Fabulous Spook

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Aidan as Soldier

Ryan as Heavy

Alex as Spy

Jackson as Engineer

And many others

We start off with seeing the door to Aidan's house as it was knocked on before Markus west goes to open it as Aidan runs through him as he was holding a VHS tape as he then got into the living room and threw the VHS tape into the VHS player as he screams

Aidan: Movie Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone shows up in the living room as Aidan plays the VHS which starts off by us seeing Aidan, Alex, Ryan, and Jackson in a room together as the four were glaring and staring st each other until the phone rings as Jackson grabs the phone

Jackson: Yes? Demonic Spirits and Ghosts? Okay then! *hangs up the phone* Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Aidan: He's saying we got a job

Ryan: since when can you translate stuff like that?

Alex: Woo!!!! *hits Ryan in the head with a chair*

Later We see them driving towards A mansion where it stops as everyone gets out and looks at the place

Aidan: *mind* scary as fuck

Ryan: *Mind* how did you get in my house?!

Alex: *mind* this place looks interesting

Jackson: *mind* kill all your friends

Aidan kicks the door open

Aidan: we have the heart of a lion! *Alex*

The wings of a eagle *Jackson*

The Eyes of the tiger *Ryan*

And the Silence of the crocodile! *Aidan*

Aidan: Let's get to work! *he and others head Inside* Get your spectral ass out here maggot fucker! *loads his M16 like a shotgun*

The lights go out until they turn back on as we see Anton Castillo

Anton: I'm here,

Aidan: did you call us?

Anton: Yes

Alex: Sorry to Horny in

Anton: its nothing little girl *pats Alex's head*

Jackson: Ghosts?

Anton: *points to where the ghosts are*

Aidan: Let's do this!!! *runs off as others follow except for Anton*

We then see Aidan in a hallway as he sees floating hat figure

Floating Hat: Holy crap its you! Welcome to hell Aidan!

Aidan: I'm not in hell yet and your fashion sense has gone awol son! Die! *grabs his M16 and shoots the floating hat only to not hit anything* fuck! *falls through the floor and notices a book* what's this? *grabs the book and reads the title* No!!!!!

We cut to Ryan who is looking around until he slips on a banana and then gets dragged away by a unknown force before being thrown into a dark void

Ryan: What??? *notices a book on a table* What? *grabs the book* this is different

We cut to Alex who is looking around a corner as she enters a room and looks around but then sees herself in a mirror and sees herself as a sexy version of herself

Alex: Well that's odd oh wait f*ck that I'm out *walks away*

We then cut to Jackson as he was cutting through the doors with a chainsaw

Jackson: Does anyone want to see my chainsaw?! *notices no one is in the room* Fuck!


Aidan: Men these are the facts I understand, one we have a threat, two dismissed!

Jackson: I whipped up a satellite earlier boys and guess what? The presence of the ghost is nearby

Floating Hat: *appears* Trick or treat! What are you all supposed to be Ghostbusters?

Aidan: Hasta Gazpacho *take us to leader, comrade*

We then see Doctor Lalve or the Evil Doctor Lalve I'll call him EDL for short as he was experimenting on Merasmus

Floating Hat: *to Aidan, Jackson, Alex, Ryan* I'm off, call me later *falls through the floor*

EDL: *notices the Anti-Spook-Squad* ah if it isn't the A.S.S you just fucking failed! *presses a button on a console which makes the corpse of Merasmus dissappear* What?!

Jackson: I got him, Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! *jumps at EDL and kicks the living shit out of him*

Aidan: we almost died but thanks to Jackson we lived

Ryan: *holding EDL in his arms tightly* what do we do?

Anton: *suddenly appears out of nowhere* thank you Anti-Spook-Squad

Jackson: it cost 400 hundred thousand dollars to pay us for our service

Anton grabs a large cash of money and gives it to Aidan

Anton: I must bid farewell *falls through the floor*

Aidan: Jackson

Jackson: Yeah?

Aidan: Nuke this place

Jackson: Called in a tactical nuke already

MW2 Ranger: Tactical Nuke, Incoming!!!

The 4 then run away as they jump into the truck and drive away from the mansion as it explodes in the background

The end

We then cut back to the living world where we see everyone shocked and confused by what just happened

Angel Dust: What the hell was that?

The end.

Next up: Spooktacluar 1

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