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God: Why hello there, child.

Kenji Black wakes up and sit upright, he shakes his heads, and saw something that he never thought it would be possible but only it was beautiful.

Kenji (m): Woah... so beautiful.

God: Hehe, thank you my child.

Kenji: Wait..? WHERE AM I?!

God: Calm down now, my child.

Kenji listens to their calm and soothing voice, he calms down and looks at the being again.

God: Have you calm down now?

Kenji nods.

God: I have bad news and good news, which would you like to hear?

Kenji: Let's start with the bad news first then the good news after.

God: Okay. Bad news is you've died.

Kenji: I've died...

He remembers of he died.

Kenji: I was shot by a police officer.. because he mistaken me for someone that was wanted and being an associate to another person... Wait... what happened to the officer or the wanted person?

God: The police officer took full responsibility of your death and planned your funeral. As for the wanted person, he was shot in the head by the officer who mistook you for him.

Kenji stayed silent but he spoke up from his silence.

Kenji: Then the good news is?

God: I'll be giving you another chance to live again.

Kenji looks up to the being with surprise and shock.

Kenji: Another chance?

God: Yes or in weeb terms, you'll be isekai and reincarnated.

Kenji: Wait, how do you know what anime is?

God: Um.. your world or memories.

Kenji: Isn't that invasion of privacy?

God: It is but I needed to know on how you died.

Kenji: Aren't you all knowing or something?

God: Just because I'm god that doesn't mean I'm omniscient.

Kenji: I thought every gods were omniscient.

God: You're wrong, there are some gods who are omniscient, omnipotent, or omnipresent but the others aren't.

Kenji: Anyway, about the another chance.

God: Oh right, the other chance in life again. I'll let you choose which an-

Kenji: ONE PIECE!!!

God: Nevermind.

Kenji: S-sorry.

God: It's fine, anyway since you choose One Piece. I'll be bestowing you a made up devil fruit known as Reikon Reikon no Mi or English terms, Spirit-Spirit Fruit.

Kenji: A devil fruit already.

God: This devil fruit will give you immortal just a heads up.

Kenji: What type of immortality?

God: Can't age, can't die, or any soul based attacks can't harm. Also you need a different appearance as well.

Kenji: Can you give me Gojo's appearance.

God: Sure.

Kenji: Why am I shirtless?!

God: Oops, here ya go.

Kenji: Thank you.

God: No problem, you'll be reborn in the halfway end of Void Century. You'll be around 450 or exactly 450 years old.

Kenji: Oh cool, wait but won't I affect this world's timeline?

God: No, because I'll make another world of One Piece but you can change the timeline however you want without affecting the original story of One Piece.

Kenji: Thank goodness, If I changed the original timeline it would've been a disaster.

God: Yes, it would've been a disaster.

Kenji: Also what type is my devil fruit?

God: All three, logia, paramecia, and mythical zoan.

Kenji: That sounds to op.

God: You're still weak to seawater, haki, and sea stone.

Kenji: Is there any description about my devil fruit that I should be aware of?

God looks at the readers.

God: Check the Bio.

Kenji: The what now?

God: Nothing, anyway off you go!!!

Kenji: Wait wh-

A bright engulfs Kenji and disappears, God sighs and mentally smiles.

God: I wish you luck, Kenji.

Meanwhile with Kenji, Kenji opens his eyes and saw two people in front of him.

Kenji (m): Must be my parents.

???: Dear, look he has the same eyes as you.

???: I know, honey. He does have the same eyes as me and he's gotten your attractive looks as well.

???: He sure does and since it's a boy, I'll let you name him.

???: Okay. Mmm.. How about Kenji?

???: That'll do, hello Kenji or should I say Argo D. Kenji.

???: My name is Argo D. Shad, your father.

???: My name is Luna, your mother.


Kenji starts wiggling and giggling with a smile on his face in his mother's arms. His parents chuckles or giggle at Kenji's behavior.

Kenji (m): I will join Luffy and the crew to achieve their goals and achieve my goal is to become the greatest pirate.. no emperor ever known to exist in history!!!

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