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"Holy... SHIT!!" Spidey said as Venom towered over her, baring his vicious fangs, his tongue lolling around as if to say 'come 'ere and let me lick ya!'

"That's no ghoul.." Muttered Desdon. 

"Wow detective, did you figure that out all by yourself!?" said Claire in somewhat a mix between a panicky voice and a haughty voice. 

"RRRRROOOOAARRR!!" Venom charged at Spidey, becoming a black blur.. his claws moving with such intense ferocity, Spidey almost felt as if she were in a horror movie, just watching the monster bare down on her.

She twirled out of the way as a powerful slashing strike whipped past her and ruptured the earth and mud, throwing rubble everywhere. 

"YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE US!!" Venom screamed, baring his fangs menacingly and firing globs of black webbing from his wrist. 

"Dad said you were a copycat, but THAT is a bit much!!" Spidey exclaimed as she barely used her speed to dash out of the way of the webbing in time.  

Spidey drew her twin blades and jumped next to Desdon and Claire.. both of whom already had their own weapons drawn.

"Friend of yours?" said Desdon.

"A symbiote that bonded to my Dad once, I don't know WHAT it's doing here, but after my Dad didn't like it trying to take control of him and rejected it, it got mad with revenge, fused with some guy named Eddie Brock and came after him. Venom has all of my Dad's power.. which means it has all of MY powers." said Spider-Girl. "And THEN some.."

"What do you mean and THEN some!?"  Claire asked. 

"RRRRRRRROOOOOOAAAAARRRRR!" Venom's back erupted with gooey black tentacles that shot out and ripped wooden support beams off of houses, preparing to throw them. 

"Ooooohhhh... I see what you mean." Claire squeaked.

"LET US HEAR YOU SCREAM!!!!" Venom viciously cried as he charged forth, turning into a black blur filled with fangs and claws. 

"LOOK OUT!!!" Spidey shot out a web and pulled Claire out of the way just in the nick of time as Venom slammed down on where she was moments ago.

During the instant that Venom landed, a powerful shockwave erupted from the impact alone, causing Desdon to fall back, the blue flames flickering on his blades.

Venom took advantage of this, in an instant, flinging all the wooden beams his tentacles were holding at Desdon.

"DAMN!" Desdon fired a tremendous explosion of blue fire at the wooden beams, blasting them aside, and  in that instant, Venom came behind him.

"He's faster than May!" Desdon had time to choke out before Venomo's claws grabbed him by his throat.

"FEAST.." Venom slobbered holding Desdon above him as his jaws stretched wide open, splitting down his chest, preparing to devour him whole.  

"HEY!!! Fast and Fangiest!!!" 

A massive piece of rubble was sent bashing into Venom's head by one of Spidey's webs. 

"My Daddy says you're a wimp!!!" Spidey yelled, dancing on top of a rooftop, smacking her butt and raising her mask so that Venom could see her sticking out her tongue. "NANANANANA!!"

"RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Venom let out a shrill shriek, and flung Desdon aside, hurling him straight through the wall of another house, and leaped up an astounding height, so he was flying right above Spider-Girl.. coming in for the kill. "HE ABANDONED US!! WE SHALL TAKE YOU FROM HIM!!!"

Venom was just inches from Spidey, when... 

"ZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPP!!!" A powerful beam of lightning exploded straight into Venom, causing him to screech as he was sent sprawling, smashing across the roof and ripping shingles off before he fell onto the ground. 

"Honestly!! That plan was just stupid!!" squeaked Claire from the other side of the roof where her wings were sparking and her sword was pointed forward. "It's not that easy to aim my Gift when he's THAT fast!!"

"We need to pull Gilbo out while Venom's still stunned!" Spidey exclaimed quickly. "HURRY!"

But by the time Spidey and Claire both leaped off the roof and landed lightly on the ground below, Venom was already surrounded by what appeared to be multiple dwarves holding axes. 

Gorick was at their head, looking bewildered, staring as Venom groaned and began to stand up. "My.. word.. wh.. what manner of beast is this!? KILL IT NOW!!"


"WHAT!?" said Gorick. "Are you blind lass!? This monster is not my son.."

