Chapter V: Falling Into A Bliss

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September 29 2020

Unknown: This is another message to Rio and Roxxon. I am Tinkerer, Leader Of The Underground.

The Video continued to show multiple glitches as civilians were watching the message from Tinkerer.

Tinkerer: New York, You're all being fed with lies. Simon Krieger, CEO Of Roxxon is a killer and Rio Morales is supporting a killer in hopes of becoming the new mayor.

The Video continued to show some glitches as Civilians continued watching the video on the big screen in front of them.

Tinkerer: But Dont worry, The Truth will be revealed soon.

The Video abruptly ended as The Screens went back to normal as Civilians looked at each other, They were left with so many questions on their minds.

Meanwhile The Group made back home as they were all relaxing in the living room as Michelle got some beer and everyone except Maria and Desmond began drinking as Ketch was looking at them.

Desmond: *Looks at Maria* Do they always do that?

Maria: Everyday.

Gionna: Come on Desmond. Have a cold beer.

Desmond: I'll pass.

Lexi: Your no fun.

Thea: Hey Guys, What should we play?

Michelle: How about Emily wants to play?

Priscilla: I'm down for that.

Dori: Me too.

Chris: What do you think Desmond?

Desmond: I guess we can try that.

Maria: Urgh, I hate horror games.

Gionna: Come on, We're just having fun.

Cassie: Same sis.

Maria: Fine, Let's play it then.

The Group were taking turns playing Emily wants to play as Everyone was watching Gionna play the game as it was going well until....

Gionna started laughing hard as the others were laughing with her. Everyone continued taking turns as they played the game while having a good time.

The Group decided to play another game as Everyone was thinking about what to play until Dori brought up the idea of playing Mortal Kombat 9.

Everyone took turns fighting each other as Gionna and Desmond both grabbed the controllers and looked at each other.

Gionna: Your going down!

Desmond: I don't think so.

Michelle: Oooh Someone's Confident.

Gionna gave a smirk as she selected Kitana while Desmond selected Kratos. The Match began as Gionna began button mashing as Desmond tried to avoid the attacks.

The Group continued to watch the fight until Gionna won the first round as she began celebrating.

Desmond looked at her as Gionna gave a smirk as The Second Round Began. Both Desmond and Gionna continued hitting different moves at each other as The Group was watching until Desmond won the second round.

Gionna: *Pouts* Come on.

Lexi: Final Round!!

Desmond and Gionna looked at each other as the final round began as both of them continued mashing buttons on their controllers as Everyone was watching.

Dori: Come on Liv!!!

Thea: You got this!!!

Chris: Come on Ketch!!!

Maria: Ooooh Desmond is close to winning.

Michelle: Wait Even Gionna is closed to winning.

Jessica: Its anyones game now.

Cassie: No kidding.

The Group continued watching until Gionna won the match as she immediately got up and started jumping around as Desmond was smiling at her.

Gionna: I won!!!!

Dori: You sure did sis.

Lexi: So what do we do now?

Gionna: Let's dance Everyone.

Priscilla: I'm down for that.

Desmond: But I don't even dance.

Gionna: I'll teach you how to dance. Come on everyone, Hit the music!

Priscilla played a song from her phone as it was....

The Group all smiled at each other as they began dancing as Gionna saw Desmond sitting by the couch.

Gionna: Come on Ketch, Dance already!

Desmond: I don't-

Gionna got Desmond up as she was smiling at him as she began dancing as he was watching her. Gionna gave a smirk to him as she continued dancing while Desmond was watching her.

Gionna: You like these moves~

Desmond blushed as Gionna laughed at him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Gionna: I'm only messing with ya Ketch. Don't worry.

Three Hours later, Desmond exited the house as Gionna was staring at him.

Gionna: Fun day huh?

Desmond: Yeah, I had a lot of fun today.

Gionna laughed and gave a hug to him as he began blushing until he gave a hug back to her as she smiled at him.

Gionna: See you tomorrow Ketch.

Gionna gave a small kiss to his cheek as he began blushing before she went back inside the house as Desmond was looking at her.

(Admit it Desmond, Your in Love with Gionna)

Desmond had a smile on his face as he walked away. He continued walking back home until he saw an abandoned warehouse as he decided to check it out.

Desmond made it to the abandoned warehouse as he was looking around until he saw a skateboard on the ground as he began checking on it. The Skateboard was in perfect shape as Desmond decided to have some fun with it.

He began using the skateboard as he began moving through different obstacles.

Desmond was smiling to him as he moved through a large container and made it back down.

He continued smiling to himself as he got on the forklift and began balancing himself on the skateboard

Desmond continued to pick up more
speed as he dodged through more obscles until he saw brick wall in front of him and then....

Desmond: Wow. I'm already liking this.

Ketch made it back inside the warehouse as he began to stretch out before he decided to climb to the top.

Desmond made it to the top as he was hanging upside down and smiled at himself as he saw something next to him.

Desmond watched the spider swinging on its web as he saw some chains hanging around as he managed to jump on one of them and began swinging.

He continued swinging around the chains as he was enjoying himself. Desmond saw a wall in front him as he managed to stick to it.

Desmond did a backflip back down as he smiled at himself and continued looking at the spider above him as he left the warehouse and went back home.

A/N: Thanks For Reading and Stay Cool :)

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