Chapter XXXVII: Feel Invincible

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August 5 2023

Otto was making his way to the hospital to meet with Rosie as the time was eight thirty five p.m. Otto was also thinking about Desmond and hoped he was safe and alright. He eventually made it to the hospital as Otto saw the doctor as he spoke to him.

Otto: How is she?

Doctor: She's alright, You can speak to her.

Otto nodded as he began making his way to the room as he fixed his coat and saw the room. He opened the door as he saw Rosie looking at the city through the window until she turned around and saw Otto as her eyes were widen.

Rosie: Otto?

Otto walked towards her and immediately hugged her as she hugged him back as they looked at each other as they began talking.

Rosie: Otto. . . . I missed you.

Otto: I miss you too Rosie.

Rosie: How are you?

Otto: Ever since you went into a coma. Things haven't been going well for me.

Rosie was sad as she hugged Otto again as he hugged her back as both of them had tears falling from their eyes as they looked at each other again.

Rosie: It's okay Otto, Everything will be alright soon.

Otto hugged her again as she smiled at him and hugged him back until she broke the hug and spoke to Otto.

Rosie: Otto, Where is Desmond?

Otto was silent and didn't know what to say to her. Rosie was worried about this and spoke to Otto again.

Rosie: Otto, Where is Desmond? Is he alright?

Otto saw something on the TV as he grabbed the remote and increased the volume as Rosie and Otto saw a fight happening outside the opera house between Desmond, Anne, Tombstone, Fancy Dan and Ox.

Rosie and Otto were looking at the fight as Otto sighed to himself and spoke to Rosie as she was listening to him.

Otto: I want to tell you something.

Meanwhile Fancy Dan tried to attack Desmond with a katana but he dodged the attack as Ox tried to charge towards him but he did a backflip as both Ox and Fancy Dan were staring at the spider.

Meanwhile Tombstone And Anne were fighting each other as she used the tentacle to grab Lincoln and throw him to the bench as he was holding his back in pain.

Anne used the tentacle to grab Tombstone but he kicked it as he tried to grab it but Anne used the tentacles to grab Lincoln and throw him.

Meanwhile Desmond was fighting two of the enforcers as Desmond punched Ox in the face destroying his face as he glared at him.

Fancy Dan began hitting Desmond with multiple baton strikes as the spider was in pain until Dan kicked him to Ox as he began crushing the spider.

Meanwhile Tombstone managed to punch Anne as she punched him back before she threw a trash can on Lincoln sending him flying to the fountain as Anne saw Ox and Fancy Dan attacking Spider Man.

Fancy Dan pulled out a energy sword as he was gonna stab Desmond but the spider managed to take both of them down with a....

Fancy Dan was in the air as Anne used the tentacle to grab Dan and threw him to Ox as both of them were on the ground.

Desmond shot a web line and was gonna hit a swing kick on Anne but she used the tentacles to grab the spider as Anne spoke to him.

Anne: You will pay for your constant interference Arachnid!

Desmond: Come on Anne, Your an Cephalopod and I'm an Arthropod. Can't we just hug it out?

Fancy Dan tried to attack Tombstone as he began fighting him as Anne began fighting Ox as she managed to grab Ox and threw him to a pillar as she began fighting Dan and Tombstone.

Desmond saw them fighting as he jumped in the fight as Ox and Dan were fighting him while Anne was fighting Tombstone.

Meanwhile Tay along with Diana were waiting for Desmond as they spoke to each other.

Tay: I hope he comes here.

Diana: I hope so too.

Tay: Maybe he's exhausted from everything that has happened for the last few days.

Diana: Your right at least his name is cleared now.

Tay: That's right.

Diana noticed something on the TV as she increased the volume and saw a news broadcast showing the fight at the opera house as both of them were looking at the fight.

Meanwhile Marina was drinking some water as she opened the door and saw something on the news channel as she increased the volume and saw the fight as she was looking at the fight.

Meanwhile Desmond shot multiple cobwebs at Dan and Ox as they were struggling to break free until Anne used the tentacles to grab Desmond and throw him on the ground as she glared at him.

Anne: You idiots! This is the cause of our problems! We can rule New York or divide it in our leisure as soon as we deal with this pest!

Desmond was struggling to break free as Anne was gonna kill him until Tombstone hit a kick on Ox and then grabbed Anne's tentacles as it let go of the spider.

Desmond: Thanks Tomby but don't expect roses from me.

Anne: What the hell are you doing?

Lincoln: Sorry Anne, Too many witnesses. L Thompson Lincoln can not be seen collaborating with villains.

Anne: Then L Thompson Lincoln is Weak!

Desmond: Anne, You really need to take some anger management lessons.

Anne: *Grabs Desmond using the tentacles* DON'T YOU JUST EVER SHUT UP?!?!

Desmond was holding his back as Anne glared at him until he spoke to her.

Desmond: Sorry but expect a lot of quip page in every battle.

Suddenly Fancy Dan and Ox teamed up on Desmond as Anne went to fight Tombstone who was struggling to get up until Lincoln threw a trash can at Anne as she was stunned.

Desmond was fighting the enforcers as Ox grabbed him and tried to crush him until Desmond noticed something on his suit.

Desmond: Hydraulic servos are powering his suit. No Hydraulic means no power.

He began destroying the hydraulic servos in his suit as Ox was struggling to get up until Desmond punched him in the face knocking Ox down.