"Pops.." whispered a feeble voice from inside Venom.. as a dwarven hand emerged from the gooey substance. "Don't.. come closer.. I... I.."

Gorick's eyes widened, as if hardly daring to believe it.. "G.. Gilbo me boy!?"

"RRRRROOOOOAAAAAAARRRR!!" Venom let out a vicious screech and got up faster than a snake striking at it's prey.. lunging down at one of the dwarves and chomping down onto the unlucky soul with his fanged mouth.

Blood gushed down Venom's fangs and front.. the Dwarf's gurgling screams coming out muffled from inside Venom's jaws, as he chomped him down head first, the others watching in horror.

Venom lurched back, flinging the dwarf further and further into his mouth like a pelican devouring a fish...  finally slurping up the dwarf's bloody leg.. and then..

"Burrrrp.." A bone flew out of Venom's mouth as he let out his burp.. the flesh torn clean.. 

"BY THE GODS!!" screamed one of the dwarves with terror on his face. "KILL IT!! KILL IT BEFORE IT KILLS US!!"

"NO WAIT!!" Gorick roared. 

The dwarves attacked in a panic, and blood splattered over the earth, as Venom began moving at terrifying speeds, slashing his claws to and fro.. ripping apart rows of dwarves in an instant with just one terrifying cleave of his hand. 

"NOOOOO!!" Spidey screamed, dashing forward, Claire right behind her.

In  a burst of desperation, Spider-Girl fired a glob of webbing from her hands which spread out into a net, latching around Venom's torso. 

Using all of her strength, Spider-Girl dashed in the opposite direction, holding onto the webbing and then using the momentum, threw Venom straight into another house.. which collapsed over him. 

"BACK ME UP!!" Spidey yelled at Claire as she drew her swords again, and dashed right at Venom, who ripped his way out of the brick and wood, screeching like the horror he was. 

Spider-Girl launched herself into the air, and sent her blades slashing down on Venom, who dodged the strikes and came in from behind Spider-Girl as he side stepped her..

"You are stronger.. you are stronger than your father!! Why!!? Your blood has something different!!" Venom growled. "We can sense it.. we sense.. the scent of.. Elf!? It empowers you.. makes you stronger... but... even so.. WE are STRONGER STILL!"

Venom prepared for a devastating attack.

But Venom let out a violent shriek as an electric bolt blasted into his back, staggering him. Claire doing her part to keep Venom from ripping her friend apart.

At the same time, Spidey, whirled around, creating a skillful swirling slash that ripped across Venom's chest like a shredder. 

Venom screeched in pain, staggering back, roaring his displeasure. 

"What.. have you DONE to us!?" Venom stammered feebly, his tongue writhing around. 

"there's a unique spider's venom in these swords.. a powerful anesthetic that puts you to sleep." said Spider-Girl.. not to mention.. thanks to the fact I nicked you with it a little earlier made it so your Spider-Sense couldn't pick up certain electrical fields..  otherwise you'd be much faster.. so Claire's been able to throw pot shots at you... in a few minutes, you're going to be going to sleepy time! Tell Pink Elephants and Sheep jumping over fences I said hi."

Venom staggered to and fro.. the effects of the.. well.. "venom".. taking it's toll.. 

But despite this, Venom let out a shrill roar, and charged at Spidey, lunging in with his claws.

"MAY!!" Claire screamed as Spider-Girl barely dodged in time..

Spidey ducked and weaved through Venom's strikes, barely able to keep up with Venom's sheer malicious ferocity..  to be this fast even after being doused with an anesthetic!? What kind of monster WAS he!?

Venom was hit from behind with multiple bolts of electricity from Claire's blade.. but he managed to shrug off the blasts this time, gritting his fangs furiously.. 

"GO DOWN!! GO DOWN!!" Claire screamed, panicking. "WHAT IS WITH HIM!?"

"We.. are not... defeated so easily.. we... are.. VENOM!!!" Venom roared. Venom finally managed to slash a bloody wound across Spider-Girl's side.

"AAAGGGGHH!!" Spidey leaped back.. panting hard, blood gushing across the leather ranger's coat. 

"We.. are... we... ARE... Venom... we..."  Venom rasped... before he finally let out a screech and stopped attacking, choosing instead to send out a strand of webbing from his wrist, and swing away, flying into the forest, and leaping into the trees.. desperate to find a safe place to fall unconscious.

