Chpt 5: Little Tinky

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Lilac POV
So I guess I will stick to my (lame) story, "I told you why already."

"You couldn't come up with something better, really?" Peter said folding his hands, and I copied his actions.

"I guess not, " I reply sarcastically.

"Fine, but I still don't believe it. You should take some 'how to lie' sessions from me, Li. You need them desperately." He put a hand on my shoulder, and we started walking into the forest.

'He really is never going to change, is he?' I say to myself.

"Thanks for the offer but no, thanks-"

Just as he was opening his mouth to speak (probably make a not-so-witty comeback) but I interrupted him. How could I forget?
"Wait, wait wait. Save it for later. The thing I wanna know is...Where's Tink?!"

Lilac POV
I put my hands on Peter's shoulders and shook him, "Tell me, tell me, tell me!!!" I knew I was whining like a little girl, but I hadn't met Tink for a super long time and I really wanted to see her again.

Tink was what I called Tinker Bell, Peter's little sister. She is the cutest thing, let me tell you! She has big ocean blue eyes, straight blonde locks, and a round face to go with the features.
She has always been like a little sister to me. The last time I saw her, I think she was about four. Now she must be like... nine, maybe? I really wanted to meet her again, and I couldn't wait!

"Woah, woah, woah, Li. Calm down," Peter said with a smile, "She is probably practicing arrows right now. Let's see." We turned left and started walking again.

"Wait, you mean archery? Isn't she a little too young for that?"

"She's eleven Li," he replied with a chuckle.

"Eleven?! What? Little Tinky is 'leven?" I couldn't believe it! She was so small when I last saw her. Eleven already?!

"Yes, Li. And you probably shouldn't call her that anymore. She thinks it's embarrassing, now that she is a big girl." Pete said quoting the word 'embarrassing' with his fingers.

I let out a small chuckle. "Now, I'll definitely call her that," I said with a wink.

He smiled. "Well, do whatever you like." He shifted some green vine plants from a tree; I could see something like a camp at a short distance. "There she is," Pete said pointing at a girl a few meters away.
The girl had her hair done up in a loose, but neat bun. She wore a forest green short dress with green floaters with small cotton fluffs on them. She looked about... hmm.... 4' 11"... maybe?

There was also a brown-haired boy beside her. It seemed like she was trying to teach him, how to shoot a bull's eye (on the dartboard, of course).
I turned around to ask Peter, who the boy was.
But he was gone.
I mentally rolled my eyes. Him and his little tricks.

I quietly walked towards Tink, the fresh green grass finding its way through my sandals and tickling my feet. The boy noticed me and tilted his head in confusion, so I raised a finger to my lips and made the 'shhhh...' sign. He understood and returned back to his conversation with Tink. I silently took another step and quietly but quickly cupped my hands on Tink's eyes. I was about to whisper, 'Guess who?' when she (clearly annoyed) removed my hands from my hands and turned around saying, "Peter, this is getting old now and yo-"

I sheepishly waved at her and said, "Remember me?"

Tink tilted her head to the left and looked at me for a moment, her eyebrows furrowed. Then her bright blue eyes lit up and she gasped loudly, "Lacky?!!!"
I smiled and she grinned and embraced me tightly (I did the same, of course).

After a good 3 seconds, she let go. I took a good look at her. She was almost as tall as me, coming just a little below my shoulders. Her green dress also had a cute brown belt to go along with it. Someone likes to copy their brother's style, I see. Her chubby cheeks had now turned slightly pink from smiling so much. Then she calmed herself and they were back to normal.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Lilac, this is Ivan, my friend." Tink said, introducing me to the boy.  Ivan was a tall boy (about four inches taller than Tink) who looked around thirteen years old. He had short and straight chestnut brown hair, with calming hazel eyes. Cute, you could say. I had a feeling Tink fancied him.

Tinker turned to him, "Ivan, this is Lilac, umm.. also my friend, I guess."

I politely smiled at Ivan and he returned the smile.

Ivan put his right hand on Tink's shoulder and said, "I guess, I'll give you guys some time to catch upWell, see ya later Tee." And I swear when he put his hand on Tink's shoulder, she blushed.

"Well, see ya later Tee," Ivan said. And then he winked at her in a friendly manner before sprinting off to another practicing station.
I am so sorry for not updating in a long time!!! I have my term exams coming up and school, as well, being school. I'll try to update more often, but no promises. Maybe one more before September ends.

I am actually also thinking of writing another fanfic. But this time it's about Harry Potter. But once again, I'll start it after my exams end in Sept.

Ps. the chapter pic is of Tinker Bell. Just imagine chubbier cheeks, and more childish looking. I'll try to find a better pic of what I have in mind.

That's it for now! Don't forget to comment and point out the stupid mistakes and grammar errors!
Toodles! Keep smiling!

Last updated: 23 Aug, 2018

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