Chapter VIII: Reloaded

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July 8 2023

A Few days have passed and everything has been quiet, There has been no crime being reported but nobody believed the silence because they had this feeling that something bad was gonna happen. Right now Tay and Anna were at home getting ready to attend an engagement party which was happening at Eclipse Tower. Tay and Anna were ready as they looked at the time as it was seven thirty two p.m.
Tay was fixing her hair as she decided to text Desmond.

Tay: Hey Desmond!

Desmond: Hey.

Tay: How are you doing?

Desmond: I'm doing alright. What about you?

Tay: That's good to hear, I'm doing alright too.

Desmond: That's great to hear. What are you up too?

Tay: Nothing much, Me and Anna are going to an engagement party.

Desmond: Whose engagement party is it?

Tay: It's Cassie's Engagement party.

Tay was waiting for his response as Anna spoke to Tay until she heard a notification from her phone as she opened it as it was a text from Desmond.

Desmond: Congratulations to Cassie, Hope her life is filled with happiness and Joy.

Tay: That's right Ketch. If you want, You can also come with us to the party.

Desmond: I'm actually going to the bugle, Jameson called me for something.

Tay: Does he ever leave you in peace?

Desmond: He wants more pictures of Spider Man so that he can continue to paint him as a menace.

Tay: Spider man is a hero not a menace!

Desmond: Your right about that. Nonetheless have fun at the party.

Tay: Thanks Desmond and Have a great night also.

Anna: Let's go, we're gonna be late.

Tay: I'm ready, Let's go.

Suddenly Tay heard a notification from her phone as she pulled it out and looked at the text as it was from Desmond.

Desmond: Thank you Tay for everything.

Tay: It's no problem Desmond.

Desmond: I really appreciate the support from You, Anna, Miles and Harry. I'm doing a little better now after that talk we had.

Tay: I'm glad to hear your doing alright Desmond, Remember we're all here for you.

Desmond: Thank you again.

Tay smiled at the text as she texted him to take care of himself as she put her phone back in her purse as both Anna and Tay left the house as they got inside the car and began making their way to the tower where the party was happening.

Meanwhile At Eclipse Tower showed some guests drinking some champagne while talking to each other as other guests were were examining the party. Gionna and her friends were watching the party as they looked back at Cassie who had a huge smile on her face.

Priscilla: Once again I like to say, Congratulations on the engagement Cassie.

Cassie: Thank you so much!

Chris: May the years ahead of you will be filled with joy and happiness.

Jessica: We're so happy for you sis.

Cassie: Once again thank you everyone.

Gionna was looking at the party as she was waiting for Ethan until Michelle spoke to her.

Michelle: What's the matter Liv?

Gionna: Nothing, I'm just waiting for Ethan to show up.

Dori: Is he not gonna attend the party?

Gionna: Five minutes ago, He said he's making his way to the tower.

Lexi: Maybe Traffic?

Thea: I have that feeling too.

Maria: Hopefully he can make it to the party.

Suddenly the group saw Tay and Anna entering the party as Cassie immediately ran towards them and gave them a hug as they hugged her back.

Anna: Congratulations sis!

Gionna and her friends have been friends with Anna and Tay for two years now and their bond has been strong and unbreakable.

The Group greeted them as they were talking to each other until someone called out Gionna as she turned around and saw Ethan running towards her as she hugged him and smiled at him.

Gionna: Where have you been?

Ethan: Sorry there was some heavy traffic and I had to get some flowers for Cassie.

Ethan gave Cassie the flowers as she smiled at him as Ethan spoke to Gionna.

Ethan: I'm so sorry Gionna for everything. I've been busy for the last few weeks and I took this week off to spend time with you.

Gionna couldn't help but smile at him as he kissed her cheek as the others were looking at them. They were talking to each other until someone called Ethan's name as everyone turned and was shocked by who entered the party.

All the guests were shocked as Fisk began walking towards Ethan as Carter greeted him as he spoke to him.

Ethan: Mr. Fisk, I'm surprised to see you here.

Fisk: I didn't mean to scare everyone. I heard your friend is getting engagement and I thought about coming to the party to congratulate her.

