Chapter XIV: Rampage

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October 31 2020

The Time was five fifty six p.m, Desmond was walking through the busy streets of New York as he was thinking about the incident in the bridge. He couldn't believe it, His best friend is the Leader of the Underground. He also couldn't believe that his best friend tried to kill those innocent people in the bridge.

Right now, Desmond was trying to look up more information about Nuform, Maria was really desperate in stealing it. Desmond looked at today's weather forecast as he fixed his jacket.

Desmond continued looking through his phone as he was fixing his beanie until he bumped into someone as the man's bodyguard began pushing Ketch.

Bodyguard: Watch where your going.

Desmond: Sorry about that.

Unknown: Now Now, There's no need to attack the poor kid.

Desmond looked at the man as he saw who it was.

Bodyguard: Sorry about that Sir.

Unknown: Its no problem at all.

Desmond was looking at the man as he looked at him until he gave him a smile and lit up a cigarette and began smoking it.

Desmond: Sorry sir, I wasn't paying-

Unknown: Its alright Kid. People get stressed out and dont really pay attention to things.

Desmond and The Mysterious Man looked at each other before they saw a press conference hosted by Rio Morales as she was talking about the bridge incident.

Unknown: She's a good politician but she needs to stop making lies.

Desmond: So you've been listening to the Underground's threats right?

Unknown: That is true. Rio and Simon haven't addressed these allegations at all. Isn't it suspicious?

Desmond: It sure is but they are great people.

Unknown: Ahhh Great people and yet where was Roxxon when the bridge was under attack? Only That New Spider Man came to rescue those innocent souls. Without him, They could have died.

Desmond was quiet as The Mysterious Man looked at him and continued smoking the cigarette.

Unknown: That is why Rio will lose supporters and maybe she won't win the elections.

Desmond: Right.

Unknown: And New York will have me as Mayor.

Desmond: Wait, Your a politician?

Unknown: Yes I am. My Name is Joseph Martello and I'm also participating in the elections.

Desmond: I see, Good luck then.

Joseph gave a smirk as he dropped his cigarette and looked at him.

Joseph: Thanks and make sure to vote for me as the next mayor. I will lead New York to a brighter tomorrow.

Desmond nodded as Joseph went inside his limo as it drove off as Ketch saw his friends walking towards him.

Gionna: You won't believe what we found today.

Desmond: What is it?

Priscilla: We found a place where someone can do fortune telling.

Michelle: I dont know. It seems fake to me.

Chris: But the fortune teller could be Interesting.

Priscilla: That's true.

Maria: So Should we go there?

Dori: What do you think Gionna?

Gionna: I say we go. Wanna join us Ketch?

Desmond: I dont-

Gionna: Awesome. Let's go!!!

Liv grabbed Desmond's arm as she dragged him to the car as they drove to the fortune tellers shop.

Ten minutes later, They made it to the fortune teller's shop as they entered it and looked around it.

Lexi: This looks amazing.

Thea: Your right about that.

Cassie and Jessica saw something on the shelf as they were take it until a voice startled them as everyone turned around.

Unknown: Welcome Fools.

The Group was looking at the fortune teller until Desmond immediately recognized who it was.

Jessica: Who are you calling us fools?

Unknown: What do you need?

Cassie: Calm down. We just want to know our fates.

Priscilla: The Advertisement says you know what everyone's fate is like.

Unknown: That's true. My name is Scarlett Bordeaux.

(Scarlett Huh? More like She Devil)

Scarlett looked at Desmond as His Spider Senses were going off like crazy as Scarlett sat down and looked at the group.

Scarlett: Shall we begin?

Thea: One last question. How much is it?

Scarlett: You'll know soon.

The Group took their turns as Scarlett was telling their futures to them.

Michelle's Fate is filled with good and success. She won't go through too many problems in life.

Chris And Priscilla will have a happy life ahead of them and she sees success too.

Cassie and Jessica Fates are also good and successful but there will be some unfortunate in their lives.

Thea Fates is also the same as Cassie and Jessica.

Maria's Fate for some reason is different and Scarlett didn't know how to explain it but she did say her fate will bring her happiness and success.

Lexi's Fate is just like Thea's fate but she won't go through too many problems.