Meanwhile, May knelt on one knee, heaving and clutching her side..

"Oh dear... May.." Claire ran over and put a hand where Spidey's wound was.

"OW! yeesh! Gentle!" Spidey exclaimed.

"Sorry! Sorry! L..let's see.. medicinal training.. f.. first thing a Ranger does.. er.. is... is.. er.."

"FFFFOOOMMMM!!" A blast of blue fire ripped some rubble apart as Desdon walked out, looking ruffled and irritated, a little bruised, but otherwise okay.

"They make old geezer rangers out of titanium these days?" said Spidey with a pained humorous voice.

"I've lived this long on sheer stubbornness, it'll take more than that to take me down. "Desdon muttered as he waved Claire aside and took a look at Spidey's wound. "This is shallow.. but only just barely.. few more inches and it might've been a fatal wound..  good thing you've gotten faster.."

"I got faster?"

"yeah.. Elf Blessing really did increase your Gift's abilities as I suspected.. I'd say your powers have all been boosted by around 20 percent.. and it might grow more.."

"Grow more..?"

"An Elf's blessing can grow stronger the more you use it. Part of the blessing isn't just being physically better.." said Desdon as he examined the wound more and began taking out a makeshift first aid pack.  "You have a huge mana supply, which means Alchemy and Magic use is vastly improved, depending on which aspect you use, it might grow stronger.. your powers might strengthen up to 100 percent stronger than your original strength.. if you keep physically exerting yourself.."

"Huh.. nice.." Spidey grunted. "In the meantime.. how about we stop all this red stuff gushing out and making me wonder if this is how Deadpool spends his days."

"Gorick!" yelled Desdon.

"Aye.. give me a sec!" said the dwarf leader as he gestured to the surviving dwarves. "Don' just stand there lads.. get this lass a bed, gather some medicine!!"

As the dwarves helped May up and began guiding her towards one of the houses, Gorick sighed and shook his head. "Me own boy... me own boy killed my men...  I mean.. this mining business is dangerous.. I'm no stranger to death I'll give you that Desdon.. but this.."

Gorick looked at the blood stained corpses baking in the noonday sun. "I'll have to find them decent graves.. least so the Goblins don' come and butcher em for dinner at night..  and then.. oh by the gods.. what do I do abou' the ones he didn' leave behind? The ones he.. he.."

Gorick shut his eyes, unable to bring himself to say the word "ate".

"This wasn't Gilbo's fault Gorick.. you can't blame him.. I've seen my fair amount of Possession cases involving some unknown monsters.. the world is filled with creatures that are still being documented and studied by the Ranger Corps." said Desdon.  "According to my protoge, it's tried to take control of her father before.. meaning it's not interested in sharing control.. at least not typically.

"And that strange spider symbol on it's chest!?" said Gorick, looking a little relieved that his son wasn't responsible for the actions of Venom. "What is with that? I never seen a monster akin to decoratin' itself with.. markin's..."

"A spider.. yeah.. the Symbiote absorbed the powers of my protoge's father.. and they had similar gifts.. one akin with a spider.. I could see this Venom thing had similar movements to my apprentice.. though he's stronger, and definitely faster..  beyond that I don't know.. "

"How can ye not know!? She's yer protoge and she has a history with this thing does she not!?"

"It's not like she makes a regular habit of discussing her past!" Claire piped up. "If THAT thing... was part of MY history.. I wouldn't want to discuss that I had once met a giant, slobbering, fanged monster that possessed my father would I?"

"Claire.." Desdon said warningly.

"Aye it's okay Desdon.. she's speaks a fair truth." said Gorick. "That monster was the stuff of nightmares.. I wouldn't want to remember it either.. it even scared a dragon.. "

"But why though..? It's true.. Venom is dangerous.. I've not met a troll, ghoul, or even a Basilisk nearly as strong adept to destroy as him.." said Desdon. "but a dragon? without careful planning, a dragon can roast even somebody as strong and fast as Venom in an instant..  there's something more dangerous going on here... normally if facing something new and crazy like Venom, I'd call in the Ranger Corps for a group of pros.. I don't like having a bunch of newbies like my apprentices take stuff like this.. but we don't have time.. who knows what kind of crazy things Venom has been up to... we need to find him.. and figure out why the dragon was so afraid.. "

"Does that mean we're investigating the cave again?" asked Claire.

