Chpt 2: "I'm Peter. Peter Pan."

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I kept my sword on his shoulder and questioned, "Who are you?"

He raised both his hands and turned around. It was a girl. Her heart shaped face held a smile that didn't look quite right, and her pale blue eyes looked into mine.
"Lilac," she replied, her eyes twinkling.
Lilac POV
"Well, hello Lilac," the boy said removing the sword from my shoulder and putting it in his belt,"Care to explain what you are doing here on my island?"

The way he said my name sent shivers down my neck. I couldn't identify whether it was the good or bad kind. He had sandy brown hair that shone in some places from the sunlight. His eyes were the prettiest green that hinted a touch of curiosity. He was wearing all green with a brown belt and high dark brown shoes. He looked...cute. Wait, what am I sayin-

"Hello? Earth to Lilac."

Shit. I was staring. I cleared my throat, "I was just  wondering who are you to object, me being here. You act like you are the king.," I said with a stubborn expression.
"We don't have any kings in Neverland, just me."

"And yet, I have no idea who you care."

"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter. Peter Pan."

So this is Pan. I have an excellent idea for how to make him trust me...

" 'K then, well, if you really want to know, I got washed up here. It was a storm. A storm that made my boat sink. I was just out for exploring the lake and this storm comes out of nowhere..." I said lazily drawing in the sand. I mentally kicked myself. That's the best I could come up with?
Pan's POV
'Did she really think I would believe that? The thing that I am wondering is, Neverland only allows children that feel they are lost. The other people who come here use magic beans. Lilac looked too innocent to even know about magic beans.
Maybe she is lost. I examined her closely; the way her wavy blond hair looked messed up because of the water. She still looked beautiful, though. Wait, what am I thinking?! Focus Peter.'

"How did you survive the storm?" I said playing around with her story, "I mean, you are a girl, after all."

"Excuse me?" She said with an annoyed expression. Then glancing at my sword, "I bet I could easily defeat you in a sword fight."

"Yeah, right," I scoff, "Peter Pan never fails."

"Try me."
Again, so sorry for the short chapters, (I know I broke my promise) but I feel like short chapters with cliff hangers suit the story better. If you have any suggestions to what I should do next, be sure to comment. I will consider them. Also, I am still looking for a co-writer. If you are interested just message me.
PS. The girl in the chpt pic is Lilac.

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