Episode 1

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(Yn POV)

My name in Yn Ln. I am an average teenager living in Japan, right now I'm with my childhood at the walking through our neighborhood. Her name is Wakaba Hiro, I have a crush on Hiro since middle school. Wanted to ask her out, but worried if something happened it'll ruin our friendship.

We've supported each other almost our entire life. My parents aren't exactly..... around much. They spent half the time working overseas than at home. Glance at Hiro to see how beautiful she is, it makes my heart race, quickly shook my head to regain my composure.


Yn Ln

Age: 17

Height: 5'10

Wears the male school uniform.

Yn: 'Calm down, man'!

Wakaba Hiro

Age: 17

Hiro: What's wrong?

Yn: N-nothing!

Hiro: That's a lie. I know you very well.

Yn: Its nothing.

Hiro (pouted): Hmph. Fine.


We arrived at our classroom and sat down next to each other. Hiro brought out her book to read like always. As for me I just lay my head until class starts.

Hiro: Don't try to sleep through class again like last time.

Yn: Hey! That was one time.

Hiro: Three times. The reason behind it was that you were playing video games half the night.

Yn: Give me a break.

Slowly close my eyes. My thoughts about our current situation if things should stay the way it is. Deep down I don't want that. I wonder if Hiro seems more than a childhood friend?

Suddenly a ding can be heard.


A black box with white text appeared in front of me.

Congratulations! You have been chosen to become The Gamer.

My eyes blink a few time. Glance at it with a confuse expression.

Yn: 'The Gamer? Where did I hear that before'? Uuuhh....Hiro. Are you see-

(3rd POV)

Out of nowhere a massive green rain completely destroyed the school building and killed everyone in it. Text showed up once again asking Yn a question.

New Game


Mentally pressed it asking what race he wanted to be.

Dragon ball Xenoverse 2 Dungeon Created!

What species do you want to be?


You are now a Saiyan!

Good luck, Gamer!

He was teleported at the middle of "Conton City".

Yn: Whoa. I'm at Conton City! Like for real! Holy crap! Wait....What the fuck' was that back there?!

The last thing he remembers was a text box appear, then something came down that destroyed their classroom and everyone with it.

Yn: This....this can't be happening! It has to be a dream!

He slaps his face hard.

Yn: Ow...wait...the pain went away quickly. Wait... Where's Hiro! What happened to her!? Is she here? Hiro! Hey, Hiro!

No response. Yn sigh in disappointment.

Yn: She's not here.

The Gamer felt something moving on his back.

Yn: Huh?

Glances at his back. Yn saw a brown furry tail on The Gamer.

Yn: A tail. I have a tail! I actually became. A Saiyan! This is weird and crazy at the same time!

Cross his arms and think.

Yn: So what now? Do I start the quest? If I did complete it. Where do I go after that? Since my life became one big video game. Does that mean I have stats? Status!

Name: Yn Ln lvl.1

Age: 17

Species: Saiyan

Title: The Gamer, Saiyan Warrior, Time Patroller

Gamer Mind lvl.Max

Gamer Body lvl.Max

Instance Dungeon lvl.1

Escape lvl.1

Appraisal lvl.1

HP: 500

Ki: 550

Stamina: 550

STR: 30

VIT: 30

AGI: 30

INT: 30

WIS: 30

LUCK: 30

Status Points: 0

Money: 0

Multiverse Phone

Yn: Whoa! Multiverse Phone? It says I can buy stuff from it that literally has everything. Also I remember Xenoverse 2 the Saiyan tail was just an accessory. Guess my situation is different. Can I create skills too? Better head towards the Time Nest to take the quest. 'I hope Hiro is okay. I'm really worried for her'.

Yn talk to Chronoa, The Supreme Kai Of Time. Well AI version. Now teleported at landscape with grass, a couple of palm trees, regular trees, cliffs and ocean.


The Art Of Battle

Conditions-Complete all challenges

Rewards-$500, Status Points-15

Yn lvl.2: Time to get started!

Yn began flying around and a couple of Saibaman entered the area.

Yn: Hope I don't get blown up.

Yn fought the Saibaman's to practice his punches, kicks, combos, Ki Blasts and multiple rapid fire Ki Blasts. It's basically a tutorial quest. Next takes one more quest before her leaves to who knows where. Teleported to another landscape with a big crater.

The Gamer saw Raditz lvl.4 as his opponent. Piccolo and Goku as party members.

Age: 761

Make Way, Rookie Time Patroller Here!

Conditions-Defeat Raditz

Rewards-$600, Stat-15

Yn: 'Oh, great. Stay calm'.

The battle begins. Raditz fire beams at them. Goku, Piccolo and Yn dodge his attacks. Namekian dashes towards Raditz, both fighters clash with punches and kicks until Piccolo gets kicked away. Piccolo extended his right arm grabbing the evil Saiyan to slam him onto the ground. Slowly get back up to catch Goku punch, Yn already at Raditz left laying a mean left hook at his face.

Unfortunately their opponent uses a slight burst to knock them away. Yn fire rapid shots of Ki Blasts to deal somewhat damage. Raditz stumbles back a bit. Goku and Piccolo went for the attack, Raditz blocked each of their strikes, Yn joined in. Goku dealt a couple of jabs along with Piccolo to gut punch him.

The Gamer drop kicks Raditz and fires a "Full Power Energy Blast Volley" he created.


New Skill Created!

Full Power Energy Blast Volley lvl.1

Yn: Haaah!


Dust clouds clear revealing Raditz HP went down a bit.

Yn (💦): 'Aw crapbaskets'. I knew that wouldn't work mu-ack!

Raditz moves fast speeds to straight up punch Yn knocking him a few feet away. Yn quickly repositioned himself.

Yn: Aah. Dick.

Raditz ready his Double Sunday Attack.

Neptune: Lame! That's a lame attack name.

Author: I'm not the one who came up with it. Just deal with it.

Everyone unleashes their respective beam attacks.

Raditz: Double Sunday!

Goku: Kamehameha!

Piccolo: Special Beam Cannon!

Yn: Take this!


Their attacks collided and caused a big explosion and even created a crater too!

Yn: 'Damn. Despite at level 4, he's still tough'. C'mon!

End Theme

Time Skip-Couple of minutes later brought to you by Herrscher of void

Void Kiana: Welcome back, Captain.

Author: As Iron Man would say..."it's good to be back"!

Void Kiana: Shall we go? And don't do a Mario impression.

Author: Awww.

At unknown labyrinth is Yn on the ground unconscious because after fighting against Raditz. He lay on to the ground feeling slightly tired. Yn felt somebody was poking on his cheeks.

Yn lvl.3: M-mmm... What?

Slowly got halfway up and saw a white spider monster on top of him.

The viewer and her point of view that's her face. From the outside view just a spider monster face with eight eyes.


He backed away immediately.

Yn: That is one big ass spider I've ever seen!

The spider walks closer as Yn is ready to fight. Then he noticed it was moving both front legs trying to tell him something.

Yn: Huh? What-

New Skill Created!

Telepathy lvl.1

Yn: That wasn't me! Did the system do that?

Heard a familiar girl voice in his head.

Girl???: 'Yn! It's me! Your childhood friend'!

Yn: That voice. No way! 'Is that you, Hiro'!?

Hiro: 'Huh? I can hear you in my head'!

Yn: 'It is you! How'?

Hiro: 'Well.....somehow I died and reincarnated as a spider'.

Yn (0_0): Whaaaaaaat!?

Chapter End

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