Chapter IV: Obstacles

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June 15 2023

The Time was eight forty two a.m, There was a high speed chase that was happening as a group of armed thugs robbed a jewellery shop and stole a car as they were driving fast as multiple police cars began chasing them. The Thugs began shooting at the cops as one criminal grabbed a rocket launcher and fired at a police car as a huge explosion was seen.

Desmond shot a web line as he was chasing down the thugs as he saw another car with thugs shooting at the cops as he jumped on the roof of the car and hit one thug with a...

Desmond threw another thug out of the car as the driver was driving fast until Desmond's spider senses were alerting him of a danger as he looked at a police car and saw someone in the passenger seat.

Desmond: Liv. . . .

Gionna was looking at him as he continued staring at her until she said something to him.

Gionna: Desmond! Don't leave me!

Desmond continued staring at Gionna until her eyes were widen as she was screaming his name.

Gionna: DESMOND!!!

Desmond's Spider Senses went off again as he looked in front of him and saw another car as one thug shot a rocket at him but he immediately pulled the driver out and dodged it.

Desmond shot a webline as multiple thugs were shooting at him until one thug shot the webline as he fell down on a police car as it continued driving until an officer spoke to him.

Officer: Are you alright?

Desmond looked back at the police car and saw that Gionna was gone as he was holding his head until he shot a webline and continued chasing down the second car.

Desmond jumped on the second car and threw the driver out as he shot a cobweb as both the car and the thugs were struggling to get out as the police arrived as He left the scene.

Desmond: I really need to rest up. *Sighs* Next up Daily Bugle, I hope I don't get my head yelled at by Jameson.

Desmond made it to the Daily Bugle as he changed back into his casual attire as he entered the building as he was fixing his jacket until he entered Jameson's office as he was speaking to someone on the phone.


(Ouch, I wonder what pissed him off?)

Jonah: *Looks at Desmond* What do you want?!?!

Desmond: I-

Jonah: Your fired! Get out of my office!

Desmond was confused as he was about to leave the office until Betty spoke to him.

Betty: Sir, We need pictures for today's news.

Jonah: Oh Right, Hey your hired.

Desmond: *Sighs* Here are the pictures.

Jonah: Perfect! Here's your pay for today.

Desmond: How much?

Jonah: Forty dollars?

Desmond: Three Hundred Dollars.

Jonah: That's outrageous.

Desmond: *Sighs* One hundred fifty dollars?

Jonah: Here ya go, Now get out of here.

Desmond looked at him as he took his check until someone entered the office as he saw who it was.

Jonah: What do you want Eddie?

Eddie: You won't believe today's news.

Jonah: Did Spider Man caused more destruction?

Eddie: No, Wilson Fisk is returning to New York tomorrow and is hosting a press conference.

Jameson's eyes were widen as Desmond was confused until Jonah got up from his seat and shouted at Brock.

Jonah: We have a big day ahead of us Eddie. Thank you for telling me this news.

Desmond and Eddie left the office as they looked at each other until Eddie spoke to him.

Eddie: What's your name and what do you do?

Desmond: Desmond Ketch is my name. I'm a photographer.

Eddie: Nice to meet you, I'm Eddie Brock. I'm a reporter.

Desmond: Nice to meet you Eddie. By the way Why is Jameson so excited?

Eddie: You know Wilson Fisk?

Desmond: No, Who is he?

Eddie: He's a powerful businessman who runs multiple businesses around the world. There are rumours that he was known as the Kingpin of Crime.

Desmond: So Your telling me before Hammerhead, Fisk was the big man of crime?

Eddie: He was until something happened and Fisk left New York. I don't know what happened but now he's back and I intend to find out what he's up too.

Desmond: I see. Well I gotta go now Eddie, I'll see you soon.

Eddie: You too Desmond.

Desmond left the Bugle as he was thinking about what Eddie said about Wilson Fisk as he had a thought in his mind.

(I'll try talking to Daniel and Scarlett about Fisk, Maybe they know something about him)

Desmond's thoughts were interrupted when a car splashed water on his face as he closed his eyes in anger as the car drove away as he was fixing his hair and jacket.

Desmond: Great, This is the second time a car splashed water on me.

He continued walking as he saw multiple cars passing by as he sat down on a bench and fixed his hair until someone sat next to him as he saw who it is.

Unknown: Hi!

Desmond looked at the women as he remembered seeing her yesterday as he waved at her and continued fixing his hair as she looked at him.

Unknown: You look upset, Is something the matter?

Desmond: It's nothing.

Unknown: Well Judging by your mood, You look upset and tired. What's the matter?

Desmond: *Sighs* Like I said it's nothing.

Unknown: Wow You act just like Anna. Whenever she's upset, She acts stubborn and can kick anyone for annoying her.

Desmond: I see.

Unknown: I have a donut, You want it?

Desmond: No.

Unknown: Cheer up, If your having a bad day. Eat a donut and relax, Everything will be alright in your life soon.