Fancy Dan tried to attack Desmond with a katana but he dodged the attacks as both of them continued fighting each other

Fancy Dan tried to attack Desmond again but he jumped over his head and shot multiple webs at him as he was struggling to break free until Desmond kicked him in the air and took him down.

Desmond shot multiple cobwebs at Dan and Ox restraining them as he looked at them. Meanwhile Tombstone and Anne were fighting each other as She threw Tombstone to a trash can but he managed to recover and throw the trash can on Anne as she dodged the attack.

Desmond shot a web line at the trash can and threw at Anne who glared at him until she used the tentacles to grab a concrete derby on him but he dodged as he shot a web line and began swinging until he took down Anne with a....

Anne was on the ground as she gritted her teeth in anger until she grabbed another concrete derby and threw at Desmond but he shot a webline at it and threw it on the ground. The ground began to collapse as Anne fell down until she used the tentacles to grab Desmond and Lincoln.

All three of them were at the sewers as Anne managed to get up as she saw Tombstone buried on the rubble as she tried to pick him up until Desmond hit a swing kick on her.

Anne was angry as she used the tentacles to attack the spider but he dodged the attacks and took down Anne with a...

Anne was on the ground as Desmond grabbed the power pack and destroyed it as the tentacles were deactivated as he looked at her.

Desmond picked up Anne and began walking until Tombstone grabbed Desmond and punched him as he tried to attack Lincoln but he grabbed the spider's arm and broke it.

Desmond was holding his right arm in pain until Tombstone grabbed him by the leg and began throwing him around.

Desmond was on the ground as Lincoln threw him to the pipes as he spoke to him.

Lincoln: But Down here, There are no witnesses.

Desmond was holding his arm in pain as Lincoln removed his jacket and spoke to him.

Lincoln: I assume you remember our last physical encounter.

Desmond: Painfully but I told you then. I will take you down one way or another.

Tombstone tried to attack Desmond but he hit a drop kick on him as The Spider began punching Tombstone in the midsection as he was stunned.

Desmond punched Lincoln in the face as he hit a roundhouse kick as he was stunned until Desmond hit a headbutt on him before he hit a super kick as Tombstone smiled at him.

Tombstone grabbed a pipe and began hitting Desmond in the midsection along on his arm as he was in pain until Lincoln tried to attack him but Desmond jumped on the wall and shot a webline at him and dragged Lincoln but he attacked the spider with a....

Tombstone grabbed two pipes as he tried to attack Desmond but he blocked the attack and began kicking him as he got up before Tombstone began beating him down with the pipes.

Desmond was on the ground as Lincoln put his foot on his chest as he was gonna hit him in the head with the pipe but Desmond countered with a....

Desmond began punching him in the face as he hit a spinning heel kick on Lincoln as he moved back. Desmond grabbed Lincoln and hit a expolder suplex as he followed it up with a drop kick as Tombstone was stunned.

Desmond hit a spinning roundhouse kick on Lincoln as Tombstone grabbed a concrete derby and tried to throw it at the spider but Desmond countered with a...

Tombstone was stunned as Desmond hit a uppercut on him as Lincoln tried to punch him but he blocked the attack and hit a headbutt on him before Desmond took him down with a...

Tombstone was on the ground as the spider wrapped him in webbing as he let out a sigh.

George along with Yuri were talking to some officers until they saw Desmond carrying Anne and Tombstone as officers grabbed them and arrested them.

Desmond: Five villains have been arrested now.

Anne: Screw you! Just wait till I get out, I will rip your head off.

Lincoln: Your a good fighter Kid. Can't wait for the rematch.

Desmond looked at them as officers escorted Anne along with the enforcers and Tombstone to the police car as George smiled at Spider Man.

George: Great work Spider Man.

Desmond: Thanks, We still need to take down Kingpin.

Yuri: Don't worry we'll take him down.

Desmond nodded and shot a webline and began swinging away as he was going to meet Tay and Diana.

Meanwhile Otto told Rosie about everything that happened for the last two years as she was shocked by what she heard as he spoke to her.

Otto: I'm so sorry Rosie. I shouldn't have pushed him away. He tried to save you and I kept blaming him even though it's not his fault.

Rosie had a sad expression on her face as she remembered what she said to Otto when they first adopted Desmond.

They will never leave him alone in his life and that they will always be there for him.

Rosie: Speak to him Otto, We need him back.

Otto: I don't know Rosie. He might hate me.

Rosie: Desmond never hated you. He loves you.

Otto was silent as he was looking at the picture on the table as he knew he needed to bring him back and fix everything that has happened.

Meanwhile Desmond managed to change back to his casual attire as he had pizza and cake on his hand as Ketch knocked on the door and Diana opened the door.

Desmond: Surprise. I got some pizza and cake for all of you.

Diana: Desmond-

Desmond: It's okay sis.

Diana smiled at him as he entered the house and greeted Tay and Anna as the rest of the night went peacefully for them.

Meanwhile Fisk was driving back to his house as he was looking at the news. Anne along with Tombstone and the enforcers have been arrested now. Fisk smiled at himself knowing he eliminated the competition.

He made it to his house as he saw some of his guards were scared as he was confused until one of them said someone is at his office.

Fisk went to his office and saw someone sitting on his chair as he spoke to him.

Fisk: Who are you and what do you want?

Unknown: First I want your empire and My Name is. . . . .

Green Goblin: Green Goblin! The New Kingpin Of Crime!

He let out a maniacal laugh as Fisk gritted his teeth in anger as Goblin's laughter echoed around Fisk's house.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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