Chapter XXV: Just Let Go

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July 15 2023

The time was two twenty three p.m. Gionna and her friends were getting ready for the parade as they were talking to each other about it. Tay and Gionna thought about hosting the parade for the last few weeks and now its gonna happen today. Gionna was fixing her hair as she was looking at herself in the mirror.

Gionna smiled at herself in the mirror as she picked up her phone and left her room as she saw the others was ready as she spoke to them.

Gionna: Ready to go?

Chris: We're ready to go.

Gionna: That's awesome.

Cassie: This parade is gonna be awesome!

Jessica: Your right about that sis.

Michelle: Is Tay and Anna coming?

Priscilla: Yeah they just texted us saying that they're coming to the parade.

Dori: That's awesome to hear.

Maria: Let's hope we don't meet Leah and the others.

Chris: Let's hope so too.

Meanwhile Tay and Anna were leaving their house as they were walking towards the car. Tay pulled her phone out as she began texting Desmond.

Tay: Hey Desmond!

Desmond: Hey Tay.

Tay: How are you?

Desmond: I'm alright, What about you?

Tay: I'm alright too. Me and Anna are going to the parade right now. Are you coming there?

Tay was waiting for Desmond's response as she got inside the car with Anna as they were talking to each other until Tay heard a notification on her phone as she opened her phone and saw a message from Desmond.

Desmond: Sorry, Jameson called me for something. After The Bugle's work, I'm gonna meet Marina. Sorry again Tay.

Tay: It's okay Desmond. I'll talk to you later.

Desmond: Take care Tay and stay safe.

Tay: You too Desmond.

Anna: Is he coming to the parade?

Tay: No, He said he's gonna do some work at the bugle and then he will meet Marina.

Anna: Oh I see.

Tay: Let's get to the parade, Gionna and the others must be waiting for us.

Anna: Your right about that.

Tay smiled at Anna as she started the car as they began driving towards the parade while talking to each other.

Meanwhile Desmond was at Marina's home as he finished giving Jameson the pictures as he left the bugle. He was thinking about everything that has happened. Marina noticed Desmond thinking about something as she spoke to him as he looked at her.

Marina: Is everything okay?

Desmond: Yeah, Everything is okay.

Marina: If anything is bothering you, You can talk to me about it.

Desmond: Everything is okay Marina, I'm just tired.

Marina: Okay then.

She went to the kitchen to grab something as Desmond was looking at the TV. He spoke to Magnus a few hours ago and he told him that he destroyed the glider along with the goblin suit. He also told Desmond that Dave is feeling alright now. Ketch was glad that everything is alright now but he still needed to stop Anne, Fisk and Tombstone.

Marina came out of the kitchen with cake in her hands as she gave one plate to Desmond as he took it. He took a slice of cake and began eating it as Marina was also eating cake.

Desmond: I want to ask Marina, Where is your family?

Marina: They're in Chicago actually. My husband and my kids owns a business there.

Desmond: Oh I see.

Marina: I also want to ask you something. In your apartment, I saw a picture of a couple in your desk. Who are they?

Desmond: That's Otto and Rosie Octavius, They adopted me when I was sixteen years old.

Marina: Oh I see. How are they?

Desmond was silent as Marina noticed the sad expression on his face as he spoke to her.

Desmond: They're alright. . . .

Marina: That's good to hear.

Desmond nodded as he sighed to himself as Marina spoke to him.

Marina: I want to tell you something, I've been thinking about what you said and your right, I have to move on from my past. I know it's tough but like you said, We all have our demons but keeping them at bay is what makes us stronger, I'm ready to move on from my past.

Desmond nodded as he was thinking about what Marina said. She was right that everyone should move on from their past. He was thinking about everything that has happened to him over the last two years as he had a thought.

(Marina is right Desmond, You have to eventually move on from your past, You can't just keep holding on to it.)

He was still thinking about it until he had another thought.

(You have to move on from Gionna Desmond, You broke her heart and she hates you now)

Desmond was silent as he was having memories of the time he met Gionna along with the hangouts. He sighed to himself as he spoke to Marina.