The Women had a big smile on her face as she gave the donut to Desmond as he looked at it until he sighed to himself and began eating the donut as she looked at him.

Unknown: My Name Is Taynara Conti. What's your name?

Desmond: Desmond Ketch.

Tay: Awesome, So tell me. What's the problem?

Desmond: *Sighs* Well I'm working for a annoying boss who pays me less and yells at my head. A Car splashed water on my face and I might evicted soon.

Tay: I'm sorry to hear, Hey I hope everything gets better for you.

Desmond: I hope so too.

Tay: Don't be sad Desmond, Your a strong guy and I know you'll push through this, Stay strong.

Desmond: Thanks Tay.

Suddenly someone called Tay's name as she turned around and saw who it was.

Tay: Anna!!!

Taynara hugged Anna as she hugged her as she hugged her back as both of them have a smile on their faces until Tay spoke to Desmond.

Tay: This is Anna Jay, My Best Friend. Anna, This is Desmond Ketch.

Anna: Nice to meet you Desmond.

Desmond: You too.

Anna: Come on Tay, We need to go. Work is calling us.

Tay: Right! Take care Ketch and remember your amazing.

Anna and Tay walked away as Desmond was thinking about what Tay said until he saw something on the Huge TV Screen in front of him as it was Gionna saying something to the world.

Gionna: Hello Everyone, This is Gionna Daddio and I just want to let everyone know that your amazing and that everything in your life will be alright soon. Stay Strong and Remember to Liv, Love and Laugh.

The Video ended as everyone began clapping to what Gionna said as Desmond was having memories of the time he first met Gionna as he sighed to himself as he got up from the bench and walked away.

Meanwhile In A Night Club showed two crime bosses named Mercer Stone and Dermot Quinn talking to each other as their men were guarding the room.

Dermot: So Let's get to business Mercer.

Mercer: Dermot, I want us to be partners.

Dermot: And Why should I be partners with you? You and I have a rivalry going for a long time and-

Mercer: Let's put aside our rivalry and talk about expanding our business in New York.

Dermot: Hmmmm. What's your idea?

Mercer: With Both of us working together, The Weapons Business will be unstoppable and that nobody can stop us. We can even divide the profit.

Dermot: Hmmmm That's good.

Mercer: That's not all, We can run our rackets in secret locations so that the cops won't find us.

Dermot: Interesting, I'm liking this so far.

Mercer: I know you would.

Dermot and Mercer were smiling at each other as Stone pulled out a map and began showing the locations of their operations until Dermot asked him a question.

Dermot: What about Spider Man?

Unknown: He won't be a problem at all.

Dermot along with Mercer and Their Men say someone standing in front of them as they looked at the man.

Mercer: Who the hell are you?

Dermot: And How did you get inside?

Unknown: Obviously I walked through the front door.

Dermot: Funny man, Security-

Unknown: Security is long gone buddy. They took a one way ticket to the morgue.

Mercer: You bastard. Do you know who we are?

Unknown: You really think I give a crap about who you are?

Dermot: Funny man, *Looks at his men* Whoever kills this bastard will earn six million dollars!!

Mercer: Kill him!

Unknown: And Here we go.

The Cloaked Man threw a briefcase as everyone was confused until it exploded as everyone was stunned until the Cloaked man hit two guards with a...

Dermot and Mercer were shocked as The Cloaked Man hit a double foot stomp on one guard as he smashed his head until he grabbed a guard and looked the others.

Unknown: Catch!

The Cloaked man grabbed one guard and threw him to the wall as he hit a uppercut on another guard as he grabbed a shotgun and continued beating down the guard until he....

Unknown: This is getting boring honestly. I was expecting a good fight from one of you guys.

Two Gurads charged towards him until he hit a double clothesline on them as they were down. Three Gurads were looking at the Cloaked man until he hit all three of them with a...

Mercer: Do you know who I am? I'm a former MMA Fighter and-

The Cloaked man saw a mini gunner shooting at him until he dodged the bullets until he hit the mini gunner with a...

Mercer charged towards the Cloaked man as he had a smirk on his face. Mercer tried to punch him but he grabbed his arm and twisted it as Mercer screamed in pain until The Cloaked Man hit a...

Mercer was dead as Dermot was shocked as he grabbed a rifle and pointed at the Cloaked Figure. Dermot began shooting at him as The Cloaked Figure dodged the bullets.

The Cloaked Man hit a spinning roundhouse kick to Dermot as he was on the ground until he grabbed him and began beating him down until he hit a...

Dermot was holding his back as The Cloaked Man was walking towards him as he crawled back in fear.

Dermot: Who the hell are you?!?!

Cloaked Man: You don't need to know that.

The Cloaked Man stomped on his head as Dermot was dead. The Cloaked Man left the nightclub as multiple police officers arrived as they were shocked by the brutality.

Meanwhile The Cloaked Man was standing by the Empire State Building as he saw multiple police cars driving towards the nightclub as he had a smirk until he said something.

Cloaked Man: Desmond. . . I can't wait to meet you.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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