Chapter XVI: Venomous

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June 29 2023

Desmond managed to get Felicia to the hospital as Doctors were checking on her and told her that she'll need some rest and has to stay in the hospital for fifteen days. Desmond was glad that Felicia was alright but he was confused about the lifeform that bonded with her. Whatever it was, It was controlling her and even making her strong. Desmond left the hospital holding the bag as he decided to head to the fortune telling shop to examine the lifeform.

Desmond continued making his way towards the shop as he noticed the lifeform inside the bag was moving around trying to break free. He continued making his way there until he saw the shop as he got inside the shop through the window.

Desmond made his way to the secret room as he saw Scarlett and Daniel discussing about something as they noticed him holding the bag as they spoke to him.

Daniel: What's in the bag?

Desmond: Well your about to find out but first I need a canister.

Scarlett nodded as Desmond noticed the lifeform was acting more violent as it was moving around the bag until Scarlett got the canister as Desmond opened the bag and dumped it inside as they saw what it was.

Scarlett: What is that?

Desmond: I don't know, It bonded with Felicia and they targeted a blood bank.

Daniel: Where do you think she got this?

Desmond: No Clue.

Scarlett: I'll run some tests on this lifeform and see what I can find.

Desmond; Be careful Scarlett.

Scarlett: Don't worry about me.

Daniel: That's right kid. We'll see more about this lifeform and let you know what we can find.

Desmond: Okay then.

He was gonna walk away until Daniel said something to him as he turned around and began hearing what he said.

Daniel: You need to take some rest, You look tired and worn out.

Desmond: I don't need rest, I need to stop all this before things continued to get worse.

Scarlett and Daniel looked at him as he immediately walked away without saying anything as they spoke to each other.

Scarlett: It's bothering him a lot. He misses Otto and Rosie so much.

Daniel: Your right about that. He also misses Gionna but he doesn't want to admit it.

Scarlett: I only hope time changes everything and hopefully everything will be fine for him.

Daniel: I hope so too.

Meanwhile Tombstone was in his office looking through some blueprints as one of his informants spoke to him.

Informant: Boss your right about one thing. Ethan Carter is working with Magnus Erikson.

Lincoln: Fisk is trying to gain more allies in order to gain more control on this city, I won't let that happen.

Informant: Here's a question, Should we also form allies?

Lincoln: The Idea is good but remember you can't trust anyone these days. They will all try to backstab you in the end.

Informant: Your right about that sir.

Lincoln: Say what's happening tomorrow?

Informant: Tomorrow is Magnus Corporation Exhibition on Grand Central Station.

Lincoln: I know for sure he has some tech in that station we could use.

Informant: Wait, How do you know that?

Lincoln: Doesnt matter. I want men entering that exhibition and stealing the tech. I'll also have someone making sure this heist won't be interrupted by Spider Man.

The Informant nodded as he got his radio out and informed the men about tomorrow's heist as he left the office while Tombstone got up from his chair and looked at the city through the window.

June 30 2023

Desmond was walking through the streets of New York as he was texting Harry and Miles until he got a notification from someone as it was Tay.

Tay: Hi Desmond!

Desmond looked at the text as he continued walking and entered a coffee shop as he ordered a ice coffee and texted Tay.

Desmond: Hey Tay.

Tay: Hey Desmond, How are you?

Desmond: I'm alright. What about you?

Tay: I'm fine, I'm just getting ready for work and more.

Desmond: That's good to hear.

Tay: Where have you been? You've gone silent since you left Coney Island. Is everything alright?

Desmond: Everything is fine, I'm just busy with Bugle work.

Tay: Don't overwork yourself Desmond, I noticed you look tired and worn out. Even Harry and Miles told me about it.

Desmond: I'll try.

He got his coffee as he paid the cashier as Desmond left the shop and drank coffee as he was speaking to Tay.

Tay: You know Desmond, How about we have Movie night at my house tomorrow?

Desmond looked at the text as he sighed to himself. He remembered the movie night hangout he had with Gionna two years ago. He looked at the text again until he gave his reply to Tay.

Desmond: Okay, I'll be there tomorrow.

Tay: That's cool Desmond. By the way I need to go now, I'll see you later.

