unknown: *Smiles* Its alright.

The Women walked away as The Group looked at her before they continued walking as they were talking to each other while cracking some jokes as they began laughing.

Meanwhile The Women was walking towards a civilian as she showed him a picture as he looked at the picture.

Unknown: Have you seen him?

Civilian: No, I haven't. Do you know him?

Unknown: Yes I do.

Civilian: I'm sorry, I don't know who he is.

Unknown: Its okay.

The Civilian walked away as The Women looked at the city until she saw Spider Man shooting a webline as he continued swinging around the city as she looked at him before she walked away.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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