Cassie: Oh. . . Thank you so much.

Fisk: It's no problem.

Maria: So have you heard about what's happening in the news lately?

Fisk: These rumours about me being the kingpin are not true and they're just rumours trying to ruin my reputation.

Thea: We can see that.

Suddenly Ethan saw someone entering the party as everyone was shocked by who it was.

Jessica: Wait Lincoln?

Maria: *Thoughts* What's Tombstone doing here now?

Lincoln: Hello Everyone and sorry for the shock. Heard Fisk's friend is hosting a party and I thought about showing up.

Lexi: I see.

Lincoln: Anyways have fun at the party. I'll like to have a talk with my friend

The Group nodded as they decided to talk to some guests as Fisk looked at Tombstone.

Fisk: Another attempt in taking me down?

Lincoln: No, I just want to talk that's all.

Fisk: And What is it?

Lincoln: War is escalating and Spider Man is getting in our way.

Fisk: I can see that.

Lincoln: You do realise he took down Hammerhead two years ago.

Fisk: I'm aware of his track record.

Lincoln: Why are you not concerned about him?

Fisk: Because someone else is interested in killing him.

Lincoln: Who is it?

Fisk: A Man wearing a cloak.

Lincoln: I thought he was your right hand man?

Fisk: He's not even working for me, What are you on about?

Lincoln: That Bastard attacked my men and destroyed my weapons. He even claimed he works for you.

Fisk: He attacked my men also.

Lincoln was silent as both of them were looking at the party as they looked at the time and it was eight fifty two p.m.

Meanwhile At Fisk's construction site showed his men carrying some bags filled with drugs into a truck as they were talking to each other.

Thug: We don't want to fail the boss.

Thug: Your right about that, Kingpin is someone we cannot fail.

Thug: Do you think Tombstone or That women is gonna get involved?

Thug: Let's hope-

Suddenly they heard a maniacal laugh as everyone was shocked until someone shot a rocket at the truck as a huge explosion was seen as the thugs were dead.

Unknown: Now the fun begins!

The Assailant let out a maniacal laugh as they began making their way to the eclipse tower as they had a few surprises for the guests.

Meanwhile at the tower, Some guests were doing slow dances as the group was watching them while talking to each other. The group saw Jameson and his son showing up at the party as everyone looked at each other as they continued watching the party.

The group were talking to each other until they heard something as they turned around and saw some people entering the party.

They saw masked men in the party pulling guns out as they began shooting at the air as everyone began screaming and stood back.

The Thugs were screaming at the hostages to get down on the ground as Fisk and Lincoln looked at each other.

Fisk: Another attack huh?

Lincoln: These aren't my men.

They continued watching the chaos as the thugs saw security pointing their weapons at them until everyone heard a maniacal laugh as they were looking around.

The Laughter was getting louder as the guests were worried and scared until something broke through the windows and it was a.....

An explosion happened as the security guards were killed as the guests were shocked until they heard the Laughter again as they looked above them and their eyes were widen by who it was.

Guest: The Goblin. . . .

The Green Goblin let out a maniacal laugh as he began flying around in the room with the glider as everyone was watching him.

Green Goblin: Hello! Good evening! I'm the Green Goblin and I'm looking for Kingpin!

The Goblin laughed at the guests as he continued flying around until he saw Fisk and Lincoln as he began laughing at them.

Fisk: I don't know who you are-

Green Goblin: Of course you don't! That's the point of the mask genius!

The Goblin let out a laugh as he grabbed a security guard and threw him to the wall as everyone was shocked as the green goblin jumped on the chandelier.

Green Goblin: Oh he swings in the air dishing all kinds of fear *let's out a maniacal laugh*

Meanwhile Desmond was at his apartment cleaning up his room as he was annoyed by the mess of his apartment.

Desmond: *Sighs* What a pain, When was the last time I even cleaned my room?

He continued cleaning his apartment until he bumped into his something as he heard it break as he closed his eyes in anger.

Desmond: Great. . . . What did I break now?

He turned around and saw a photo frame as he was quiet. He picked up the photo frame as he saw the picture of his mother.

Her name is Deborah Ketch, She is sweet, caring and protective. Desmond was looking at the picture as he began having memories of the past.