"Tomorrow...Tonight,  first I'm going after Venom.. alone.. see if I can pick up a trail..." Desdon sighed at Claire's worried look. "Don't worry, I'm not going to fight him.. something tells me Venom's clever enough to find a place quite safe to fall asleep from the anesthetic.. and.. something also tells me that he's not the type of monster to affected by it for long.."

Desdon pulled up his hood and sheathed his flaming blade. "I'll be back by nightfall.. look after Spidey while I'm gone.. Gorick, I leave my apprentices to you for now.."

"Aye... of course." said Gorick.

Dinner that night was a quiet affair.

Claire and May were given one of the guest cottages north of the main village.  They sat at the small dining table, as dwarves came in with many meat dishes as well as a large amount of beer, more beer.. and well.. lots of beer.

Claire stared a little sourly at May's side. The both of them were dressed in their sleep wear, and May's had a lump near the side which pretty much spoke of the bandages that had been wrapped there.

"Don't worry.. I heal fast.." May said as she used her fork to take a bite of roasted wild boar. "Always have..  and.. er.. "

May gave one of the server dwarves who was standing by with his hand behind his back, wearing a neat black vest and bow tie. "Got.. anything non alcoholic to drink?"

"Nope.. all things we drink are alcoholic I'm afraid.." said the waiter.

"Typical dwarves.." muttered Claire, staring at the hunks of meat all over the table with slight distaste. Everything is alcohol, and there isn't even one decent salad.. how am I supposed to keep up my figure up with nothing but protein and fat?"

"Aren't elves perpetually beautiful?" May muttered.

"Yes.. we.. don't get overweight.. our body utilizes most of the fat keeps up a slender figure.. but if I start getting too muscular.. it might ruin my look of royalty.. slender body and soft skin is the sign of royalty for female elves..

"I'm pretty muscular.." May said.

"You're different.. you're toned, not buff.." said  Claire. "It doesn't show unless you stretch out or something.. "

May held up the beer mug and frowned. "Ugh.. I can't drink this.. do you guys at least have water?"

"We use all the water to make beer." said the waiter.

"Of course you do.." May muttered. "I'm heading to bed.. wake me up when Desdon get's back."

"Hold on.. at least allow me to change your bandages.." said Claire quickly. "Foolish humans, always running around as if they are invincible when really they aren't!"

"Well I'm not Wolverine.. I get it.." May said. "Though it would be cool to have those claws.. hmm.. come to think of it.. does it like hurt for those claws to come out all the time?"

'What in the blazes are you talking about?" said Claire, rolling her eyes. "Come.. let us go upstairs.. I'll wash out that wound.. and while we're there we can talk about Venom.. I have plenty of questions for you.. and we'll have plenty of those to answer when Desdon gets back. "

"Alright alright.. don't nag.." May said.

May had to admit, it was almost nostalgic finding herself back in a bathing area that was basically just a large wooden bucket filled with water, next to scented oils.  Though, thankfully, there was an oven system underneath for heating the water. 

As May sat in the tub and Claire went to work removing the bandages and cleaning the wound, the elf stared in astonishment.

"It's already this small.. such accelerated healing.. " murmured Claire, patting the wound with a towel.

"Like I said, I heal fast." Said May.

"So.. who is Venom exactly.. what is he?" Claire asked.

"An alien as far as I can tell." said May. "Dad never talked much about Venom, honestly Venom kind of scared him. Only reason I know about Venom is because I saw old news clippings of Dad wearing a black costume, and I wondered what happened to it because I thought it looked very cool.."

"His explanation..?" said Claire curiously.

"Alien monster bonded with him, turning into a temporary costume that powered up his abilities. " said May. "But later Dad found out from a friend named Reed Richards that the suit was bonding with him.. trying to take over.. so they removed it..  the suit felt betrayed, and bonded with a guy named Eddie Brock who had a grudge against Dad, together they became Venom and went out for revenge.  Venom's had some other hosts since Eddie.. some mutual relationships.. others er.. more forceful ones like with Gilbo there. Venom's even had offspring symbiotes which turned into monsters like Carnage.. Toxin.. Scream.. "

"All very pleasant names in polite company I'm sure.. So spit it out.. what happened to Venom?" said Claire quickly.