Desmond: Your right Marina, We can't keep holding on to our past. We have to make a better future for ourselves.

Marina: Your right Desmond. Remember if you need anything, I'm here for you.

Desmond: And I'm here for you Marina.

Marina smiled at him as she hugged him as he hugged her back. They continued talking about their lives and more until Desmond told her that he needed to go now and he will visit her again as she said bye to him.

Desmond was in his spider man suit as he was swinging around New York as he wanted to meet Rosie. He continued swinging until he heard a strange sound happening in a house.

Desmond began making his way towards the house as he entered the house through the window as he looked around and saw nothing.

Desmond: That's strange, There's no one here.

He was looking around the house as he was gonna exit the house until....

Desmond immediately got up as he began looking around until he heard someone calling his name as he turned around and saw who it was.

Cloaked Man: It's good to see you Desmond.

Desmond was staring at the cloaked man as he smiled at him as he charged towards him as they began fighting. Desmond tried to attack the cloaked man but he hit a uppercut at him as he grabbed the spider and then....

Cloaked Man: Is that the best you got?

Desmond gritted his teeth as he began punching the cloaked man as he was gonna hit a leg sweep but he dodged it as he hit a drop kick on Desmond knocking him down.

Desmond tried to get up before the cloaked man stomped on his head as he grabbed the spider and began punching him before he slammed him on the ground again.

Cloaked Man: Now your gonna suffer for everything Desmond. I'm gonna make sure I'll make your life a living hell.

Desmond shot a cobweb at the cloaked man as he was stunned until Desmond hit a drop kick on him followed by a uppercut.

Desmond shot a web line at the cloaked man but he immediately broke free as he hit a move on Desmond.

Desmond kicked a table at the cloaked man as he blocked the attack as both men tried to hit each other until the cloaked man hit Desmond with a....

The Cloaked Man shot multiple cobwebs at Desmond as he was trying to break free as the cloaked man laughed at him.

Desmond: Who are you?

Cloaked Man: You still didn't recognize me Desmond?

Desmond was confused by what he said as the cloaked man smiled at him as he continued talking to him.

Cloaked Man: I was hoping you'll remember me but I guess you forgot. How about I refresh your memory?

Desmond was staring at him as the cloaked man removed the hoodie as Desmond was shocked by who it was.

Desmond was shocked by who was standing in front of him. The cloaked man had a smile on his face as Desmond spoke to him.

Desmond: Lucas?

Lucas: Its good to you again little brother.

Many years ago

Deborah was at the living room watching TV while waiting for her husband. Suddenly she heard something in the backyard as she looked through the window.

She saw Desmond and Lucas playing tag as she smiled at them. Both brothers stopped playing as they spoke to each other.

Desmond: I'm exhausted now.

Lucas: Me too Little brother.

Deborah smiled at them as she opened the door and began walking towards them as she spoke to them.

Deborah: I love you two.

Desmond: We love you too Mom.

Lucas: We'll always be there for you.

Deborah smiled at them as she hugged both brothers. Lucas and Desmond smiled at her as Deborah heard both brothers saying something to each other.

Desmond: Lucas, I just want you to know. I'm blessed to have you in my life. I'm always here for you.

Lucas smiled at his brother as he said something to him.

Lucas: My brother is my life and my world. I'm always here for you.

Both brothers smiled at each other as Deborah said something to them.

Deborah: I hope nothing will break you two apart.

July 15 2023

Both brothers were staring at each other as they were having memories until Desmond spoke to Lucas.

Desmond: Lucas-

Lucas: You thought I died in the accident along with our parents?

Desmond was gonna say something until Lucas punched him in the face repeatedly as he said something to him.

Lucas: How could you Desmond? We said we were always there for each other but you never found me.

He began punching Desmond in the face as he grabbed him by the throat and spoke to him.

Lucas: How could you replace our parents with them?!?!

Desmond: I never-

Lucas didn't let him talk as he stomped on Desmond's chest as he grabbed him and punched him again.

Lucas: It doesn't matter now. I'll make sure you'll pay for everything!

