Chapter I: New Arrivals

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Name: Desmond Ketch

Age: Twenty Two


Bio: Desmond lost his parents at the age of six due to a car accident. Ever since the incident, Desmond would become a thief to steal other people's wallets to get some food for himself.

At the age of twelve, Desmond found a new born baby girl in a dumpster and decided to adopt her. He named her Hannah and would take care of her.

At the age of Fifteen, Hannah was adopted by a foster family while Desmond was looking for some food for her. After they took Hannah in, Desmond was relieved that Hannah finally found a family that would take care of her for the rest of her life.

At the age of sixteen, Desmond was adopted by Otto and Rosie Octavius and has since then lived with them.
September 25 2020

Desmond who is now twenty two years old was at his house working on some prosthetics that Otto told him to work on.

Desmond was making a few adjustments to the arm as he grabbed the remote control and began controlling it. The Arm was moving completely fine until the circuits burned out as it stopped moving.

Desmond sighed in anger as he put the remote back in the table and began repairing the prosthetic arm until someone called his name as he saw who it was.

Rosie: Desmond Honey, Otto needs you for a second.

Desmond: Sorry, I'm also busy too. I'm trying to repair the prosthetic arm right now.

Rosie: I'll fix that honey, You go help Otto.

Desmond nodded as Rosie smiled at him as she went to fix the prosthetic arm while Desmond went to check on Otto to see what's the problem. Desmond saw Otto working on the Fusion Reactor as he saw Desmond and smiled at him.

Otto: Hello my boy. Can you help me with the reactor for a second?

Desmond: Sure.

Desmond helped Otto with the reactor as they fixed in place as Otto was smiling at his work.

Otto: This right here Desmond is Fusion reactor powered by Tritium energy. If this project is successful then The World will have a new renewable energy.

Desmond: I'm sure its gonna be successful.

Otto's smile went away as he looked down on himself as Desmond was worried.

Desmond: What's the matter?

Otto: Its just nobody has been funding our projects. You and Rosie are doing five part time jobs to fund our projects.

Desmond was feeling sad when Otto told him all this. They were having financial difficulties and were doing everything they can to survive and make the world a better place.

Desmond: Its okay Otto. We're all doing all this to change the world. To make it a better place.

Otto: *Laughs* This is why I love you Desmond.

He hugged Desmond as He hugged him back as Rosie saw them and smiled at them.

Rosie: But Desmond, I thought you love me?

Desmond: Uh, I like both of you.

They all shared a laugh as They continued talking about their projects and more.

Rosie: Desmond, I need some things from the convenience store. Can you get it for me?

Desmond: Sure.

Rosie: I'll give-

Desmond: I already have some money. Don't worry.

Otto: Also, I need some materials for the prosthetics. Can you also get that?

Desmond: Sure.

Otto and Rosie smiled at him as Desmond grabbed his jacket and left as they were talking to each other.

Otto: I like this boy Rosie.

Rosie: Me too Otto. Although its gonna take some time for him to adjust. He still acts quiet to others and gets annoyed easily.

Otto: Dont worry my dear. He will have us holding his hand. He wont ever be alone again.

Rosie smiled at Otto as he smiled at her back as they continued looking at the fusion reactor they were making.

Meanwhile Desmond was making his way to the convenience store as he was fixing his hair until someone grabbed his arm as he saw who it was.

The Girl had pink hair and was also wearing glasses. She dragged Desmond to the convenience store as they both met Mrs. Chen.

Chen: Gionna, I'm not letting you take these items for free. I have a family to feed too.

Gionna: Dont worry Mrs. Chen. My Boyfriend is here to pay for all this.

Desmond: Boyfriend?

Gionna: *Whispers* Can you please pay for this? I dont have any cash.

Chen: Desmond, I didn't know you were dating someone. How long have you been dating her?

Gionna: Two Months.

Desmond: Uhhhh.

Chen: Also Desmond, Its very rude to let your girlfriend pay for all this.

Gionna smiled at Desmond as he sighed in anger.

Desmond: How much is it?

Chen: Three Hundred Dollars.

Desmond: Three Hundred?

Gionna: *Whispers* Please Desmond.

Desmond opened his wallet as he gave three hundred dollars to Gionna as She was jumping in happiness. Chen smiled at them as Gionna was holding her bags.

Chen: Next Time Desmond, Dont make your girlfriend pay for anything.

Desmond: Got it.

Gionna smiled at Desmond as she asked him another favour.

Gionna: Can you do me another favour?

Desmond: What is it?

Gionna: Can you help me put these items in the car?

Desmond: *Sighs* Sure.

Desmond grabbed the bags as They both left the convenience store. Gionna pointed at her car as they made it and Desmond was putting the items in the trunk.

Gionna: Thanks!!!

Gionna was gonna get in the car until Desmond stopped her.

Desmond: Hey, You still owe me three hundred dollars.

Gionna: Uhhhhh, I'll give it to you later.

Desmond raised an eyebrow as she smiled at him.

Gionna: I'll also give you my number.

Gionna had a pen and paper as she wrote her phone number and gave it to Desmond.

Gionna: Here ya go.

Desmond: Alright then.

Gionna: By the way I'm Gionna Daddio, You can also call me Liv.

Desmond: Liv?

Gionna: Yeah. What's your name?

Desmond: Desmond Ketch.

Gionna: Nice Name. Oh I gotta go now, I'll see you later.

Gionna quickly got in her car as Desmond was gonna say something to her until she drove off as he saw her leaving.

Desmond looked at the note where she wrote her phone number as he had a smile on his face.

Desmond: Liv, Cute name.

A/N: Thanks For Reading and Stay Cool :)

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