"I dunno, Dad said he died.. but.. I guess not.. whatever happened it had something to do with Norman Osborn.. another old.. er.. acquaintance of my dad's. Real piece of work Norman is.. he kidnapped me when I was a baby.."

"You were kidnapped as a child?" Claire exclaimed, looking shocked.

"Yeah.. my dad pursued Norman, and the two battled it out on top of the Empire State building. Norman fell to his death after his glider malfunctioned.. " said May. "Dad, then found me in an underground lab.."

"Like.. for alchemy?" said Claire.

"Something.. er.. like that.." said May with a shrug, not sure how to explain where she really was from to Claire.  "And they also found the Venom symbiote in there with me.. in some sort of tank next to what Dad said was a very spooky looking sword.. apparently Norman was experimenting with my blood and the Symbiote.. looking for reactions... Dad was so appalled, he burned the lab down along with the Symbiote in it.. I guess he thought Venom died, but he never was certain.."

"Well he wasn't dead.. he's been hiding here.. in the caves underneath a Dwarf Mine.. but for what purpose?" Claire muttered.

"Being a jerk to society? Being gross? I dunno." said May.  "But.. I think I know how to take Venom.. or at least, maybe I can run it by Desdon once I get back.. "

"How?" Claire said as she wrapped some new bandages around May's torso, and she stepped out of the wooden tub.

"Remember how I said Norman experimented with my blood in the.. er.. alchemy lab.. when I was a kid?" said May as she dried her hair with a towel. "I'm pretty sure a bit of Venom is inside my blood.."

"Wh-what!?" said Claire, looking apalled. "That creature was placed in you!?"

"Just a tiny sample, not enough to mean anything!" said May quickly, as she wrapped her body in the towel. "Trust me.. all my Spidey powers are from Dad 100 percent!.. according to Reed Richards there are like.. NO side-effects.. zero..  only way for there to be any is if.. well.. nobody even knows that. Point is.. I can use my alchemy kit to brew some potions for harming symbiote based creatures.. we could kill Venom... still got my old bandages?"

Claire nodded and gave the old bandages to May as she looked at the dried blood there. "Honestly.. you humans and your crazy ideas.. one day they're going to get you killed.. it's a wonder that humans even survived so long as a species.."

"I won't argue with that point.. it IS a wonder.." May muttered. "So you wanna help me or not?"

Claire smirked. "Despite alchemy being my least favorite subject, I can tell you that I have had the best tutors regarding the subject.. you will not find a better lab partner.. "

Considering Desdon's idea of 'innovative alchemy' is mixing champagne with dwarven spirit and dwarf Galbog Liquor,  I'm inclined to agree with you.." May muttered. "I don't know that many people.."

After May got dressed again, together, the two friends gathered at the small reading desk in the main bedroom and began pulling out the alchemy equipment from their packs, setting up a cauldron with magic runes, an observation magnification lens attached to a lamp.. and an assortment of mineral rocks along with roots and assorted plant leaves.

May then took a smear of her own dried blood and placed it under the observation glass.

It was hours of work.. the cauldron filled with steam as May and Claire worked together to measure and chop up ingredients, adding bits of May's dried blood at a time, trying to see what reactions they could muster..

Finally, May corked what looked like a beaker of dark red potion and set it on the writing desk, sighing with tiredness..

"This.. should work.." May muttered. "Just.. gotta wait for Desdon to get.. to get... mmm.."

May fell asleep, facedown on the writing desk.

"Oh what a child you can be.." muttered Claire, picking May up in her arms and carrying her over to the moth eaten bed and setting her down...

Claire then sat down at the nearby rocking chair and sighed as she stared at the walls for a bit. "This contract ended up being a bit more than we bargained for.. "

Down in the deep darkness of the forest.. Venom slunk through the darkness, snarling and hissing, his tongue whipping around..  as he did, Desdon lurked in the shadows of the trees.. his weapons sheathed, his bow on his shoulder.