Desmond texted her back as he put his phone in his pocket as he continued drinking coffee until he heard another notification on his phone as he sighed to himself and looked at the text.

Yuri: Spider Man, We have a problem. Armed Men are keeping civilians hostage at Grand Central Station and they're stealing tech that belongs to Magnus.

Meanwhile Tombstone's thugs are keeping the situation under control as they noticed police officers in the streets aiming their weapons at them as the other thugs are stealing the tech and escorting it.

Thug: Let's be quick everyone!

Desmond managed to sneak inside the station as he saw Thugs gathering the tech.

Desmond: *On Radio* Yuri, There are twelve hostiles in the room. I'm gonna take them down.

Yuri: *On Radio* Okay, My Men will be outside the station to escourt the hostages out.

As Desmond was talking to Yuri, Unknown to him, Someone was behind the Spider.

Desmond's Spider Senses alerted him of a danger as he dodged the attack as he saw who it was.

Desmond: Scorpion.

Scorpion: Hey there, Long time no see.

Desmond: Let me guess, Tombstone or Kingpin paid you to steal Magnus tech.

Scorpion: Atleast they paid me good money to not only steal the tech but also kill you.

Desmond: I guess Rhino is right about one thing. You have no principles, All you care about is money.

Scorpion tried to attack Desmond but he jumped over his head as he hit a double foot stomp on him.

Scorpion was angry as Desmond tried to attack him but Mac hit him with a...

Desmond was holding his back as Scorpion told his thugs to get the tech transported to the truck while he will handle the spider.

Scorpion climbed on a building as Desmond began following him as Mac used the tail to shoot acid at the spider but he dodged the attacks as he continued following him.

Desmond made it to a rooftop as Mac threw a air conditioner at Ketch but he moved out of the way as Scorpion attacked him but Desmond countered into a...

Both Scorpion and Desmond began free falling until Mac grabbed Ketch and threw him to a truck as he was in pain.

Scorpion began jumping from building to building as Desmond began following Scorpion. Meanwhile Multiple Police Cars are chasing Tombstone's thugs as one thug grabbed a rocket launcher and shot the police car as a explosion was seen.

Meanwhile Scorpion was on Street Level as he grabbed two cars and threw it at Desmond but he dodged them.

Scorpion was angry as he continued making his way towards the bridge as Desmond continued following him.

Eventually Both of them made it to the top of the bridge as a news helicopter was watching the fight. Scorpion laughed at Desmond as he tried to attack him but he dodged the attacks.

Desmond hit multiple strikes at him as Scorpion was angry and shot acid at him but he dodged the attacks as Mac tried to attack Ketch as both of them continued making their way towards the very top.

Desmond shot multiple web balls at Mac as he was angry and shot multiple acid rounds at Desmond as he dodged the attacks and hit a move at Scorpion.

Desmond: You must be exhausted, Time to rush over and whip your tail.

Scorpion was angry as he grabbed Desmond and threw him to the ground as he was stunned. Mac was gonna impale him with the tail until Desmond dodged it and surprised him with a....

Desmond kicked Scorpion off the bridge as he landed on the streets as he grabbed him and looked at him.

Desmond: I'm gonna ask nicely. Who wants the tech?

Scorpion: Tombstone.

Desmond: And You don't mind if you tell the cops about Lincoln huh?

Scorpion: *Chuckles* You think they'll believe me? Lincoln is powerful and he can't put him behind bars that easily.

Desmond gritted his teeth as Scorpion laughed at him.

Scorpion: Do what you can Kid, You can't stop Kingpin or Tombstone, Hell with this new villain in town along with her enforcers. Let's face it, You can't save this city.

Desmond was angry as Scorpion smiled at him and said something to him.

Scorpion: Don't try to fight a war you can't win.

Mac tried to attack Desmond but he jumped over his head and hit a move on him which sent him flying towards the SWAT Truck.

Desmond saw the officers closing the truck as he sighed to himself and made his way towards the rooftop as he was thinking about everything that has happened.

Tombstone's men managed to get away with the tech but Scorpion is behind bars. He had a feeling, Tombstone sent him to keep Desmond busy while they get away.

Desmond sighed to himself as he shot a web line and continued swinging.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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