Chapter XXVII: Revelations

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July 20 2023

The time was six twenty three p.m, Desmond woke up as he looked around and realised he was at the fortune shop. He immediately got up and hold his ribs in pain as he looked at himself in the mirror.

His right arm was in a sling and he had a bandage on his forehead. Suddenly he felt dizzy as he sat down on the chair and was holding his forehead. He saw a glass of water on the table as he immediately grabbed it and began drinking it.

Desmond put the glass back on the table as he sighed to himself before he saw the television as he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV as he was listening to the news.

Reporter: Its been four days since Spider Man was last seen. Nobody knows where he is, Rumours began circulating indicating that Spider Man is no more although we are still not sure if its true or not.

Desmond was shocked to hear that he was unconscious for four days and he himself couldn't believe it. He was fixing his hair as he continued listening to the news.

Reporter: But that's not all, Crime Rate in New York continues to increase and the gang war between the mysterious Kingpin and Tombstone continues to heat up even more. Also the team that robbed the bank a few weeks ago has been pulling a string of heists on multiple Roxxon Facilities. More of this story will be covered, Stay tune everyone.

Desmond closed the television as he was fixing his hair until he heard a door opening as he saw Scarlett staring at him.

Scarlett: Thank your awake. We were so worried about you.

Desmond was silent and didn't speak to her as she continued talking to him.

Scarlett: Don't worry I texted Tay, Anna, Harry, Miles and Marina that your sick and your taking a few days off.

Desmond didn't responded back as Scarlett was looking at him as she spoke to him.

Scarlett: Are you alright?

Desmond: Do I look alright?

Scarlett was looking at Desmond as he removed the sling and was holding his right arm as he grabbed his jacket as she spoke to him.

Scarlett: Where do you think your going?

Desmond: I'm gonna find Venom.

Scarlett: You mean your brother.

Desmond was silent as he tried to walk past her but she stopped him as he looked at her.

Scarlett: You need to rest.

Desmond: I don't need rest, I need to stop this gang war along with Lucas or else things will get worse.

Scarlett: I understand but you still need to recover from your injuries.

Desmond: I already told you, I don't need rest.

Scarlett: I'm not letting you get yourself killed again.

Desmond: I don't care what happens to me.

Scarlett was silent from what she heard from Desmond as he sighed to himself and looked at her.

Scarlett: Desmond, You still have people that care about you.

Desmond: Truth to be told, I'm nothing but trouble to my loved ones. It will be my fault if they get in trouble because of me.

Scarlett: That's not true-

Desmond: Rosie is in a coma because of me. I pushed Gionna away because I don't want to lose her the same way I lost Rosie.

Scarlett: Desmond, It wasn't your fault.

Desmond: It is my fault Scarlett!

Scarlett was silent as Desmond was holding his right arm in pain as he looked back at her.

Desmond: I wanted to give up being Spider Man but I couldn't. . . . .

Scarlett looked at him as he continued speaking to her.

Desmond: I didn't give up because I don't want anyone to go through the same pain that I went through for all these years.

Scarlett didn't know what to say as Desmond continued speaking to her.

Desmond: When I was in my apartment two year ago, I kept thinking about it. If I quit then who will protect this city? Who will be the light to their dark world? I kept thinking about it until I remembered what Rosie said to me.

Scarlett: What is it?

Desmond: These criminals love to see the fear on our faces but if we show them that we're not afraid of them then they will think twice before preying on another innocent. That's why I continued being Spider Man because Spider Man gives these people hope.

Scarlett was shocked by what Desmond said to her as she didn't know what to say as he continued speaking to Scarlett.

Desmond: As long as this city is safe and happy then I'm happy too. I'm willing to put my life on the line to help others.

Scarlett couldn't help but smile at him as she said something to him.

Scarlett: You truly are strong Desmond.

Desmond was silent as she said something to him.

Scarlett: But Desmond, Gionna still loves you.

Desmond: I know but. . . . I don't want to lose her because she's my everything and if I lose her then I'll have nothing left.

Scarlett hugged Desmond as he was looking on the ground until she let go as she said something to him.

Scarlett: Remember Desmond, Never think your alone. You still have people that care about you.

Desmond heard someone speaking to him as he looked in front of him and saw Daniel as he was walking towards them as he couldn't help but smile at Desmond.

Daniel: Desmond, You really are tough as nails.

Desmond looked at Daniel as he put his hand on his shoulder and spoke to him.

Daniel: I'm proud of you Desmond, You really are a hero who will never give up.

Desmond couldn't help but smile at Daniel as he continued speaking to him until Scarlett said something to him.

Scarlett: Desmond, There's someone that wants to meet you at Central Park right now.

Desmond: Who is it?

Daniel: Its better if you go and see for yourself.

Desmond: Alright then.

He removed the bandage from his forehead as he was holding his right arm and left the fortune shop.

Fifteen minutes later, Desmond made it to Central Park as he looked at the time and it was seven twenty one p.m as he was holding his right arm in pain until he heard someone call his name as he was confused. Desmond turned around and saw who it was.

Elizabeth: Desmond Ketch?

Desmond: Yeah that's me, Who are you?

Elizabeth: Is that really you Desmond?

Desmond: Yeah that's me. First of all who are you?

Elizabeth called her sister Diana as she was walking towards them as Desmond looked at them until Diana spoke to him.

Diana: Brother, Is that you?

Desmond: Hannah?

Diana had tears in her eyes as she immediately hugged Desmond who was shocked and didn't know what to say as she looked at him.

Diana: Its so good to see you Desmond.

Desmond couldn't help but smile as he hugged his sister as she hugged him back as Elizabeth was smiling at them.

Elizabeth: I've been looking for you for the last few weeks. Hannah really wanted to meet you and see how your doing.

Diana: I'm so happy to see you brother.

Desmond: You too sis.

Diana: How are you?

Desmond: Trying to do better.

Diana smiled at him as he smiled at her until she noticed the bruises on his face as she was shocked.

Diana: Are you okay?

Desmond: Oh I'm fine don't worry about it.

Elizabeth was gonna say something until she received a phone call as she looked at Diana.

Elizabeth: Sis, We gotta go.

Diana: Oh okay. Desmond, How about we meet up at my house for dinner?

Desmond: Sure sis.

Diana: Again I'm sorry brother, We'll talk more at my house.

Desmond: Its no problem at all, Take care of yourself.

Diana nodded and hugged him one last time as Elizabeth and Diana left the park as Desmond was happy to meet Hannah again after all these years.

He was holding his right arm as it was in pain again as he decided to go back to his apartment and rest up.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :D

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