From what he surmised. May's abilities worked where Spider-Sense only activated if danger was prominent.. So in order not to set it off and alert Venom to his presence, he needed to make sure he followed absolutely void of attempt to harm...

This was a scouting mission.. nothing more.. if Desdon tried to take on Venom alone.. and now..  it would mean suicide.

Venom looked around, sniffing and growling viciously. "Where are you? Kasady... our foolish offspring.."

"Easy... easy.. "

A strand of red webbing attached itself to the other side of the tree that Desdon was hiding behind, and a monstrous red creature landed there.. clinging to it, sticking like a humanoid hideous insect.

The white lenses on it's black and red fanged face spoke of a relation to Venom.. while the rest of it's body swirled with ghoulish red and black gooey tentacles.. it's claws digging into the tree's bark, though it need not have done so.. already possessing a wall sticking ability.. 

The creatures spoke, chuckling, it's voice much more high pitched and volatile sounding than Venom's. "I told you.. the name is Carnage now.. me and the piece of yourself you left behind.. it is completely me.. and I am completely it..  have you not finished the job?"

"we do not have time to bicker with a foolish child such as yourself.." Venom. "You are such an immature wretch.. not worthy of the power we share.. Kasady.. "

"Oh stop it father.. you're embarrassing me.." said Carnage mockingly.  "The boss wants to know.. have you finished?"

"We were close.. till the arrival of Rangers interfered.. "

"Well then kill them!" said Carnage wrathfully. "It shouldn't be a problem for you.."

"One of them.. was HIS daughter.." said Venom. "Parker's..."

Parker's Daughter.. HERE!?" Carnage stammered. "Are you sure..?"

Carnage crawled a little closer to where Desdon was hidden, and Desdon struggled to control his breathing, as one of Carnage's claws stabbed into the bark.. only inches from his throat..

Venom hissed. "Fearful Kasady?"

"No.. merely surprised.." Carnage hissed back.

Carnage slithered off the tree and stood up, eying Venom face to face.. the two of them seeming to really dislike each other."

"Given different circumstances.. I'd kill you.." Carnage spat.

"Given those too.. We would do the same to you.." Venom said with equal loathing. "But the Master has given us orders.. to go against them.. would mean suicide.. in any case.. this is one of our brethren we speak of.. Our sister... We must awaken her.. bring her to our side.."

"I have no idea whether you mean 'we' as in you and me.. or 'we' as in us both.." said Carnage. "Your talk always confuses me.. but either way.. I'm in agreement.. as much as I'd LOVE to slaughter a little girl's guts over the walls.. to hear her scream as rape and murder drive into her...  it's far more profitable to have a victim on your side.. then counting against you.. in certain cases.. then.. shall we?"

"We shall.." Venom growled.

"What are they doing?" Desdon muttered to himself.

Venom and Carnage both lowered their heads.. and began making growling visceral noises.. and as they did.. Desdon felt an unusual aura from them..

"it's psychic.. or something.." Desdon muttered. "What in Yotin's name..?"

Back at the cottage, Claire opened her eyes, shaking herself awake. "Wh.. wha..?"

Something had shattered.. an unlit candle lay at her feet.. it's wax smooshed.. the glass scattered..  as if something had stepped on it..

"May..?" Claire whispered, rubbing her eyes and looking at the bed.. only to find the mattress was ripped to shreds.. and claw scrapes were seen trailing from the ripped up bed...

And sitting.. framed in the window.. was a dark shape.. snarling and hissing..

Claire stared at the snarling thing for a moment.. the sound of rain hammering against the cottage almost obscuring the dim sound..

Then a flash of lightning revealed it.. a female shaped creature, wrapped in a layer of blue and black swirl patterned goo.. with claws for hands. swirling tendril-like hair whipping in the stormy wind.. and large lens-like eyes reminiscent of Venom..

The creature's face split into vicious fanged jaws which let out a shrill shriek that echoed into the storm.. lightning flashing behind her..

"May.. is that!?" stammered Claire.

"MAYHEEEEEM!!!" the creature shrieked. "MAAAAAAAAYHEEEEEEEM!!!"

With another screaming roar, Mayhem launched herself into the rain, swinging off into the forest with black webbing from her wrists.. mindless.. and confused.

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