Chapter XLII: Curtain Call

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August 11 2023

While Desmond was fighting the goblin. Meanwhile Back at Gionna's house, Diana along with Elizabeth, Tay and Anna went to meet the group as Diana told them that she was Desmond's sister. The group was shocked by what she told them as Gionna looked at her as she was shocked as well. She was looking at Diana as she began speaking to her.

Diana: Gionna-

Cassie: So Desmond is such a coward that he had to send his sister to talk to us.

Diana: You shut your mouth. If you say one more bad thing about my brother. I won't hesitate to slap you.

Everyone stared at Diana as She continued talking to Gionna as she was listening to her.

Diana: I understand that my brother made some mistakes two years ago but he was going through a lot that time.

Priscilla: Like what? Your brother didn't even helped Chris when he was the lizard and instead took pictures and won the Bugle prize money.

Chris: Priscilla, That happened two years ago. Forget about it.

Priscilla: I will never forget and forgive him for what he did!

Diana: Here's a question Priscilla. Did Desmond tell Jameson who the lizard was after he gave those pictures?

After hearing that question, Priscilla went silent as the others looked at her as Diana continued talking to her.

Diana: Desmond didn't even told the police or Roxxon about who the Lizard was. He didnt even tell it to the promotion that Chris was working at. I understand he should have helped your friend instead of taking those pictures but do you want to know why he took those pictures?

Jessica: Why?

Diana: A few hours ago before Michelle called him about Chris. Rosie Octavius suffered a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital. Otto and Desmond didnt have the money to pay for the medical bills. He had no choice but to take those pictures just so he can pay for Rosie's medical bills.

The group was shocked from what they heard from Diana as they were silent after hearing that. Priscilla felt guilty always blaming Desmond for what happened but she never knew the real reason why he took those pictures.

Diana: And the reason he never argued with you is because he didnt want to create a rift between you and your friends! That's my dumb brother, Always looking out for others and helping them out but never cares about himself.

The group was silent as Diana looked at them and continued talking to them.

Diana: Many years ago, Desmond brought some food for me. I noticed he had a bruise on his arm. A thug attacked him but Desmond managed to run away. I asked him what happened to his arm? He just brushed it off and asked if I was doing alright. He always like that. Always takes care of others but never does he ever cares about himself.

Desmond continued swinging until his spider sense alerted him of another danger as he saw three more drones chasing him as they began firing at him as he was dodging the incoming attacks.

Desmond looked in front of him and saw multiple drones shooting at him as he was dodging the attacks as he saw two water towers began shooting pumpkin bombs at the spider but he managed to swing past them as he continued swinging around the city.

Desmond saw multiple thugs shooting at him as he moved past them and shot another webline as he continued swinging until the goblin hit a surprise attack on the spider.

Desmond was on the ground as three drones were gonna fire at him but he rolled out of the way as he shot two web lines at two drones and then took down the third drone.

Goblin began firing multiple lasers at Desmond as he threw a pumpkin bomb at him but Desmond dodged it as he jumped on the glider and began punching the goblin the face as he was trying to block the attacks.

Meanwhile Magnus and Dave were watching the fight as they were dodging some of the attacks as they spoke to each other.

Dave: What is going on here? Who is the Goblin?

Magnus: I want to know too.

Meanwhile Back at Gionna's house, Diana continued talking to the group as they were listening to her.

Diana: Liv, I know you were angry about my brother breaking your heart but truth to be told, Something happened a day before this happened.

Gionna: What is it?

Diana: Rosie went into a coma and Otto hated Desmond and left him.

Gionna along with the others were shocked by what Diana told them. Liv sat down on the chair as she was having memories of what happened in the airport. Tears began falling from her eyes as she began crying as the other were comforting her.

Tay: Gionna-

Gionna: It's my fault! I shouldn't have pushed him away. . . . .

She continued crying heavily as they were comforting her as they were sad until Gionna said something.

Gionna: I left him alone when he needed someone.

Desmond continued fighting the thugs as he destroyed four drones as he shot multiple cobwebs at multiple thugs as they were struggling to break free. More thugs began shooting at him as Desmond was fighting them until....

Two drones began shooting at him but Desmond jumped out of the way and shot two weblines at the drones as he connected them as he moved past the radio tower as the drones were destroyed as ten thugs began free falling until Desmond saved them.

Desmond reloaded both of his web shooters as he shot a webline and continued swinging until his spider senses went off as he was looking around until he saw someone.

Gionna: Desmond! Come back to me.

Desmond was looking at Gionna as she was staring at him until her eyes were widen as she shouted his name.

Gionna: DESMOND!!

The goblin laughed at Desmond who was on the rooftop until he got up and glared at the goblin as Ketch's mask was slightly destroyed.

Green Goblin: What's the matter Spider Man? Up your game?

He shot multiple lasers at the spider but he jumped off the rooftop and shot a webline at the glider as the goblin began flying faster as Desmond was holding on.

