Chapter XXXIV: Group Therapy

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December 12 2020

The Time was ten twenty two p.m. Multiple Police Cars and Choppers are making their way to Rykers Tower to arrest Joseph Martello who is also known as Hammerhead and The Big Man Of Crime. The Police began making their way to the tower until a rocket hit the SWAT Truck as The Officers stopped their cars and saw multiple Sable Agents shooting at them as it was an all out fight. Soon Roxxon joined in on the fight as chaos was erupting around them.

Meanwhile Gionna was on her hospital bed texting Desmond as she was worried about him. He hasn't spoken to her for thr last two days and tried to call him but he didnt answered any of her calls.

Gionna: Desmond? Is everything alright? Can you talk to me?

Gionna was holding her head as she texted Otto but all he said to her was that Desmond is not here. Gionna continued texting Desmond as she was fixing her pink hair.

Gionna: Desmond Love, Please talk to me. Tell me what's the matter?

Gionna looked through some pictures of her and Desmond together as she smiled to herself as she continued calling him and even sent him one last text.

Gionna: Desmond, Your scaring me. Are you alright?

Gionna closed her phone as she put it on the table as she said something to herself.

Gionna: I love you Desmond.

Meanwhile Desmond was making his way to Rykers Tower as he was bruised and tired but guilty about what happened in the bridge. Rosie is in a coma because of him and now Otto hates Desmond and even told him that he was dead to them. Desmond felt hurt hearing those words and was lost in thoughts about it.

(You killed her! You took Rosie away from me!)

(From now on, You are dead to us. I dont ever want to see you again.)

(And If you try to visit Rosie, I will kill you! NOW GO!!!!)

Desmond entered the tower as he was on the ground floor lost in his thoughts until his Spider Senses went off as Vulture kicked Desmond sending him on the ground.

Vulture: He's back!

Desmond tried to get up but Sandman surprised him and threw him to the wall.

Sandman threw him to Electro as he fired a electric bolt on him sending him flying to Rhino as he punched him causing Desmond to land on the table.

Mysterio let out a maniacal laugh as he shot a laser beam on Desmond as he went flying.

Desmond went flying as Vulture punchrd him as Kraven hit a drop kick as Scorpion grabbed him by his tail as everyone looked at him.

Rhino: Remember The Boss wants us to kill him.

Scorpion: That's the plan you idiot.

Vulture: Can we just get this over with?

Sandman: That Brat already caused us enough trouble.

Electro: Its time we squash the bug and put an end to his story.

Mysterio: And Once he's dead, New York is ours.

Kraven was silent as Scorpion picked Desmond up as he didnt say anything as Mac spoke to Rhino.

Scorpion: Rhino, You won the bet. How do you want to kill him? Crush his head or impale him on your horn.

Rhino: Ooooh Impale sounds good.

Desmond gave a death glare to Rhino as Rhino began charging towards him as he spoke to him.

Rhino: What's the matter webhead? Too scared to crack another joke.

Desmond activated something on his suit as everyone was confused until they saw something on his back.

Scorpion: What the?

Desmond uses the tentacles on his suit to throw Scorpion to Electro as he dodged the attack from Rhino as the other villains began fighting him.

Desmond hit a low super kick on Mysterio as Electro tried to shoot electric bolts on him but he dodged the attacks.

One electric bolt hit Mysterio as Desmond jumped to the lower levels as he saw Mysterio and Scorpion above him as he shot two web lines and smashed their heads on the rail as Sandman also hit Desmond.

Desmond was holding his chest as Kraven tried to attack him but he dodged the attacks until he hit Kraven with a...

Desmond saw Vulture flying towards him as he also saw Rhino charging towards him until he jumped over their heads as Rhino accidentally hit Vulture as he hit the wall.

Sandman tried to hit Desmond until he jumped on the railway as Sandman tried to hit him until Desmond surprised him with a...

Electro hit a electric bolt on Ketch as he was in pain as Vulture tried to hit him but Desmond jumped on him and began beating him down as they were in the air.

Mysterio threw multiple swords at Desmond but he dodged it as Ketch destroyed flight tech.

Vulture couldn't fly as Desmond created a cobweb as he got stuck in it.

Only Six More To Go.

Rhino was angry as Desmond was staring at him as Rhino tried to charge towards him but Desmond punched him and followed it up with a drop kick and roundhouse kick as Desmond saw Mysterio and Electro shooting at him until both of them accidentally hit Rhino knocking him down.

Only Five More to Go.

Electro and Mysterio were shocked as Rhino fell down as Desmond shot two web lines at their legs and then...

Desmond saw Scorpion charging towards him until Desmond activated the tentacles on his back as it grabbed Scorpion and threw him to the wall before throwing him on the table as Desmond destroyed his tail and armour before knocking him down.

Four More To Go.

Mysterio: Damn, That Kid is hard to beat.

Mysterio tried to attack him but Desmond grabbed both of his gloves and removed it as he destroyrd it. Mysterio didnt know what to do before Desmond hit a...

Mysterio was unconscious as Desmond shot multiple cobwebs at him to hold him down.

Only Three Left.

Electro was angry as He was shooting at Desmond until Desmond threw a concrete debris on him as he punched him before throwing him to the wall as he was unconscious.

Only Two Left.

Sandman tried to attack Desmond until he dodged the attack as he grabbed a water hose and began spraying water on him as Sandman couldn't get up until he turned into mud. To make sure Sandman wouldn't get up, He threw the water hose at him as the water continued flowing on Sandman.

Only One Left.

Suddenly someone attacked Desmond as he saw Kraven giving a smirk as he began talking.

Kraven: I knew you were getting serious when you stopped cracking those jokes. I know deep down, You are my greatest prey.

Desmond didnt responded to him as Kraven looked at him until Desmond taunted him.

Kraven: Very Well, Let's do this.

Kraven couldn't hit Desmond as he continued dodging the attacks until Desmond hit Kraven with a...

Kraven's vision was blurry until Desmond punched him two more times before Kraven landed on the cobweb where Vulture was at.

All Seven Super Villians have been taken down.

Desmond shot a webline and began making his way to Hammerhead's Office which was at the hundredth floor as he also took out his men and the Sable agents.

Desmond took down Four Sable Agents as he was at floor ninty eight until someone began shooting him as he was dodging all the bullets until he saw who it was.

Sable: Time to put an end to this dance.

Desmond cracked his knuckles until he saw someone standing next to Sliver Sable as it was Chameleon.

Chameleon: No Where to run now. Let's end this.

Desmond stretched out as Sable and Chameleon prepared their weapons until they all began fighting.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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