A Five year old Desmond was running around at the park as his mother was chasing him as both of them were laughing at each other.

Deborah: Desmond! Wait up!

Desmond let out a laugh as Deborah grabbed him as she began spinning him around as they were laughing at each other.

Desmond: Come on!

Deborah: Sorry honey but we need to go back home and we don't want to worry your dad also.

Desmond: Okay Mom.

Deborah smiled at him as she put him down as both of them began walking back home as Desmond said something to his mother.

Desmond: I love you Mom.

Deborah: I love you too Desmond.

Desmond looked at the photo frame as he noticed the glass was slightly broken. He noticed a tear falling from his eye as he immediately wiped it and looked at himself.

Desmond: Okay. . . I need to get a new photo frame.

Suddenly he heard something from his phone as he didn't answer it until he heard the broadcast.

Officer: All Units, We have a problem at Eclipse Tower, We need backup!

Desmond saw his suit on the table as he looked back at the picture of his mother as Ketch knew what he needed to do.

Meanwhile The Goblin was talking to Fisk and Lincoln as everyone was watching them.

Lincoln: What do you hope to accomplish for tonight?

Green Goblin: So your not gonna talk about the throne for the kingpin of crime?

Fisk and Lincoln were staring at the Goblin until everyone heard someone taunting the Goblin as they all turned around and saw who it was.

Desmond: Hey there! Can I come through here or Do I have to break my own window?

Fisk: Spider Man. . . .

Jameson: I knew it! He's working with the Goblin!

Desmond: Wow I'm surprised your even invited.

Jameson was angry as Desmond entered the ballroom as all the guests and thugs were watching him.

Desmond: So He works for you huh Fisk?

Fisk: I don't know who he is and I don't associate with criminals.

Desmond: Okay then, What about you Tombstone?

Lincoln: He's just a maniac and I don't work with them. In fact, I'm wondering who he is.

Desmond: I see no worries I'll smack him around and pretend he works for one of you guys.

Green Goblin: Hello! I'm in the room, Urgh Your all so rude!

Desmond: Ah Where are my manners? Here you are harassing the kingpin and tombster and I don't get to say Thank you. My only excuse is that your keeping innocent people hostage, It's confusing to my poor spider brain.

Green Goblin: Hmmm Yes. Quite the puzzler but the green goblin has a solution. You and I join forces consider what we could accomplish and by combing our forces, WE CAN RULE NEW YORK HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Desmond: Are we talking about Manhattan or all five? Sorry I made a rule not to partner up with anyone crazy.

Green Goblin: Oh well, Your lose. . . FOR LIFE!

The Goblin continued firing lasers at Desmond as he was dodging the attacks as Ketch threw two chairs at him but he blocked the attacks as Desmond tried to attack him but the goblin countered the attack.

The Goblin multiple lasers at Desmond as he was dodging the attacks until he shot two weblines at two chairs and threw it at the Goblin but he used the glider to block the attack.

Desmond and The Goblin continued trying to hit each other until the Goblin shot a laser at Desmond sending him flying out of the tower.

Desmond was holding his chest until he shot a web line as he continued naming his way to the tower until he did a backflip as he broke through the window and entered the ballroom as he stood on the table.

Desmond: Okay Gobby, Where are you?

Green Goblin: *Bounces a pumpkin bomb* Present and accounted for.

He threw a pumpkin at Desmond as he dodged the attack and he was on the ceiling as the Goblin threw pumpkin daggers at the spider but he dodged the attack.

Desmond began shooting multiple cobwebs at the Goblin but he dodged the attacks as he threw more pumpkin bombs at him but the Spider threw it back at him as he blocked the attacks.

The Goblin laughed at Desmond as he threw a dagger as it ripped the spider's costume.

Desmond: Hey! Did I ruin your costume? Leave off the threads emerald elf and that's an order!

Green Goblin: *Laughs* But The Green Goblin doesn't take orders from insects! The Green Goblin swats them into oblivion.

Desmond: Uhh You do realise Spiders are arachnids and-

The Goblin let out a maniacal laugh as he threw a pumpkin bomb at Desmond.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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