Chapter XXXII: Reinforcement

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December 12 2020

Joseph Martello was holding a press conference as the people of New York were watching it. The time was four thrity two p.m. The People of New York continued to watch the press conference as Joseph had something to say.

Joseph: I know how your all feeling New York. Sad, Angry, Betrayed and many more. Mrs. Morales who everyone regards as a hero is a maniac that broke out six of the most dangerous villains to create havoc just so she can play Hero and get support from the public.

The Public were listening to him as he continued talking.

Joseph: That is a disgusting tactic and because of her actions, A Lot of lives have been lost. Is this your next mayor everyone?

The People of New York were talking to each other as Joseph looked at them and continued to finish his speech.

Joseph: But I am different, I will bring you all justice, safety and many more. If you vote for me and make me the next mayor then I promise you that I will keep you all safe and happy.

The People of New York cheered for Joseph as he finished his speech and began making his way to his limo as he got inside. Unknown to him, Someone was watching Joseph.

Miles saw the limo leaving as he entered a taxi and asked him to follow the limo as The Driver did it. Miles had some suspicions on Joseph since he entered the elections and knew he had something to do with his Mother's arrest. Miles was determined to bring the truth to the light but he will also learn more about who Joseph really is.

Meanwhile A Police Broadcast was heard as the operator was telling the officers about a robbery in progress.

Officer: All Units, A Convey carrying money has been hijacked. The suspect is Flint Marko who is also known as Sandman.

Meanwhile The Truck was driving fast as Sandman was putting the money in the bag until he saw something through the window as he saw who it was.

Flint: Oh Great. It had to be the bug.

Desmond entered the truck as Sandman looked at him.

Desmond: Its over Marko.

Flint: I don't think so, Leave while you can or I'll finish the job.

Marko tried to punch him but Desmond dodged the attack as he punched Sandman in the gut but it didn't work.

Flint had a smirk on his face as Desmond tried to get his hand out but Sandman hit Ketch with a...

Desmond shot two web lines and began swinging as Sandman was on top of the truck. Desmond began shooting multiple webs at Sandman as he was angry at him.

Desmond hit a super kick on Sandman as he tried to punch him but it didn't work until Ketch hit a...

Marko threw Desmond to the side of the truck as he followed it up with a...

Sandman turned into a sandstorm as he flew away as the truck crashed into a wall as Desmond managed to get out as he was dizzy. Ketch saw the sandstorm as he began chasing Marko until he made it to the Empire State Building as he was looking around until the Building began shaking as he saw what it was.

The Dragon growled at Desmond as he stepped back until someone grabbed his head.

Mysterio: You should have retired when we gave you that beating but no you had to be the big man.

Desmond: Oh Shut up, You wannabe Magician.

Mysterio: Magician? You Fool, Mysterio isn't any illusionist playing parole tricks. Mysterio is the master of the world!

Desmond: Well Mysterio is the master in talking about himself in thrid person.

Mysterio shot multiple lasers at Ketch as the dragon began to growl and tried to shoot Fire at Ketch as he was dodging the attacks.

Meanwhile Miles was sneaking into Joseph's Penthouse as he saw him talking to Sable as Miles tried to sneak inside his private room.

Meanwhile Mysterio was attacking Desmond as he was dodging the attacks as The Dragon tried to bite Ketch but he punched it as the Dragon disappeared.

Desmond: I knew it, The Dragon was a illusion.

Mysterio: Your Smart but can you dodge this?

Desmond: Oh I hate those things.

Ketch shot two web lines at the Goblins and then started beating the other Goblins.

Desmond continued destroying the Goblins as they were even speaking to him.

Goblin: Hey don't do this, Where is your Christmas Spirit?

Desmond destroyed the Goblins as he threw the last two Goblins at Mysterio but then....

Desmond: Where did he go now?

Spider Man began swinging around as he was looking For Mysterio until....

Desmond shot two web lines to boost himself as he was looking for his attacker but he didn't find anyone as he continued swinging until his Spider senses went off as he was locating the danger until....

Desmond was trapped in the net as he shot a web line and landed on the rooftop as he was struggling to break out until he saw who his attacker was.

Kraven: I finally got you Prey.

Desmond: Oh Great, I really feel I'm running a gauntlet right now.

Kraven tried to stab him with his daggers but he dodged it as Desmond managed to break free as he began dodging the attacks.

Kraven shot a arrow on Desmond but he dodged it as The Arrow hit the truck tires as it was moving out of control as it was gonna run over a civilian until Desmond saved him.

The Civilian was saved until Kraven hit a double foot stomp on Desmond's back as he was in pain until Kraven tried to stab him but Desmond grabbed him and then....

Kraven saw Desmond swinging until he jumped on his back as He was gonna use a poison sword on him but Desmond countered into a...

Desmond shot a cobweb for Kraven to land on but he noticed Kraven was gone as he was confused.

Desmond: Oh Great, I lost Three villains now, Not a great start Spidey.

Desmond heard his phone ringing as he looked at the Caller ID as he noticed Miles was calling him as he answered the phone.

Desmond: Hello?

Miles: Desmond, We need to talk right now!!!

Desmond: What's the matter? Are you okay?

Miles: I think Hammerhead caught me.

Desmond: Hammerhead?

Miles: Joseph Martello isnt a hero as you think he is. He's a maniac and he's a villain known as Hammerhead!!!

Desmond: Oh my God.

Desmond began having thoughts about the big man as he was remembering Miles words until his eyes were widen.

Desmond: Wait Is this true?

Miles: I have a evidence about everything he has done. From the murders to all of his illegal operations. I even heard him calling himself the Big Man of New York and that everyone will fear and respect him.

Desmond: Miles, Take the evidence to the police now.

Miles: I'll try but Desmond Listen, Mom didn't break out the villains.

Desmond: What are you talking about?

Miles: My Mom was with me during the raft breakout. The person in the video disguised as my mom.

Desmond: Oh My God.

Miles: I know the copycat names, His name is Chameleon.

Desmond: Chameleon?

Miles: He's Hammerhead's right hand man.

Desmond: Miles, This Evidence can put him behind bars. You need to give it to Captain Stacy.

Miles: I'm doing that right now. I'll let you know what happens next.

Miles disconnected the call as Desmond was having thoughts about what Miles said to him.

Desmond: So Joseph Martello is a false hero to New York. If he wins the elections then there will be nothing but Carnage. I need to stop him now.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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