Desmond: Nah Games Good Gobby. Just getting acquitted with the rules.

Green Goblin: *Slices Webline* Rule One: Squash the Spider!

Desmond: *Shoots two weblines* Rule Two: Ignore Rule One.

Goblin managed to get back on the glider as he was looking for Desmond until he surprised him and hit another move on him.

Desmond: Rule Three: Gobby's face gets smashed on a wall.

Desmond continued punching the goblin as he was struggling to block the attacks until Desmond shot two cobwebs at the goblin as he was struggling to break free.

Desmond: Rule Four: Make Gobby look goofy.

Goblin was struggling to break free as Desmond was holding on until the goblin hit a....

Desmond saw the mask on the ground as he saw the goblin flying around while unmasked as Dave flew the helicopter and his eyes were widen by who the Goblin really was.

Dave: No. . . . Magnus?

Dave looked at the co pilot seat and saw Magnus looking at the fight as he spoke to Crawford.

Magnus: That's not me, That's an imposter.

Dave didnt believe it as he tried to punch Magnus until he blocked the attack as Dave realised it wasn't Magnus but it was someone else disguised as Magnus.

Chameleon: I did not sign up for this.

He immediately got off the seat and jumped off the helicopter as he opened the parachute and landed safely as Desmond was shocked by what he said.

Desmond: Chameleon? *Looks at Magnus* You were the Goblin all along!

Magnus gave a cocky smirk to Desmond as he threw three pumpkin bombs at the spider but he dodged the attack as he continued following Magnus as he spoke to him.

Magnus: You see this city deserve a better class of criminals and I'm gonna give it to them. I modified the performance enhancers and it gave me increased intelligence, strength and agility.

Magnus kicked Desmond in the gut and threw off the glider as he threw two pumpkin bombs at the spider but he dodged the attacks as he continued swinging.

Desmond: And you were working with Chameleon the whole time?

Magnus: Chameleon was just working for me. When I was the goblin, I invaded Erikson Corporation to steal the prototype inhibitor and there was Chameleon disguised as Magnus and a witness to my crime to divert any suspicion.

Desmond dodged three pumpkin daggers at Magnus threw at him as he continued talking to the him.

Magnus: So this week, I hired him to keep you guessing and set you up for a fall.

Desmond tried to attack Magnus but he threw him off the glider as he continued firing at him as the spider was dodging the attacks as he was speaking to Magnus.

Desmond: This doesn't make sense. Back at the refinery, The Goblin was limping and when I followed him back to your penthous. It was Dave who was limping. How is-

Magnus: I knew you were suspicious of me so I framed Dave to divert your suspicion.

Desmond managed to shoot a webline at the inhibitor and destroy it as Magnus began firing multiple lasers along with pumpkin bombs and pumpkin daggers as Desmond was avoiding the attacks.

Dave was flying the helicopter as Magnus continued firing multiple lasers as Desmond continued dodging the attacks.

Desmond managed to shoot a webline and boost his to the glider as Magnus began flying faster until Desmond grabbed a pumpkin bomb and activated it as he attached it to the glider as it was destroyed and both Magnus and Desmond landed on the rooftop.

Desmond saw Magnus trying to get up as he shot multiple cobwebs at him before Desmond took him down with a spinning roundhouse kick as Magnus was on the ground.

Magnus was struggling to get up as Desmond punched him in the face as he said something to him.

Desmond: You need a new hobby.

He sat down on the ground until he saw a Roxxon Helicopter landing on the rooftop as multiple soldiers began walking towards Magnus and arrested him.

Desmond sighed to himself as he saw Magnus entering the Roxxon Helicopter as he smiled at Desmond one last time before the helicopter began flying away as Desmond noticed something on the destroyed glider.

He began walking towards it and saw a data drive on the glider as he was looking at it. Desmond analyse the drive as he saw what was on the data drive.

Desmond: Wait a minute, This Data drive contains enough evidence to put Fisk behind bars. Magnus was probably using this drive to threaten Fisk to step down.

Desmond sent all the information to Captain Stacy as he shot a webline and began swinging towards Fisk's penthouse as he was gonna take him down.

Meanwhile Diana along with Tay, Anna and Elizabeth told more things about what has happened as the group all sat down and spoke to each other.

Chris: I knew it, I knew Desmond was going through something.

Michelle: Poor guy, He's gone through a lot for the last two years.

Maria: Your right. He's endured so much pain.

Cassie: And We kept blaming him for things that isn't his fault.

Priscilla: Your right.

Jessica: Where is he now?

Elizabeth: Desmond works at the Bugle now as a photographer.

Gionna: I need to talk to him.

Anna: Try talking to him tomorrow.

Gionna: I'll do that.

Diana: Alright then, I'll try speaking to him.

Leah: Okay then. Do you think he will answer?

Diana: He's probably not busy.

Tay: That's true.

Gionna along with the others nodded as Diana began calling Desmond as they were waiting for him to answer the phone.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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