Desmond: Lucas-

Lucas grabbed a table and smashed it on Desmond as he was in pain until he spoke to him.

Lucas: From now on. . . . We are poison to Desmond Ketch and Spider Man.

Desmond stared at Lucas until something formed around him as his eyes were widen.

Lucas/Venom: WE ARE VENOM!

Desmond was shocked as Lucas continued punching him until he said something to him.

Lucas: I'm gonna make you suffer. . . I'm gonna dismantle you piece by piece.

Desmond was staring at him as Lucas said something to him.

Lucas: I'm gonna pay Otto and Rosie a visit now. . . . Hope you don't mind.

Lucas shot a web line and began swinging as Desmond shouted at Lucas as he was struggling to break free.

Meanwhile Gionna along with her friends were at the parade as they were waiting for Tay and Anna. They noticed all the civilians were cheering in happiness as they saw hot air balloons in the sky.

Meanwhile Desmond managed to break free as he began swinging through the city as he was trying to make his way to the hospital. He needed to save Otto and Rosie from Lucas fast or else. He continued swinging until...

Meanwhile Otto was talking to a doctor about Rosie's condition as Otto sat down and was holding Rosie's hand as a tear fell from his eye.

Otto was looking at the heartbeat monitor until he noticed the picture on the desk as he began having memories of the past.

Many years ago

Otto and Rosie took Desmond to their house as he put his bag on the table and looked around in the house as Rosie smiled at him and spoke to him.

Rosie: This is our house.

Desmond: It looks. . .good.

Otto: Don't mind the broken wall, I accidentally destroyed it.

Desmond: Destroyed it?

Rosie: Otto here was testing the AI Tentacles and it accidentally broke a wall.

Desmond: Oh I see.

He continued looking around in the house as Rosie spoke to Otto.

Rosie: Poor Desmond.

Otto: He lost his family and he lived in the streets for most of his life. Hearing his story broke my heart.

Rosie saw Desmond looking at the robotic arm as Otto saw him and smiled at him.

Otto: Wanna try fixing that arm?

Desmond: I'm not that good with robotics.

Otto: Don't worry, I'll teach you.

Desmond nodded as Rosie spoke to Otto.

Rosie: Whatever happens, We have to be there for Desmond. We can't let him suffer again.

Otto: Your right Rosie. We'll always be here for you.

July 15 2023

Otto closed his eyes in anger as he put the photo frame back in the desk as he spoke to Rosie.

Otto: I'm so sorry Rosie. . . . I shouldn't have pushed Desmond away.

Unknown to him, Lucas smiled at Otto through the window as he was gonna enter the room until Desmond attacked him.

Desmond kicked Lucas in the face as he was holding his head while Desmond spoke to him.

Desmond: Stay away from them!

Lucas was gonna say something but Desmond hit a headbutt on him followed by a discus forearm as Lucas was holding his head.

Desmond tried to attack Lucas but Venom grabbed him and punched him as he threw him to the wall as they continued fighting each other.

Lucas tried to attack Desmond but he jumped over him and shot two weblines at him as he threw Lucas but he managed to get back on his feet as he threw Desmond and tried to attack him but the spider dodged the attack.

Desmond and Lucas were looking at each other as he tried to attack him but Venom shot a web line at him as Desmond was stunned.

Lucas began crawling towards the room as he was gonna get inside until....

Desmond: Your not going anywhere near them!

The Spider continued punching Venom until Lucas shot a web line and threw Desmond to the wall as he grabbed him.

Lucas: Fine. . . . But remember i know who you love the most.

Desmond managed to break free as he glared at Lucas.

Desmond: If you go anywhere near Gionna. . . . . .

Lucas laughed at him as Desmond tried to attacked Venom but he managed to counter the attack into a...

Desmond began free falling as he managed to grab onto the ledge as he looked around and Lucas was gone.

Desmond knew Lucas is gonna go after Gionna and her friends. He was thinking about it until he remember the message Tay sent him.

Desmond: Gionna and the others are at the parade.

He immediately shot a web line and began swinging as he was trying to make his way to the parade.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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