Gionna Fate is also strange, Scarlett didn't know how to say it. It's like she will have sadness and loss but everything will be better for her soon.

The Group were talking to each other as Scarlett was looking through Desmond's fate as she was looking at the cards until she spoke to him.

Scarlett: You are very strange Desmond.

Desmond looked at her with confusion in his face as she continued speaking to him.

Scarlett: I sense death in the near future, Its like your gonna die.

Desmond: This better be a joke.

Scarlett: These cards dont lie, Your fate is very strange actually.

Desmond nodded as he got up from his seat as everyone paid Scarlett and left the store as Scarlett looked at Desmond's Fate.

Scarlett: He is a Spider trapped in a strange world. I hope nothing bad happens to him. He already has endured enough pain.

Meanwhile The Group were walking back to the car until they noticed the street lamps were flickering like crazy.

Chris: Someone forgot to pay the electric bill.

Desmond: Doesn't look like it.

Michelle: Something bad is happening in Times Square.

Desmond didn't like this feeling as he needed to check it out.

Desmond: I gotta go now. Otto and Rosie need me to come back home fast.

Dori: No worries. Take care Ketch.

Gionna: And Happy Halloween.

Desmond nodded as he left while the others decided to check out what was happening in Times Square. Unknown to them, Something bad is happening there.

At Times Square, A Mysterious Man is walking through the crowd until multiple police cars began surrounding him as He looked at them.

George: Your under arrest.

Unknown: Not yet.

The Cops looked at each other as the mysterious man laughed until...

Everyone began running away as Cars went flying as Captain Stacy ran as a flying car was gonna crush him until...

George: You?

Desmond: Get out of here.

George picked up his shotgun as Desmond threw a manhole on the mysterious man as he was hurt by it.

Desmond saw Gionna's friends watching the fight as Ketch saw who the mysterious man was.

Desmond: Electro?

Electro was looking at Desmond as he looked at the crowd of people watching the fight.

Electro: Your Spider Man.

Desmond was staring at Electro as he let out a sinister laugh as he looked at him.

Electro: What are you here for? To use me to boost your fame?

Desmond: Max, You don't-

One Cop tried to shoot Electro but he fired a electric bolt at him as Desmond tried to fight Electro but....

Desmond was holding his back as he saw the web shooter on his right wrist was destroyed.

Dori: Oh my god.

Lexi: I see Roxxon Security.

Electro: You shouldn't be a hero Kid. Now your gonna pay the price.

Desmond got up as Electro smiled at the metal grate he was standing on.

Desmond: Metal Grate's a conductor.

Electro: Time to light the candles for my birthday.

Desmond managed to dodge the attack as he jumped over the car.

Desmond saw hundreds of people behind him as he knew the car was gonna crush them. Desmond used the web shooter on his left wrist and then..

Desmond created a cobweb as the car bounced back to Electro knocking him down. Desmond saw Two Civilians almost holding the electric rail as he shot two webs at their hands and pull their hands away.

Desmond was standing on the stage as everyone began cheering for him.

Chris: He's a badass.

Electro was staring at Desmond as he fired multiple electric beams at him as he was dodging it.

Desmond shot a web line at the fire hydrant as he threw it at Electro sending him flying to the large television screen.

Desmond was holding his right wrist as he was in pain until he noticed Electro was still moving as he grabbed two cables and began absorbing the electricity as he let out a roar.

Desmond: Oh Crap.

Electro continued absorbing the electricity until...

Darkness was seen in Times Square as nobody didn't know what was happening until...

Times Square was destroyed as everyone was running from the destruction as Electro was levitating as he began firing multiple electric beams at the crowd as he was taunting them.

Electro: Max Dillon is dead. Call me Electro!!!!

Electro continued firing electric beams until...

Desmond continued spraying Electro with water from the hose as Max tried to get up but Roxxon Security managed to restrain him as Desmond closed the hose.

Roxxon Gurad: We'll take it from here.

Desmond: How did Electro broke out anyways?

George: He escaped from the Raft and he was looking for power untul he met you.

Desmond nodded as he decided to head back home as he was tired from the fight.

A/N: Thanks For Reading and Stay Cool :)

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